// MSBuildTests.cs // // Author: // Lluis Sanchez Gual // // Copyright (c) 2008 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using NUnit.Framework; using UnitTests; using MonoDevelop.CSharp.Project; using MonoDevelop.Core; using MonoDevelop.Ide.Projects; using System.Linq; using MonoDevelop.Projects.MSBuild; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MonoDevelop.Core.Serialization; using MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions; namespace MonoDevelop.Projects { [TestFixture] public class MSBuildTests : TestBase { [Test ()] public async Task LoadSaveBuildConsoleProject () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution item = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Assert.IsTrue (item is Solution); Solution sol = (Solution)item; TestProjectsChecks.CheckBasicVsConsoleProject (sol); string projectFile = ((Project)sol.Items [0]).FileName; BuildResult cr = await item.Build (Util.GetMonitor (), "Debug"); Assert.IsNotNull (cr); Assert.AreEqual (0, cr.ErrorCount); Assert.AreEqual (0, cr.WarningCount); string solXml = File.ReadAllText (solFile); string projectXml = File.ReadAllText (projectFile); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (solXml, File.ReadAllText (solFile)); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml, File.ReadAllText (projectFile)); } [Test] public async Task BuildConsoleProject () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); // Ensure the project is buildable var result = await sol.Build (Util.GetMonitor (), "Debug"); Assert.AreEqual (0, result.ErrorCount, "#1"); } [Test] public async Task BuildConsoleProjectAfterRename () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); // Ensure the project is still buildable with xbuild after a rename ProjectOptionsDialog.RenameItem (sol.GetAllProjects ().First (), "Test"); var result = await sol.Build (Util.GetMonitor (), "Release"); Assert.AreEqual (0, result.ErrorCount, "#2"); } [Test] public async Task CreateConsoleProject () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); sol.ConvertToFormat (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2010); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); // msbuild format string solXml = File.ReadAllText (sol.FileName); string projectXml = File.ReadAllText (((SolutionItem)sol.Items [0]).FileName); // Make sure we compare using the same guid Project p = sol.Items [0] as Project; string guid = p.ItemId; solXml = solXml.Replace (guid, "{969F05E2-0E79-4C5B-982C-8F3DD4D46311}"); projectXml = projectXml.Replace (guid, "{969F05E2-0E79-4C5B-982C-8F3DD4D46311}"); string solFile = Util.GetSampleProjectPath ("generated-console-project", "TestSolution.sln"); string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProjectPath ("generated-console-project", "TestProject.csproj"); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (solFile)), solXml); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (projectFile)), projectXml); } [Test] public async Task SetCustomPropertiesInNewProject () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); sol.ConvertToFormat (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2010); Project p = sol.Items [0] as Project; await p.WriteProjectAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); p.ProjectProperties.SetValue ("TestProperty", "TestValue"); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml = File.ReadAllText (((SolutionItem)sol.Items [0]).FileName); // Make sure we compare using the same guid projectXml = projectXml.Replace (p.ItemId, "{969F05E2-0E79-4C5B-982C-8F3DD4D46311}"); string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProjectPath ("generated-console-project", "TestProject2.csproj"); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (projectFile)), projectXml); } [Test] public async Task TestCreateLoadSaveConsoleProject () { await TestProjectsChecks.TestCreateLoadSaveConsoleProject (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2005); } [Test] public async Task GenericProject () { await TestProjectsChecks.CheckGenericItemProject (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2005); } [Test] public async Task TestLoadSaveSolutionFolders () { await TestProjectsChecks.TestLoadSaveSolutionFolders (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2005); } [Test] public async Task TestLoadSaveResources () { await TestProjectsChecks.TestLoadSaveResources (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2005); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMerging () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; Assert.IsNotNull (sol); Assert.AreEqual (1, sol.Items.Count); DotNetProject p = sol.Items [0] as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); // Debug config DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Debug"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.AreEqual ("Debug", conf.Name); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, conf.Platform); CSharpCompilerParameters pars = conf.CompilationParameters as CSharpCompilerParameters; Assert.IsNotNull (pars); Assert.AreEqual (2, pars.WarningLevel); pars.WarningLevel = 4; // Release config conf = p.Configurations ["Release"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.AreEqual ("Release", conf.Name); Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, conf.Platform); pars = conf.CompilationParameters as CSharpCompilerParameters; Assert.IsNotNull (pars); Assert.AreEqual ("ReleaseMod", Path.GetFileName (conf.OutputDirectory)); Assert.AreEqual (3, pars.WarningLevel); pars.WarningLevel = 1; Assert.AreEqual (1, pars.WarningLevel); conf.DebugType = "full"; conf.DebugSymbols = true; await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (1, pars.WarningLevel); string savedFile = Path.Combine (p.BaseDirectory, "TestConfigurationMergingSaved.csproj"); Assert.AreEqual (File.ReadAllText (savedFile), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingConfigPlatformCombinations () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging2.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Debug|x86"]); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Debug|x86-64"]); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Release|x86"]); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Release|x86-64"]); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Release|Other"]); Assert.IsNotNull (p.Configurations ["Test|More"]); Assert.AreEqual (6, p.Configurations.Count); string originalContent = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (originalContent, File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingDefaultValues () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging3.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Release|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); CSharpCompilerParameters cparams = (CSharpCompilerParameters)conf.CompilationParameters; Assert.AreEqual (LangVersion.Default, cparams.LangVersion); cparams.LangVersion = LangVersion.Version5; Assert.IsTrue (cparams.UnsafeCode); cparams.UnsafeCode = false; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingKeepOldConfig () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging4.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Debug|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.DebugSymbols); CSharpCompilerParameters cparams = (CSharpCompilerParameters)conf.CompilationParameters; Assert.IsTrue (cparams.UnsafeCode); conf = p.Configurations ["Release|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsFalse (conf.DebugSymbols); conf.DebugSymbols = true; cparams = (CSharpCompilerParameters)conf.CompilationParameters; Assert.IsFalse (cparams.UnsafeCode); cparams.UnsafeCode = true; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingChangeNoMergeToParent () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging5.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Debug|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.SignAssembly); conf = p.Configurations ["Release|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.SignAssembly); conf.SignAssembly = false; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingChangeMergeToParent () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging6.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Debug|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.SignAssembly); conf.SignAssembly = false; conf = p.Configurations ["Release|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.SignAssembly); conf.SignAssembly = false; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingChangeMergeToParent2 () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging7.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); DotNetProjectConfiguration conf = p.Configurations ["Debug|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsTrue (conf.SignAssembly); conf.SignAssembly = true; conf = p.Configurations ["Release|x86"] as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (conf); Assert.IsFalse (conf.SignAssembly); conf.SignAssembly = true; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationMergingChangeMergeToParent3 () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-configuration-merging", "TestConfigurationMerging8.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task TestConfigurationWithAnyCpu () { string projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-multi-configuration", "project.csproj"); DotNetProject p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task ProjectReferenceWithSpace () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-ref-with-spaces", "project-ref-with-spaces.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; Assert.IsNotNull (sol); Assert.AreEqual (2, sol.Items.Count); DotNetProject p = sol.FindProjectByName ("project-ref-with-spaces") as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); Assert.AreEqual (1, p.References.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("some - library", p.References [0].Reference); } [Test] public async Task RoundtripPropertyWithXmlCharacters () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("roundtrip-property-with-xml"); sol.ConvertToFormat (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2005); var value = "Hello&.exe"; var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); var conf = ((DotNetProjectConfiguration)p.Configurations [0]); conf.OutputAssembly = value; await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), sol.FileName); p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); conf = ((DotNetProjectConfiguration)p.Configurations [0]); Assert.AreEqual (value, conf.OutputAssembly); } [Test] public async Task RoundtripPropertyWithWhitespaceCharacters () { var projectFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("test-whitespace-roundtrip", "project.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projectFile) as DotNetProject; Assert.IsNotNull (p); var configuration = p.Configurations [0]; configuration.CopyFrom (p.Configurations [0]); p.Configurations.Remove (p.Configurations [0]); p.Configurations.Insert (0, configuration); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] //[Ignore ("xbuild bug. It is not returning correct values for evaluated-items-without-condition list")] public async Task SaveItemsWithProperties () { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof (Project).Assembly.Location); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HHH", "EnvTest"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SOME_PLACE", dir); string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("property-evaluation-test", "property-evaluation-test.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } [Test] public async Task SaveItemsWithProperties2 () { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof (Project).Assembly.Location); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HHH", "EnvTest"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SOME_PLACE", dir); string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("property-save-test", "property-save-test.csproj"); Project p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile) as Project; string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } [Test] public async Task EvaluateProperties () { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof (Project).Assembly.Location); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HHH", "EnvTest"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SOME_PLACE", dir); string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("property-evaluation-test", "property-evaluation-test.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); Assert.AreEqual ("Program1_test1.cs", p.Files [0].FilePath.FileName, "Basic replacement"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program2_test1_test2.cs", p.Files [1].FilePath.FileName, "Property referencing same property"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program3_full.cs", p.Files [2].FilePath.FileName, "Property inside group with non-evaluable condition"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program4_yes_value.cs", p.Files [3].FilePath.FileName, "Evaluation of group condition"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program5_yes_value.cs", p.Files [4].FilePath.FileName, "Evaluation of property condition"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program6_unknown.cs", p.Files [5].FilePath.FileName, "Evaluation of property with non-evaluable condition"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program7_test1.cs", p.Files [6].FilePath.FileName, "Item conditions are ignored"); var testRef = Path.Combine (dir, "MonoDevelop.Core.dll"); var asms = (await p.GetReferencedAssemblies (sol.Configurations [0].Selector)).Select (ar => ar.FilePath).ToArray (); Assert.IsTrue (asms.Contains (testRef)); } [Test] public async Task EvaluateImportedProperty () { // Even when a property is defined in an imported targets file, the project properties should include the value string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("property-evaluation-test", "property-evaluation-test.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); Assert.AreEqual ("yes", p.ProjectProperties.GetValue ("Imported")); } //[Ignore ("xbuild bug. It is not returning correct values for evaluated-items-without-condition list")] [Test] public async Task EvaluatePropertiesWithConditionalGroup () { string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName (typeof (Project).Assembly.Location); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("HHH", "EnvTest"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("SOME_PLACE", dir); string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("property-evaluation-test", "property-evaluation-test.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); Assert.AreEqual ("Program8_test1.cs", p.Files [7].FilePath.FileName, "Item group conditions are not ignored"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program9_yes.cs", p.Files [8].FilePath.FileName, "Non-evaluable property group clears properties"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program10_$(AAA", p.Files [9].FilePath.FileName, "Invalid property reference"); Assert.AreEqual ("Program11_EnvTest.cs", p.Files [10].FilePath.FileName, "Environment variable"); } async Task LoadBuildVSConsoleProject (string vsVersion, string toolsVersion) { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("ConsoleApp-VS" + vsVersion, "ConsoleApplication.sln"); var monitor = new ProgressMonitor (); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (monitor, solFile); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Errors.Length == 0); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Warnings.Length == 0); var p = (DotNetProject)sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); Assert.AreEqual (toolsVersion, p.ToolsVersion); var r = await sol.Build (monitor, "Debug"); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Errors.Length == 0); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Warnings.Length == 0); Assert.IsFalse (r.Failed); Assert.IsTrue (r.ErrorCount == 0); //there may be a single warning about not being able to find Client profile var f = r.Errors.FirstOrDefault (); var clientProfileError = "Unable to find framework corresponding to the target framework moniker " + "'.NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client'"; if (f != null) Assert.IsTrue (f.ErrorText.Contains (clientProfileError), "Build failed with: " + f.ErrorText); string projectFile = ((Project)sol.Items [0]).FileName; string projectXml = Util.ReadAllWithWindowsEndings (projectFile); await sol.SaveAsync (monitor); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Errors.Length == 0); Assert.IsTrue (monitor.Warnings.Length == 0); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml, Util.ReadAllWithWindowsEndings (projectFile)); } [Test] public async Task LoadBuildVS2010ConsoleProject () { await LoadBuildVSConsoleProject ("2010", "4.0"); } [Test] public async Task LoadBuildVS2012ConsoleProject () { await LoadBuildVSConsoleProject ("2012", "4.0"); } [Test] public async Task LoadBuildVS2013ConsoleProject () { await LoadBuildVSConsoleProject ("2013", "12.0"); } [Test] public async Task SaveReferenceWithCondition () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-conditional-reference", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; string proj = sol.GetAllProjects ().First ().FileName; string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (proj); await sol.SaveAsync (new ProgressMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (proj); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } [Test] public async Task AddNewImportWithoutConditionToProject () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); var project = sol.GetAllProjects ().First () as DotNetProject; project.AddImportIfMissing (@"packages\Xamarin.Forms\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets", null); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (project.FileName); var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager (doc.NameTable); manager.AddNamespace ("ms", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlElement import = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode (@"//ms:Import[@Project='packages\Xamarin.Forms\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets']", manager); Assert.IsNotNull (import); Assert.IsFalse (import.HasAttribute ("Condition")); } [Test] public async Task AddNewImportWithConditionToProject () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); var project = sol.GetAllProjects ().First () as DotNetProject; string condition = @"Exists('packages\Xamarin.Forms\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets')"; project.AddImportIfMissing (@"packages\Xamarin.Forms\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets", condition); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var doc = new XmlDocument (); doc.Load (project.FileName); var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager (doc.NameTable); manager.AddNamespace ("ms", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlElement import = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode (@"//ms:Import[@Project='packages\Xamarin.Forms\build\Xamarin.Forms.targets']", manager); Assert.AreEqual (condition, import.GetAttribute ("Condition")); } [Test] public async Task ProjectWithCustomConfigPropertyGroupBug20554 () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-custom-configs", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile) as Solution; string proj = sol.GetAllProjects ().First ().FileName; string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (proj); await sol.SaveAsync (new ProgressMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (proj); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } [Test] public async Task WriteExtendedProperties () { var tn = new MyProjectTypeNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); try { var p = Services.ProjectService.CreateProject (tn.Guid); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyProject)p; mp.ItemId = "{74FADC4E-C9A8-456E-9A2C-DB933220E073}"; string dir = Util.CreateTmpDir ("WriteExtendedProperties"); mp.FileName = Path.Combine (dir, "test.sln"); mp.Data = new MyProjectData { Foo = "bar" }; mp.DataProperty = new MyProjectData { Foo = "rep" }; mp.SimpleData = "Test"; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string referenceFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data.myproj"); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (referenceFile); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (mp.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToWindowsEndings (projectXml1), projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); } } [Test] public async Task LoadExtendedProperties () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyProjectTypeNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyProject)p; Assert.NotNull (mp.Data); Assert.AreEqual (mp.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (mp.SimpleData, "Test"); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); } } [Test] public async Task LoadSaveExtendedPropertiesWithUnknownProperty () { // Unknown data should be kept in the file string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-unknown-data.myproj"); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); var tn = new MyProjectTypeNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyProject)p; Assert.NotNull (mp.Data); Assert.AreEqual (mp.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (mp.SimpleData, "Test"); await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); } } [Test] public async Task RemoveExtendedProperties () { // Whole ProjectExtensions section should be removed string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyProjectTypeNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyProject)p; Assert.NotNull (mp.Data); Assert.AreEqual (mp.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (mp.SimpleData, "Test"); mp.Data = null; await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-empty.myproj")); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); } } [Test] public async Task RemoveExtendedPropertiesWithUnknownProperty () { // Unknown data should be kept in the file string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-unknown-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyProjectTypeNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyProject)p; Assert.NotNull (mp.Data); Assert.AreEqual (mp.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (mp.SimpleData, "Test"); mp.Data = null; await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-extra-data.myproj")); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); } } [Test] public async Task FlavorLoadExtendedProperties () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyEmptyProjectTypeNode (); var fn = new CustomItemNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyEmptyProject)p; var f = mp.GetFlavor (); Assert.NotNull (f.Data); Assert.AreEqual (f.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SimpleData, "Test"); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task FlavorLoadExtendedProperties_InitialEmptyGroup () { // Check that data load works when it is not defined in the main group // Test for BXC 41774. string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data-empty-group.myproj"); var tn = new MyEmptyProjectTypeNode (); var fn = new CustomItemNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyEmptyProject)p; var f = mp.GetFlavor (); Assert.NotNull (f.Data); Assert.AreEqual (f.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SimpleData, "Test"); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task FlavorLoadSaveExtendedPropertiesWithUnknownProperty () { // Unknown data should be kept in the file string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-unknown-data.myproj"); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); var tn = new MyEmptyProjectTypeNode (); var fn = new CustomItemNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyEmptyProject)p; var f = mp.GetFlavor (); Assert.NotNull (f.Data); Assert.AreEqual (f.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SimpleData, "Test"); await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task FlavorRemoveExtendedProperties () { // Whole ProjectExtensions section should be removed string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyEmptyProjectTypeNode (); var fn = new CustomItemNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyEmptyProject)p; var f = mp.GetFlavor (); Assert.NotNull (f.Data); Assert.AreEqual (f.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SimpleData, "Test"); f.Data = null; await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-empty.myproj")); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task FlavorRemoveExtendedPropertiesWithUnknownProperty () { // Unknown data should be kept in the file string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-unknown-data.myproj"); var tn = new MyEmptyProjectTypeNode (); var fn = new CustomItemNode (); MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (MyEmptyProject)p; var f = mp.GetFlavor (); Assert.NotNull (f.Data); Assert.AreEqual (f.Data.Foo, "bar"); Assert.AreEqual (f.SimpleData, "Test"); f.Data = null; await mp.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); string projectXml1 = File.ReadAllText (Util.GetSampleProject ("extended-project-properties", "test-extra-data.myproj")); string projectXml2 = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml1, projectXml2); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomItemType (tn); WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task LoadAvailableItemName () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-with-item-types", "ConsoleProject.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (Project)p; var actions = mp.GetBuildActions (); // The main actions should always be the same and in the same position Assert.AreEqual (0, Array.IndexOf (actions, "None"), "'None' not found or in wrong position"); Assert.AreEqual (1, Array.IndexOf (actions, "Compile"), "'Compile' not found or in wrong position"); Assert.AreEqual (2, Array.IndexOf (actions, "EmbeddedResource"), "'EmbeddedResource' not found or in wrong position"); Assert.AreEqual (3, Array.IndexOf (actions, "--"), "'--' not found or in wrong position"); // The remaining actions may vary depending on the platform, but some of them must be there Assert.IsTrue (actions.Contains ("Content"), "'Content' not found"); Assert.IsTrue (actions.Contains ("ItemOne"), "'ItemOne' not found"); Assert.IsTrue (actions.Contains ("ItemTwo"), "'ItemTwo' not found"); } [Test] public async Task LoadProjectWithWildcards () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-with-wildcards", "ConsoleProject.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (Project)p; var files = mp.Files.Select (f => f.FilePath.FileName).OrderBy (f => f).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (new string [] { "Data1.cs", "Data2.cs", "Data3.cs", "Program.cs", "text1-1.txt", "text1-2.txt", "text2-1.txt", "text2-2.txt", "text3-1.txt", "text3-2.txt", }, files); } [Test] public async Task LoadProjectWithWildcardsAndExcludes () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-with-wildcards", "ConsoleProject-with-excludes.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (Project)p; var files = mp.Files.Select (f => f.FilePath.FileName).OrderBy (f => f).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (new string [] { "Data2.cs", "p1.txt", "p4.txt", "p5.txt", "text3-1.txt", }, files); } [Test] public async Task SaveProjectWithWildcards () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-with-wildcards", "ConsoleProject.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (Project)p; mp.AddFile (Path.Combine (p.BaseDirectory, "Test.cs")); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved1")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task SaveProjectWithWildcardsRemovingFile () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-with-wildcards", "ConsoleProject.csproj"); var p = await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.IsInstanceOf (p); var mp = (Project)p; var f = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Data1.cs"); mp.Files.Remove (f); f = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "text1-1.txt"); f.CopyToOutputDirectory = FileCopyMode.PreserveNewest; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".saved2")), File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] //[Ignore ("xbuild bug: RecursiveDir metadata returns the wrong value")] public async Task LoadProjectWithWildcardLinks () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-with-wildcard-links", "PortableTest.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var mp = (Project)sol.Items [0]; Assert.AreEqual (6, mp.Files.Count); var f1 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Xamagon_1.png"); var f2 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Xamagon_2.png"); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "Xamagon_1.png")), Path.GetFullPath (f1.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "Subdir", "Xamagon_2.png")), Path.GetFullPath (f2.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual ("Xamagon_1.png", f1.Link.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine ("Subdir", "Xamagon_2.png"), f2.Link.ToString ()); } [Test] public async Task LoadProjectWithWildcardLinks2 () { // Merge with LoadProjectWithWildcardLinks test when the xbuild issue is fixed string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-with-wildcard-links", "PortableTest.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var mp = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var f1 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "t1.txt"); Assert.IsNotNull (f1); var f2 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "t2.txt"); Assert.IsNotNull (f2); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "t1.txt")), Path.GetFullPath (f1.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "t2.txt")), Path.GetFullPath (f2.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine ("Data", "t1.txt"), f1.Link.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (Path.Combine ("Data", "t2.txt"), f2.Link.ToString ()); } [Test] public async Task LoadProjectWithWildcardLinks3 () { // %(RecursiveDir) is empty when used in a non-recursive include string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-with-wildcard-links", "PortableTest.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var mp = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var f1 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "t1.dat"); Assert.IsNotNull (f1); var f2 = mp.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "t2.dat"); Assert.IsNotNull (f2); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "t1.dat")), Path.GetFullPath (f1.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual (Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (mp.BaseDirectory, "..", "test", "t2.dat")), Path.GetFullPath (f2.FilePath)); Assert.AreEqual ("t1.dat", f1.Link.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual ("t2.dat", f2.Link.ToString ()); } [Test] public async Task VSFormatCompatibility () { // Specific format compatibility issues tested here: // * Preserve the case of guids in project references // * Preserve the line endings used in the sln files // * Preserve initial blank lines in sln files // * Preserve the product description in the sln file, even if it doesn't match MD's file format // * If an assembly reference has SpecificVersion==false but the actual reference in the csproj // does have version information, keep it when saving. // * Don't remove ProductVersion and SchemaVersion from csproj even when it is not necessary string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-from-vs", "console-with-libs.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p1 = sol.Items [0]; var p2 = sol.Items [1]; var p3 = sol.Items [2]; var solContent = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var refXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p1.FileName); var refXml2 = File.ReadAllText (p2.FileName); var refXml3 = File.ReadAllText (p3.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedSol = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var savedXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p1.FileName); var savedXml2 = File.ReadAllText (p2.FileName); var savedXml3 = File.ReadAllText (p3.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (solContent, savedSol); Assert.AreEqual (refXml1, savedXml1); Assert.AreEqual (refXml2, savedXml2); Assert.AreEqual (refXml3, savedXml3); } [Test] public async Task VSFormatCompatibilityFolderOrdering () { // Test for bug #28668 - Changing a sln from VS in XS re-orders solution folder lines string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("vs-compat-sln-ordering", "ConsoleApplication.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p1 = sol.Items [0]; var solContent = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var refXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p1.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedSol = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var savedXml1 = File.ReadAllText (p1.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (solContent, savedSol); Assert.AreEqual (refXml1, savedXml1); } [Test] public async Task UnsupportedProjectSerializationRoundtrip () { // Load and save a Windows Phone project. string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("unsupported-project-roundtrip", "TestApp.WinPhone.sln"); var sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = sol.Items [0]; var refSol = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var refProj = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedSol = File.ReadAllText (solFile); var savedProj = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refSol, savedSol); Assert.AreEqual (refProj, savedProj); } [Test ()] public async Task ProjectWithCustomGroup () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-with-custom-group", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = sol.Items [0]; var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test ()] public async Task ProjectWithEnvVars () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-with-env-vars", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = sol.Items [0]; var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test ()] public async Task DefaultProjectConfiguration () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("default-project-config", "ConsoleProject.csproj"); Project p = (Project)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (projFile); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); var c = p.Configurations.FirstOrDefault (co => co.Id == "Test"); p.Configurations.Remove (c); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (projFile + ".saved2")); savedXml = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); c = p.Configurations.FirstOrDefault (co => co.Id == "Test|x86"); p.Configurations.Remove (c); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (projFile + ".saved3")); savedXml = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); p.Configurations.RemoveRange (p.Configurations.Where (co => co.Name == "Debug")); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (projFile + ".saved4")); savedXml = File.ReadAllText (projFile); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task ProjectSerializationRoundtrip ( [Values ( "broken-condition.csproj", "empty-element.csproj", "comment.csproj", "text-spacing.csproj", "inconsistent-line-endings.csproj", "attribute-order.csproj", "custom-namespace.csproj", "multiple-prop-definition.csproj", "env-vars-prop.csproj" //"ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Cecil.csproj" )] string project) { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("roundtrip-test-projects", project); var p = (SolutionItem)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task AddProjectConfigurationWithProperties () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var conf = p.CreateConfiguration ("Test"); conf.Properties.SetValue ("TestProperty", "TestValue"); conf.Properties.SetValue ("TestPath", p.BaseDirectory.Combine ("Subdir", "SomeFile.txt")); p.Configurations.Add (conf); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".config-props-added")); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); sol.Dispose (); sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; conf = p.Configurations.OfType ().FirstOrDefault (c => c.Name == "Test"); Assert.AreEqual ("TestValue", conf.Properties.GetValue ("TestProperty")); Assert.AreEqual (p.BaseDirectory.Combine ("Subdir", "SomeFile.txt"), conf.Properties.GetPathValue ("TestPath")); } [Test] public async Task RenameProjectConfiguration () { // Change the name of the Debug configuration. // - The configuration condition in the msbuild file has to change. // - The default configuration has to change string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var conf = p.Configurations.OfType ().FirstOrDefault (c => c.Name == "Debug"); var newConf = p.CreateConfiguration ("Test"); newConf.CopyFrom (conf); p.Configurations [p.Configurations.IndexOf (conf)] = newConf; newConf.IntermediateOutputDirectory = p.BaseDirectory.Combine ("obj", "Test"); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".config-renamed")); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task CustomProjectItemWithMetadata () { // Save a custom item with metadata try { MSBuildProjectService.RegisterCustomProjectItemType ("CustomItem", typeof (CustomItem)); string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; CustomItem it = new CustomItem { SomeMetadata = "FooTest" }; p.Items.Add (it); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".custom-item")); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); sol.Dispose (); sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; it = p.Items.OfType ().FirstOrDefault (); Assert.IsNotNull (it); Assert.AreEqual ("TestInclude", it.Include); Assert.AreEqual ("FooTest", it.SomeMetadata); } finally { MSBuildProjectService.UnregisterCustomProjectItemType ("CustomItem"); } } [Test] public async Task RunTarget () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-tests", "project-with-custom-target.csproj"); var p = (Project)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); var ctx = new TargetEvaluationContext (); ctx.GlobalProperties.SetValue ("TestProp", "has"); ctx.PropertiesToEvaluate.Add ("GenProp"); ctx.PropertiesToEvaluate.Add ("AssemblyName"); ctx.ItemsToEvaluate.Add ("GenItem"); var res = await p.RunTarget (Util.GetMonitor (), "Test", p.Configurations [0].Selector, ctx); Assert.AreEqual (1, res.BuildResult.Errors.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Something failed: has foo bar", res.BuildResult.Errors [0].ErrorText); // Verify that properties are returned Assert.AreEqual ("ConsoleProject", res.Properties.GetValue ("AssemblyName")); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", res.Properties.GetValue ("GenProp")); // Verify that items are returned var items = res.Items.ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (1, items.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("bar", items [0].Include); Assert.AreEqual ("Hello", items [0].Metadata.GetValue ("MyMetadata")); } [Test] public async Task TargetEvaluationResultTryGetPathValueForNullPropertyValue () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var ctx = new TargetEvaluationContext (); ctx.PropertiesToEvaluate.Add ("MissingProperty"); var res = await p.RunTarget (Util.GetMonitor (), "Build", p.Configurations [0].Selector, ctx); Assert.IsNull (res.Properties.GetValue ("MissingProperty")); FilePath path = null; bool foundProperty = res.Properties.TryGetPathValue ("MissingProperty", out path); Assert.IsFalse (foundProperty); } [Test] public async Task BuildWithCustomProps () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-tests", "project-with-custom-build-target.csproj"); var p = (Project)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); var ctx = new ProjectOperationContext (); ctx.GlobalProperties.SetValue ("TestProp", "foo"); var res = await p.Build (Util.GetMonitor (), p.Configurations [0].Selector, ctx); Assert.AreEqual (1, res.Errors.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Something failed: foo", res.Errors [0].ErrorText); await p.Clean (Util.GetMonitor (), p.Configurations [0].Selector); res = await p.Build (Util.GetMonitor (), p.Configurations [0].Selector, true); // Check that the global property is reset Assert.AreEqual (1, res.Errors.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Something failed: show", res.Errors [0].ErrorText); } [Test] public async Task CopyConfiguration () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Project p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var conf = p.Configurations.OfType ().FirstOrDefault (c => c.Name == "Debug"); conf.Properties.SetValue ("Foo", "Bar"); var newConf = p.CreateConfiguration ("Test"); newConf.CopyFrom (conf); p.Configurations.Add (newConf); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var refXml = Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".config-copied")); var savedXml = Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public void DefaultMSBuildSupport () { var project = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject ("C#"); bool byDefault, require; MSBuildProjectService.CheckHandlerUsesMSBuildEngine (project, out byDefault, out require); Assert.IsTrue (byDefault); Assert.IsFalse (require); } [Test] public async Task RenameFile () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Project p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var f = p.GetProjectFile (p.ItemDirectory.Combine ("Program.cs")); f.Name = p.ItemDirectory.Combine ("test.cs"); Assert.AreEqual ("test.cs", f.FilePath.FileName); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var mp = await MSBuildProject.LoadAsync (p.FileName); mp.Evaluate (); Assert.IsTrue (mp.EvaluatedItems.FirstOrDefault (i => i.Name == "Compile" && i.Include == "test.cs") != null); Assert.IsTrue (mp.EvaluatedItems.FirstOrDefault (i => i.Name == "Compile" && i.Include == "Program.cs") == null); } [Test] public void FrameworkAssemblyVersionNotStored () { // We don't store the version number for framework assemblies var p = Services.ProjectService.CreateDotNetProject ("C#"); var pr = ProjectReference.CreateAssemblyReference ("System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"); p.References.Add (pr); Assert.AreEqual ("System", pr.Include); } [Test] public async Task ProjectDefinesCommonPropertiesInExternalFile () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-includes-props", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Project p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task ProjectWithMultiIncludeItem () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("project-multi-include-item", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Project p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; var f = p.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Program1.cs"); Assert.NotNull (f); Assert.IsFalse (f.Visible); f = p.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Program2.cs"); Assert.NotNull (f); Assert.IsFalse (f.Visible); f = p.Files.FirstOrDefault (pf => pf.FilePath.FileName == "Program3.cs"); Assert.NotNull (f); Assert.IsFalse (f.Visible); var refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); refXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (Util.ToWindowsEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName + ".2"))); f.Visible = true; await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test ()] public async Task SolutionDirIsSet () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (Project)sol.Items [0]; Assert.AreEqual (sol.ItemDirectory.ToString (), p.MSBuildProject.EvaluatedProperties.GetValue ("SolutionDir")); } [Test] public async Task RenameConfiguration () { // When renaming a configuration, paths that use the configuration name should also be renamed string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution sol = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); var p = (DotNetProject)sol.Items [0]; var c = p.GetConfiguration (new ItemConfigurationSelector ("Release")); var renamed = p.CreateConfiguration ("Test"); renamed.CopyFrom (c, true); p.Configurations.Remove (c); p.Configurations.Add (renamed); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); var compXml = Util.ToSystemEndings (File.ReadAllText (p.FileName.ChangeName ("ConsoleProject-conf-renamed"))); Assert.AreEqual (compXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task ProjectWithDuplicateConfigGroup () { // The project has two property groups with Debug|AnyCPU. This has to result in a single // Debug configuration. If a change is done in the configuration, it has to be applied // to the last group. string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-tests", "project-with-duplicated-conf.csproj"); var p = (Project)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.AreEqual (2, p.Configurations.Count); var c = p.GetConfiguration (new ItemConfigurationSelector ("Debug")) as DotNetProjectConfiguration; Assert.IsNotNull (c); Assert.IsTrue (c.DebugSymbols); c.Properties.SetValue ("Test", "foo"); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName.ChangeName ("project-with-duplicated-conf-saved")); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task ConditionedHintPath () { // A reference with several hint paths with conditions. Only the hint path with the true condition // will be used string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-tests", "conditioned-hintpath.csproj"); var p = (DotNetProject)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); Assert.AreEqual (2, p.References.Count); Assert.AreEqual (p.ItemDirectory.Combine ("a.dll").ToString (), p.References [0].HintPath.ToString ()); Assert.AreEqual (p.ItemDirectory.Combine ("b.dll").ToString (), p.References [1].HintPath.ToString ()); var refXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); var savedXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); Assert.AreEqual (refXml, savedXml); } [Test] public async Task MSBuildPropertiesSetWhenSaving () { Solution sol = TestProjectsChecks.CreateConsoleSolution ("console-project-msbuild"); sol.ConvertToFormat (MSBuildFileFormat.VS2010); var p = sol.GetAllProjects ().First (); var c = (ProjectConfiguration)p.Configurations [0]; Assert.IsFalse (p.ProjectProperties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); Assert.IsFalse (p.MSBuildProject.EvaluatedProperties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); Assert.IsFalse (c.Properties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); // MSBuild properties defined in imported targets are loaded after saving a project for the first time Assert.IsTrue (p.ProjectProperties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); Assert.IsTrue (p.MSBuildProject.EvaluatedProperties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); Assert.IsTrue (c.Properties.HasProperty ("TargetName")); } [Test ()] public async Task LoadSaveConsoleProjectWithEmptyGroup () { var fn = new CustomFlavorNode (); WorkspaceObject.RegisterCustomExtension (fn); try { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("console-project-empty-group", "ConsoleProject.sln"); Solution item = (Solution)await Services.ProjectService.ReadWorkspaceItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); Assert.IsTrue (item is Solution); Solution sol = (Solution)item; TestProjectsChecks.CheckBasicVsConsoleProject (sol); var p = sol.GetAllProjects ().FirstOrDefault (); Assert.NotNull (p); Assert.NotNull (p.GetFlavor ()); string projectFile = ((Project)sol.Items [0]).FileName; string solXml = File.ReadAllText (solFile); string projectXml = File.ReadAllText (projectFile); await sol.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (solXml, File.ReadAllText (solFile)); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml, File.ReadAllText (projectFile)); } finally { WorkspaceObject.UnregisterCustomExtension (fn); } } [Test] public async Task RemoveAndAddProperty () { string solFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-project-test", "test.csproj"); Project p = (Project) await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), solFile); string projectXml = File.ReadAllText (p.FileName); p.ProjectProperties.RemoveProperty ("TestRewrite"); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); p.ProjectProperties.SetValue ("TestRewrite", "Val"); await p.SaveAsync (Util.GetMonitor ()); Assert.AreEqual (projectXml, File.ReadAllText (p.FileName)); } [Test] public async Task GetReferencedAssemblies () { string projFile = Util.GetSampleProject ("msbuild-tests", "aliased-references.csproj"); var p = (DotNetProject)await Services.ProjectService.ReadSolutionItem (Util.GetMonitor (), projFile); var asms = (await p.GetReferencedAssemblies (p.Configurations [0].Selector)).ToArray (); var ar = asms.FirstOrDefault (a => a.FilePath.FileName == "System.Xml.dll"); Assert.IsNotNull (ar); Assert.AreEqual ("", ar.Aliases); ar = asms.FirstOrDefault (a => a.FilePath.FileName == "System.Data.dll"); Assert.IsNotNull (ar); Assert.AreEqual ("Foo", ar.Aliases); Assert.AreEqual (4, asms.Length); } } class MyProjectTypeNode: ProjectTypeNode { public MyProjectTypeNode () { Guid = "{52136883-B1F9-4238-BAAA-0FB243663676}"; Extension = "myproj"; } public override Type ItemType { get { return typeof(MyProject); } } } class MyEmptyProjectTypeNode: ProjectTypeNode { public MyEmptyProjectTypeNode () { Guid = "{52136883-B1F9-4238-BAAA-0FB243663676}"; Extension = "myproj"; } public override Type ItemType { get { return typeof(MyEmptyProject); } } } class MyProject: Project { [ItemProperty] public string SimpleData { get; set; } [ItemProperty (IsExternal = true)] public MyProjectData Data; [ItemProperty (WrapObject = false)] public MyProjectData DataProperty; } class MyProjectData { [ItemProperty] public string Foo { get; set; } } class MyEmptyProject: Project { } class FlavorWithData: ProjectExtension { [ItemProperty] public string SimpleData { get; set; } [ItemProperty (IsExternal = true)] public MyProjectData Data; } class CustomItem: ProjectItem { public override string Include { get { return "TestInclude"; } protected set { } } [ItemProperty] public string SomeMetadata { get; set; } } class CustomFlavorNode: SolutionItemExtensionNode { public CustomFlavorNode () { Guid = "{57EDDE80-A1D8-43D5-8478-C17416DFC16F}"; } public override object CreateInstance () { return new CustomFlavor (); } } class CustomFlavor: ProjectExtension { } }