// NewProjectDialog.cs // // Todd Berman // Lluis Sanchez Gual // Viktoria Dudka // // Copyright (c) 2004 Todd Berman // Copyright (c) 2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // Copyright (c) 2009 RemObjects Software // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Projects; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Templates; using Gtk; using System.Collections.Generic; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Components; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using MonoDevelop.Components; using Mono.Addins; namespace MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects { /// /// This class displays a new project dialog and sets up and creates a a new project, /// the project types are described in an XML options file /// internal partial class NewProjectDialog: Gtk.Dialog { ArrayList alltemplates = new ArrayList(); List categories = new List (); TemplateView templateView; TreeStore catStore; bool openSolution; string basePath; bool newSolution; string lastName = ""; ProjectTemplate selectedItem; SolutionFolderItem currentEntry; SolutionFolder parentFolder; CombineEntryFeatureSelector featureList; WorkspaceObject newItem; Category recentCategory; List recentTemplates = new List (); bool disposeNewItem = true; public NewProjectDialog (SolutionFolder parentFolder, bool openCombine, string basePath) { Build (); featureList = new CombineEntryFeatureSelector (); vbox5.PackEnd (featureList, true, true, 0); vbox5.ShowAll (); notebook.Page = 0; notebook.ShowTabs = false; this.parentFolder = parentFolder; this.basePath = basePath; this.newSolution = parentFolder == null; this.openSolution = openCombine; TransientFor = IdeApp.Workbench.RootWindow; Title = newSolution ? GettextCatalog.GetString ("New Solution") : GettextCatalog.GetString ("New Project"); InitializeTemplates (); if (!newSolution) { txt_subdirectory.Hide (); chk_combine_directory.Active = false; chk_combine_directory.Hide (); lbl_subdirectory.Hide (); } TreeIter iter; ExpandCategory ("C#", out iter); } public void SelectTemplate (string id) { TreeIter iter; catStore.GetIterFirst (out iter); SelectTemplate (iter, id); } ProjectTemplate GetTemplate (string language, string id) { foreach (ProjectTemplate template in ProjectTemplate.ProjectTemplates) { if (template.Id == id) { if (language == null || template.LanguageName == language) return template; } } return null; } bool SelectTemplate (TreeIter iter, string id) { do { foreach (TemplateItem item in ((Category)catStore.GetValue (iter, 1)).Templates) { if (item.Template.Id == id) { lst_template_types.Selection.SelectIter (iter); templateView.CurrentlySelected = item.Template; return true; } } TreeIter citer; if (catStore.IterChildren (out citer, iter)) { do { if (SelectTemplate (citer, id)) return true; } while (catStore.IterNext (ref citer)); } } while (catStore.IterNext (ref iter)); return false; } bool FindCategoryAtCurrentLevel (string category, ref TreeIter iter) { TreeIter trial = iter; do { string val = (string)catStore.GetValue (trial, 0); if (val == category) { iter = trial; return true; } } while (catStore.IterNext (ref trial)); return false; } bool ExpandCategory (string category, out TreeIter result) { string[] cats = category.Split ('/'); TreeIter iter; if (!catStore.GetIterFirst (out iter)) { result = TreeIter.Zero; return false; } TreeIter nextIter = iter; for (int i = 0; i < cats.Length; i++) { if (FindCategoryAtCurrentLevel (cats[i], ref nextIter)) { iter = nextIter; if (i >= cats.Length - 1 || !catStore.IterChildren (out nextIter, nextIter)) break; } else if (i == 0) { FindCategoryAtCurrentLevel ("C#", ref iter); break; } } lst_template_types.ExpandToPath (catStore.GetPath (iter)); result = iter; return true; } void SelectCategory (string category) { TreeIter iter; if (ExpandCategory (category, out iter)) lst_template_types.Selection.SelectIter (iter); } void InitializeView() { InsertCategories (TreeIter.Zero, categories); if (recentCategory.Templates.Count == 0) SelectCategory (PropertyService.Get ("Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.LastSelectedCategory", "C#")); else SelectTemplate (recentCategory.Templates [0].Template.Id); ShowAll (); } protected override void OnDestroyed () { if (catStore != null) { catStore.Dispose (); catStore = null; } if (catColumn != null) { catColumn.Destroy (); catColumn = null; } if (cat_text_render != null) { cat_text_render.Destroy (); cat_text_render = null; } if (disposeNewItem && newItem != null) newItem.Dispose (); base.OnDestroyed (); } Category GetCategory (string categoryname) { return GetCategory (categories, categoryname); } Category GetCategory (List catList, string categoryname) { int i = categoryname.IndexOf ('/'); if (i != -1) { string cn = categoryname.Substring (0, i).Trim (); Category rootCat = GetCategory (catList, cn); return GetCategory (rootCat.Categories, categoryname.Substring (i+1)); } foreach (Category category in catList) { if (category.Name == categoryname) return category; } Category newcategory = new Category (categoryname); catList.Add(newcategory); return newcategory; } string GetValidDir (string name) { name = name.Trim (); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int n=0; n 0) currentEntry = parentSolution.RootFolder.Items [0] as SolutionFolderItem; parentFolder = parentSolution.RootFolder; } } else { SolutionFolderItem item = (SolutionFolderItem) newItem; parentSolution = parentFolder.ParentSolution; currentEntry = item; } if (btn_new.Label == Gtk.Stock.GoForward) { // There are features to show. Go to the next page if (currentEntry != null) { try { featureList.Fill (parentFolder, currentEntry, SolutionItemFeatures.GetFeatures (parentFolder, currentEntry)); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ()); } } notebook.Page++; btn_new.Sensitive = true; btn_new.Label = Gtk.Stock.Ok; return; } } else { // Already in fetatures page if (!featureList.Validate ()) return; } // New combines (not added to parent combines) already have the project as child. if (!newSolution) { // Make sure the new item is saved before adding. In this way the // version control add-in will be able to put it under version control. if (currentEntry is SolutionItem) { // Inherit the file format from the solution SolutionItem eitem = (SolutionItem) currentEntry; eitem.FileFormat = parentFolder.ParentSolution.FileFormat; await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.SaveAsync (eitem); } parentFolder.AddItem (currentEntry, true); } if (notebook.Page == 1) featureList.ApplyFeatures (); if (parentFolder != null) await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.SaveAsync (parentFolder.ParentSolution); else await IdeApp.ProjectOperations.SaveAsync (newItem); if (openSolution) { if (await selectedItem.OpenCreatedSolution ()) { var sol = IdeApp.Workspace.GetAllSolutions ().FirstOrDefault (); if (sol != null) InstallProjectTemplatePackages (sol); } } else { // The item is not a solution being opened, so it is going to be added to // an existing item. In this case, it must not be disposed by the dialog. disposeNewItem = false; if (parentFolder != null) InstallProjectTemplatePackages (parentFolder.ParentSolution); } Respond (ResponseType.Ok); } bool CreateProject () { if (templateView.CurrentlySelected != null) { PropertyService.Set ("Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.LastSelectedCategory", ((ProjectTemplate)templateView.CurrentlySelected).Category); string template; // keep the old format if the language is not specified if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(templateView.CurrentlySelected.LanguageName)) { template = templateView.CurrentlySelected.Id; } else { // use the newer format with language before id template = templateView.CurrentlySelected.LanguageName + "/" + templateView.CurrentlySelected.Id; } recentTemplates.Remove (template); recentTemplates.Insert (0, template); if (recentTemplates.Count > 15) recentTemplates.RemoveAt (recentTemplates.Count - 1); string strRecent = string.Join (",", recentTemplates.ToArray ()); PropertyService.Set ("Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.RecentTemplates", strRecent); PropertyService.SaveProperties (); //PropertyService.Set("Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.LargeImages", ((RadioButton)ControlDictionary["largeIconsRadioButton"]).Checked); } string solution = txt_subdirectory.Text; string name = txt_name.Text; string location = ProjectLocation; if(solution.Equals("")) solution = name; //This was empty when adding after first combine if ( (CreateSolutionDirectory && !FileService.IsValidPath (solution)) || !FileService.IsValidFileName(name) || name.IndexOf (' ') >= 0 || !FileService.IsValidPath(location)) { MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Illegal project name.\nOnly use letters, digits, '.' or '_'.")); return false; } if (parentFolder != null && parentFolder.ParentSolution.FindProjectByName (name) != null) { MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("A Project with that name is already in your Project Space")); return false; } PropertyService.Set ( "MonoDevelop.Core.Gui.Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.AutoCreateProjectSubdir", CreateSolutionDirectory); if (templateView.CurrentlySelected == null || name.Length == 0) return false; ProjectTemplate item = (ProjectTemplate) templateView.CurrentlySelected; try { if (Directory.Exists (ProjectLocation)) { var question = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Directory {0} already exists.\nDo you want to continue creating the project?", ProjectLocation); var btn = MessageService.AskQuestion (question, AlertButton.No, AlertButton.Yes); if (btn != AlertButton.Yes) return false; } Directory.CreateDirectory (location); } catch (IOException) { MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Could not create directory {0}. File already exists.", location)); return false; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { MessageService.ShowError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("You do not have permission to create to {0}", location)); return false; } if (newItem != null) { newItem.Dispose (); newItem = null; } try { ProjectCreateInformation cinfo = CreateProjectCreateInformation (); if (newSolution) newItem = item.CreateWorkspaceItem (cinfo); else newItem = item.CreateProject (parentFolder, cinfo); if (newItem == null) return false; } catch (UserException ex) { MessageService.ShowError (ex.Message, ex.Details); return false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageService.ShowException (ex, GettextCatalog.GetString ("The project could not be created")); return false; } selectedItem = item; return true; } ProjectCreateInformation CreateProjectCreateInformation () { ProjectCreateInformation cinfo = new ProjectCreateInformation (); cinfo.SolutionPath = FileService.ResolveFullPath (SolutionLocation); cinfo.ProjectBasePath = FileService.ResolveFullPath (ProjectLocation); cinfo.ProjectName = txt_name.Text; cinfo.SolutionName = CreateSolutionDirectory ? txt_subdirectory.Text : txt_name.Text; cinfo.ParentFolder = parentFolder; cinfo.ActiveConfiguration = IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration; return cinfo; } void InstallProjectTemplatePackages (Solution sol) { if (!selectedItem.HasPackages ()) return; foreach (ProjectTemplatePackageInstaller installer in AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects ("/MonoDevelop/Ide/ProjectTemplatePackageInstallers")) { installer.Run (sol, selectedItem.PackageReferencesForCreatedProjects); } } // icon view event handlers void SelectedIndexChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { btn_new.Sensitive = true; txt_name.Sensitive = true; txt_subdirectory.Sensitive = true; chk_combine_directory.Sensitive = true; entry_location.Sensitive = true; if (templateView.CurrentlySelected != null) { ProjectTemplate ptemplate = (ProjectTemplate) templateView.CurrentlySelected; lbl_template_descr.Text = StringParserService.Parse (ptemplate.Description); labelTemplateTitle.Markup = "" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText (ptemplate.Name) + ""; if (ptemplate.SolutionDescriptor.EntryDescriptors.Length == 0) { txt_subdirectory.Sensitive = false; chk_combine_directory.Sensitive = false; lbl_subdirectory.Sensitive = false; btn_new.Label = Gtk.Stock.Ok; } else { lbl_subdirectory.Sensitive = true; txt_subdirectory.Text = txt_name.Text; ProjectCreateInformation cinfo = CreateProjectCreateInformation (); if (ptemplate.HasItemFeatures (parentFolder, cinfo)) btn_new.Label = Gtk.Stock.GoForward; else btn_new.Label = Gtk.Stock.Ok; } } else { lbl_template_descr.Text = String.Empty; labelTemplateTitle.Text = ""; } PathChanged (null, null); btn_new.GrabDefault (); } catch (Exception ex) { txt_name.Sensitive = false; btn_new.Sensitive = false; txt_subdirectory.Sensitive = false; chk_combine_directory.Sensitive = false; entry_location.Sensitive = false; while (ex is TargetInvocationException) ex = ((TargetInvocationException) ex).InnerException; if (ex is UserException) { var user = (UserException) ex; MessageService.ShowError (user.Message, user.Details); } else { MessageService.ShowException (ex); }; } } protected void cancelClicked (object o, EventArgs e) { Respond (ResponseType.Cancel); } void ActivateIfReady () { if (templateView.CurrentlySelected == null || !txt_name.Sensitive || txt_name.Text.Trim () == "" || (txt_subdirectory.Sensitive && chk_combine_directory.Active && txt_subdirectory.Text.Trim ().Length == 0)) btn_new.Sensitive = false; else btn_new.Sensitive = true; txt_subdirectory.Sensitive = CreateSolutionDirectory; } TreeViewColumn catColumn; CellRendererText cat_text_render; void InitializeComponents() { catStore = new Gtk.TreeStore (typeof (string), typeof (Category)); lst_template_types.Model = catStore; lst_template_types.WidthRequest = 160; lst_template_types.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (CategoryChange); catColumn = new TreeViewColumn (); catColumn.Title = "categories"; cat_text_render = new CellRendererText (); catColumn.PackStart (cat_text_render, true); catColumn.AddAttribute (cat_text_render, "text", 0); lst_template_types.AppendColumn (catColumn); templateView = new TemplateView (); boxTemplates.Add (templateView); if (basePath == null) basePath = IdeApp.ProjectOperations.ProjectsDefaultPath; entry_location.Path = FileService.ResolveFullPath (basePath); PathChanged (null, null); templateView.SelectionChanged += SelectedIndexChange; templateView.DoubleClicked += OpenEvent; entry_location.PathChanged += PathChanged; InitializeView (); } /// /// Holds a new file template /// internal class TemplateItem { ProjectTemplate template; string name; public TemplateItem (ProjectTemplate template) { name = StringParserService.Parse(template.Name); this.template = template; } public string Name { get { return name; } } public ProjectTemplate Template { get { return template; } } public bool DisplayCategory { get; set; } } private void InitializeTemplates () { foreach (ProjectTemplate projectTemplate in ProjectTemplate.ProjectTemplates) { if (!newSolution && projectTemplate.SolutionDescriptor.EntryDescriptors.Length == 0) continue; TemplateItem templateItem = new TemplateItem (projectTemplate); Category category = GetCategory(templateItem.Template.Category); if (category != null ) category.Templates.Add (templateItem); alltemplates.Add(templateItem); } recentCategory = new Category (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Recent")); string strRecent = PropertyService.Get ("Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.RecentTemplates", ""); recentTemplates = new List (); foreach (string template in strRecent.Split (new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { // Some templates can't be identified using only id, sometimes language is needed too string id, language = null; // If the string was serialized with old format leave null value for the language variable int separator = template.IndexOf ('/'); if (separator == -1) { id = template; } else { // In other case extract the language language = template.Substring (0, separator); id = template.Substring (separator + 1); } recentTemplates.Add (template); ProjectTemplate pt = GetTemplate (language, id); if (pt != null) recentCategory.Templates.Add (new TemplateItem (pt) { DisplayCategory = true }); } InitializeComponents (); } private void InsertCategories (TreeIter node, List listCategories) { listCategories.Sort (); if (TreeIter.Zero.Equals (node)) listCategories.Insert (0, recentCategory); foreach (Category category in listCategories) { if (TreeIter.Zero.Equals (node)) InsertCategories (catStore.AppendValues (category.Name, category), category.Categories); else { InsertCategories (catStore.AppendValues (node, category.Name, category), category.Categories); } } } private void CategoryChange (System.Object o, EventArgs e) { TreeModel treeModel; TreeIter treeIter; if (lst_template_types.Selection.GetSelected(out treeModel, out treeIter)) { templateView.Clear(); foreach ( TemplateItem templateItem in (catStore.GetValue(treeIter, 1) as Category).Templates) { templateView.Add (templateItem); } btn_new.Sensitive = false; } } protected virtual void OnBoxInfoSizeAllocated (object o, Gtk.SizeAllocatedArgs args) { } protected virtual void OnScrolledInfoSizeAllocated (object o, Gtk.SizeAllocatedArgs args) { if (labelTemplateTitle.WidthRequest != scrolledInfo.Allocation.Width) { labelTemplateTitle.WidthRequest = scrolledInfo.Allocation.Width; lbl_template_descr.WidthRequest = scrolledInfo.Allocation.Width; } } internal class Category: IComparable { private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } } public Category (string name) { this.name = name; } private List templates = new List(); public List Templates { get { return templates; } } private List categories = new List(); public List Categories { get { return categories; } } public int CompareTo (Category other) { return name.CompareTo (other.name); } } class TemplateView: ScrolledWindow { TemplateTreeView tree; public TemplateView () { tree = new TemplateTreeView (); tree.Selection.Changed += delegate { if (SelectionChanged != null) SelectionChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); }; tree.RowActivated += delegate { if (DoubleClicked != null) DoubleClicked (this, EventArgs.Empty); }; Add (tree); HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; ShadowType = ShadowType.In; ShowAll (); } public ProjectTemplate CurrentlySelected { get { return tree.CurrentlySelected; } set { tree.CurrentlySelected = value; } } public void Add (TemplateItem templateItem) { tree.Add (templateItem); } public void Clear () { tree.Clear (); } public event EventHandler SelectionChanged; public event EventHandler DoubleClicked; } class TemplateTreeView: TreeView { Gtk.ListStore templateStore; public TemplateTreeView () { HeadersVisible = false; templateStore = new ListStore (typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(ProjectTemplate)); Model = templateStore; TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn (); CellRendererImage crp = new CellRendererImage (); crp.StockSize = Gtk.IconSize.Dnd; crp.Ypad = 2; col.PackStart (crp, false); col.AddAttribute (crp, "stock-id", 0); CellRendererText crt = new CellRendererText (); col.PackStart (crt, false); col.AddAttribute (crt, "markup", 1); AppendColumn (col); ShowAll (); } public ProjectTemplate CurrentlySelected { get { Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (!Selection.GetSelected (out iter)) return null; return (ProjectTemplate) templateStore.GetValue (iter, 2); } set { Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (templateStore.GetIterFirst (out iter)) { do { ProjectTemplate t = (ProjectTemplate) templateStore.GetValue (iter, 2); if (t == value) { Selection.SelectIter (iter); return; } } while (templateStore.IterNext (ref iter)); } } } public void Add (TemplateItem templateItem) { string name = GLib.Markup.EscapeText (templateItem.Name); string desc = null; if (templateItem.DisplayCategory) desc = templateItem.Template.Category; else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (templateItem.Template.LanguageName)) desc = templateItem.Template.LanguageName; if (desc != null) name += "\n" + desc + ""; templateStore.AppendValues (templateItem.Template.Icon.IsNull ? "md-project" : templateItem.Template.Icon.ToString (), name, templateItem.Template); } public void Clear () { templateStore.Clear (); } } } }