// // ProjectReference.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Xml; using MonoDevelop.Core; using System.ComponentModel; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Core.Serialization; using MonoDevelop.Core.Assemblies; using MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild; namespace MonoDevelop.Projects { public enum ReferenceType { Assembly, Project, Package, Custom, [Obsolete ("Use Package")] Gac = Package } /// /// This class represent a reference information in an Project object. /// public class ProjectReference : ProjectItem, ICloneable { ReferenceType referenceType = ReferenceType.Custom; DotNetProject ownerProject; string reference = String.Empty; bool? localCopy; string projectGuid; // A project may reference assemblies which are not available // in the system where it is opened. For example, opening // a project that references gtk# 2.4 in a system with gtk# 2.6. // In this case the reference will be upgraded to 2.6, but for // consistency reasons the reference will still be saved as 2.4. // The loadedReference stores the reference initially loaded, // so it can be saved again. string loadedReference; bool specificVersion = true; bool notFound; string package; SystemPackage cachedPackage; string customError; FilePath hintPath; bool hintPathChanged; bool useFullPathForHintPath; bool hasBeenRead; string originalMSBuildReferenceHintPath; public event EventHandler StatusChanged; [ItemProperty ("Package", DefaultValue=null)] internal string packageName { get { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (package)) return package; SystemPackage sp = Package; if (sp != null && !sp.IsGacPackage) return sp.Name; else return null; } set { package = value; } } public string ProjectGuid { get => projectGuid; } public ProjectReference () { } internal void SetOwnerProject (DotNetProject project) { ownerProject = project; UpdatePackageReference (); } public sealed override string Include { get { if (referenceType == ReferenceType.Project && OwnerProject != null) { Project refProj = OwnerProject.ParentSolution != null ? ResolveProject (OwnerProject.ParentSolution) : null; if (refProj != null) return MSBuildProjectService.ToMSBuildPath (OwnerProject.ItemDirectory, refProj.FileName); else return Reference; } return base.Include; } protected set { base.Include = value; } } ProjectReference (ReferenceType referenceType, string reference, string hintPath) { Init (referenceType, reference, hintPath); } ProjectReference (Project referencedProject) { Init (ReferenceType.Project, referencedProject.Name, null, referencedProject.ItemId); specificVersion = true; } ProjectReference (SystemAssembly asm) { Init (ReferenceType.Package, asm.FullName, null); if (asm.Package.IsFrameworkPackage) specificVersion = false; if (!asm.Package.IsGacPackage) package = asm.Package.Name; UpdatePackageReference (); } public static ProjectReference CreateCustomReference (ReferenceType referenceType, string reference, string hintPath = null) { return new ProjectReference (referenceType, reference, hintPath); } public static ProjectReference CreateAssemblyReference (SystemAssembly asm) { return new ProjectReference (asm); } public static ProjectReference CreateAssemblyReference (string assemblyName, string hintPath = null) { return new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Package, assemblyName, hintPath); } public static ProjectReference CreateAssemblyFileReference (FilePath path) { return new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Assembly, path, null); } public static ProjectReference CreateProjectReference (Project project) { return new ProjectReference (project); } public static ProjectReference CreateProjectReference (FilePath projectFile) { return new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Project, projectFile.FileNameWithoutExtension, null); } void Init (ReferenceType referenceType, string reference, string hintPath, string projectGuid = null) { if (referenceType == ReferenceType.Assembly) { specificVersion = false; if (hintPath == null) { hintPath = reference; reference = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (reference); } if (Include == null) { if (File.Exists (HintPath)) { try { var aname = System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName (HintPath); if (SpecificVersion) { Include = aname.FullName; } else { Include = aname.Name; } } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = string.Format ("Could not get full name for assembly '{0}'.", Reference); LoggingService.LogError (msg, ex); } } if (Include == null) Include = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (hintPath); } } switch (referenceType) { case ReferenceType.Package: case ReferenceType.Assembly: ItemName = "Reference"; break; case ReferenceType.Project: ItemName = "ProjectReference"; break; } this.referenceType = referenceType; this.reference = reference.Trim (); this.hintPath = hintPath; this.projectGuid = projectGuid; UpdatePackageReference (); if (Include == null) Include = reference; } internal protected override void Read (Project project, IMSBuildItemEvaluated buildItem) { base.Read (project, buildItem); if (buildItem.Name == "Reference") ReadReference (project, buildItem); else if (buildItem.Name == "ProjectReference") ReadProjectReference (project, buildItem); localCopy = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("Private", null); ReferenceOutputAssembly = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("ReferenceOutputAssembly", true); } void ReadReference (Project project, IMSBuildItemEvaluated buildItem) { if (buildItem.Metadata.HasProperty ("HintPath")) { FilePath path; var p = buildItem.Metadata.GetProperty ("HintPath"); if (p != null) originalMSBuildReferenceHintPath = p.UnevaluatedValue; if (!buildItem.Metadata.TryGetPathValue ("HintPath", out path)) { var hp = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("HintPath"); Init (ReferenceType.Assembly, hp, null); SetInvalid (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid file path")); } else { var type = File.Exists (path) ? ReferenceType.Assembly : ReferenceType.Package; Init (type, buildItem.Include, path); if (buildItem.Metadata.TryGetPathValue ("HintPath", out FilePath relativePath, relativeToProject: false)) useFullPathForHintPath = relativePath == path; } } else { string asm = buildItem.Include; // This is a workaround for a VS bug. Looks like it is writing this assembly incorrectly if (asm == "System.configuration") asm = "System.Configuration"; else if (asm == "System.XML") asm = "System.Xml"; else if (asm == "system") asm = "System"; Init (ReferenceType.Package, asm, null); } string specificVersion = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("SpecificVersion"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (specificVersion)) { // If the SpecificVersion element isn't present, check if the Assembly Reference specifies a Version SpecificVersion = ReferenceStringHasVersion (buildItem.Include); } else { bool value; // if we can't parse the value, default to false which is more permissive SpecificVersion = bool.TryParse (specificVersion, out value) && value; } hasBeenRead = true; } void ReadProjectReference (Project project, IMSBuildItemEvaluated buildItem) { // Get the project name from the path, since the Name attribute may other stuff other than the name string path = MSBuildProjectService.FromMSBuildPath (project.ItemDirectory, buildItem.Include); string name = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path)); string projectGuid = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("Project"); Init (ReferenceType.Project, name, null, projectGuid); ReferenceSourceTarget = buildItem.Metadata.GetValue ("ReferenceSourceTarget"); } internal protected override void Write (Project project, MSBuildItem buildItem) { // If the project is not supported, don't try to update any metadata of the property, // just leave what was read if (OwnerProject.IsUnsupportedProject) return; base.Write (project, buildItem); if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Assembly) { if (!hasBeenRead && !HintPath.IsNullOrEmpty) buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("HintPath", HintPath); buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("SpecificVersion", SpecificVersion || !ReferenceStringHasVersion (Include), true); } else if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("SpecificVersion", SpecificVersion || !ReferenceStringHasVersion (Include), true); //RequiredTargetFramework is undocumented, maybe only a hint for VS. Only seems to be used for .NETFramework var dnp = OwnerProject as DotNetProject; IList supportedFrameworks = project.FileFormat.SupportedFrameworks; if (supportedFrameworks != null && dnp != null && Package != null && dnp.TargetFramework.Id.Identifier == TargetFrameworkMoniker.ID_NET_FRAMEWORK && Package.IsFrameworkPackage && supportedFrameworks.Contains (Package.TargetFramework) && Package.TargetFramework.Version != "2.0" && supportedFrameworks.Count > 1) { TargetFramework fx = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetFramework (Package.TargetFramework); buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("RequiredTargetFramework", fx.Id.Version); } else { buildItem.Metadata.RemoveProperty ("RequiredTargetFramework"); } } else if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Project) { Project refProj = OwnerProject.ParentSolution != null ? ResolveProject (OwnerProject.ParentSolution) : null; if (refProj != null) { buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("Project", refProj.ItemId, preserveExistingCase:true); buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("Name", refProj.Name); buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("ReferenceOutputAssembly", ReferenceOutputAssembly, true); buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("ReferenceSourceTarget", ReferenceSourceTarget); } } buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("Private", LocalCopy, DefaultLocalCopy); if (hintPathChanged) buildItem.Metadata.SetValue ("HintPath", HintPath, relativeToProject: !useFullPathForHintPath); } bool ReferenceStringHasVersion (string asmName) { int commaPos = asmName.IndexOf (','); return commaPos >= 0 && asmName.IndexOf ("Version", commaPos) >= 0; } protected void InitCustomReference (string reference) { Reference = reference; referenceType = ReferenceType.Custom; } public static ProjectReference RenameReference (ProjectReference pref, string newReference) { ProjectReference newRef = (ProjectReference) pref.MemberwiseClone (); newRef.reference = newReference; newRef.Include = newReference; return newRef; } public Project OwnerProject { get { return ownerProject; } } // This property is used by the serializer. It ensures that the obsolete Gac value is not serialized internal ReferenceType internalReferenceType { get { return referenceType; } set { referenceType = value; } } public ReferenceType ReferenceType { get { return referenceType; } } public string Reference { get { return reference; } internal set { reference = value; UpdatePackageReference (); } } public string StoredReference { get { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (loadedReference)) return loadedReference; else return reference; } } public bool LocalCopy { get { // When not explicitly set, the default value of LocalCopy depends on the type of reference. // For project and file references the default is true. For framework and package assemblies // (including GAC) the default is false if (localCopy.HasValue) return localCopy.Value; return DefaultLocalCopy; } set { localCopy = value; if (ownerProject != null) ownerProject.NotifyModified (null); } } bool referenceOutputAssembly = true; public bool ReferenceOutputAssembly { get { return referenceOutputAssembly; } set { if (referenceOutputAssembly != value) { referenceOutputAssembly = value; OnStatusChanged (); } } } internal bool DefaultLocalCopy { get { return referenceType != ReferenceType.Package; } } public bool CanSetLocalCopy { get { return true; } } public bool SpecificVersion { get { return specificVersion; } set { if (specificVersion != value) { specificVersion = value; OnStatusChanged (); } } } public bool CanSetSpecificVersion { get { if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Project || ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Custom) return false; if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Package && Package != null && Package.IsFrameworkPackage) return false; return true; } } string aliases = ""; [ItemProperty ("Aliases", DefaultValue = "")] public string Aliases { get { return aliases; } set { aliases = value; if (ownerProject != null) ownerProject.NotifyModified ("References"); } } internal string ReferenceSourceTarget { get; set; } = "ProjectReference"; public bool IsValid { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty (ValidationErrorMessage); } } // Returns the validation error message, or an empty string if everything is ok public virtual string ValidationErrorMessage { get { if (customError != null) return customError; if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { if (!IsExactVersion && SpecificVersion) return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Specified version not found: expected {0}, found {1}", GetVersionNum (StoredReference), GetVersionNum (Reference)); if (notFound) { if (ownerProject != null) { bool isDefaultRuntime = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultRuntime == TargetRuntime; bool probablyFrameworkAssembly = string.IsNullOrEmpty (originalMSBuildReferenceHintPath); if (TargetRuntime.IsInstalled (TargetFramework) || !probablyFrameworkAssembly) { if (isDefaultRuntime) return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Assembly not found for framework {0}", TargetFramework.Name); return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Assembly not found for framework {0} (in {1})", TargetFramework.Name, TargetRuntime.DisplayName); } if (isDefaultRuntime) return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Framework {0} is not installed", TargetFramework.Name); return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Framework {0} is not installed (in {1})", TargetFramework.Name, TargetRuntime.DisplayName); } return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Assembly not found"); } } else if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Project) { if (ownerProject != null && ownerProject.ParentSolution != null && ReferenceOutputAssembly) { var p = ResolveProject (ownerProject.ParentSolution); var dotNetProject = p as DotNetProject; if (dotNetProject != null) { string reason; if (!ownerProject.CanReferenceProject (dotNetProject, out reason)) return reason; } else if (p == null) return GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project not found"); } } else if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Assembly) { if (!File.Exists (hintPath)) return GettextCatalog.GetString ("File not found"); } return string.Empty; } } public void SetInvalid (string message) { customError = message; OnStatusChanged (); } public bool IsExactVersion { get { if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { string r1 = MonoDevelop.Core.Assemblies.AssemblyContext.NormalizeAsmName (StoredReference); string r2 = MonoDevelop.Core.Assemblies.AssemblyContext.NormalizeAsmName (Reference); return r1 == r2; } return true; } } public FilePath HintPath { get { return hintPath; } set { hintPath = value; hintPathChanged = true; if (ownerProject != null) ownerProject.NotifyModified ("References"); } } string GetVersionNum (string asmName) { int i = asmName.IndexOf (','); if (i != -1) { i++; int j = asmName.IndexOf (',', i); if (j == -1) j = asmName.Length; string ver = asmName.Substring (i, j - i).Trim (); if (ver.Length > 0) return ver; } return ""; } internal ProjectReference GetRefreshedReference () { if (customError != null) return null; if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (hintPath) && File.Exists (hintPath)) { var res = (ProjectReference) MemberwiseClone (); res.referenceType = ReferenceType.Assembly; res.Project = null; return res; } } else if (ReferenceType == ReferenceType.Assembly) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (hintPath) && !File.Exists (hintPath)) { var res = (ProjectReference) MemberwiseClone (); res.referenceType = ReferenceType.Package; res.Project = null; return res; } } return null; } /// /// Returns the file name to an assembly, regardless of what /// type the assembly is. /// string GetReferencedFileName (ConfigurationSelector configuration) { switch (ReferenceType) { case ReferenceType.Assembly: return hintPath; case ReferenceType.Package: string file = AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyLocation (Reference, package, ownerProject != null? ownerProject.TargetFramework : null); return file == null ? reference : file; case ReferenceType.Project: if (ownerProject != null && ownerProject.ParentSolution != null) { var p = ResolveProject (ownerProject.ParentSolution); if (p != null) { return p.GetOutputFileName (configuration); } } return null; default: return null; } } public virtual string[] GetReferencedFileNames (ConfigurationSelector configuration) { string s = GetReferencedFileName (configuration); /* if (referenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { List result = new List (); result.Add (s); AddRequiredPackages (result, Package); return result.ToArray (); }*/ if (s != null) return new string[] { s }; return Array.Empty (); } /* void AddRequiredPackages (List result, SystemPackage fromPackage) { if (fromPackage == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (fromPackage.Requires)) return; foreach (string requiredPackageName in fromPackage.Requires.Split (' ')) { SystemPackage package = AssemblyContext.GetPackage (requiredPackageName); if (package == null) continue; foreach (SystemAssembly assembly in package.Assemblies) { if (assembly == null) continue; string location = AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyLocation (assembly.FullName, ownerProject != null ? ownerProject.TargetFramework : null); result.Add (location); } AddRequiredPackages (result, package); } }*/ void UpdatePackageReference () { if (referenceType == ReferenceType.Package && ownerProject != null) { notFound = false; string cref = AssemblyContext.FindInstalledAssembly (reference, package, ownerProject.TargetFramework); if (cref == null) cref = reference; cref = AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyNameForVersion (cref, package, ownerProject.TargetFramework); notFound = (cref == null); if (cref != null && cref != reference) { SystemAssembly asm = AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyFromFullName (cref, package, ownerProject.TargetFramework); bool isFrameworkAssembly = asm != null && asm.Package.IsFrameworkPackage; if (loadedReference == null && !isFrameworkAssembly) { loadedReference = reference; } reference = cref; } cachedPackage = null; SystemPackage pkg = Package; if (pkg != null && pkg.IsFrameworkPackage) { int i = Include.IndexOf (','); if (i != -1) Include = Include.Substring (0, i).Trim (); } OnStatusChanged (); } } IAssemblyContext AssemblyContext { get { if (ownerProject != null) return ownerProject.AssemblyContext; else return Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultAssemblyContext; } } TargetRuntime TargetRuntime { get { if (ownerProject != null) return ownerProject.TargetRuntime; else return Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.DefaultRuntime; } } TargetFramework TargetFramework { get { if (ownerProject != null) return ownerProject.TargetFramework; else return null; } } public SystemPackage Package { get { if (referenceType == ReferenceType.Package) { if (cachedPackage != null) return cachedPackage; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (package)) { var p = AssemblyContext.GetPackage (package); if (p != null) return p; } // No package is specified, get any of the registered assemblies, giving priority to gaced assemblies // (because non-gac assemblies should have a package name set) TargetFramework fx = ownerProject == null? null : ownerProject.TargetFramework; var best = AssemblyContext.GetAssemblyFromFullName (reference, null, fx); if (best != null) return cachedPackage = best.Package; } return null; } } internal void ResetReference () { cachedPackage = null; if (loadedReference != null) { reference = loadedReference; loadedReference = null; UpdatePackageReference (); } else UpdatePackageReference (); } public object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { return Equals (obj as ProjectReference); } public bool Equals (ProjectReference other) { return other != null && StoredReference == other.StoredReference && referenceType == other.referenceType && package == other.package; } public override int GetHashCode () { int result = 0; if (StoredReference != null) result ^= StoredReference.GetHashCode (); if (package != null) result ^= package.GetHashCode (); return result; } internal void NotifyStatusChanged () { OnStatusChanged (); } protected virtual void OnStatusChanged () { if (StatusChanged != null) StatusChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } /// /// Resolves a project for a ReferenceType.Project reference type in a given solution. /// /// The project, or null if it couldn't be resolved. /// The solution the project is in. /// Thrown if inSolution == null /// Thrown if ReferenceType != ReferenceType.Project public Project ResolveProject (Solution inSolution) { if (inSolution == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("inSolution"); if (ReferenceType != ReferenceType.Project) throw new InvalidOperationException ("ResolveProject is only definied for Project reference type."); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (projectGuid)) { var project = inSolution.GetSolutionItem (projectGuid) as Project; if (project != null) { return project; } } return inSolution.FindProjectByName (Reference); } } public class UnknownProjectReference: ProjectReference { } }