// // ConfirmProjectDeleteDialog.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using Gtk; using MonoDevelop.Components; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects { partial class ConfirmProjectDeleteDialog : Gtk.Dialog { TreeStore store; IWorkspaceFileObject item; Dictionary paths = new Dictionary (); enum ChildInfo { None = 0, AllSelected = 1, SomeSelected = 2, HasProjectFiles = 4 } static IList knownExtensions = new string [] { ".pidb", ".userprefs", ".usertasks" }; static IList knownSubdirs = new string [] { "bin" }; public ConfirmProjectDeleteDialog (IWorkspaceFileObject item) { this.Build (); this.item = item; store = new TreeStore (typeof(bool), typeof(Xwt.Drawing.Image), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); fileList.Model = store; TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn (); CellRendererToggle crt = new CellRendererToggle (); crt.Toggled += CrtToggled; col.PackStart (crt, false); col.AddAttribute (crt, "active", 0); CellRendererImage crp = new CellRendererImage (); col.PackStart (crp, false); col.AddAttribute (crp, "image", 1); CellRendererText cre = new CellRendererText (); col.PackStart (cre, true); col.AddAttribute (cre, "text", 2); col.AddAttribute (cre, "foreground", 4); fileList.AppendColumn (col); store.SetSortColumnId (2, SortType.Ascending); labelProjectDir.Text = item.BaseDirectory.FullPath; HashSet itemFiles = new HashSet (); HashSet knownPaths = new HashSet (); foreach (FilePath file in item.GetItemFiles (true)) { itemFiles.Add (file.FullPath); knownPaths.Add (file.FullPath + "~"); } foreach (string ext in knownExtensions) knownPaths.Add (item.FileName.ChangeExtension (ext)); FillDirRec (TreeIter.Zero, item, itemFiles, knownPaths, item.BaseDirectory, false); if (item.BaseDirectory != item.ItemDirectory) { // If the project has a custom base directory, make sure the project files // from the item directory are shown in the list foreach (FilePath f in item.GetItemFiles (false)) { if (!f.IsChildPathOf (item.BaseDirectory)) { var pix = DesktopService.GetIconForFile (f, IconSize.Menu); paths [f] = store.AppendValues (true, pix, f.FileName, f.ToString ()); } } } if (item is SolutionItem) { var sol = ((SolutionItem)item).ParentSolution; var bdir = item.BaseDirectory; if (sol.GetItemFiles (false).Any (f => f.IsChildPathOf (bdir)) || sol.GetAllSolutionItems ().Any (it => it != item && it.GetItemFiles (true).Any (f => f.IsChildPathOf (bdir)))) { radioDeleteAll.Sensitive = false; labelProjectDir.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Project directory can't be deleted since it contains files from other projects or solutions"); } } if (item.BaseDirectory.FileName == item.Name && radioDeleteAll.Sensitive) { radioDeleteAll.Active = true; fileList.Sensitive = false; } else { radioDeleteSel.Active = true; Focus = radioDeleteSel; } } public List GetFilesToDelete () { List files = new List (); if (radioDeleteAll.Active) { files.Add (item.BaseDirectory); if (item.BaseDirectory != item.ItemDirectory) { foreach (FilePath f in item.GetItemFiles (false)) { if (!f.IsChildPathOf (item.BaseDirectory)) files.Add (f); } } return files; } foreach (Gtk.TreeIter it in paths.Values) { if ((bool) store.GetValue (it, 0)) files.Add ((string) store.GetValue (it, 3)); } // If a directory is selected, remove all files of that directory, // since the dir will be deleted as a whole List cleaned = new List (files); foreach (FilePath path in files) { if (Directory.Exists (path)) { for (int n=0; n itemFiles, HashSet knownPaths, FilePath dir, bool forceSet) { ChildInfo cinfo = ChildInfo.AllSelected; bool hasChildren = false; foreach (string sd in knownSubdirs) { if (dir == item.BaseDirectory.Combine (sd)) { forceSet = true; break; } } TreeIter dit; if (!iter.Equals (TreeIter.Zero)) { dit = store.AppendValues (iter, false, DesktopService.GetIconForFile (dir, IconSize.Menu), dir.FileName.ToString (), dir.ToString ()); fileList.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (iter), false); } else dit = store.AppendValues (false, DesktopService.GetIconForFile (dir, IconSize.Menu), dir.FileName.ToString (), dir.ToString ()); paths [dir] = dit; foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles (dir)) { string path = System.IO.Path.GetFileName (file); var pix = DesktopService.GetIconForFile (file, IconSize.Menu); bool active = itemFiles.Contains (file); string color = null; if (!active) { pix = pix.WithAlpha (0.5); color = "dimgrey"; } else cinfo |= ChildInfo.HasProjectFiles; active = active || forceSet || knownPaths.Contains (file); if (!active) cinfo &= ~ChildInfo.AllSelected; else cinfo |= ChildInfo.SomeSelected; paths [file] = store.AppendValues (dit, active, pix, path, file, color); if (!hasChildren) { hasChildren = true; fileList.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (dit), false); } } foreach (string cdir in Directory.GetDirectories (dir)) { hasChildren = true; ChildInfo ci = FillDirRec (dit, item, itemFiles, knownPaths, cdir, forceSet); if ((ci & ChildInfo.AllSelected) == 0) cinfo &= ~ChildInfo.AllSelected; cinfo |= ci & (ChildInfo.SomeSelected | ChildInfo.HasProjectFiles); } if ((cinfo & ChildInfo.AllSelected) != 0 && hasChildren) store.SetValue (dit, 0, true); if ((cinfo & ChildInfo.HasProjectFiles) == 0) { var pix = DesktopService.GetIconForFile (dir, IconSize.Menu).WithAlpha (0.5); store.SetValue (dit, 1, pix); store.SetValue (dit, 4, "dimgrey"); } if ((cinfo & ChildInfo.SomeSelected) != 0 && (cinfo & ChildInfo.AllSelected) == 0) { fileList.ExpandRow (store.GetPath (dit), false); } else { fileList.CollapseRow (store.GetPath (dit)); } return cinfo; } void CrtToggled (object o, ToggledArgs args) { TreeIter iter; if (!store.GetIterFromString (out iter, args.Path)) return; bool currentVal = !(bool) store.GetValue (iter, 0); string path = (string) store.GetValue (iter, 3); store.SetValue (iter, 0, currentVal); if (Directory.Exists (path)) SelectWholeDirectory (path, currentVal); UpdateDirectoryToggle (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (path)); } void SelectWholeDirectory (string path, bool sel) { FilePath basePath = path; foreach (Gtk.TreeIter it in paths.Values) { FilePath cpath = (string) store.GetValue (it, 3); if (cpath.IsChildPathOf (basePath)) store.SetValue (it, 0, sel); } } void UpdateDirectoryToggle (string path) { bool allChildrenSet = true; FilePath basePath = path; Gtk.TreeIter itDir = Gtk.TreeIter.Zero; foreach (Gtk.TreeIter it in paths.Values) { FilePath cpath = (string) store.GetValue (it, 3); if (cpath == basePath) itDir = it; else if (cpath.IsChildPathOf (basePath) && !(bool)store.GetValue (it, 0)) allChildrenSet = false; } if (!itDir.Equals (TreeIter.Zero)) { if (allChildrenSet != (bool) store.GetValue (itDir, 0)) { store.SetValue (itDir, 0, allChildrenSet); UpdateDirectoryToggle (basePath.ParentDirectory); } } } protected virtual void OnRadioDeleteAllToggled (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { fileList.Sensitive = radioDeleteSel.Active; } } }