// // TextEditor.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // Michael Hutchinson // // Copyright (C) 2007 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.ComponentModel; using Gtk; using Gdk; namespace MonoDevelop.Components.PropertyGrid.PropertyEditors { [PropertyEditorType (typeof (string))] public class PropertyTextEditor: Gtk.HBox, IPropertyEditor { EditSession session; bool disposed; string initialText; object currentValue; Entry entry; ComboBox combo; ListStore store; bool changed; public void Initialize (EditSession session) { this.session = session; //if standard values are supported by the converter, then //we list them in a combo if (session.Property.Converter.GetStandardValuesSupported (session)) { store = new ListStore (typeof(string), typeof(object)); //if converter doesn't allow nonstandard values, or can't convert from strings, don't have an entry if (session.Property.Converter.GetStandardValuesExclusive (session) || !session.Property.Converter.CanConvertFrom (session, typeof(string))) { combo = new ComboBox (store); var crt = new CellRendererText (); combo.PackStart (crt, true); combo.AddAttribute (crt, "text", 0); } else { combo = new ComboBoxEntry (store, 0); entry = ((ComboBoxEntry)combo).Entry; entry.HeightRequest = combo.SizeRequest ().Height; } PackStart (combo, true, true, 0); combo.Changed += TextChanged; //fill the list foreach (object stdValue in session.Property.Converter.GetStandardValues (session)) { store.AppendValues (session.Property.Converter.ConvertToString (session, stdValue), ObjectBox.Box (stdValue)); } //a value of "--" gets rendered as a --, if typeconverter marked with UsesDashesForSeparator object[] atts = session.Property.Converter.GetType () .GetCustomAttributes (typeof (StandardValuesSeparatorAttribute), true); if (atts.Length > 0) { string separator = ((StandardValuesSeparatorAttribute)atts[0]).Separator; combo.RowSeparatorFunc = (model, iter) => separator == ((string)model.GetValue (iter, 0)); } } // no standard values, so just use an entry else { entry = new Entry (); PackStart (entry, true, true, 0); } //if we have an entry, fix it up a little if (entry != null) { entry.HasFrame = false; entry.Changed += TextChanged; entry.FocusOutEvent += FirePendingChangeEvent; } if (entry != null && ShouldShowDialogButton ()) { var button = new Button ("..."); PackStart (button, false, false, 0); button.Clicked += ButtonClicked; } Spacing = 3; ShowAll (); } protected virtual bool ShouldShowDialogButton () { //if the object's Localizable, show a dialog, since the text's likely to be more substantial var at = (LocalizableAttribute) session.Property.Attributes [typeof(LocalizableAttribute)]; return (at != null && at.IsLocalizable); } void ButtonClicked (object s, EventArgs a) { using (var dlg = new TextEditorDialog ()) { dlg.TransientFor = Toplevel as Gtk.Window; dlg.Text = entry.Text; if (dlg.Run () == (int) ResponseType.Ok) { entry.Text = dlg.Text; TextChanged (null, null); } } } bool GetValue (out object value, out bool isStandard) { isStandard = false; //combo box, just find the active value if (store != null && entry == null) { TreeIter it; if (combo.GetActiveIter (out it)) { value = ObjectBox.Unbox (store.GetValue (it, 1)); isStandard = true; return true; } value = null; return false; } var text = entry.Text; // combo plus entry, try to find matching value if (store != null) { TreeIter it; if (store.GetIterFirst (out it)) { do { if ((string)store.GetValue (it, 0) == text) { value = ObjectBox.Unbox (store.GetValue (it, 1)); isStandard = true; return true; } } while (store.IterNext (ref it)); } } //finally, convert the value try { value = session.Property.Converter.ConvertFromString (session, entry.Text); return true; } catch { // Invalid format value = null; return false; } } void TextChanged (object s, EventArgs a) { //ignore if nothing changed if (entry != null) { if (initialText == entry.Text) { return; } initialText = entry.Text; } object val; bool isStandard; if (GetValue (out val, out isStandard)) { currentValue = val; if (entry != null) entry.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal); } else { entry.ModifyFg (StateType.Normal, new Color (255, 0, 0)); } //if it's a standard value, fire the event immediately //else defer till the entry loses focus changed = true; if (isStandard) { FirePendingChangeEvent (null, null); } } void FirePendingChangeEvent (object s, EventArgs a) { if (changed) { if (ValueChanged != null) { ValueChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } changed = false; } } // Gets/Sets the value of the editor. If the editor supports // several value types, it is the responsibility of the editor // to return values with the expected type. public object Value { get { return currentValue; } set { currentValue = value; if (combo != null) { int index; if (FindComboValue (value, out index)) { combo.Active = index; initialText = combo.ActiveText; return; } } if (entry != null) { string val = session.Property.Converter.ConvertToString (session, value); entry.Text = val ?? string.Empty; initialText = entry.Text; } } } bool FindComboValue (object val, out int index) { index = 0; TreeIter it; if (!store.GetIterFirst (out it)) { return false; } do { if (object.Equals (ObjectBox.Unbox (store.GetValue (it, 1)), val)) { return true; } index++; } while (store.IterNext (ref it)); return false; } protected override void OnDestroyed () { base.OnDestroyed (); ((IDisposable)this).Dispose (); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { if (!disposed) { disposed = true; return; } if (entry != null) { TextChanged (null, null); FirePendingChangeEvent (null, null); } disposed = true; } // To be fired when the edited value changes. public event EventHandler ValueChanged; //GTK# doesn't like it when you put a string in a column of type Object class ObjectBox { public object Value; public static object Box (object o) { if (o is string) return new ObjectBox { Value = o }; return o; } public static object Unbox (object o) { var b = o as ObjectBox; if (b == null) return o; return b.Value; } } } public class StandardValuesSeparatorAttribute : Attribute { readonly string separator; public string Separator { get { return separator; } } public StandardValuesSeparatorAttribute (string separator) { this.separator = separator; } } }