// SdiWorkspaceWindow.cs // // Author: // Mike Krüger // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // This file was derived from a file from #Develop 2.0 // // Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Mike Krüger // Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Gtk; using Mono.Addins; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Components; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands; using MonoDevelop.Components.Commands; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Extensions; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui { internal class SdiWorkspaceWindow : Frame, IWorkbenchWindow, ICommandDelegatorRouter { DefaultWorkbench workbench; IViewContent content; ExtensionContext extensionContext; FileTypeCondition fileTypeCondition = new FileTypeCondition (); List subViewContents = null; Notebook subViewNotebook = null; Tabstrip subViewToolbar = null; PathBar pathBar = null; HBox toolbarBox = null; VBox box; TabLabel tabLabel; Widget tabPage; Notebook tabControl; string myUntitledTitle = null; string _titleHolder = ""; string documentType; MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content.IPathedDocument pathDoc; bool show_notification = false; ViewCommandHandlers commandHandler; public SdiWorkspaceWindow (DefaultWorkbench workbench, IViewContent content, Notebook tabControl, TabLabel tabLabel) : base () { this.workbench = workbench; this.tabControl = tabControl; this.content = content; this.tabLabel = tabLabel; this.tabPage = content.Control; ShadowType = ShadowType.None; box = new VBox (); Add (box); box.PackStart (content.Control); fileTypeCondition.SetFileName (content.ContentName ?? content.UntitledName); extensionContext = AddinManager.CreateExtensionContext (); extensionContext.RegisterCondition ("FileType", fileTypeCondition); content.WorkbenchWindow = this; content.ContentNameChanged += new EventHandler(SetTitleEvent); content.DirtyChanged += new EventHandler(SetTitleEvent); content.BeforeSave += new EventHandler(BeforeSave); content.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); box.Show (); SetTitleEvent(null, null); commandHandler = new ViewCommandHandlers (this); Show (); } protected SdiWorkspaceWindow (IntPtr p): base (p) { } public Widget TabPage { get { return tabPage; } set { tabPage = value; } } internal TabLabel TabLabel { get { return tabLabel; } } Document document; public Document Document { get { return document; } set { document = value; OnDocumentChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public ExtensionContext ExtensionContext { get { return extensionContext; } } protected virtual void OnDocumentChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler handler = this.DocumentChanged; if (handler != null) handler (this, e); } public event EventHandler DocumentChanged; public bool ShowNotification { get { return show_notification; } set { if (show_notification != value) { show_notification = value; OnTitleChanged (null); } } } public string Title { get { //FIXME: This breaks, Why? --Todd //_titleHolder = tabControl.GetTabLabelText (tabPage); return _titleHolder; } set { _titleHolder = value; string fileName = content.ContentName; if (fileName == null) { fileName = content.UntitledName; } OnTitleChanged(null); } } public IEnumerable SubViewContents { get { return (IEnumerable)subViewContents ?? new IAttachableViewContent[0]; } } // caution use activeView with care !! IBaseViewContent activeView = null; public IBaseViewContent ActiveViewContent { get { if (activeView != null) return activeView; if (subViewToolbar != null && subViewToolbar.ActiveTab - 1 >= 0) { return (IBaseViewContent)subViewContents[subViewToolbar.ActiveTab - 1]; } return content; } set { this.activeView = value; this.OnActiveViewContentChanged (new ActiveViewContentEventArgs (value)); } } public void SwitchView (int viewNumber) { if (subViewNotebook != null) ShowPage (viewNumber); } public void SwitchView (IAttachableViewContent view) { if (subViewNotebook != null) // adding 1 because subviews start at the position 1 of the tab strip. Position 0 is // for the main view ShowPage (subViewContents.IndexOf (view) + 1); } public int FindView () { if (ViewContent is T) return 0; int i = 1; foreach (IAttachableViewContent item in SubViewContents) { if (item is T) return i; i++; } return -1; } public void SelectWindow() { if (this.Parent == null) return; int toSelect = tabControl.PageNum (this); tabControl.CurrentPage = toSelect; if (tabControl.FocusChild != null) { tabControl.FocusChild.GrabFocus (); } else { DeepGrabFocus (this.ActiveViewContent.Control); } } static void DeepGrabFocus (Gtk.Widget widget) { Widget first = null; foreach (var f in GetFocussableWidgets (widget)) { if (f.HasFocus) return; if (first == null) first = f; } if (first != null) { first.GrabFocus (); } } static IEnumerable GetFocussableWidgets (Gtk.Widget widget) { var c = widget as Container; if (widget.CanFocus) yield return widget; if (c != null) { foreach (var f in c.FocusChain.SelectMany (x => GetFocussableWidgets (x)).Where (y => y != null)) yield return f; } } void BeforeSave(object sender, EventArgs e) { IAttachableViewContent secondaryViewContent = ActiveViewContent as IAttachableViewContent; if (secondaryViewContent != null) { secondaryViewContent.BeforeSave (); } } public IViewContent ViewContent { get { return content; } set { content = value; } } public MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.ViewCommandHandlers CommandHandler { get { return commandHandler; } } public string DocumentType { get { return documentType; } set { documentType = value; } } public void SetTitleEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (content == null) return; string newTitle = ""; if (content.ContentName == null) { if (myUntitledTitle == null) { string baseName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(content.UntitledName); int number = 1; bool found = true; myUntitledTitle = baseName + System.IO.Path.GetExtension (content.UntitledName); while (found) { found = false; foreach (IViewContent windowContent in workbench.InternalViewContentCollection) { string title = windowContent.WorkbenchWindow.Title; if (title.EndsWith("*") || title.EndsWith("+")) { title = title.Substring(0, title.Length - 1); } if (title == myUntitledTitle) { myUntitledTitle = baseName + number + System.IO.Path.GetExtension (content.UntitledName); found = true; ++number; break; } } } } newTitle = myUntitledTitle; } else { newTitle = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(content.ContentName); } if (content.IsDirty) { newTitle += "*"; IdeApp.ProjectOperations.MarkFileDirty (content.ContentName); } else if (content.IsReadOnly) { newTitle += "+"; } if (newTitle != Title) { Title = newTitle; } } public void OnContentChanged (object o, EventArgs e) { if (subViewContents == null) return; foreach (IAttachableViewContent subContent in subViewContents) { subContent.BaseContentChanged (); } } public bool CloseWindow (bool force, bool fromMenu, int pageNum) { bool wasActive = workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindow == this; WorkbenchWindowEventArgs args = new WorkbenchWindowEventArgs (force, wasActive); args.Cancel = false; OnClosing (args); if (args.Cancel) return false; if (fromMenu == true) { workbench.RemoveTab (tabControl.PageNum(this)); } else { workbench.RemoveTab (pageNum); } OnClosed (args); if (subViewContents != null) { foreach (IAttachableViewContent sv in subViewContents) { sv.Dispose (); } } content.ContentNameChanged -= new EventHandler(SetTitleEvent); content.DirtyChanged -= new EventHandler(SetTitleEvent); content.BeforeSave -= new EventHandler(BeforeSave); content.ContentChanged -= new EventHandler (OnContentChanged); content.WorkbenchWindow = null; content.Dispose (); DetachFromPathedDocument (); Destroy (); return true; } #region lazy UI element creation void CheckCreateSubViewToolbar () { if (subViewToolbar != null) return; subViewToolbar = new Tabstrip (); subViewToolbar.Show (); CheckCreateToolbarBox (); toolbarBox.PackStart (subViewToolbar, true, true, 0); } void EnsureToolbarBoxSeparator () { /* The path bar is now shown at the top if (toolbarBox == null || subViewToolbar == null) return; if (separatorItem != null && pathBar == null) { subViewToolbar.Remove (separatorItem); separatorItem = null; } else if (separatorItem == null && pathBar != null) { separatorItem = new SeparatorToolItem (); subViewToolbar.PackStart (separatorItem, false, false, 0); } else if (separatorItem != null && pathBar != null) { Widget[] buttons = subViewToolbar.Children; if (separatorItem != buttons [buttons.Length - 1]) subViewToolbar.ReorderChild (separatorItem, buttons.Length - 1); } */ } void CheckCreateToolbarBox () { if (toolbarBox != null) return; toolbarBox = new HBox (false, 0); toolbarBox.Show (); box.PackEnd (toolbarBox, false, false, 0); } void CheckCreateSubViewContents () { if (subViewContents != null) return; subViewContents = new List (); box.Remove (this.ViewContent.Control); subViewNotebook = new Notebook (); subViewNotebook.TabPos = PositionType.Bottom; subViewNotebook.ShowTabs = false; subViewNotebook.ShowBorder = false; subViewNotebook.Show (); //add existing ViewContent AddButton (this.ViewContent.TabPageLabel, this.ViewContent); //pack them in a box box.PackStart (subViewNotebook, true, true, 1); box.ShowAll (); } #endregion public void AttachViewContent (IAttachableViewContent subViewContent) { // need to create child Notebook when first IAttachableViewContent is added CheckCreateSubViewContents (); subViewContents.Add (subViewContent); subViewContent.WorkbenchWindow = this; AddButton (subViewContent.TabPageLabel, subViewContent); OnContentChanged (null, null); } bool updating = false; protected Tab AddButton (string label, IBaseViewContent viewContent) { CheckCreateSubViewToolbar (); updating = true; Tab tab = new Tab (subViewToolbar, label); tab.Tag = subViewToolbar.TabCount; tab.Activated += (sender, e) => { SetCurrentView ((int)((Tab)sender).Tag); QueueDraw (); }; subViewToolbar.AddTab (tab); Gtk.VBox widgetBox = new Gtk.VBox (); widgetBox.Realized += delegate { widgetBox.Add (viewContent.Control); }; subViewNotebook.AppendPage (widgetBox, new Gtk.Label ()); widgetBox.ShowAll (); EnsureToolbarBoxSeparator (); updating = false; return tab; } #region Track and display document's "path" internal void AttachToPathedDocument (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content.IPathedDocument pathDoc) { if (this.pathDoc != pathDoc) DetachFromPathedDocument (); if (pathDoc == null) return; pathDoc.PathChanged += HandlePathChange; this.pathDoc = pathDoc; PathWidgetEnabled = true; pathBar.SetPath (pathDoc.CurrentPath); } internal void DetachFromPathedDocument () { if (pathDoc == null) return; PathWidgetEnabled = false; pathDoc.PathChanged -= HandlePathChange; pathDoc = null; } void HandlePathChange (object sender, MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content.DocumentPathChangedEventArgs args) { var pathDoc = (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content.IPathedDocument) sender; pathBar.SetPath (pathDoc.CurrentPath); // pathBar.SetActive (pathDoc.SelectedIndex); } bool PathWidgetEnabled { get { return (pathBar != null); } set { if (PathWidgetEnabled == value) return; if (value) { pathBar = new PathBar (pathDoc.CreatePathWidget); box.PackStart (pathBar, false, true, 0); box.ReorderChild (pathBar, 0); pathBar.Show (); } else { box.Remove (pathBar); pathBar.Destroy (); pathBar = null; } } } #endregion protected void ShowPage (int npage) { if (updating || npage < 0) return; updating = true; subViewToolbar.ActiveTab = npage; updating = false; } int oldIndex = -1; void SetCurrentView (int newIndex) { subViewNotebook.CurrentPage = newIndex; if (oldIndex > 0) { IAttachableViewContent secondaryViewContent = subViewContents[oldIndex - 1] as IAttachableViewContent; if (secondaryViewContent != null) { secondaryViewContent.Deselected(); } } if (subViewNotebook.CurrentPage > 0) { IAttachableViewContent secondaryViewContent = subViewContents[subViewNotebook.CurrentPage - 1] as IAttachableViewContent; if (secondaryViewContent != null) { secondaryViewContent.Selected(); } } oldIndex = subViewNotebook.CurrentPage; DetachFromPathedDocument (); MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content.IPathedDocument pathedDocument; if (oldIndex <= 0) { pathedDocument = Document != null ? Document.GetContent () : ViewContent.GetContent (); } else { pathedDocument = subViewContents[oldIndex - 1].GetContent (); } if (pathedDocument != null) AttachToPathedDocument (pathedDocument); OnActiveViewContentChanged (new ActiveViewContentEventArgs (this.ActiveViewContent)); } object ICommandDelegatorRouter.GetNextCommandTarget () { return Parent; } object ICommandDelegatorRouter.GetDelegatedCommandTarget () { Gtk.Widget w = content as Gtk.Widget; if (w != this.tabPage) { // Route commands to the view return ActiveViewContent; } else return null; } protected virtual void OnTitleChanged(EventArgs e) { fileTypeCondition.SetFileName (content.ContentName ?? content.UntitledName); if (show_notification) { tabLabel.Label.Markup = "" + Title + ""; tabLabel.Label.UseMarkup = true; } else { tabLabel.Label.Text = Title; tabLabel.Label.UseMarkup = false; } if (content.ContentName != null && content.ContentName != "") { tabLabel.SetTooltip (content.ContentName, content.ContentName); } try { if (content.StockIconId != null ) { tabLabel.Icon = new Gtk.Image ((IconId) content.StockIconId, IconSize.Menu ); } else if (content.ContentName != null && content.ContentName.IndexOfAny (new char[] { '*', '+'}) == -1) { tabLabel.Icon.Pixbuf = DesktopService.GetPixbufForFile (content.ContentName, Gtk.IconSize.Menu); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); tabLabel.Icon.Pixbuf = DesktopService.GetPixbufForType ("gnome-fs-regular", Gtk.IconSize.Menu); } if (TitleChanged != null) { TitleChanged(this, e); } } protected virtual void OnClosing (WorkbenchWindowEventArgs e) { if (Closing != null) { Closing (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnClosed (WorkbenchWindowEventArgs e) { if (Closed != null) { Closed (this, e); } } protected virtual void OnActiveViewContentChanged (ActiveViewContentEventArgs e) { if (ActiveViewContentChanged != null) ActiveViewContentChanged (this, e); } public event EventHandler TitleChanged; public event WorkbenchWindowEventHandler Closed; public event WorkbenchWindowEventHandler Closing; public event ActiveViewContentEventHandler ActiveViewContentChanged; } }