// // MonoDevelopStatusBar.cs // // Author: // Mike Krüger // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using MonoDevelop.Core; using Gtk; using MonoDevelop.Ide.CodeCompletion; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoDevelop.Components.Docking; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Dialogs; using MonoDevelop.Components; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide { class MonoDevelopStatusBar : Gtk.Statusbar, StatusBar, IShadedWidget { ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar (); Frame textStatusBarPanel = new Frame (); Label statusLabel; Label modeLabel; Label cursorLabel; MiniButton feedbackButton; HBox statusBox; HBox messageBox; Image currentStatusImage; HBox statusIconBox; List contexts = new List (); MainStatusBarContextImpl mainContext; StatusBarContextImpl activeContext; Pad sourcePad; uint autoPulseTimeoutId; public StatusBar MainContext { get { return mainContext; } } internal MonoDevelopStatusBar() { mainContext = new MainStatusBarContextImpl (this); activeContext = mainContext; contexts.Add (mainContext); Frame originalFrame = (Frame)Children[0]; // originalFrame.WidthRequest = 8; // originalFrame.Shadow = ShadowType.In; // originalFrame.BorderWidth = 0; BorderWidth = 0; Spacing = 0; // Feedback button CustomFrame fr = new CustomFrame (0, 0, 1, 1); Gdk.Pixbuf px = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource ("balloon.png"); HBox b = new HBox (false, 3); b.PackStart (new Gtk.Image (px)); b.PackStart (new Gtk.Label ("Feedback")); Gtk.Alignment al = new Gtk.Alignment (0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); al.RightPadding = 5; al.LeftPadding = 3; al.Add (b); feedbackButton = new MiniButton (al); //feedbackButton.BackroundColor = new Gdk.Color (200, 200, 255); fr.Add (feedbackButton); PackStart (fr, false, false, 0); feedbackButton.Clicked += HandleFeedbackButtonClicked; feedbackButton.ButtonPressEvent += HandleFeedbackButtonButtonPressEvent;; feedbackButton.ClickOnRelease = true; FeedbackService.FeedbackPositionGetter = delegate { int x, y; feedbackButton.GdkWindow.GetOrigin (out x, out y); x += feedbackButton.Allocation.Width; y -= 6; return new Gdk.Point (x, y); }; // Dock area DefaultWorkbench wb = (DefaultWorkbench) IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; wb.DockFrame.ShadedContainer.Add (this); Gtk.Widget dockBar = wb.DockFrame.ExtractDockBar (PositionType.Bottom); dockBar.NoShowAll = true; PackStart (dockBar, false, false, 0); // Status panels progressBar = new ProgressBar (); progressBar.PulseStep = 0.1; progressBar.SizeRequest (); progressBar.HeightRequest = 1; statusBox = new HBox (false, 0); statusBox.BorderWidth = 0; statusLabel = new Label (); statusLabel.SetAlignment (0, 0.5f); statusLabel.Wrap = false; int w, h; Gtk.Icon.SizeLookup (IconSize.Menu, out w, out h); statusLabel.HeightRequest = h; statusLabel.SetPadding (0, 0); EventBox eventMessageBox = new EventBox (); messageBox = new HBox (); messageBox.PackStart (progressBar, false, false, 0); messageBox.PackStart (statusLabel, true, true, 0); eventMessageBox.Add (messageBox); statusBox.PackStart (eventMessageBox, true, true, 0); eventMessageBox.ButtonPressEvent += HandleEventMessageBoxButtonPressEvent; textStatusBarPanel.BorderWidth = 0; textStatusBarPanel.ShadowType = ShadowType.None; textStatusBarPanel.Add (statusBox); Label fillerLabel = new Label (); fillerLabel.WidthRequest = 8; statusBox.PackEnd (fillerLabel, false, false, 0); modeLabel = new Label (" "); statusBox.PackEnd (modeLabel, false, false, 8); cursorLabel = new Label (" "); statusBox.PackEnd (cursorLabel, false, false, 0); statusIconBox = new HBox (); statusIconBox.BorderWidth = 0; statusIconBox.Spacing = 3; statusBox.PackEnd (statusIconBox, false, false, 4); this.PackStart (textStatusBarPanel, true, true, 0); ShowReady (); Gtk.Box.BoxChild boxChild = (Gtk.Box.BoxChild)this[textStatusBarPanel]; boxChild.Position = 0; boxChild.Expand = boxChild.Fill = true; // boxChild = (Gtk.Box.BoxChild)this[originalFrame]; // boxChild.Padding = 0; // boxChild.Expand = boxChild.Fill = false; this.progressBar.Fraction = 0.0; this.ShowAll (); statusIconBox.HideAll (); originalFrame.HideAll (); progressBar.Visible = false; StatusBarContext completionStatus = null; // todo: Move this to the CompletionWindowManager when it's possible. CompletionWindowManager.WindowShown += delegate { CompletionListWindow wnd = CompletionWindowManager.Wnd; if (wnd != null && wnd.List != null && wnd.List.CategoryCount > 1) { if (completionStatus == null) completionStatus = CreateContext (); completionStatus.ShowMessage (string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("To toggle categorized completion mode press {0}."), IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo (Commands.TextEditorCommands.ShowCompletionWindow).AccelKey)); } }; CompletionWindowManager.WindowClosed += delegate { if (completionStatus != null) { completionStatus.Dispose (); completionStatus = null; } }; } bool ignoreFeedbackButtonClick; void HandleFeedbackButtonButtonPressEvent (object o, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { if (FeedbackService.IsFeedbackWindowVisible) ignoreFeedbackButtonClick = true; } void HandleFeedbackButtonClicked (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ignoreFeedbackButtonClick) FeedbackService.ShowFeedbackWindow (); ignoreFeedbackButtonClick = false; } void HandleEventMessageBoxButtonPressEvent (object o, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { if (sourcePad != null) sourcePad.BringToFront (true); } internal bool IsCurrentContext (StatusBarContextImpl ctx) { return ctx == activeContext; } internal void Remove (StatusBarContextImpl ctx) { if (ctx == mainContext) return; StatusBarContextImpl oldActive = activeContext; contexts.Remove (ctx); UpdateActiveContext (); if (oldActive != activeContext) { // Removed the active context. Update the status bar. activeContext.Update (); } } internal void UpdateActiveContext () { for (int n = contexts.Count - 1; n >= 0; n--) { StatusBarContextImpl ctx = contexts [n]; if (ctx.StatusChanged) { if (ctx != activeContext) { activeContext = ctx; activeContext.Update (); } return; } } throw new InvalidOperationException (); // There must be at least the main context } public StatusBarContext CreateContext () { StatusBarContextImpl ctx = new StatusBarContextImpl (this); contexts.Add (ctx); return ctx; } public void ShowCaretState (int line, int column, int selectedChars, bool isInInsertMode) { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); string cursorText = selectedChars > 0 ? String.Format ("{0,3} : {1,-3} - {2}", line, column, selectedChars) : String.Format ("{0,3} : {1,-3}", line, column); if (cursorLabel.Text != cursorText) cursorLabel.Text = cursorText; string modeStatusText = isInInsertMode ? GettextCatalog.GetString ("INS") : GettextCatalog.GetString ("OVR"); if (modeLabel.Text != modeStatusText) modeLabel.Text = modeStatusText; } public void ClearCaretState () { if (cursorLabel.Text != "") cursorLabel.Text = ""; if (modeLabel.Text != "") modeLabel.Text = ""; } public void ShowReady () { ShowMessage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Ready")); } public void ShowError (string error) { ShowMessage (new Image (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Error, IconSize.Menu), error); } public void ShowWarning (string warning) { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); ShowMessage (new Gtk.Image (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning, IconSize.Menu), warning); } public void ShowMessage (string message) { ShowMessage (null, message, false); } public void ShowMessage (string message, bool isMarkup) { ShowMessage (null, message, isMarkup); } public void ShowMessage (Image image, string message) { ShowMessage (image, message, false); } string lastText = null; public void ShowMessage (Image image, string message, bool isMarkup) { if (message == lastText) return; sourcePad = null; lastText = message; DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); if (currentStatusImage != image) { if (currentStatusImage != null) messageBox.Remove (currentStatusImage); currentStatusImage = image; if (image != null) { image.SetPadding (0, 0); messageBox.PackStart (image, false, false, 3); messageBox.ReorderChild (image, 1); image.Show (); } } string txt = !String.IsNullOrEmpty (message) ? " " + message.Replace ("\n", " ") : ""; if (isMarkup) { statusLabel.Markup = txt; } else { statusLabel.Text = txt; } } public void SetMessageSourcePad (Pad pad) { sourcePad = pad; } public StatusBarIcon ShowStatusIcon (Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); StatusIcon icon = new StatusIcon (this, pixbuf); statusIconBox.PackEnd (icon.box); statusIconBox.ShowAll (); return icon; } void HideStatusIcon (StatusIcon icon) { statusIconBox.Remove (icon.EventBox); icon.EventBox.Destroy (); } #region Progress Monitor implementation public void BeginProgress (string name) { ShowMessage (name); this.progressBar.Visible = true; } public void BeginProgress (Image image, string name) { ShowMessage (image, name); this.progressBar.Visible = true; } public void SetProgressFraction (double work) { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); this.progressBar.Fraction = work; } public void EndProgress () { ShowMessage (""); this.progressBar.Fraction = 0.0; this.progressBar.Visible = false; AutoPulse = false; } public void Pulse () { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); this.progressBar.Visible = true; this.progressBar.Pulse (); } public bool AutoPulse { get { return autoPulseTimeoutId != 0; } set { DispatchService.AssertGuiThread (); if (value) { this.progressBar.Visible = true; if (autoPulseTimeoutId == 0) { autoPulseTimeoutId = GLib.Timeout.Add (100, delegate { this.progressBar.Pulse (); return true; }); } } else { if (autoPulseTimeoutId != 0) { GLib.Source.Remove (autoPulseTimeoutId); autoPulseTimeoutId = 0; } } } } #endregion public class StatusIcon : StatusBarIcon { MonoDevelopStatusBar statusBar; internal EventBox box; string tip; DateTime alertEnd; Gdk.Pixbuf icon; uint animation; Gtk.Image image; int astep; Gdk.Pixbuf[] images; public StatusIcon (MonoDevelopStatusBar statusBar, Gdk.Pixbuf icon) { this.statusBar = statusBar; this.icon = icon; box = new EventBox (); image = new Image (icon); image.SetPadding (0, 0); box.Child = image; } public void Dispose () { statusBar.HideStatusIcon (this); if (images != null) { foreach (Gdk.Pixbuf img in images) { img.Dispose (); } } if (animation != 0) { GLib.Source.Remove (animation); animation = 0; } } public string ToolTip { get { return tip; } set { box.TooltipText = tip = value; } } public EventBox EventBox { get { return box; } } public Gdk.Pixbuf Image { get { return icon; } set { icon = value; image.Pixbuf = icon; } } public void SetAlertMode (int seconds) { astep = 0; alertEnd = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (seconds); if (animation != 0) GLib.Source.Remove (animation); animation = GLib.Timeout.Add (60, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (AnimateIcon)); if (images == null) { images = new Gdk.Pixbuf [10]; for (int n=0; n<10; n++) images [n] = ImageService.MakeTransparent (icon, ((double)(9-n))/10.0); } } bool AnimateIcon () { if (DateTime.Now >= alertEnd && astep == 0) { image.Pixbuf = icon; animation = 0; return false; } if (astep < 10) image.Pixbuf = images [astep]; else image.Pixbuf = images [20 - astep - 1]; astep = (astep + 1) % 20; return true; } } Gdk.Rectangle GetGripRect () { Gdk.Rectangle rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (0, 0, 18, Allocation.Height); if (rect.Width > Allocation.Width) rect.Width = Allocation.Width; rect.Y = Allocation.Y + Allocation.Height - rect.Height; if (Direction == TextDirection.Ltr) rect.X = Allocation.X + Allocation.Width - rect.Width; else rect.X = Allocation.X + Style.XThickness; return rect; } protected override bool OnExposeEvent (Gdk.EventExpose evnt) { bool ret = base.OnExposeEvent (evnt); if (HasResizeGrip) { DefaultWorkbench wb = (DefaultWorkbench) IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; wb.DockFrame.ShadedContainer.DrawBackground (this, GetGripRect ()); Gdk.Rectangle rect = GetGripRect (); int w = rect.Width - Style.Xthickness; int h = Allocation.Height - Style.YThickness; if (h < 18 - Style.YThickness) h = 18 - Style.YThickness; Gdk.WindowEdge edge = Direction == TextDirection.Ltr ? Gdk.WindowEdge.SouthEast : Gdk.WindowEdge.SouthWest; Gtk.Style.PaintResizeGrip (Style, GdkWindow, State, evnt.Area, this, "statusbar", edge, rect.X, rect.Y, w, h); } return ret; } public void NotifyShadedAreasChanged () { if (AreasChanged != null) AreasChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } public IEnumerable GetShadedAreas () { if (HasResizeGrip) yield return GetGripRect (); } public event EventHandler AreasChanged; } /// /// The MonoDevelop status bar. /// public interface StatusBar: StatusBarContextBase { /// /// Show caret state information /// void ShowCaretState (int line, int column, int selectedChars, bool isInInsertMode); /// /// Hides the caret state information /// void ClearCaretState (); /// /// Shows a status icon in the toolbar. The icon can be removed by disposing /// the StatusBarIcon instance. /// StatusBarIcon ShowStatusIcon (Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf); /// /// Creates a status bar context. The returned context can be used to show status information /// which will be cleared when the context is disposed. When several contexts are created, /// the status bar will show the status of the latest created context. /// StatusBarContext CreateContext (); // Clears the status bar information void ShowReady (); /// /// Sets a pad which has detailed information about the status message. When clicking on the /// status bar, this pad will be activated. This source pad is reset at every ShowMessage call. /// void SetMessageSourcePad (Pad pad); /// /// When set to true, the resize grip is shown /// bool HasResizeGrip { get; set; } } public interface StatusBarContextBase: IDisposable { /// /// Shows a message with an error icon /// void ShowError (string error); /// /// Shows a message with a warning icon /// void ShowWarning (string warning); /// /// Shows a message in the status bar /// void ShowMessage (string message); /// /// Shows a message in the status bar /// void ShowMessage (string message, bool isMarkup); /// /// Shows a message in the status bar /// void ShowMessage (Image image, string message); /// /// Shows a progress bar, with the provided label next to it /// void BeginProgress (string name); /// /// Shows a progress bar, with the provided label and icon next to it /// void BeginProgress (Image image, string name); /// /// Sets the progress fraction. It can only be used after calling BeginProgress. /// void SetProgressFraction (double work); /// /// Hides the progress bar shown with BeginProgress /// void EndProgress (); /// /// Pulses the progress bar shown with BeginProgress /// void Pulse (); /// /// When set, the status bar progress will be automatically pulsed at short intervals /// bool AutoPulse { get; set; } } public interface StatusBarContext: StatusBarContextBase { Pad StatusSourcePad { get; set; } } public interface StatusBarIcon : IDisposable { /// /// Tooltip of the status icon /// string ToolTip { get; set; } /// /// Event box which can be used to subscribe mouse events on the icon /// EventBox EventBox { get; } /// /// The icon /// Gdk.Pixbuf Image { get; set; } /// /// Sets alert mode. The icon will flash for the provided number of seconds. /// void SetAlertMode (int seconds); } class StatusBarContextImpl: StatusBarContext { Image image; string message; bool isMarkup; double progressFraction; bool showProgress; Pad sourcePad; bool autoPulse; protected MonoDevelopStatusBar statusBar; internal bool StatusChanged { get; set; } internal StatusBarContextImpl (MonoDevelopStatusBar statusBar) { this.statusBar = statusBar; } public void Dispose () { statusBar.Remove (this); } public void ShowError (string error) { ShowMessage (new Image (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Error, IconSize.Menu), error); } public void ShowWarning (string warning) { ShowMessage (new Gtk.Image (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Stock.Warning, IconSize.Menu), warning); } public void ShowMessage (string message) { ShowMessage (null, message, false); } public void ShowMessage (string message, bool isMarkup) { ShowMessage (null, message, isMarkup); } public void ShowMessage (Image image, string message) { ShowMessage (image, message, false); } bool InitialSetup () { if (!StatusChanged) { StatusChanged = true; statusBar.UpdateActiveContext (); return true; } else return false; } public void ShowMessage (Image image, string message, bool isMarkup) { this.image = image; this.message = message; this.isMarkup = isMarkup; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) { OnMessageChanged (); statusBar.ShowMessage (image, message, isMarkup); statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (sourcePad); } } public void BeginProgress (string name) { image = null; isMarkup = false; progressFraction = 0; message = name; showProgress = true; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) { OnMessageChanged (); statusBar.BeginProgress (name); statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (sourcePad); } } public void BeginProgress (Image image, string name) { this.image = image; isMarkup = false; progressFraction = 0; message = name; showProgress = true; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) { OnMessageChanged (); statusBar.BeginProgress (name); statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (sourcePad); } } public void SetProgressFraction (double work) { progressFraction = work; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) statusBar.SetProgressFraction (work); } public void EndProgress () { showProgress = false; message = string.Empty; progressFraction = 0; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) statusBar.EndProgress (); } public void Pulse () { showProgress = true; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) statusBar.Pulse (); } public bool AutoPulse { get { return autoPulse; } set { if (value) showProgress = true; autoPulse = value; if (InitialSetup ()) return; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) statusBar.AutoPulse = value; } } internal void Update () { if (showProgress) { statusBar.BeginProgress (image, message); statusBar.SetProgressFraction (progressFraction); statusBar.AutoPulse = autoPulse; statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (sourcePad); } else { statusBar.EndProgress (); statusBar.ShowMessage (image, message, isMarkup); statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (sourcePad); } } public Pad StatusSourcePad { get { return sourcePad; } set { sourcePad = value; } } protected virtual void OnMessageChanged () { } } class MainStatusBarContextImpl: StatusBarContextImpl, StatusBar { public MainStatusBarContextImpl (MonoDevelopStatusBar statusBar): base (statusBar) { StatusChanged = true; } public void ShowCaretState (int line, int column, int selectedChars, bool isInInsertMode) { statusBar.ShowCaretState (line, column, selectedChars, isInInsertMode); } public void ClearCaretState () { statusBar.ClearCaretState (); } public StatusBarIcon ShowStatusIcon (Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf) { return statusBar.ShowStatusIcon (pixbuf); } public StatusBarContext CreateContext () { return statusBar.CreateContext (); } public void ShowReady () { statusBar.ShowReady (); } public void SetMessageSourcePad (Pad pad) { StatusSourcePad = pad; if (statusBar.IsCurrentContext (this)) statusBar.SetMessageSourcePad (pad); } protected override void OnMessageChanged () { StatusSourcePad = null; } public bool HasResizeGrip { get { return statusBar.HasResizeGrip; } set { statusBar.HasResizeGrip = value; statusBar.NotifyShadedAreasChanged (); } } } }