// // Workbench.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Threading; using MonoDevelop.Core.Execution; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Codons; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Dialogs; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Desktop; using Mono.Addins; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Core.StringParsing; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Navigation; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui { /// /// This is the basic interface to the workspace. /// public class Workbench { List documents = new List (); List pads; ProgressMonitorManager monitors = new ProgressMonitorManager (); DefaultWorkbench workbench; RecentOpen recentOpen = null; public event EventHandler ActiveDocumentChanged; public event EventHandler LayoutChanged; public event EventHandler GuiLocked; public event EventHandler GuiUnlocked; internal void Initialize (IProgressMonitor monitor) { monitor.BeginTask (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Initializing Main Window"), 4); try { Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Creating DefaultWorkbench"); workbench = new DefaultWorkbench (); monitor.Step (1); Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Initializing Workspace"); workbench.InitializeWorkspace(); monitor.Step (1); Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Initializing Layout"); workbench.InitializeLayout (); monitor.Step (1); ((Gtk.Window)workbench).Visible = false; workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindowChanged += new EventHandler (OnDocumentChanged); FileService.FileRemoved += (EventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new EventHandler (IdeApp.Workbench.RecentOpen.InformFileRemoved)); FileService.FileRenamed += (EventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new EventHandler (IdeApp.Workbench.RecentOpen.InformFileRenamed)); IdeApp.Workspace.StoringUserPreferences += OnStoringWorkspaceUserPreferences; IdeApp.Workspace.LoadingUserPreferences += OnLoadingWorkspaceUserPreferences; IdeApp.CommandService.ApplicationFocusOut += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { SaveFileStatus (); }; IdeApp.CommandService.ApplicationFocusIn += delegate(object o, EventArgs args) { CheckFileStatus (); }; pads = null; // Make sure we get an up to date pad list. monitor.Step (1); } finally { monitor.EndTask (); } } internal void Show (string workbenchMemento) { Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Realizing Root Window"); RootWindow.Realize (); Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Loading memento"); var memento = PropertyService.Get (workbenchMemento, new Properties ()); Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Setting memento"); workbench.Memento = memento; Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Making Visible"); RootWindow.Visible = true; workbench.CurrentLayout = "Default"; // now we have an layout set notify it Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Setting layout"); if (LayoutChanged != null) LayoutChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); Counters.Initialization.Trace ("Initializing monitors"); monitors.Initialize (); Present (); } internal bool Close () { return workbench.Close(); } public RecentOpen RecentOpen { get { if (recentOpen == null) recentOpen = new RecentOpen (); return recentOpen; } } public ReadOnlyCollection Documents { get { return documents.AsReadOnly (); } } public Document ActiveDocument { get { if (workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindow == null) return null; return WrapDocument (workbench.ActiveWorkbenchWindow); } } public Document GetDocument (string name) { foreach (Document doc in documents) { if (FileService.GetFullPath (doc.Name) == name) return doc; } return null; } public List Pads { get { if (pads == null) { pads = new List (); foreach (PadCodon pc in workbench.PadContentCollection) WrapPad (pc); } return pads; } } public WorkbenchWindow RootWindow { get { return workbench; } } /// /// Whether the root window or any undocked part of it has toplevel focus. /// public bool HasToplevelFocus { get { var toplevel = Gtk.Window.ListToplevels ().Where (x => x.HasToplevelFocus).FirstOrDefault (); if (toplevel == null) return false; if (toplevel == RootWindow) return true; //FIXME: don't depend on type name string var c = toplevel.Child; return c != null && c.GetType ().FullName.StartsWith ("MonoDevelop.Components.Docking"); } } public void Present () { //FIXME: Present is broken on Mac GTK+. It maximises the window. if (!PropertyService.IsMac) RootWindow.Present (); } public bool FullScreen { get { return workbench.FullScreen; } set { workbench.FullScreen = value; } } public string CurrentLayout { get { return workbench.CurrentLayout; } set { if (value != workbench.CurrentLayout) { workbench.CurrentLayout = value; if (LayoutChanged != null) LayoutChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } } } public IList Layouts { get { return workbench.Layouts; } } public ProgressMonitorManager ProgressMonitors { get { return monitors; } } public StatusBar StatusBar { get { return workbench.StatusBar.MainContext; } } public Pad GetPad () { foreach (Pad pad in Pads) if (typeof(T).IsInstanceOfType (pad.Content)) return pad; return null; } public void DeleteLayout (string name) { workbench.DeleteLayout (name); if (LayoutChanged != null) LayoutChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } public void LockGui () { IdeApp.CommandService.LockAll (); if (GuiLocked != null) GuiLocked (this, EventArgs.Empty); } public void UnlockGui () { IdeApp.CommandService.UnlockAll (); if (GuiUnlocked != null) GuiUnlocked (this, EventArgs.Empty); } public void SaveAll () { // Make a copy of the list, since it may change during save Document[] docs = new Document [Documents.Count]; Documents.CopyTo (docs, 0); foreach (Document doc in docs) doc.Save (); } public void CloseAllDocuments (bool leaveActiveDocumentOpen) { Document[] docs = new Document [Documents.Count]; Documents.CopyTo (docs, 0); // The active document is the last one to close. // It avoids firing too many ActiveDocumentChanged events. foreach (Document doc in docs) { if (doc != ActiveDocument) doc.Close (); } if (!leaveActiveDocumentOpen && ActiveDocument != null) ActiveDocument.Close (); } internal Pad ShowPad (PadCodon content) { workbench.ShowPad (content); return WrapPad (content); } internal Pad AddPad (PadCodon content) { workbench.AddPad (content); return WrapPad (content); } public Pad AddPad (IPadContent padContent, string id, string label, string defaultPlacement, IconId icon) { return AddPad (new PadCodon (padContent, id, label, defaultPlacement, icon)); } public Pad ShowPad (IPadContent padContent, string id, string label, string defaultPlacement, IconId icon) { return ShowPad (new PadCodon (padContent, id, label, defaultPlacement, icon)); } public FileViewer[] GetFileViewers (FilePath fileName) { List list = new List (); string mimeType = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeForUri (fileName); foreach (IDisplayBinding bin in DisplayBindingService.GetBindingsForMimeType (mimeType)) list.Add (new FileViewer (bin)); foreach (DesktopApplication app in DesktopService.GetAllApplications (mimeType)) if (app.IsValid && app.Command != "monodevelop") list.Add (new FileViewer (app)); return list.ToArray (); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName) { return OpenDocument (fileName, true); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, string encoding) { return OpenDocument (fileName, -1, -1, true, encoding, null); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, bool bringToFront) { return OpenDocument (fileName, -1, -1, bringToFront); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront) { return OpenDocument (fileName, line, column, bringToFront, null, null); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront, bool highlightCaretLine) { return OpenDocument (fileName, line, column, bringToFront, null, null, highlightCaretLine); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront, string encoding) { return OpenDocument (fileName, line, column, bringToFront, encoding, null); } public Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront, string encoding, bool highlightCaretLine) { return OpenDocument (fileName, line, column, bringToFront, encoding, null, highlightCaretLine); } internal Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront, string encoding, IDisplayBinding binding) { return OpenDocument (fileName, line, column, bringToFront, encoding, binding, true); } internal Document OpenDocument (FilePath fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront, string encoding, IDisplayBinding binding, bool highlightCaretLine) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (fileName)) return null; using (Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.BeginTiming ("Opening file " + fileName)) { NavigationHistoryService.LogActiveDocument (); Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Look for open document"); foreach (Document doc in Documents) { IBaseViewContent vcFound = null; int vcIndex = 0; //search all ViewContents to see if they can "re-use" this filename if (doc.Window.ViewContent.CanReuseView (fileName)) vcFound = doc.Window.ViewContent; //old method as fallback if ((vcFound == null) && (doc.FileName == fileName)) vcFound = doc.Window.ViewContent; //if found, select window and jump to line if (vcFound != null) { if (bringToFront) { doc.Select (); doc.Window.SwitchView (vcIndex); Present (); } IEditableTextBuffer ipos = (IEditableTextBuffer) vcFound.GetContent (typeof(IEditableTextBuffer)); if (line >= 1 && ipos != null) { ipos.SetCaretTo (line, column >= 1 ? column : 1, highlightCaretLine); } NavigationHistoryService.LogActiveDocument (); return doc; } } Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Initializing monitor"); IProgressMonitor pm = ProgressMonitors.GetStatusProgressMonitor (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Opening {0}", fileName), Stock.OpenFileIcon, true); var openFileInfo = new FileOpenInformation () { ProgressMonitor = pm, FileName = fileName, BringToFront = bringToFront, Line = line, Column = column, DisplayBinding = binding, Encoding = encoding, HighlightCaretLine = highlightCaretLine, }; RealOpenFile (openFileInfo); if (!pm.AsyncOperation.Success) return null; if (openFileInfo.NewContent != null) { Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Wrapping document"); Document doc = WrapDocument (openFileInfo.NewContent.WorkbenchWindow); if (bringToFront) Present (); return doc; } else { return null; } } } public Document OpenDocument (IViewContent content, bool bringToFront) { workbench.ShowView (content, bringToFront); if (bringToFront) Present (); return WrapDocument (content.WorkbenchWindow); } public void ToggleMaximize () { workbench.ToggleFullViewMode (); } public Document NewDocument (string defaultName, string mimeType, string content) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (content); ms.Write (data, 0, data.Length); ms.Position = 0; return NewDocument (defaultName, mimeType, ms); } public Document NewDocument (string defaultName, string mimeType, Stream content) { IDisplayBinding binding = DisplayBindingService.GetDefaultBinding (null, mimeType); IViewContent newContent; if (binding != null) { try { newContent = binding.CreateContentForMimeType (mimeType, content); } finally { content.Close (); } if (newContent == null) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("Created view content was null{3}DefaultName:{0}{3}MimeType:{1}{3}Content:{2}", defaultName, mimeType, content, Environment.NewLine)); } newContent.UntitledName = defaultName; newContent.IsDirty = true; workbench.ShowView(newContent, true); DisplayBindingService.AttachSubWindows (newContent.WorkbenchWindow); } else { throw new ApplicationException("Can't create display binding for mime type: " + mimeType); } return WrapDocument (newContent.WorkbenchWindow); } public void ShowGlobalPreferencesDialog (Gtk.Window parentWindow) { ShowGlobalPreferencesDialog (parentWindow, null); } public void ShowGlobalPreferencesDialog (Gtk.Window parentWindow, string panelId) { if (parentWindow == null) parentWindow = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; OptionsDialog ops = new OptionsDialog ( parentWindow, TextEditorProperties.Properties, "/MonoDevelop/Ide/GlobalOptionsDialog"); try { if (panelId != null) ops.SelectPanel (panelId); if (MessageService.RunCustomDialog (ops, parentWindow) == (int) Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { PropertyService.SaveProperties (); } } finally { ops.Destroy (); } } public void ShowDefaultPoliciesDialog (Gtk.Window parentWindow) { ShowDefaultPoliciesDialog (parentWindow, null); } public void ShowDefaultPoliciesDialog (Gtk.Window parentWindow, string panelId) { if (parentWindow == null) parentWindow = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; var ops = new DefaultPolicyOptionsDialog (parentWindow); try { if (panelId != null) ops.SelectPanel (panelId); if (MessageService.RunCustomDialog (ops, parentWindow) == (int) Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { MonoDevelop.Projects.Policies.PolicyService.SaveDefaultPolicies (); } } finally { ops.Destroy (); } } public StringTagModelDescription GetStringTagModelDescription () { StringTagModelDescription model = new StringTagModelDescription (); model.Add (typeof (Project)); model.Add (typeof (Solution)); model.Add (typeof (DotNetProjectConfiguration)); model.Add (typeof (Workbench)); return model; } public StringTagModel GetStringTagModel () { StringTagModel source = new StringTagModel (); source.Add (this); if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolutionItem != null) source.Add (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedSolutionItem.GetStringTagModel (IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration)); else if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedWorkspaceItem != null) source.Add (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedWorkspaceItem.GetStringTagModel ()); return source; } internal void ShowNext () { // Shows the next item in a pad that implements ILocationListPad. if (activeLocationList != null) { NavigationPoint next = activeLocationList.GetNextLocation (); if (next != null) next.Show (); } } internal void ShowPrevious () { // Shows the previous item in a pad that implements ILocationListPad. if (activeLocationList != null) { NavigationPoint next = activeLocationList.GetPreviousLocation (); if (next != null) next.Show (); } } ILocationList activeLocationList; public ILocationList ActiveLocationList { get { return activeLocationList; } set { activeLocationList = value; } } void OnDocumentChanged (object s, EventArgs a) { if (ActiveDocumentChanged != null) ActiveDocumentChanged (s, a); if (ActiveDocument != null) ActiveDocument.LastTimeActive = DateTime.Now; } internal Document WrapDocument (IWorkbenchWindow window) { if (window == null) return null; Document doc = FindDocument (window); if (doc != null) return doc; doc = new Document (window); window.Closing += OnWindowClosing; window.Closed += OnWindowClosed; documents.Add (doc); doc.OnDocumentAttached (); return doc; } Pad WrapPad (PadCodon padContent) { if (pads == null) { foreach (Pad p in Pads) { if (p.InternalContent == padContent) return p; } } Pad pad = new Pad (workbench, padContent); Pads.Add (pad); pad.Window.PadDestroyed += delegate { Pads.Remove (pad); }; return pad; } void OnWindowClosing (object sender, WorkbenchWindowEventArgs args) { IWorkbenchWindow window = (IWorkbenchWindow) sender; if (!args.Forced && window.ViewContent != null && window.ViewContent.IsDirty) { AlertButton result = MessageService.GenericAlert (Stock.Warning, GettextCatalog.GetString ("Save the changes to document '{0}' before closing?", window.ViewContent.IsUntitled ? window.ViewContent.UntitledName : System.IO.Path.GetFileName (window.ViewContent.ContentName)), GettextCatalog.GetString ("If you don't save, all changes will be permanently lost."), AlertButton.CloseWithoutSave, AlertButton.Cancel, window.ViewContent.IsUntitled ? AlertButton.SaveAs : AlertButton.Save); if (result == AlertButton.Save || result == AlertButton.SaveAs) { if (window.ViewContent.ContentName == null) { FindDocument (window).Save (); args.Cancel = window.ViewContent.IsDirty; } else { try { if (window.ViewContent.IsFile) window.ViewContent.Save (window.ViewContent.ContentName); else window.ViewContent.Save (); } catch (Exception ex) { args.Cancel = true; MessageService.ShowException (ex, GettextCatalog.GetString ("The document could not be saved.")); } } } else { args.Cancel = result != AlertButton.CloseWithoutSave; } } } void OnWindowClosed (object sender, WorkbenchWindowEventArgs args) { IWorkbenchWindow window = (IWorkbenchWindow) sender; window.Closing -= OnWindowClosing; window.Closed -= OnWindowClosed; documents.Remove (FindDocument (window)); } void RealOpenFile (FileOpenInformation openFileInfo) { FilePath fileName; IProgressMonitor monitor = openFileInfo.ProgressMonitor; using (monitor) { Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Checking file"); string origName = openFileInfo.FileName; if (origName == null) { monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid file name"), null); return; } if (origName.StartsWith ("file://")) fileName = new Uri (origName).LocalPath; else fileName = origName; if (!origName.StartsWith ("http://")) fileName = fileName.FullPath; //Debug.Assert(FileService.IsValidPath(fileName)); if (FileService.IsDirectory (fileName)) { monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("{0} is a directory", fileName), null); return; } // test, if file fileName exists if (!origName.StartsWith("http://")) { // test, if an untitled file should be opened if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(origName)) { foreach (Document doc in Documents) { if (doc.Window.ViewContent.IsUntitled && doc.Window.ViewContent.UntitledName == origName) { doc.Select (); openFileInfo.NewContent = doc.Window.ViewContent; return; } } } if (!File.Exists (fileName)) { monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File not found: {0}", fileName), null); return; } } foreach (Document doc in Documents) { if (doc.FileName == fileName) { if (openFileInfo.BringToFront) { doc.Select (); IEditableTextBuffer ipos = doc.GetContent (); if (openFileInfo.Line != -1 && ipos != null) { ipos.SetCaretTo (openFileInfo.Line, openFileInfo.Column != -1 ? openFileInfo.Column : 0, openFileInfo.HighlightCaretLine); } } openFileInfo.NewContent = doc.Window.ViewContent; return; } } Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Looking for binding"); IDisplayBinding binding; if (openFileInfo.DisplayBinding != null) { binding = openFileInfo.DisplayBinding; } else { binding = DisplayBindingService.GetDefaultBinding (fileName, DesktopService.GetMimeTypeForUri (fileName)); } if (binding != null) { // When looking for the project to which the file belongs, look first // in the active project, then the active solution, and so on Project project = null; if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject != null) { if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject.Files.GetFile (fileName) != null) project = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedProject; } if (project == null && IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedWorkspaceItem != null) { project = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedWorkspaceItem.GetProjectContainingFile (fileName); if (project == null) { WorkspaceItem it = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CurrentSelectedWorkspaceItem.ParentWorkspace; while (it != null && project == null) { project = it.GetProjectContainingFile (fileName); it = it.ParentWorkspace; } } } if (project == null) { project = IdeApp.Workspace.GetProjectContainingFile (fileName); } LoadFileWrapper fw = new LoadFileWrapper (workbench, binding, project, openFileInfo); fw.Invoke (fileName); Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Adding to recent files"); RecentOpen.AddLastFile (fileName, project != null ? project.Name : null); } else { try { Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Showing in browser"); // FIXME: this doesn't seem finished yet in Gtk# //MimeType mimetype = new MimeType (new Uri ("file://" + fileName)); //if (mimetype != null) { // mimetype.DefaultAction.Launch (); //} else { DesktopService.ShowUrl ("file://" + fileName); //} } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError ("Error opening file: " + fileName, ex); MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("File '{0}' could not be opened", fileName)); } } } } void OnStoringWorkspaceUserPreferences (object s, UserPreferencesEventArgs args) { WorkbenchUserPrefs prefs = new WorkbenchUserPrefs (); foreach (Document document in Documents) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (document.FileName)) { DocumentUserPrefs dp = new DocumentUserPrefs (); dp.FileName = FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (args.Item.BaseDirectory, document.FileName); if (document.TextEditor != null) { dp.Line = document.TextEditor.CursorLine; dp.Column = document.TextEditor.CursorColumn; } prefs.Files.Add (dp); } } foreach (Pad pad in Pads) { IMementoCapable mc = pad.GetMementoCapable (); if (mc != null) { ICustomXmlSerializer mem = mc.Memento; if (mem != null) { PadUserPrefs data = new PadUserPrefs (); data.Id = pad.Id; StringWriter w = new StringWriter (); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter (w); mem.WriteTo (tw); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.LoadXml (w.ToString ()); data.State = doc.DocumentElement; prefs.Pads.Add (data); } } } if (ActiveDocument != null) prefs.ActiveDocument = FileService.AbsoluteToRelativePath (args.Item.BaseDirectory, ActiveDocument.FileName); args.Properties.SetValue ("MonoDevelop.Ide.Workbench", prefs); } void OnLoadingWorkspaceUserPreferences (object s, UserPreferencesEventArgs args) { WorkbenchUserPrefs prefs = args.Properties.GetValue ("MonoDevelop.Ide.Workbench"); if (prefs == null) return; string currentFileName = prefs.ActiveDocument != null ? Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (args.Item.BaseDirectory, prefs.ActiveDocument)) : null; foreach (DocumentUserPrefs doc in prefs.Files) { FilePath fileName = args.Item.BaseDirectory.Combine (doc.FileName).FullPath; if (File.Exists (fileName)) IdeApp.Workbench.OpenDocument (fileName, doc.Line, doc.Column, fileName == currentFileName, null, null, false); } foreach (PadUserPrefs pi in prefs.Pads) { foreach (Pad pad in IdeApp.Workbench.Pads) { if (pi.Id == pad.Id && pad.Content is IMementoCapable) { try { string xml = pi.State.OuterXml; IMementoCapable m = (IMementoCapable) pad.Content; XmlReader innerReader = new XmlTextReader (new StringReader (xml)); innerReader.MoveToContent (); ICustomXmlSerializer cs = (ICustomXmlSerializer)m.Memento; if (cs != null) m.Memento = cs.ReadFrom (innerReader); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError ("Error loading view memento.", ex); } break; } } } } internal Document FindDocument (IWorkbenchWindow window) { foreach (Document doc in Documents) if (doc.Window == window) return doc; return null; } internal Pad FindPad (IPadContent padContent) { foreach (Pad pad in Pads) if (pad.Content == padContent) return pad; return null; } internal void ReorderDocuments (int oldPlacement, int newPlacement) { IViewContent content = workbench.InternalViewContentCollection[oldPlacement]; workbench.InternalViewContentCollection.RemoveAt (oldPlacement); workbench.InternalViewContentCollection.Insert (newPlacement, content); Document doc = documents [oldPlacement]; documents.RemoveAt (oldPlacement); documents.Insert (newPlacement, doc); } internal void ResetToolbars () { workbench.ResetToolbars (); } List fileStatus; object fileStatusLock = new object (); internal void SaveFileStatus () { fileStatus = new List (); // DateTime t = DateTime.Now; List files = new List (GetKnownFiles ()); // Console.WriteLine ("SaveFileStatus(0) " + (DateTime.Now - t).TotalMilliseconds + "ms " + files.Count); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { // t = DateTime.Now; lock (fileStatusLock) { foreach (FilePath file in files) { try { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (file); FileData fd = new FileData (file, fi.Exists ? fi.LastWriteTime : DateTime.MinValue); fileStatus.Add (fd); } catch { // Ignore } } } // Console.WriteLine ("SaveFileStatus " + (DateTime.Now - t).TotalMilliseconds + "ms " + fileStatus.Count); }); } internal void CheckFileStatus () { if (fileStatus == null) return; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { lock (fileStatusLock) { // DateTime t = DateTime.Now; if (fileStatus == null) return; foreach (FileData fd in fileStatus) { try { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo (fd.File); if (fi.Exists) { if (fi.LastWriteTime != fd.Time) FileService.NotifyFileChanged (fd.File); } else if (fd.Time != DateTime.MinValue) { FileService.NotifyFileRemoved (fd.File); } } catch { // Ignore } } // Console.WriteLine ("CheckFileStatus " + (DateTime.Now - t).TotalMilliseconds + "ms " + fileStatus.Count); fileStatus = null; } }); } IEnumerable GetKnownFiles () { foreach (WorkspaceItem item in IdeApp.Workspace.Items) { foreach (FilePath file in item.GetItemFiles (true)) yield return file; } } struct FileData { public FileData (FilePath file, DateTime time) { this.File = file; this.Time = time; } public FilePath File; public DateTime Time; } } public class FileOpenInformation { public IProgressMonitor ProgressMonitor { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public bool BringToFront { get; set; } public int Line { get; set; } public int Column { get; set; } public IDisplayBinding DisplayBinding { get; set; } public IViewContent NewContent { get; set; } public string Encoding { get; set; } public bool HighlightCaretLine { get; set; } public FileOpenInformation () { } public FileOpenInformation (string fileName, int line, int column, bool bringToFront) { this.FileName = fileName; this.Line = line; this.Column = column; this.BringToFront = bringToFront; } } class LoadFileWrapper { IDisplayBinding binding; Project project; FileOpenInformation fileInfo; DefaultWorkbench workbench; IViewContent newContent; public LoadFileWrapper (DefaultWorkbench workbench, IDisplayBinding binding, FileOpenInformation fileInfo) { this.workbench = workbench; this.fileInfo = fileInfo; this.binding = binding; } public LoadFileWrapper (DefaultWorkbench workbench, IDisplayBinding binding, Project project, FileOpenInformation fileInfo) : this (workbench, binding, fileInfo) { this.project = project; } public void Invoke (string fileName) { try { Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Creating content"); if (binding.CanCreateContentForUri (fileName)) { newContent = binding.CreateContentForUri (fileName); } else { string mimeType = DesktopService.GetMimeTypeForUri (fileName); if (!binding.CanCreateContentForMimeType (mimeType)) { fileInfo.ProgressMonitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The file '{0}' could not be opened.", fileName), null); return; } newContent = binding.CreateContentForMimeType (mimeType, null); } if (newContent == null) { fileInfo.ProgressMonitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The file '{0}' could not be opened.", fileName), null); return; } if (project != null) newContent.Project = project; Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Loading file"); IEncodedTextContent etc = (IEncodedTextContent) newContent.GetContent (typeof(IEncodedTextContent)); if (fileInfo.Encoding != null && etc != null) etc.Load (fileName, fileInfo.Encoding); else newContent.Load (fileName); } catch (Exception ex) { fileInfo.ProgressMonitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("The file '{0}' could not be opened.", fileName), ex); return; } // content got re-used if (newContent.WorkbenchWindow != null) { newContent.WorkbenchWindow.SelectWindow (); fileInfo.NewContent = newContent; return; } Counters.OpenDocumentTimer.Trace ("Showing view"); workbench.ShowView (newContent, fileInfo.BringToFront); DisplayBindingService.AttachSubWindows (newContent.WorkbenchWindow); newContent.WorkbenchWindow.DocumentType = binding.Name; IEditableTextBuffer ipos = (IEditableTextBuffer) newContent.GetContent (typeof(IEditableTextBuffer)); if (fileInfo.Line != -1 && ipos != null) { GLib.Timeout.Add (10, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (JumpToLine)); } fileInfo.NewContent = newContent; } public bool JumpToLine () { IEditableTextBuffer ipos = (IEditableTextBuffer) newContent.GetContent (typeof(IEditableTextBuffer)); ipos.SetCaretTo (Math.Max(1, fileInfo.Line), Math.Max(1, fileInfo.Column), fileInfo.HighlightCaretLine); return false; } } }