// // NavigationHistoryService.cs // // Author: // Michael Hutchinson // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Content; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Ide.TextEditing; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.Navigation { public static class NavigationHistoryService { static HistoryList history = new HistoryList (); static Stack> closedHistory = new Stack> (); //used to prevent re-logging the current point during a switch static bool switching; //whethor the current node is transient. Prevents excession automatic logging when switching rapidly between //documents static bool currentIsTransient; //the amount of time until a "transient" current node bevomes "permanent" static uint TRANSIENT_TIMEOUT = 10000; //ms static Document currentDoc; static NavigationHistoryService () { IdeApp.Workspace.LastWorkspaceItemClosed += delegate { history.Clear (); closedHistory.Clear (); OnHistoryChanged (); }; IdeApp.Workbench.DocumentClosing += delegate(object sender, DocumentEventArgs e) { NavigationPoint point = GetNavPointForDoc (e.Document); if (point == null) return; closedHistory.Push (new Tuple (point, IdeApp.Workbench.Documents.IndexOf (e.Document))); OnClosedHistoryChanged (); }; //keep nav points up to date TextEditorService.LineCountChanged += LineCountChanged; TextEditorService.LineCountChangesCommitted += CommitCountChanges; TextEditorService.LineCountChangesReset += ResetCountChanges; IdeApp.Workspace.FileRenamedInProject += FileRenamed; IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += ActiveDocChanged; } public static void LogActiveDocument () { LogActiveDocument (false); } public static void LogActiveDocument (bool transient) { if (switching) return; NavigationPoint point = GetNavPointForActiveDoc (); if (point == null) return; NavigationHistoryItem item = new NavigationHistoryItem (point); //if the current node's transient but has been around for a while, consider making it permanent if (Current == null || (currentIsTransient && DateTime.Now.Subtract (Current.Created).TotalMilliseconds > TRANSIENT_TIMEOUT)) { currentIsTransient = false; } //if the current point's transient, always replace it if (currentIsTransient) { //collapse down possible extra point in history NavigationHistoryItem backOne = history[-1]; if (backOne != null && point.ShouldReplace (backOne.NavigationPoint)) { // The new node is the same as the last permanent, so we can discard it history.RemoveCurrent (); currentIsTransient = false; item.Dispose (); } else { currentIsTransient = transient; history.ReplaceCurrent (item); } } //if the new point wants to replace the old one, let it else if (Current != null && !transient && point.ShouldReplace (Current.NavigationPoint)) { history.ReplaceCurrent (item); //but in this case, the point should not be transient -- unless the old point was, //but that's handled earlier currentIsTransient = false; } //final choice: append the the node //BUT only if the existing current node would not want to replace the new node else if (Current == null || !Current.NavigationPoint.ShouldReplace (point)) { history.AddPoint (item); currentIsTransient = transient; } else point.Dispose (); OnHistoryChanged (); } static NavigationPoint GetNavPointForActiveDoc () { return GetNavPointForDoc (IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument); } static NavigationPoint GetNavPointForDoc (Document doc) { if (doc == null) return null; NavigationPoint point = null; INavigable navigable = doc.GetContent (); if (navigable != null) { point = navigable.BuildNavigationPoint (); if (point != null) return point; } var editBuf = doc.Editor; if (editBuf != null) { point = new TextFileNavigationPoint (doc, editBuf); if (point != null) return point; } return new DocumentNavigationPoint (doc); } #region Navigation public static bool CanMoveForward { get { return history.CanMoveForward; } } public static bool CanMoveBack { get { return history.CanMoveBack; } } public static void MoveForward () { LogActiveDocument (); if (history.CanMoveForward) { history.MoveForward (); SwitchToCurrent (); OnHistoryChanged (); } } public static void MoveBack () { // Log current point before moving back, to make sure a MoveForward will return to the same position LogActiveDocument (); if (history.CanMoveBack) { history.MoveBack (); SwitchToCurrent (); OnHistoryChanged (); } } public static void MoveTo (NavigationHistoryItem item) { history.MoveTo (item); SwitchToCurrent (); OnHistoryChanged (); } static void SwitchToCurrent () { currentIsTransient = false; switching = true; if (history.Current != null) history.Current.Show (); switching = false; } #endregion #region Closed Document List public static bool HasClosedDocuments { get { return closedHistory.Count != 0; } } public static void OpenLastClosedDocument () { if (HasClosedDocuments) { var tuple = closedHistory.Pop (); var doc = tuple.Item1.ShowDocument (); IdeApp.Workbench.ReorderTab (IdeApp.Workbench.Documents.IndexOf (doc), tuple.Item2); } } #endregion public static IList GetNavigationList (int desiredLength) { return history.GetList (desiredLength); } public static IList GetNavigationList (int desiredLength, out int currentIndex) { return history.GetList (desiredLength, out currentIndex); } public static NavigationHistoryItem Current { get { return history.Current; } } public static bool IsCurrent (NavigationHistoryItem point) { return history.IsCurrent (point); } public static void Clear () { history.Clear (); LogActiveDocument (); } public static event EventHandler HistoryChanged; public static event EventHandler ClosedHistoryChanged; static void OnHistoryChanged () { if (HistoryChanged != null) HistoryChanged (null, EventArgs.Empty); } static void OnClosedHistoryChanged () { if (ClosedHistoryChanged != null) ClosedHistoryChanged (null, EventArgs.Empty); } #region Handling active doc change events static void ActiveDocChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { LogActiveDocument (true); AttachToDoc (IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument); } static void AttachToDoc (Document document) { DetachFromCurrentDoc (); if (document == null) return; currentDoc = document; currentDoc.Closed += HandleCurrentDocClosed; if (currentDoc.Editor != null) { currentDoc.Editor.TextChanged += BufferTextChanged; currentDoc.Editor.CaretPositionChanged += BufferCaretPositionChanged; } } static void HandleCurrentDocClosed (object sender, EventArgs e) { DetachFromCurrentDoc (); } static void DetachFromCurrentDoc () { if (currentDoc == null) return; currentDoc.Closed -= HandleCurrentDocClosed; if (currentDoc.Editor != null) { currentDoc.Editor.TextChanged -= BufferTextChanged; currentDoc.Editor.CaretPositionChanged -= BufferCaretPositionChanged; } currentDoc = null; } static void BufferCaretPositionChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { LogActiveDocument (true); } static void BufferTextChanged (object sender, EventArgs args) { LogActiveDocument (); } #endregion #region Text file line number and snippet updating static void LineCountChanged (object sender, LineCountEventArgs args) { // MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile textFile = (MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile) sender; } static void CommitCountChanges (object sender, TextFileEventArgs args) { // MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile textFile = (MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile) sender; } static void ResetCountChanges (object sender, TextFileEventArgs args) { // MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile textFile = (MonoDevelop.Projects.Text.ITextFile) sender; } static void FileRenamed (object sender, ProjectFileRenamedEventArgs e) { bool historyChanged = false; bool closedHistoryChanged = false; foreach (ProjectFileRenamedEventInfo args in e) { foreach (NavigationHistoryItem point in history) { DocumentNavigationPoint dp = point.NavigationPoint as DocumentNavigationPoint; historyChanged &= (dp != null && dp.HandleRenameEvent (args.OldName, args.NewName)); } foreach (NavigationHistoryItem point in history) { DocumentNavigationPoint cdp = point.NavigationPoint as DocumentNavigationPoint; closedHistoryChanged &= (cdp != null && cdp.HandleRenameEvent (args.OldName, args.NewName)); } } if (historyChanged) OnHistoryChanged (); if (closedHistoryChanged) OnClosedHistoryChanged (); } #endregion } }