// // CompletionData.cs // // Author: // Michael Hutchinson // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using MonoDevelop.Core; using ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Completion; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.CodeCompletion { public class CompletionData : ICompletionData, IComparable { protected CompletionData () {} public virtual IconId Icon { get; set; } public virtual string DisplayText { get; set; } public virtual string Description { get; set; } public virtual string CompletionText { get; set; } public virtual string GetDisplayDescription (bool isSelected) { return null; } public virtual string GetRightSideDescription (bool isSelected) { return ""; } public virtual CompletionCategory CompletionCategory { get; set; } public virtual DisplayFlags DisplayFlags { get; set; } public virtual TooltipInformation CreateTooltipInformation (bool smartWrap) { var tt = new TooltipInformation (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (Description)) tt.AddCategory (null, Description); return tt; } public virtual bool HasOverloads { get { return false; } } public virtual IEnumerable OverloadedData { get { throw new InvalidOperationException (); } } public virtual void AddOverload (ICompletionData data) { throw new InvalidOperationException (); } public CompletionData (string text) : this (text, null, null) {} public CompletionData (string text, IconId icon) : this (text, icon, null) {} public CompletionData (string text, IconId icon, string description) : this (text, icon, description, text) {} public CompletionData (string displayText, IconId icon, string description, string completionText) { this.DisplayText = displayText; this.Icon = icon; this.Description = description; this.CompletionText = completionText; } public static string GetCurrentWord (CompletionListWindow window) { int partialWordLength = window.PartialWord != null ? window.PartialWord.Length : 0; int replaceLength = window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerWordLength + partialWordLength - window.InitialWordLength; int endOffset = Math.Min (window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset + replaceLength, window.CompletionWidget.TextLength); var result = window.CompletionWidget.GetText (window.CodeCompletionContext.TriggerOffset, endOffset); return result; } public virtual void InsertCompletionText (CompletionListWindow window, ref KeyActions ka, Gdk.Key closeChar, char keyChar, Gdk.ModifierType modifier) { var currentWord = GetCurrentWord (window); window.CompletionWidget.SetCompletionText (window.CodeCompletionContext, currentWord, CompletionText); } public override string ToString () { return string.Format ("[CompletionData: Icon={0}, DisplayText={1}, Description={2}, CompletionText={3}, DisplayFlags={4}]", Icon, DisplayText, Description, CompletionText, DisplayFlags); } #region IComparable implementation public virtual int CompareTo (object obj) { if (!(obj is ICompletionData)) return 0; return Compare (this, (ICompletionData)obj); } public static int Compare (ICompletionData a, ICompletionData b) { var result = ((a.DisplayFlags & DisplayFlags.Obsolete) == (b.DisplayFlags & DisplayFlags.Obsolete)) ? StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare (a.DisplayText, b.DisplayText) : (a.DisplayFlags & DisplayFlags.Obsolete) != 0 ? 1 : -1; if (result == 0) { var aIsImport = (a.DisplayFlags & DisplayFlags.IsImportCompletion) != 0; var bIsImport = (b.DisplayFlags & DisplayFlags.IsImportCompletion) != 0; if (!aIsImport && bIsImport) return -1; if (aIsImport && !bIsImport) return 1; if (aIsImport && bIsImport) return StringComparer.Ordinal.Compare (a.Description, b.Description); var ca = a as CompletionData; var cb = b as CompletionData; if (ca != null && cb != null && !ca.Icon.IsNull && !cb.Icon.IsNull) { return cb.Icon.Name.CompareTo (ca.Icon.Name); } } return result; } #endregion } }