// // BasicChart.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using Gtk; using Gdk; namespace MonoDevelop.Components.Chart { public class BasicChart: DrawingArea { double startX, endX; double startY, endY; int left, top, width, height; int minTickStep = 5; bool xrangeChanged = true; bool yrangeChanged = true; bool autoStartX, autoStartY; bool autoEndX, autoEndY; double originX; double originY; bool reverseXAxis; bool reverseYAxis; int AreaBorderWidth = 1; int AutoScaleMargin = 3; int MinLabelGapX = 3; int MinLabelGapY = 1; BackgroundDisplay backgroundDisplay = BackgroundDisplay.Gradient; Cairo.Color backroundColor = new Cairo.Color (0.9, 0.9, 1); ArrayList series = new ArrayList (); ArrayList axis = new ArrayList (); ArrayList cursors = new ArrayList (); bool enableSelection; bool draggingCursor; ChartCursor activeCursor; ChartCursor selectionStart; ChartCursor selectionEnd; public BasicChart () { this.Events = EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask | EventMask.PointerMotionMask; selectionStart = new ChartCursor (); selectionStart.Visible = false; selectionEnd = new ChartCursor (); selectionEnd.Visible = false; AddCursor (selectionStart, AxisDimension.X); AddCursor (selectionEnd, AxisDimension.X); selectionStart.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectionCursorChanged); selectionEnd.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectionCursorChanged); } public event EventHandler SelectionChanged; public bool AllowSelection { get { return enableSelection; } set { enableSelection = value; if (!enableSelection) { selectionStart.Visible = false; selectionEnd.Visible = false; } } } public ChartCursor SelectionStart { get { return selectionStart; } } public ChartCursor SelectionEnd { get { return selectionEnd; } } public ChartCursor ActiveCursor { get { return activeCursor; } } public bool ReverseXAxis { get { return reverseXAxis; } set { reverseXAxis = value; QueueDraw (); } } public bool ReverseYAxis { get { return reverseYAxis; } set { reverseYAxis = value; QueueDraw (); } } public double OriginX { get { return originX; } set { xrangeChanged = true; originX = value; OnSerieChanged (); } } public double OriginY { get { return originY; } set { yrangeChanged = true; originY = value; OnSerieChanged (); } } public double StartX { get { return startX; } set { xrangeChanged = true; startX = value; if (startX > endX) endX = startX; OriginX = value; UpdateCursors (); OnSerieChanged (); } } public double EndX { get { return endX; } set { xrangeChanged = true; endX = value; if (endX < startX) startX = endX; UpdateCursors (); OnSerieChanged (); } } public double StartY { get { return startY; } set { yrangeChanged = true; startY = value; if (startY > endY) endY = startY; OriginY = value; UpdateCursors (); OnSerieChanged (); } } public double EndY { get { return endY; } set { yrangeChanged = true; endY = value; if (endY < startY) startY = endY; UpdateCursors (); OnSerieChanged (); } } void FixOrigins () { if (originX < startX) originX = startX; else if (originX > endX) originX = endX; if (originY < startY) originY = startY; else if (originY > endY) originY = endY; } public void Reset () { ArrayList list = (ArrayList) series.Clone (); foreach (Serie s in list) RemoveSerie (s); axis.Clear (); } public void AddAxis (Axis ax, AxisPosition position) { ax.Owner = this; ax.Position = position; axis.Add (ax); QueueDraw (); } public void AddSerie (Serie serie) { serie.Owner = this; series.Add (serie); OnSerieChanged (); } public void RemoveSerie (Serie serie) { series.Remove (serie); serie.Owner = null; OnSerieChanged (); } public void AddCursor (ChartCursor cursor, AxisDimension dimension) { cursor.Dimension = dimension; cursor.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (OnCursorChanged); cursor.LayoutChanged += new EventHandler (OnCursorChanged); cursors.Add (cursor); xrangeChanged = yrangeChanged = true; QueueDraw (); } public void RemoveCursor (ChartCursor cursor) { cursor.ValueChanged -= new EventHandler (OnCursorChanged); cursor.LayoutChanged -= new EventHandler (OnCursorChanged); cursors.Remove (cursor); QueueDraw (); } public void SetAutoScale (AxisDimension ad, bool autoStart, bool autoEnd) { if (ad == AxisDimension.X) { autoStartX = autoStart; autoEndX = autoEnd; } else { autoStartY = autoStart; autoEndY = autoEnd; } } void UpdateCursors () { foreach (ChartCursor c in cursors) { if (c.Value < GetStart (c.Dimension)) c.Value = GetStart (c.Dimension); else if (c.Value > GetEnd (c.Dimension)) c.Value = GetEnd (c.Dimension); } } void OnCursorChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { ChartCursor c = (ChartCursor) sender; if (c.Value < GetStart (c.Dimension)) c.Value = GetStart (c.Dimension); else if (c.Value > GetEnd (c.Dimension)) c.Value = GetEnd (c.Dimension); QueueDraw (); } internal void OnSerieChanged () { xrangeChanged = true; yrangeChanged = true; QueueDraw (); } public void Clear () { foreach (Serie s in series) s.Clear (); OnSerieChanged (); } double GetOrigin (AxisDimension ad) { if (ad == AxisDimension.X) return OriginX; else return OriginY; } double GetStart (AxisDimension ad) { if (ad == AxisDimension.X) return startX; else return startY; } double GetEnd (AxisDimension ad) { if (ad == AxisDimension.X) return endX; else return endY; } int GetAreaSize (AxisDimension ad) { if (ad == AxisDimension.X) return width; else return height; } double GetMinTickStep (AxisDimension ad) { return (((double) minTickStep) * (GetEnd (ad) - GetStart (ad))) / (double) GetAreaSize (ad); } protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose args) { Gdk.Window win = GdkWindow; int rwidth, rheight; Cairo.Context ctx = CairoHelper.Create (win); win.GetSize (out rwidth, out rheight); if (autoStartY || autoEndY) { double nstartY = double.MaxValue; double nendY = double.MinValue; GetValueRange (AxisDimension.Y, out nstartY, out nendY); if (!autoStartY) nstartY = startY; if (!autoEndY) nendY = endY; if (nendY < nstartY) nendY = nstartY; if (nstartY != startY || nendY != endY) { yrangeChanged = true; startY = nstartY; endY = nendY; } } if (autoStartX || autoEndX) { double nstartX = double.MaxValue; double nendX = double.MinValue; GetValueRange (AxisDimension.X, out nstartX, out nendX); if (!autoStartX) nstartX = startX; if (!autoEndX) nendX = endX; if (nendX < nstartX) nendX = nstartX; if (nstartX != startX || nendX != endX) { xrangeChanged = true; startX = nstartX; endX = nendX; } } if (yrangeChanged) { FixOrigins (); int right = rwidth - 2 - AreaBorderWidth; left = AreaBorderWidth; left += MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Left) + 1; right -= MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Right) + 1; yrangeChanged = false; width = right - left + 1; if (width <= 0) width = 1; } if (xrangeChanged) { FixOrigins (); int bottom = rheight - 2 - AreaBorderWidth; top = AreaBorderWidth; bottom -= MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Bottom); top += MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition.Top); // Make room for cursor handles foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors) { if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X && top - AreaBorderWidth < cursor.HandleSize) top = cursor.HandleSize + AreaBorderWidth; } xrangeChanged = false; height = bottom - top + 1; if (height <= 0) height = 1; } if (AutoScaleMargin != 0 && height > 0) { double margin = (double)AutoScaleMargin * (endY - startY) / (double) height; if (autoStartY) startY -= margin; if (autoEndY) endY += margin; } // Console.WriteLine ("L:" + left + " T:" + top + " W:" + width + " H:" + height); // Draw the background if (backgroundDisplay == BackgroundDisplay.Gradient) { ctx.Rectangle (left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2); using (var pat = new Cairo.LinearGradient (left - 1, top - 1, left - 1, height + 2)) { pat.AddColorStop (0, backroundColor); Cairo.Color endc = new Cairo.Color (1,1,1); pat.AddColorStop (1, endc); ctx.SetSource (pat); ctx.Fill (); } } else { ctx.Rectangle (left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2); ctx.SetSourceColor (backroundColor); ctx.Fill (); } // win.DrawRectangle (Style.WhiteGC, true, left - 1, top - 1, width + 2, height + 2); win.DrawRectangle (Style.BlackGC, false, left - AreaBorderWidth, top - AreaBorderWidth, width + AreaBorderWidth*2, height + AreaBorderWidth*2); // Draw selected area if (enableSelection) { int sx, sy, ex, ey; GetPoint (selectionStart.Value, selectionStart.Value, out sx, out sy); GetPoint (selectionEnd.Value, selectionEnd.Value, out ex, out ey); if (sx > ex) { int tmp = sx; sx = ex; ex = tmp; } Gdk.GC sgc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow); sgc.RgbFgColor = new Color (225, 225, 225); win.DrawRectangle (sgc, true, sx, top, ex - sx, height + 1); } // Draw axes Gdk.GC gc = Style.BlackGC; foreach (Axis ax in axis) DrawAxis (win, gc, ax); // Draw values foreach (Serie serie in series) if (serie.Visible) DrawSerie (ctx, serie); // Draw cursors foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors) DrawCursor (cursor); // Draw cursor labels foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors) if (cursor.ShowValueLabel) DrawCursorLabel (cursor); ((IDisposable)ctx).Dispose (); return true; } void GetValueRange (AxisDimension ad, out double min, out double max) { min = double.MaxValue; max = double.MinValue; foreach (Serie serie in series) { if (!serie.HasData || !serie.Visible) continue; double lmin, lmax; serie.GetRange (ad, out lmin, out lmax); if (lmin < min) min = lmin; if (lmax > max) max = lmax; } } void DrawAxis (Gdk.Window win, Gdk.GC gc, Axis ax) { double minStep = GetMinTickStep (ax.Dimension); TickEnumerator enumSmall = ax.GetTickEnumerator (minStep); if (enumSmall == null) return; TickEnumerator enumBig = ax.GetTickEnumerator (minStep * 2); if (enumBig == null) { DrawTicks (win, gc, enumSmall, ax.Position, ax.Dimension, ax.TickSize, ax.ShowLabels); } else { DrawTicks (win, gc, enumSmall, ax.Position, ax.Dimension, ax.TickSize / 2, false); DrawTicks (win, gc, enumBig, ax.Position, ax.Dimension, ax.TickSize, ax.ShowLabels); } } void DrawTicks (Gdk.Window win, Gdk.GC gc, TickEnumerator e, AxisPosition pos, AxisDimension ad, int tickSize, bool showLabels) { int rwidth, rheight; win.GetSize (out rwidth, out rheight); Pango.Layout layout = null; if (showLabels) { layout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext); layout.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Tahoma 8"); } bool isX = pos == AxisPosition.Top || pos == AxisPosition.Bottom; bool isTop = pos == AxisPosition.Top || pos == AxisPosition.Right; double start = GetStart (ad); double end = GetEnd (ad); e.Init (GetOrigin (ad)); while (e.CurrentValue > start) e.MovePrevious (); int lastPosLabel; int lastPos; int lastTw = 0; if (isX) { lastPosLabel = reverseXAxis ? left + width + MinLabelGapX : left - MinLabelGapX; lastPos = left - minTickStep*2; } else { lastPosLabel = reverseYAxis ? top - MinLabelGapY : rheight + MinLabelGapY; lastPos = top + height + minTickStep*2; } for ( ; e.CurrentValue <= end; e.MoveNext ()) { int px, py; int tw = 0, th = 0; int tick = tickSize; GetPoint (e.CurrentValue, e.CurrentValue, out px, out py); if (showLabels) { layout.SetMarkup (e.CurrentLabel); layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th); } if (isX) { if (Math.Abs ((long)px - (long)lastPos) < minTickStep || px < left || px > left + width) continue; lastPos = px; bool labelFits = false; if ((Math.Abs (px - lastPosLabel) - (tw/2) - (lastTw/2)) >= MinLabelGapX) { lastPosLabel = px; lastTw = tw; labelFits = true; } if (isTop) { if (showLabels) { if (labelFits) win.DrawLayout (gc, px - (tw/2), top - AreaBorderWidth - th, layout); else tick = tick / 2; } win.DrawLine (gc, px, top, px, top + tick); } else { if (showLabels) { if (labelFits) win.DrawLayout (gc, px - (tw/2), top + height + AreaBorderWidth, layout); else tick = tick / 2; } win.DrawLine (gc, px, top + height, px, top + height - tick); } } else { if (Math.Abs ((long)lastPos - (long)py) < minTickStep || py < top || py > top + height) continue; lastPos = py; bool labelFits = false; if ((Math.Abs (py - lastPosLabel) - (th/2) - (lastTw/2)) >= MinLabelGapY) { lastPosLabel = py; lastTw = th; labelFits = true; } if (isTop) { if (showLabels) { if (labelFits) win.DrawLayout (gc, left + width + AreaBorderWidth + 1, py - (th/2), layout); else tick = tick / 2; } win.DrawLine (gc, left + width, py, left + width - tick, py); } else { if (showLabels) { if (labelFits) win.DrawLayout (gc, left - AreaBorderWidth - tw - 1, py - (th/2), layout); else tick = tick / 2; } win.DrawLine (gc, left, py, left + tick, py); } } } } int MeasureAxisSize (AxisPosition pos) { int max = 0; foreach (Axis ax in axis) if (ax.Position == pos && ax.ShowLabels) { int nmax = MeasureAxisSize (ax); if (nmax > max) max = nmax; } return max; } int MeasureAxisSize (Axis ax) { double minStep = GetMinTickStep (ax.Dimension); TickEnumerator enumSmall = ax.GetTickEnumerator (minStep); if (enumSmall == null) return 0; TickEnumerator enumBig = ax.GetTickEnumerator (minStep * 2); if (enumBig == null) return MeasureTicksSize (enumSmall, ax.Dimension); else return MeasureTicksSize (enumBig, ax.Dimension); } int MeasureTicksSize (TickEnumerator e, AxisDimension ad) { int max = 0; Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext); layout.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Tahoma 8"); double start = GetStart (ad); double end = GetEnd (ad); e.Init (GetOrigin (ad)); while (e.CurrentValue > start) e.MovePrevious (); for ( ; e.CurrentValue <= end; e.MoveNext ()) { int tw = 0, th = 0; layout.SetMarkup (e.CurrentLabel); layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th); if (ad == AxisDimension.X) { if (th > max) max = th; } else { if (tw > max) max = tw; } } return max; } void DrawSerie (Cairo.Context ctx, Serie serie) { ctx.NewPath (); ctx.Rectangle (left, top, width + 1, height + 1); ctx.Clip (); ctx.NewPath (); ctx.SetSourceColor (serie.Color); ctx.LineWidth = serie.LineWidth; bool first = true; bool blockMode = serie.DisplayMode == DisplayMode.BlockLine; double lastY = 0; foreach (Data d in serie.GetData (startX, endX)) { double x, y; GetPoint (d.X, d.Y, out x, out y); if (first) { ctx.MoveTo (x, y); lastY = y; first = false; } else { if (blockMode) { if (lastY != y) ctx.LineTo (x, lastY); ctx.LineTo (x, y); } else ctx.LineTo (x, y); } lastY = y; } ctx.Stroke (); } void DrawCursor (ChartCursor cursor) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow); gc.RgbFgColor = cursor.Color; int x, y; GetPoint (cursor.Value, cursor.Value, out x, out y); if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X) { int cy = top - AreaBorderWidth - 1; Point[] ps = new Point [4]; ps [0] = new Point (x, cy); ps [1] = new Point (x + (cursor.HandleSize/2), cy - cursor.HandleSize + 1); ps [2] = new Point (x - (cursor.HandleSize/2), cy - cursor.HandleSize + 1); ps [3] = ps [0]; GdkWindow.DrawPolygon (gc, false, ps); if (activeCursor == cursor) GdkWindow.DrawPolygon (gc, true, ps); GdkWindow.DrawLine (gc, x, top, x, top + height); } else { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } void DrawCursorLabel (ChartCursor cursor) { Gdk.GC gc = new Gdk.GC (GdkWindow); gc.RgbFgColor = cursor.Color; int x, y; GetPoint (cursor.Value, cursor.Value, out x, out y); if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X) { string text; if (cursor.LabelAxis != null) { double minStep = GetMinTickStep (cursor.Dimension); TickEnumerator tenum = cursor.LabelAxis.GetTickEnumerator (minStep); tenum.Init (cursor.Value); text = tenum.CurrentLabel; } else { text = GetValueLabel (cursor.Dimension, cursor.Value); } if (text != null && text.Length > 0) { Pango.Layout layout = new Pango.Layout (this.PangoContext); layout.FontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString ("Tahoma 8"); layout.SetMarkup (text); int tw, th; layout.GetPixelSize (out tw, out th); int tl = x - tw/2; int tt = top + 4; if (tl + tw + 2 >= left + width) tl = left + width - tw - 1; if (tl < left + 1) tl = left + 1; GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (Style.WhiteGC, true, tl - 1, tt - 1, tw + 2, th + 2); GdkWindow.DrawRectangle (Style.BlackGC, false, tl - 2, tt - 2, tw + 3, th + 3); GdkWindow.DrawLayout (gc, tl, tt, layout); } } else { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } void GetPoint (double wx, double wy, out int x, out int y) { double dx, dy; GetPoint (wx, wy, out dx, out dy); x = (int) dx; y = (int) dy; } void GetPoint (double wx, double wy, out double x, out double y) { unchecked { if (reverseXAxis) x = left + width - (((wx - startX) * ((double) width)) / (endX - startX)); else x = left + (((wx - startX) * ((double) width)) / (endX - startX)); if (reverseYAxis) y = top + ((wy - startY) * ((double) height) / (endY - startY)); else y = top + height - ((wy - startY) * ((double) height) / (endY - startY)); } } void GetValue (int x, int y, out double wx, out double wy) { unchecked { if (reverseXAxis) wx = startX + ((double) (left + width - 1 - x)) * (endX - startX) / (double) width; else wx = startX + ((double) (x - left)) * (endX - startX) / (double) width; if (reverseYAxis) wy = startY + ((double) (top + y)) * (endY - startY) / (double) height; else wy = startY + ((double) (top + height - y - 1)) * (endY - startY) / (double) height; } } string GetValueLabel (AxisDimension ad, double value) { foreach (Axis ax in axis) if (ax.Dimension == ad) return ax.GetValueLabel (value); return null; } internal void OnLayoutChanged () { xrangeChanged = true; yrangeChanged = true; QueueDraw (); } void OnSelectionCursorChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { if (enableSelection) { if (selectionStart.Value > selectionEnd.Value) { ChartCursor tmp = selectionStart; selectionStart = selectionEnd; selectionEnd = tmp; } OnSelectionChanged (); } } protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent (Gdk.EventButton ev) { if (!ev.TriggersContextMenu () && ev.Button == 1) { foreach (ChartCursor cursor in cursors) { int cx, cy; GetPoint (cursor.Value, cursor.Value, out cx, out cy); if (cursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X) { if (Math.Abs (ev.X - cx) <= 2 || (ev.Y < top && (Math.Abs (ev.X - cx) <= cursor.HandleSize/2))) { activeCursor = cursor; draggingCursor = true; activeCursor.ShowValueLabel = true; QueueDraw (); break; } } else { // Implement } } if (enableSelection && !draggingCursor) { selectionStart.Visible = true; selectionEnd.Visible = true; double x, y; GetValue ((int)ev.X, (int)ev.Y, out x, out y); // avoid cursor swaping ChartCursor c1 = selectionStart; ChartCursor c2 = selectionEnd; c1.Value = x; c2.Value = x; activeCursor = selectionEnd; activeCursor.ShowValueLabel = true; draggingCursor = true; QueueDraw (); } if (draggingCursor) return true; } return base.OnButtonPressEvent (ev); } protected override bool OnButtonReleaseEvent (EventButton e) { if (draggingCursor) { draggingCursor = false; activeCursor.ShowValueLabel = false; } return base.OnButtonReleaseEvent (e); } protected override bool OnMotionNotifyEvent (EventMotion e) { if (draggingCursor) { double x, y; GetValue ((int)e.X, (int)e.Y, out x, out y); if (activeCursor.Dimension == AxisDimension.X) { if (x < startX) x = startX; else if (x > endX) x = endX; activeCursor.Value = x; } else { if (y < startY) y = startY; else if (y > endY) y = endY; activeCursor.Value = y; } return true; } return base.OnMotionNotifyEvent (e); } protected override void OnSizeAllocated (Gdk.Rectangle rect) { xrangeChanged = true; yrangeChanged = true; base.OnSizeAllocated (rect); } protected virtual void OnSelectionChanged () { if (SelectionChanged != null) SelectionChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public enum BackgroundDisplay { Solid, Gradient } }