\data\ ngram 1= 907 ngram 2= 2040 ngram 3= 2377 \1-grams: -3.46923 -0.144286 -2.12681 Musharraf -0.137849 -2.29314 ' -0.91146 -3.46923 s -0.0443902 -3.46923 Last -0.0443902 -3.46923 Act -0.0443902 -3.1682 ? -0.0443902 -3.46923 desperate -0.0443902 -1.72887 to -0.137196 -3.46923 hold -0.0443902 -3.46923 onto -0.0443902 -2.99211 power -0.0443902 -1.41233 , -0.270939 -3.1682 Pervez -0.204424 -2.77026 has -0.0672936 -3.46923 discarded -0.0443902 -2.23878 Pakistan -0.346685 -2.99211 constitutional -0.0443902 -3.46923 framework -0.0443902 -1.79713 and -0.115039 -3.1682 declared -0.0443902 -1.96408 a -0.0573296 -2.99211 state -0.117077 -1.71336 of -0.218108 -2.99211 emergency -0.0443902 -1.54495 . -0.22555 -2.23878 his -0.0694369 -3.46923 goal -0.0443902 -3.46923 stifle -0.0443902 -1.72104 the -0.162156 -3.46923 independent -0.0443902 -2.99211 judiciary -0.117077 -2.99211 free -0.0443902 -2.86717 media -0.260895 -3.46923 artfully -0.0443902 -2.99211 though -0.0443902 -3.46923 shamelessly -0.0443902 -2.62413 he -0.0639468 -3.1682 tried -0.204424 -3.46923 sell -0.0443902 -2.56614 this -0.0752046 -3.46923 action -0.0443902 -2.3231 as -0.174718 -2.51499 an -0.129752 -3.46923 effort -0.0443902 -3.1682 bring -0.0443902 -2.99211 about -0.0443902 -3.1682 stability -0.0443902 -2.99211 help -0.0443902 -3.1682 fight -0.144286 -2.99211 war -0.505674 -2.26511 on -0.141156 -3.46923 terror -0.0443902 -3.1682 more -0.0443902 -3.1682 effectively -0.0443902 -3.46923 nothing -0.0443902 -3.1682 could -0.0443902 -2.46923 be -0.0443902 -3.1682 further -0.0443902 -2.56614 from -0.166649 -3.46923 truth -0.0443902 -2.99211 if -0.117077 -3.1682 history -0.0443902 -2.19048 is -0.10936 -3.46923 any -0.0443902 -3.46923 indicator -0.0443902 -2.77026 decision -0.101534 -3.46923 impose -0.0443902 -3.46923 martial -0.0443902 -2.77026 law -0.101534 -2.86717 may -0.117077 -3.46923 prove -0.0443902 -3.46923 proverbial -0.0443902 -3.46923 straw -0.0443902 -2.14701 that -0.195135 -3.46923 breaks -0.0443902 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brought -0.0443902 -3.1682 into -0.204424 -3.46923 international -0.0443902 -3.46923 limelight -0.0443902 -3.46923 agreed -0.0443902 -3.46923 ditch -0.0443902 -2.99211 Taliban -0.117077 -2.86717 support -0.0443902 -3.46923 United -0.0443902 -3.46923 States -0.0443902 -3.46923 led -0.0443902 -3.46923 clamped -0.0443902 -3.46923 down -0.0443902 -2.86717 some -0.0443902 -2.69108 religious -0.0914724 -3.46923 militants -0.0443902 -3.46923 operating -0.0443902 -3.1682 inside -0.0443902 -2.77026 also -0.0443902 -3.1682 those -0.0443902 -3.1682 fighting -0.0443902 -3.46923 Indian -0.0443902 -2.62413 forces -0.0752046 -1.93775 in -0.244858 -3.46923 Kashmir -0.0443902 -3.46923 result -0.0443902 -2.39005 was -0.0443902 -3.46923 rewarded -0.0443902 -2.99211 American -0.0443902 -3.46923 financial -0.0443902 -3.46923 assistance -0.0443902 -3.46923 arms -0.0443902 -3.46923 furtherance -0.0443902 -3.46923 re -0.0443902 -3.46923 alignment -0.0443902 -3.46923 sent -0.0443902 -3.1682 Pakistani -0.0443902 -3.1682 army -0.0443902 -3.46923 tribal -0.0443902 -3.46923 areas -0.0443902 -3.46923 bordering -0.0443902 -2.86717 Afghanistan -0.0443902 -2.3231 for -0.120735 -2.99211 first -0.0443902 -2.99211 time -0.144286 -2.99211 since -0.0443902 -3.46923 independence -0.0443902 -2.99211 operations -0.144286 -3.1682 there -0.0443902 -2.69108 against -0.0443902 -3.46923 al -0.0443902 -3.46923 Qaeda -0.0443902 -3.46923 mixed -0.0443902 -3.46923 results -0.0443902 -3.46923 although -0.0443902 -2.86717 US -0.0443902 -3.1682 viewed -0.0443902 -3.46923 agent -0.0443902 -3.46923 change -0.0443902 -3.46923 never -0.0443902 -3.46923 achieved -0.0443902 -3.1682 domestic -0.0443902 -3.46923 legitimacy -0.0443902 -3.1682 policies -0.0443902 -2.69108 were -0.0443902 -3.1682 seen -0.0443902 -3.46923 rife -0.0443902 -3.46923 contradictions -0.0443902 -3.46923 example -0.0443902 -2.99211 made -0.0443902 -3.46923 alliances -0.0443902 -3.46923 Islamist -0.0443902 -2.62413 ( -0.0443902 -3.1682 who -0.0443902 -3.46923 2004 -0.0443902 -3.46923 voted -0.0443902 -3.46923 changes -0.0443902 -3.46923 legitimizing -0.0443902 -2.99211 position -0.0443902 -2.99211 actions -0.0443902 -2.62413 ) -0.12853 -2.99211 at -0.0443902 -3.46923 same -0.0443902 -3.46923 sidelined -0.0443902 -3.46923 moderate -0.0443902 -3.46923 mainstream -0.0443902 -3.46923 leaders -0.0443902 -2.99211 while -0.0443902 -3.46923 claiming -0.0443902 -3.46923 stood -0.0443902 -3.46923 enlightened -0.0443902 -3.46923 moderation -0.0443902 -3.46923 series -0.0443902 -3.46923 ill -0.0443902 -2.99211 planned -0.0443902 -2.56614 military -0.0443902 -3.46923 complicated -0.0443902 -3.1682 situation -0.0443902 -3.46923 volatile -0.0443902 -3.46923 border -0.0443902 -3.1682 region -0.0443902 -3.1682 last -0.0443902 -3.46923 March -0.0443902 -3.1682 took -0.0443902 -3.46923 boldest -0.0443902 -3.46923 step -0.0443902 -3.46923 removing -0.0443902 -3.46923 Chief -0.0443902 -3.46923 Justice -0.0443902 -3.46923 Supreme -0.0443902 -3.46923 Court -0.0443902 -3.46923 Iftikhar -0.0443902 -3.46923 Chaudhry -0.0443902 -3.46923 surprise -0.0443902 -3.1682 country -0.117077 -3.46923 legal -0.0443902 -3.46923 community -0.0443902 -3.46923 organized -0.0443902 -3.46923 wide -0.0443902 -3.46923 movement -0.0443902 -3.46923 restore -0.0443902 -3.1682 post -0.0443902 -3.1682 hundreds -0.204424 -3.46923 thousands -0.0443902 -3.46923 ordinary -0.0443902 -2.99211 people -0.0443902 -3.46923 demanded -0.0443902 -2.99211 rule -0.0443902 -3.46923 supremacy -0.0443902 -3.46923 constitution -0.0443902 -3.46923 emboldening -0.0443902 -3.46923 changing -0.0443902 -3.46923 dynamic -0.0443902 -3.46923 historic -0.0443902 -3.1682 ruling -0.0443902 -2.86717 had -0.0443902 -3.46923 little -0.0443902 -3.46923 choice -0.0443902 -2.69108 but -0.0443902 -3.46923 accept -0.0443902 -3.46923 itself -0.0443902 -3.46923 reinstated -0.0443902 -3.46923 July -0.0443902 -3.46923 subsequently -0.0443902 -3.46923 energized -0.0443902 -3.46923 continued -0.0443902 -3.46923 decisions -0.0443902 -3.46923 embarrassing -0.0443902 -2.99211 especially -0.0443902 -2.69108 its -0.0443902 -2.99211 intelligence -0.117077 -3.46923 agencies -0.0443902 -3.46923 officials -0.0443902 -3.46923 held -0.0443902 -3.46923 accountable -0.0443902 -3.46923 usually -0.0443902 -3.46923 beyond -0.0443902 -3.46923 reach -0.0443902 -3.46923 ranging -0.0443902 -3.46923 brutal -0.0443902 -3.46923 beatings -0.0443902 -3.46923 journalists -0.0443902 -3.46923 illegal -0.0443902 -3.46923 confinement -0.0443902 -2.86717 security -0.117077 -3.46923 allies -0.0443902 -3.46923 adjust -0.0443902 -2.86717 new -0.0443902 -3.1682 reality -0.204424 -3.46923 their -0.0443902 -3.46923 patience -0.0443902 -3.46923 ran -0.0443902 -3.1682 out -0.0443902 -2.86717 up -0.0443902 -3.46923 petitions -0.0443902 -3.1682 run -0.204424 -2.86717 president -0.337429 -3.46923 according -0.0443902 -3.46923 originally -0.0443902 -3.46923 promulgated -0.0443902 -3.46923 1973 -0.0443902 -2.39005 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-3.46923 realm -0.0443902 -3.46923 mistakes -0.0443902 -3.46923 ; -0.0443902 -3.46923 no -0.0443902 -3.46923 stretch -0.0443902 -3.46923 imagination -0.0443902 -2.86717 can -0.0443902 -3.46923 linked -0.0443902 -3.46923 extremism -0.0443902 -2.86717 or -0.0443902 -3.1682 militancy -0.0443902 -2.86717 it -0.337429 -3.46923 unlikely -0.0443902 -3.46923 latest -0.0443902 -3.46923 gambit -0.0443902 -2.77026 will -0.101534 -3.46923 succeed -0.0443902 -3.46923 popular -0.0443902 -3.46923 lowest -0.0443902 -3.46923 ebb -0.0443902 -3.46923 armed -0.0443902 -3.46923 repeated -0.0443902 -3.46923 targets -0.0443902 -3.46923 bombers -0.0443902 -3.1682 become -0.0443902 -3.46923 demoralized -0.0443902 -3.46923 difficult -0.0443902 -3.46923 imagine -0.0443902 -3.1682 them -0.0443902 -3.46923 standing -0.0443902 -2.99211 should -0.0443902 -3.46923 civil -0.0443902 -3.46923 conflict -0.0443902 -3.46923 erupt -0.0443902 -3.46923 nor -0.0443902 -3.1682 weak -0.0443902 -3.46923 embattled -0.0443902 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-3.46923 disorganized -0.0443902 -3.46923 Lt. -0.0443902 -3.46923 Gen. -0.0443902 -3.46923 Hamid -0.0443902 -3.46923 Gul -0.0443902 -3.46923 Inter -0.0443902 -3.46923 Services -0.0443902 -3.46923 Intelligence -0.0443902 -3.1682 ISI -0.0443902 -3.1682 chief -0.0443902 -3.46923 confirmed -0.0443902 -3.46923 sponsored -0.0443902 -3.1682 alliance -0.0443902 -3.46923 right -0.0443902 -3.46923 wing -0.0443902 -3.46923 stop -0.0443902 -3.46923 getting -0.0443902 -3.46923 parliamentary -0.0443902 -3.46923 majority -0.0443902 -3.1682 information -0.0443902 -3.46923 nuclear -0.0443902 -3.46923 program -0.0443902 -3.46923 domain -0.0443902 -3.46923 second -0.0443902 -3.1682 term -0.0443902 -3.46923 1993 -0.0443902 -3.46923 96 -0.0443902 -3.46923 longer -0.0443902 -3.1682 better -0.0443902 -3.46923 again -0.0443902 -3.46923 fell -0.0443902 -3.46923 early -0.0443902 -3.46923 owing -0.0443902 -3.46923 charges -0.0443902 -3.46923 mismanagement -0.0443902 -3.46923 corruption -0.0443902 -3.46923 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string -0.0443902 -3.46923 bombings -0.0443902 -3.46923 contacts -0.0443902 -3.46923 Mushararf -0.0443902 -3.46923 drew -0.0443902 -3.46923 criticism -0.0443902 -3.46923 adamant -0.0443902 -3.46923 possible -0.0443902 -3.1682 only -0.0443902 -3.1682 through -0.0443902 -3.1682 transition -0.0443902 -3.1682 head -0.0443902 -3.46923 conduct -0.0443902 -3.46923 fair -0.0443902 -3.1682 elections -0.0443902 -3.46923 dismay -0.0443902 -3.46923 stayed -0.0443902 -3.46923 course -0.0443902 -3.1682 even -0.0443902 -3.46923 November -0.0443902 -3.46923 3 -0.0443902 -3.46923 removed -0.0443902 -3.46923 ensure -0.0443902 -2.99211 election -0.0443902 -3.46923 persuaded -0.0443902 -2.99211 other -0.0443902 -3.46923 important -0.0443902 -3.46923 participate -0.0443902 -3.46923 January -0.0443902 -3.46923 8 -0.0443902 -3.1682 opportunity -0.0443902 -3.46923 challenge -0.0443902 -3.46923 extremist -0.0443902 -3.46923 square -0.0443902 -3.46923 seized -0.0443902 -3.46923 bravely -0.0443902 -3.46923 traveling -0.0443902 -3.46923 throughout -0.0443902 -3.46923 threats -0.0443902 -3.46923 arguing -0.0443902 -3.46923 pluralistic -0.0443902 -3.1682 one -0.0443902 -3.46923 understand -0.0443902 -3.46923 why -0.0443902 -3.46923 like -0.0443902 -3.46923 target -0.0443902 -3.46923 claims -0.0443902 -3.46923 impossible -0.0443902 -3.46923 defend -0.0443902 -3.1682 attack -0.0443902 -3.46923 reportedly -0.0443902 -3.46923 killed -0.0443902 -3.46923 sharp -0.0443902 -3.46923 shooter -0.0443902 -3.46923 blew -0.0443902 -3.1682 himself -0.0443902 -3.1682 so -0.0443902 -3.46923 eyes -0.0443902 -3.46923 supporters -0.0443902 -3.46923 services -0.0443902 -3.46923 either -0.0443902 -3.46923 alone -0.0443902 -3.46923 collaboration -0.0443902 -3.46923 finally -0.0443902 -3.46923 eliminate -0.0443902 -2.99211 whether -0.0443902 -3.46923 involved -0.0443902 -3.46923 fact -0.0443902 -3.46923 remains -0.0443902 -3.46923 lost -0.0443902 -3.46923 desperately -0.0443902 -3.46923 needed -0.0443902 -3.46923 future -0.0443902 -3.46923 balance -0.0443902 -3.46923 West -0.0443902 -3.46923 crucial -0.0443902 -3.46923 means -0.0443902 -3.46923 recognizing -0.0443902 -3.46923 resolve -0.0443902 -3.46923 myriad -0.0443902 -3.1682 problems -0.0443902 -3.46923 manage -0.0443902 -3.46923 contrary -0.0443902 -3.46923 nurturing -0.0443902 -3.46923 current -0.0443902 -3.46923 environment -0.0443902 -3.46923 instability -0.0443902 -3.46923 uncertainty -0.0443902 -2.99211 must -0.0443902 -3.46923 regarded -0.0443902 -3.46923 biggest -0.0443902 -3.1682 Exorcising -0.204424 -3.46923 Ghost -0.0443902 -3.46923 CAMBRIDGE -0.0443902 -3.46923 Following -0.0443902 -3.1682 recent -0.0443902 -3.46923 rebounding -0.0443902 -3.46923 politically -0.0443902 -3.46923 euphoria -0.0443902 -3.46923 came -0.0443902 -3.1682 end -0.0443902 -3.46923 era -0.0443902 -3.46923 wearing -0.0443902 -3.46923 off -0.0443902 -3.46923 faces -0.0443902 -3.46923 stark -0.0443902 -3.46923 choices -0.0443902 -3.46923 unlike -0.0443902 -3.46923 Iraq -0.0443902 -3.46923 60 -0.0443902 -3.46923 year -0.0443902 -3.46923 old -0.0443902 -3.46923 ethnic -0.0443902 -3.46923 cleavages -0.0443902 -3.46923 institutions -0.0443902 -3.46923 North -0.0443902 -3.46923 perennially -0.0443902 -3.46923 destabilizing -0.0443902 -3.46923 settles -0.0443902 -3.46923 establishes -0.0443902 -3.1682 priorities -0.0443902 -3.46923 reassess -0.0443902 -3.46923 impact -0.0443902 -3.1682 past -0.0443902 -3.46923 dealings -0.0443902 -3.46923 Yousaf -0.0443902 -2.99211 Gilani -0.0443902 -3.46923 seasoned -0.0443902 -3.46923 politician -0.0443902 -3.46923 importantly -0.0443902 -3.1682 Sufi -0.0443902 -3.46923 family -0.0443902 -3.46923 roots -0.0443902 -3.46923 good -0.0443902 -3.46923 omen -0.0443902 -3.46923 because -0.0443902 -3.46923 tradition -0.0443902 -3.46923 tolerance -0.0443902 -3.46923 unequivocally -0.0443902 -3.46923 inaugural -0.0443902 -3.46923 address -0.0443902 -3.1682 terrorism -0.0443902 -3.46923 priority -0.0443902 -3.46923 release -0.0443902 -3.46923 house -0.0443902 -3.46923 arrest -0.0443902 -3.46923 deposed -0.0443902 -3.46923 respite -0.0443902 -3.46923 horrendous -0.0443902 -3.46923 spate -0.0443902 -3.46923 assumed -0.0443902 -3.46923 similarly -0.0443902 -3.46923 heartening -0.0443902 -3.46923 honeymoon -0.0443902 -3.46923 period -0.0443902 -3.46923 coming -0.0443902 -3.46923 already -0.0443902 -3.46923 hometown -0.0443902 -3.46923 Multan -0.0443902 -3.46923 rioters -0.0443902 -3.46923 attacked -0.0443902 -3.46923 offices -0.0443902 -3.46923 banks -0.0443902 -3.46923 protest -0.0443902 -3.46923 electricity -0.0443902 -3.46923 disruptions -0.0443902 -3.46923 couple -0.0443902 -3.1682 well -0.0443902 -3.46923 known -0.0443902 -3.1682 politicians -0.0443902 -3.46923 federal -0.0443902 -3.46923 cabinet -0.0443902 -3.46923 previous -0.0443902 -3.46923 publicly -0.0443902 -3.46923 thrashed -0.0443902 -3.46923 raising -0.0443902 -3.46923 doubts -0.0443902 -3.46923 control -0.0443902 -3.46923 order -0.0443902 -3.46923 far -0.0443902 -3.46923 accepted -0.0443902 -3.46923 diminishing -0.0443902 -3.46923 stature -0.0443902 -3.46923 quietly -0.0443902 -3.46923 options -0.0443902 -3.46923 leadership -0.0443902 -3.46923 both -0.0443902 -3.46923 outside -0.0443902 -3.46923 carefully -0.0443902 -3.46923 avoiding -0.0443902 -3.46923 collision -0.0443902 -3.46923 interestingly -0.0443902 -3.46923 midst -0.0443902 -3.46923 embarked -0.0443902 -3.46923 week -0.0443902 -3.1682 long -0.0443902 -3.46923 visit -0.0443902 -3.1682 China -0.0443902 -3.46923 lobby -0.0443902 -3.46923 construction -0.0443902 -3.46923 oil -0.0443902 -3.46923 gas -0.0443902 -3.46923 pipeline -0.0443902 -3.46923 between -0.0443902 -3.46923 Persian -0.0443902 -3.46923 Gulf -0.0443902 -3.46923 routed -0.0443902 -3.46923 deeper -0.0443902 -3.46923 question -0.0443902 -3.46923 raised -0.0443902 -3.1682 proposal -0.0443902 -3.46923 meant -0.0443902 -3.46923 convey -0.0443902 -3.46923 message -0.0443902 -3.46923 shifting -0.0443902 -3.46923 revival -0.0443902 -3.46923 undoubtedly -0.0443902 -3.46923 effect -0.0443902 -3.46923 relations -0.0443902 -3.46923 links -0.0443902 -3.46923 appear -0.0443902 -3.46923 remain -0.0443902 -3.46923 sound -0.0443902 -3.46923 footing -0.0443902 -3.46923 strategic -0.0443902 -3.46923 likely -0.0443902 -3.46923 continue -0.0443902 -3.46923 perhaps -0.0443902 -3.46923 nuanced -0.0443902 -3.46923 differences -0.0443902 -3.46923 how -0.0443902 -3.46923 bound -0.0443902 -3.46923 influenced -0.0443902 -3.46923 opinion -0.0443902 -3.46923 generally -0.0443902 -3.46923 critical -0.0443902 -3.46923 nevertheless -0.0443902 -3.46923 interests -0.0443902 -3.46923 served -0.0443902 -3.46923 successfully -0.0443902 -3.46923 establish -0.0443902 -3.46923 themselves -0.0443902 -3.46923 Senate -0.0443902 -3.46923 increase -0.0443902 -3.46923 development -0.0443902 -3.46923 education -0.0443902 -3.46923 aid -0.0443902 -3.46923 winning -0.0443902 -3.46923 hearts -0.0443902 -3.46923 minds 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Musharraf -0.0180369 -0.790632 Musharraf ' -0.811127 -1.50572 Musharraf , -0.0180369 -1.60729 Musharraf has -0.0180369 -1.83413 Musharraf and -0.0180369 -1.35435 Musharraf . -0.0180369 -2.18735 Musharraf as -0.0180369 -2.25904 Musharraf be -0.0180369 -2.11172 Musharraf is -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf appeared -0.0180369 -2.22172 Musharraf government -0.0180369 -2.45216 Musharraf into -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf clamped -0.0180369 -2.22172 Musharraf was -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf sent -0.0180369 -2.45216 Musharraf took -0.0180369 -2.39525 Musharraf had -0.0180369 -2.36937 Musharraf would -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf jittery -0.0180369 -2.42277 Musharraf should -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf home -0.0180369 -2.45216 Musharraf imposed -0.0180369 -2.45216 Musharraf himself -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf era -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf embarked -0.0180369 -2.48367 Musharraf meant -0.0180369 -0.0600067 ' s -0.055319 -2.18581 ' organizations -0.0180369 -2.53277 s Last -0.150992 -2.45034 s constitutional -0.0180369 -1.54716 s . -0.0180369 -2.45034 s help -0.0180369 -2.4896 s history -0.0180369 -2.38108 s decision -0.0180369 -2.53277 s back -0.0180369 -2.20041 s government -0.0180369 -2.16012 s political -0.0180369 -2.3502 s religious -0.0180369 -2.53277 s independence -0.0180369 -2.29433 s military -0.0180369 -2.53277 s legal -0.0180369 -2.45034 s people -0.0180369 -2.41433 s new -0.0180369 -2.4896 s rights -0.0180369 -2.53277 s latest -0.0180369 -2.53277 s armed -0.0180369 -2.45034 s top -0.0180369 -2.53277 s chronically -0.0180369 -2.53277 s prospects -0.0180369 -2.53277 s partial -0.0180369 -2.53277 s failure -0.0180369 -2.38108 s democratic -0.0180369 -2.53277 s legacy -0.0180369 -2.53277 s nuclear -0.0180369 -2.45034 s return -0.0180369 -2.53277 s contacts -0.0180369 -2.53277 s supporters -0.0180369 -2.53277 s future -0.0180369 -2.53277 s myriad -0.0180369 -2.53277 s biggest -0.0180369 -2.53277 s Ghost -0.0180369 -2.4896 s priorities -0.0180369 -2.53277 s hometown -0.0180369 -2.53277 s motivations -0.0180369 -2.53277 s own -0.0180369 -1.01114 Last Act -0.150992 -1.00977 Act ? -0.0180369 -1.4075 ? Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.48553 ? desperate -0.0180369 -1.30766 ? to -0.0180369 -0.943028 desperate to -0.0180369 -2.74721 to hold -0.0180369 -1.27707 to Pakistan -0.0180369 -2.24035 to his -0.0180369 -2.74721 to stifle -0.0180369 -1.02579 to the -0.0180369 -2.74721 to sell -0.0180369 -1.85703 to this -0.0180369 -2.42369 to an -0.0180369 -2.69096 to bring -0.0180369 -1.9061 to fight -0.0180369 -1.29154 to be -0.0180369 -2.74721 to impose -0.0180369 -2.74721 to ditch -0.0180369 -2.51895 to religious -0.0180369 -2.74721 to restore -0.0180369 -2.74721 to accept -0.0180369 -2.74721 to illegal -0.0180369 -2.74721 to adjust -0.0180369 -2.69096 to run -0.0180369 -2.69096 to give -0.0180369 -2.74721 to abandon -0.0180369 -2.69096 to these -0.0180369 -2.74721 to blame -0.0180369 -2.74721 to imagine -0.0180369 -2.3004 to her -0.0180369 -2.74721 to defy -0.0180369 -2.74721 to send -0.0180369 -2.74721 to lead -0.0180369 -2.64116 to democracy -0.0180369 -2.74721 to provide -0.0180369 -2.74721 to pay -0.0180369 -2.74721 to Zulfikar -0.0180369 -2.74721 to see -0.0180369 -2.74721 to stop -0.0180369 -2.74721 to charges -0.0180369 -2.74721 to ensure -0.0180369 -2.74721 to participate -0.0180369 -2.74721 to challenge -0.0180369 -2.74721 to defend -0.0180369 -2.74721 to eliminate -0.0180369 -2.74721 to release -0.0180369 -2.74721 to protest -0.0180369 -2.69096 to China -0.0180369 -2.74721 to lobby -0.0180369 -2.74721 to convey -0.0180369 -2.74721 to remain -0.0180369 -2.74721 to continue -0.0180369 -2.74721 to increase -0.0180369 -2.74721 to voice -0.0180369 -2.74721 to deal -0.0180369 -1.01114 hold onto -0.0180369 -1.00841 onto power -0.0180369 -1.17183 power , -0.0180369 -1.41782 power is -0.0180369 -1.36539 power - -0.0180369 -1.28295 , Musharraf -0.153253 -1.96756 , to -0.0180369 -2.94503 , Pervez -0.0180369 -1.76227 , has -0.0180369 -2.04327 , Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.05345 , and -0.0618189 -1.92885 , a -0.0180369 -2.04327 , his -0.0180369 -1.12969 , the -0.0415692 -2.82428 , media -0.0180369 -2.18675 , though -0.0180369 -1.38236 , he -0.057997 -1.57088 , as -0.0180369 -2.94503 , more -0.0180369 -2.02616 , is -0.150992 -3.0209 , 1999 -0.0180369 -2.94503 , when -0.0180369 -3.0209 , disillusioned -0.0180369 -2.94503 , remained -0.0180369 -3.0209 , thinking -0.0180369 -3.0209 , 2001 -0.0180369 -2.88047 , terrorist -0.0180369 -1.51571 , in -0.0794462 -2.7299 , were -0.0180369 -3.0209 , mainstream -0.0180369 -2.88047 , while -0.0180369 -2.21175 , removing -0.150992 -3.0209 , Iftikhar -0.0180369 -3.0209 , emboldening -0.0180369 -1.38427 , but -0.0180369 -3.0209 , embarrassing -0.0180369 -2.88047 , especially -0.0180369 -2.7299 , its -0.0180369 -3.0209 , ranging -0.0180369 -2.5296 , by -0.0180369 -2.94503 , human -0.0180369 -3.0209 , judicial -0.0180369 -2.82428 , it -0.0180369 -2.94503 , become -0.0180369 -2.94503 , weak -0.0180369 -3.0209 , embattled -0.0180369 -2.94503 , together -0.0180369 -2.18675 , Benazir -0.0180369 -2.12992 , Bhutto -0.0180369 -2.21175 , despite -0.0180369 -1.48658 , which -0.06645 -2.88047 , top -0.0180369 -2.88047 , democracy -0.0180369 -2.94503 , indeed -0.0180369 -3.0209 , we -0.0180369 -2.94503 , President -0.0180369 -3.0209 , writing -0.0180369 -2.94503 , I -0.0180369 -2.77453 , she -0.0180369 -3.0209 , confirmed -0.0180369 -3.0209 , owing -0.0180369 -3.0209 , machinations -0.0180369 -3.0209 , given -0.0180369 -3.0209 , Bhutoo -0.0180369 -3.0209 , arguing -0.0180369 -2.94503 , so -0.0180369 -3.0209 , either -0.0180369 -3.0209 , finally -0.0180369 -2.88047 , must -0.0180369 -3.0209 , Yousaf -0.0180369 -3.0209 , rioters -0.0180369 -3.0209 , raising -0.0180369 -3.0209 , both -0.0180369 -2.94503 , long -0.0180369 -3.0209 , perhaps -0.0180369 -3.0209 , regardless -0.0180369 -0.4201 Pervez Musharraf -0.0180369 -2.07636 has discarded -0.0180369 -1.1996 has tried -0.150992 -2.07636 has never -0.0180369 -2.06157 has few -0.0180369 -2.07636 has now -0.0180369 -2.06157 has been -0.0180369 -2.07636 has strongly -0.0180369 -2.07636 has lost -0.0180369 -2.06157 has Sufi -0.0180369 -2.07636 has accepted -0.0180369 -2.07636 has said -0.0180369 -0.989819 discarded Pakistan -0.0180369 -0.415899 Pakistan ' -1.2213 -2.3857 Pakistan has -0.0180369 -1.48052 Pakistan and -0.0180369 -0.926368 Pakistan . -0.0180369 -1.92422 Pakistan the -0.0180369 -2.437 Pakistan could -0.0180369 -2.20389 Pakistan is -0.0180369 -2.06059 Pakistan - -0.0180369 -2.06828 Pakistan in -0.0180369 -2.28535 Pakistan was -0.0180369 -2.40213 Pakistan had -0.0180369 -2.3857 Pakistan will -0.0180369 -2.45553 Pakistan The -0.0180369 -2.41921 Pakistan must -0.0180369 -1.48553 constitutional framework -0.0180369 -1.46955 constitutional law -0.0180369 -1.48553 constitutional changes -0.0180369 -0.952469 framework and -0.0180369 -1.19324 and , -0.0180369 -2.66953 and declared -0.0180369 -2.00201 and a -0.0180369 -1.77103 and his -0.0180369 -1.08453 and the -0.0180369 -2.61966 and free -0.0180369 -2.57493 and media -0.0180369 -2.61966 and help -0.0180369 -2.66953 and announced -0.0180369 -1.79153 and political -0.0180369 -2.61966 and Taliban -0.0180369 -1.86786 and support -0.0180369 -1.85148 and religious -0.150992 -2.53437 and also -0.0180369 -2.72588 and arms -0.0180369 -2.57493 and Afghanistan -0.0180369 -2.72588 and al -0.0180369 -2.61966 and actions -0.0180369 -1.8357 and military -0.0180369 -2.72588 and changing -0.0180369 -2.61966 and especially -0.0180369 -2.49729 and not -0.0180369 -2.72588 and provincial -0.0180369 -2.72588 and putting -0.0180369 -2.66953 and lawyers -0.0180369 -2.72588 and disoriented -0.0180369 -2.66953 and former -0.0180369 -2.72588 and potential -0.0180369 -2.72588 and confusion -0.0180369 -2.66953 and exile -0.0180369 -2.72588 and defense -0.0180369 -2.72588 and disorganized -0.0180369 -2.66953 and ISI -0.0180369 -2.66953 and better -0.0180369 -2.72588 and corruption -0.0180369 -2.72588 and conduct -0.0180369 -2.72588 and fair -0.0180369 -2.72588 and removed -0.0180369 -2.61966 and other -0.0180369 -2.72588 and pluralistic -0.0180369 -2.72588 and manage -0.0180369 -2.72588 and uncertainty -0.0180369 -2.72588 and establishes -0.0180369 -2.72588 and banks -0.0180369 -2.72588 and order -0.0180369 -2.72588 and outside -0.0180369 -2.72588 and gas -0.0180369 -2.72588 and education -0.0180369 -2.72588 and minds -0.0180369 -1.23368 declared a -0.0180369 -1.22914 declared in -0.0180369 -1.72653 a state -0.0180369 -2.42013 a decision -0.0180369 -2.53636 a nation -0.0180369 -2.58322 a result -0.0180369 -2.58322 a series -0.0180369 -2.58322 a historic -0.0180369 -2.58322 a serving -0.0180369 -1.74051 a civilian -0.0180369 -2.49407 a suicide -0.0180369 -2.53636 a weak -0.0180369 -2.58322 a preoccupied -0.0180369 -2.49407 a top -0.0180369 -2.58322 a Murder -0.150992 -2.53636 a Muslim -0.0180369 -2.53636 a serious -0.0180369 -2.42013 a democratic -0.0180369 -2.58322 a symbol -0.0180369 -2.58322 a young -0.0180369 -2.53636 a chief -0.0180369 -2.58322 a parliamentary -0.0180369 -2.58322 a part -0.0180369 -2.58322 a popularly -0.0180369 -2.58322 a decade -0.0180369 -2.49407 a return -0.0180369 -2.58322 a fresh -0.0180369 -2.58322 a tentative -0.0180369 -2.58322 a string -0.0180369 -2.53636 a transition -0.0180369 -2.53636 a head -0.0180369 -2.58322 a sharp -0.0180369 -2.58322 a desperately -0.0180369 -2.58322 a seasoned -0.0180369 -2.58322 a good -0.0180369 -2.58322 a couple -0.0180369 -2.58322 a federal -0.0180369 -2.58322 a week -0.0180369 -2.53636 a proposal -0.0180369 -2.58322 a message -0.0180369 -2.58322 a sound -0.0180369 -2.58322 a policy -0.0180369 -0.662998 state , -0.0180369 -1.40819 state of -0.0180369 -1.33662 state . -0.0180369 -1.40813 of Pakistan -0.44315 -2.63988 of constitutional -0.0180369 -2.0836 of a -0.150992 -2.63988 of state -0.0180369 -2.63988 of emergency -0.0180369 -2.28672 of his -0.0180369 -0.62573 of the -0.0347145 -2.45296 of an -0.0180369 -2.56826 of law -0.0180369 -2.68067 of many -0.0180369 -2.6026 of some -0.0180369 -2.6026 of US -0.0180369 -2.7257 of change -0.0180369 -2.7257 of ill -0.0180369 -2.7257 of thousands -0.150992 -1.88102 of ordinary -0.150992 -2.63988 of people -0.0180369 -2.53644 of its -0.0180369 -2.7257 of journalists -0.0180369 -2.7257 of reneging -0.0180369 -1.27215 of suicide -0.292285 -2.63988 of Benazir -0.0180369 -2.47904 of Bhutto -0.0180369 -1.80074 of her -0.0180369 -2.7257 of sustained -0.0180369 -2.68067 of President -0.0180369 -2.7257 of events -0.0180369 -2.7257 of all -0.0180369 -2.56826 of democratic -0.0180369 -2.7257 of resistance -0.0180369 -2.7257 of right -0.0180369 -2.7257 of mismanagement -0.0180369 -2.7257 of society -0.0180369 -2.7257 of instability -0.0180369 -2.7257 of tolerance -0.0180369 -2.7257 of Multan -0.0180369 -2.68067 of well -0.0180369 -2.63988 of Bush -0.0180369 -1.17183 emergency , -0.0180369 -1.2356 emergency . -0.0180369 -1.47747 emergency rule -0.0180369 -2.91197 . -0.0180369 -1.90845 . Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.48374 . to -0.10201 -1.33528 . Pakistan -0.221849 -1.97824 . and -0.0180369 -1.54999 . a -0.0180369 -2.35108 . his -0.0180369 -0.971774 . the -0.0415692 -2.91197 . artfully -0.0180369 -1.60996 . as -0.0180369 -2.37123 . on -0.0180369 -2.91197 . nothing -0.0180369 -2.78819 . if -0.0180369 -2.91197 . general -0.0180369 -2.46268 . government -0.0180369 -1.35074 . " -0.0180369 -2.84569 . many -0.0180369 -2.23142 . with -0.0180369 -1.40766 . in -0.0180369 -2.78819 . American -0.0180369 -2.41455 . for -0.0180369 -2.78819 . operations -0.0180369 -2.84569 . there -0.0180369 -2.91197 . although -0.0180369 -2.07008 . at -0.150992 -2.78819 . while -0.0180369 -2.84569 . last -0.0180369 -2.84569 . hundreds -0.0180369 -1.47547 . but -0.0794462 -2.91197 . subsequently -0.0180369 -2.91197 . according -0.0180369 -2.91197 . legally -0.0180369 -2.84569 . lawyers -0.0180369 -2.84569 . human -0.0180369 -2.0912 . rather -0.150992 -2.0599 . it -0.150992 -2.91197 . nor -0.0180369 -2.84569 . opposition -0.0180369 -2.57868 . Bhutto -0.0180369 -1.96936 . her -0.0180369 -2.84569 . terrorists -0.0180369 -2.84569 . indeed -0.0180369 -2.91197 . instead -0.0180369 -2.91197 . Z. -0.0180369 -2.91197 . hours -0.0180369 -2.69198 . she -0.0180369 -2.91197 . Lt. -0.0180369 -2.84569 . information -0.0180369 -2.84569 . after -0.0180369 -2.84569 . one -0.0180369 -2.08051 . so -0.0180369 -2.78819 . whether -0.0180369 -2.84569 . Exorcising -0.0180369 -2.84569 . recent -0.0180369 -2.91197 . unlike -0.0180369 -2.78819 . Gilani -0.0180369 -2.91197 . already -0.0180369 -2.91197 . interestingly -0.0180369 -2.91197 . nevertheless -0.0180369 -2.91197 . meanwhile -0.0180369 -2.32737 his goal -0.0180369 -2.23189 his decision -0.0180369 -2.10304 his government -0.0180369 -2.0723 his political -0.0180369 -1.46319 his re -0.150992 -2.27701 his first -0.0180369 -2.30146 his policies -0.0180369 -2.27701 his position -0.0180369 -2.27701 his actions -0.0180369 -1.43836 his military -0.10201 -2.32737 his boldest -0.0180369 -2.30146 his post -0.0180369 -2.32737 his track -0.0180369 -2.32737 his promises -0.0180369 -2.32737 his popular -0.0180369 -2.32737 his hanging -0.0180369 -2.32737 his death -0.0180369 -2.32737 his work -0.0180369 -2.32737 his inaugural -0.0180369 -2.32737 his diminishing -0.0180369 -1.00977 goal ? -0.0180369 -0.941863 stifle the -0.0180369 -2.22689 the Musharraf -0.0180369 -2.82653 the emergency -0.0180369 -2.98987 the independent -0.0180369 -1.7575 the judiciary -0.10201 -2.15247 the media -0.0180369 -2.16713 the war -0.150992 -2.98987 the truth -0.0180369 -2.70812 the decision -0.0180369 -2.70812 the law -0.0180369 -2.98987 the proverbial -0.0180369 -2.98987 the camel -0.0180369 -2.90057 the national -0.0180369 -1.70815 the government -0.0180369 -2.53865 the " -0.0180369 -2.39133 the political -0.0180369 -2.90057 the September -0.0180369 -2.90057 the 11 -0.0180369 -2.82653 the terrorist -0.0180369 -2.98987 the international -0.0180369 -2.82653 the Taliban -0.0180369 -1.59961 the United -0.292285 -2.90057 the Pakistani -0.0180369 -1.76927 the tribal -0.44315 -2.16713 the first -0.0180369 -1.58767 the US -0.0180369 -2.98987 the same -0.0180369 -2.82653 the planned -0.0180369 -2.09832 the military -0.0180369 -2.90057 the situation -0.0180369 -2.98987 the volatile -0.0180369 -2.90057 the region -0.0180369 -2.1823 the last -0.0180369 -1.76927 the Chief -0.44315 -1.76927 the Supreme -0.568089 -2.98987 the surprise -0.0180369 -1.38054 the country -0.30103 -2.82653 the rule -0.0180369 -2.98987 the supremacy -0.0180369 -2.19802 the constitution -0.0180369 -2.98987 the energized -0.0180369 -2.16713 the intelligence -0.0180369 -2.98987 the reach -0.0180369 -2.7633 the security -0.0180369 -1.58767 the new -0.389195 -2.7633 the president -0.0180369 -2.90057 the parliament -0.0180369 -2.98987 the proceedings -0.0180369 -2.98987 the court -0.0180369 -2.98987 the leading -0.0180369 -2.82653 the public -0.0180369 -2.98987 the deteriorating -0.0180369 -2.98987 the increasing -0.0180369 -2.98987 the realm -0.0180369 -2.98987 the imagination -0.0180369 -2.90057 the former -0.0180369 -2.98987 the event -0.0180369 -2.19802 the Making -0.150992 -2.98987 the very -0.0180369 -2.98987 the legendary -0.0180369 -2.98987 the 1980 -0.0180369 -2.98987 the impoverished -0.0180369 -2.98987 the gallows -0.0180369 -2.98987 the promise -0.0180369 -2.98987 the north -0.0180369 -2.98987 the fabric -0.0180369 -2.90057 the only -0.0180369 -2.98987 the dismay -0.0180369 -2.98987 the course -0.0180369 -2.98987 the eyes -0.0180369 -2.98987 the fact -0.0180369 -2.98987 the balance -0.0180369 -2.19802 the West -0.0180369 -2.98987 the contrary -0.0180369 -2.98987 the current -0.0180369 -2.98987 the euphoria -0.0180369 -2.90057 the end -0.0180369 -2.98987 the North -0.0180369 -2.98987 the impact -0.0180369 -2.90057 the Sufi -0.0180369 -2.98987 the respite -0.0180369 -2.98987 the horrendous -0.0180369 -2.98987 the honeymoon -0.0180369 -2.98987 the previous -0.0180369 -2.98987 the midst -0.0180369 -2.98987 the Persian -0.0180369 -2.98987 the deeper -0.0180369 -2.98987 the revival -0.0180369 -2.98987 the strategic -0.0180369 -2.98987 the hearts -0.0180369 -2.98987 the price -0.0180369 -1.00841 independent judiciary -0.0180369 -0.699181 judiciary and -0.0180369 -1.33662 judiciary . -0.0180369 -1.60995 judiciary continued -0.0180369 -1.32984 free and -0.0180369 -1.47349 free media -0.0180369 -1.48148 free elections -0.0180369 -0.368188 media . -0.0180369 -1.69115 media also -0.0180369 -1.70733 media associations -0.0180369 -0.879101 artfully , -0.0180369 -1.60912 though shamelessly -0.0180369 -1.57781 though he -0.0180369 -1.60912 though within -0.0180369 -1.60374 though terrorists -0.0180369 -0.879101 shamelessly , -0.0180369 -1.25886 he has -0.0180369 -2.14067 he ousted -0.0180369 -2.12343 he announced -0.0180369 -2.12343 he might -0.0180369 -2.14067 he agreed -0.0180369 -1.98064 he was -0.0180369 -2.10685 he made -0.0180369 -2.14067 he sidelined -0.0180369 -2.14067 he stood -0.0180369 -2.12343 he cannot -0.0180369 -2.07546 he would -0.0180369 -2.14067 he embraced -0.0180369 -2.14067 he sponsored -0.0180369 -0.412179 tried to -0.0180369 -1.00168 sell this -0.0180369 -1.95541 this action -0.0180369 -1.93359 this American -0.0180369 -1.92308 this new -0.0180369 -1.95541 this turn -0.0180369 -1.95541 this 60 -0.0180369 -1.94436 this proposal -0.0180369 -1.95541 this assertion -0.0180369 -1.07719 this view -0.0180369 -0.993737 action as -0.0180369 -0.773379 as a -0.0180369 -2.04706 as his -0.0180369 -1.74893 as the -0.0180369 -2.17374 as he -0.0180369 -0.956028 as an -0.0180369 -2.25431 as those -0.0180369 -2.27239 as rife -0.0180369 -2.15927 as military -0.0180369 -2.27239 as evidenced -0.0180369 -2.27239 as chaos -0.0180369 -2.27239 as heir -0.0180369 -2.25431 as prime -0.0180369 -2.25431 as one -0.0180369 -2.25431 as well -0.0180369 -2.04169 an effort -0.0180369 -0.725597 an elected -0.0180369 -2.04169 an ambitious -0.0180369 -2.04169 an agent -0.0180369 -2.02982 an alliance -0.0180369 -2.04169 an entrenched -0.0180369 -2.02982 an opportunity -0.0180369 -2.02982 an end -0.0180369 -2.04169 an oil -0.0180369 -0.943028 effort to -0.0180369 -1.30539 bring about -0.0180369 -1.27678 bring political -0.0180369 -1.42484 about Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.48148 about stability -0.0180369 -1.44292 about government -0.0180369 -1.18418 stability to -0.0180369 -1.20076 stability and -0.0180369 -1.32984 help and -0.0180369 -1.48148 help fight -0.0180369 -1.36848 help in -0.0180369 -0.578516 fight the -0.0180369 -1.48637 fight Islamic -0.0180369 -0.161421 war on -0.568089 -1.2614 on a -0.0180369 -1.29159 on his -0.0180369 -0.845543 on the -0.0180369 -2.19943 on terror -0.292285 -2.18289 on October -0.0180369 -2.18289 on America -0.0180369 -2.15159 on some -0.0180369 -2.18289 on those -0.0180369 -2.19943 on my -0.0180369 -2.19943 on November -0.0180369 -2.19943 on collision -0.0180369 -2.19943 on credible -0.0180369 -1.12887 terror . -0.0180369 -1.30809 terror more -0.0180369 -1.30809 more effectively -0.0180369 -1.3108 more importantly -0.0180369 -1.12887 effectively . -0.0180369 -1.30271 effectively or -0.0180369 -1.00977 nothing could -0.0180369 -1.30539 could help -0.0180369 -1.28697 could be -0.0180369 -1.77606 be a -0.0180369 -1.61795 be the -0.0180369 -2.12188 be further -0.0180369 -2.13986 be sure -0.0180369 -2.13986 be linked -0.0180369 -2.12188 be expected -0.0180369 -2.13986 be unprecedented -0.0180369 -2.13986 be absolved -0.0180369 -2.12188 be better -0.0180369 -2.13986 be crucial -0.0180369 -2.13986 be regarded -0.0180369 -2.13986 be routed -0.0180369 -2.13986 be influenced -0.0180369 -2.13986 be behind -0.0180369 -1.29215 further from -0.0180369 -1.3108 further complicated -0.0180369 -1.7938 from his -0.0180369 -0.567183 from the -0.0180369 -1.9074 from brutal -0.0180369 -1.89936 from Al -0.0180369 -1.9074 from getting -0.0180369 -1.9074 from house -0.0180369 -0.910431 truth . -0.0180369 -0.716414 if Pakistan -0.150992 -1.57473 if " -0.0180369 -1.60995 if another -0.0180369 -1.12887 history . -0.0180369 -1.26437 history is -0.0180369 -1.00803 is a -0.0180369 -2.34792 is any -0.0180369 -2.29964 is at -0.0180369 -1.46559 is not -0.0180369 -2.34792 is widespread -0.0180369 -2.34792 is unlikely -0.0180369 -2.34792 is difficult -0.0180369 -2.34792 is impossible -0.0180369 -2.29964 is whether -0.0180369 -2.34792 is rebounding -0.0180369 -2.34792 is wearing -0.0180369 -2.34792 is similarly -0.0180369 -2.34792 is coming -0.0180369 -2.34792 is likely -0.0180369 -2.34792 is generally -0.0180369 -1.48266 is being -0.0180369 -2.34792 is based -0.0180369 -2.34792 is unknown -0.0180369 -2.34792 is significant -0.0180369 -1.01114 any indicator -0.0180369 -0.879101 indicator , -0.0180369 -0.782641 decision to -0.0180369 -1.45908 decision of -0.0180369 -1.60076 decision that -0.0180369 -1.64481 decision was -0.0180369 -1.01114 impose martial -0.0180369 -1.00571 martial law -0.0180369 -1.30049 law , -0.0180369 -0.788338 law and -0.0180369 -1.68809 law may -0.0180369 -1.67135 law ) -0.0180369 -1.60995 may prove -0.0180369 -0.723504 may also -0.0180369 -1.60995 may decide -0.0180369 -0.943028 prove to -0.0180369 -1.01114 proverbial straw -0.0180369 -0.984649 straw that -0.0180369 -0.987024 that Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.40409 that Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.93713 that a -0.0180369 -0.831493 that he -0.0180369 -2.31485 that breaks -0.0180369 -2.18203 that " -0.0180369 -2.29585 that fighting -0.0180369 -2.22722 that were -0.0180369 -1.43369 that would -0.0180369 -2.26018 that it -0.0180369 -2.29585 that opportunity -0.0180369 -2.31485 that means -0.0180369 -2.31485 that came -0.0180369 -2.27765 that Bush -0.0180369 -0.941863 breaks the -0.0180369 -0.992427 camel ' -0.0180369 -0.910431 back . -0.0180369 -0.983367 general Musharraf -0.0180369 -0.991121 appeared on -0.0180369 -1.3108 national scene -0.0180369 -1.30271 national security -0.0180369 -0.991121 scene on -0.0180369 -1.3108 October 12 -0.0180369 -1.3108 October gave -0.0180369 -0.879101 12 , -0.0180369 -0.879101 1999 , -0.0180369 -1.18215 when the -0.0180369 -1.29477 when he -0.0180369 -1.00035 ousted an -0.0180369 -1.55334 elected government -0.0180369 -1.59318 elected president -0.0180369 -1.60374 elected parliament -0.0180369 -1.60374 elected office -0.0180369 -1.98664 government ' -0.0180369 -1.39092 government , -0.0180369 -1.69639 government and -0.0180369 -1.78406 government - -0.0180369 -1.79223 government in -0.0180369 -2.0272 government was -0.0180369 -2.22027 government decisions -0.0180369 -2.22027 government officials -0.0180369 -2.17817 government should -0.0180369 -2.22027 government again -0.0180369 -2.22027 government drew -0.0180369 -2.22027 government claims -0.0180369 -2.22027 government faces -0.0180369 -2.22027 government settles -0.0180369 -2.22027 government assumed -0.0180369 -2.22027 government offices -0.0180369 -2.22027 government control -0.0180369 -1.28955 announced an -0.0180369 -1.25951 announced that -0.0180369 -1.00035 ambitious " -0.0180369 -1.87337 " Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.78741 " a -0.0180369 -2.0462 " he -0.0180369 -2.10685 " war -0.0180369 -1.2635 " if -0.0180369 -2.12343 " national -0.0180369 -2.12343 " nation -0.0180369 -2.14067 " project -0.0180369 -2.14067 " enlightened -0.0180369 -2.06058 " but -0.0180369 -2.12343 " I -0.0180369 -2.07546 " she -0.0180369 -2.10685 " whether -0.0180369 -0.416963 nation - -0.0180369 -2.14413 - Musharraf -0.0180369 -2.01981 - a -0.0180369 -1.81638 - the -0.0180369 -2.57565 - though -0.0180369 -2.24043 - on -0.0180369 -2.41499 - from -0.0180369 -0.678615 - - -0.0180369 -2.66133 - building -0.0180369 -2.66133 - led -0.0180369 -2.66133 - alignment -0.0180369 -1.81658 - Qaeda -0.10201 -2.53841 - US -0.0180369 -2.57565 - planned -0.0180369 -2.66133 - wide -0.0180369 -2.47233 - but -0.0180369 -2.57565 - especially -0.0180369 -2.66133 - member -0.0180369 -2.53841 - have -0.0180369 -2.66133 - repeated -0.0180369 -2.66133 - sharing -0.0180369 -2.66133 - ul -0.0180369 -2.66133 - Haq -0.0180369 -2.66133 - 90 -0.0180369 -2.66133 - Services -0.0180369 -2.66133 - wing -0.0180369 -2.61638 - term -0.0180369 -2.66133 - 96 -0.0180369 -2.61638 - Western -0.0180369 -2.61638 - imposed -0.0180369 -2.66133 - particularly -0.0180369 -2.66133 - eased -0.0180369 -2.57565 - election -0.0180369 -2.66133 - Following -0.0180369 -1.81658 - year -0.0180369 -2.66133 - old -0.0180369 -2.66133 - known -0.0180369 -2.61638 - long -0.0180369 -2.66133 - style -0.0180369 -1.00035 building " -0.0180369 -0.910431 project . -0.0180369 -1.07822 many , -0.0180369 -1.3108 many Pakistanis -0.0180369 -0.879101 Pakistanis , -0.0180369 -0.980812 disillusioned with -0.0180369 -0.878843 with Musharraf -0.0794462 -1.04826 with Pakistan -0.10201 -1.97339 with a -0.0180369 -0.856448 with the -0.0180369 -2.35068 with America -0.0180369 -2.31235 with some -0.0180369 -2.33109 with American -0.0180369 -2.37119 with contradictions -0.0180369 -2.37119 with Islamist -0.0180369 -2.15935 with her -0.0180369 -2.37119 with adequate -0.0180369 -2.33109 with extremists -0.0180369 -2.35068 with Western -0.0180369 -2.37119 with India -0.0180369 -2.37119 with Mushararf -0.0180369 -2.35068 with terrorism -0.0180369 -2.21167 political stability -0.0180369 -2.22703 political class -0.0180369 -1.34043 political forces -0.0180369 -2.22703 political legitimacy -0.0180369 -0.915054 political leaders -0.0180369 -2.22703 political dynamic -0.0180369 -2.22703 political allies -0.0180369 -0.915054 political parties -0.0180369 -2.22703 political start -0.0180369 -1.3507 political transition -0.0180369 -2.22703 political leadership -0.0180369 -0.879101 class , -0.0180369 -1.3108 remained mute -0.0180369 -1.3108 remained adamant -0.0180369 -0.879101 mute , -0.0180369 -0.984649 thinking that -0.0180369 -1.3108 might deliver -0.0180369 -1.3108 might easily -0.0180369 -0.910431 deliver . -0.0180369 -0.424972 September 11 -0.0180369 -1.2208 11 , -0.0180369 -0.587013 11 - -0.0180369 -0.879101 2001 , -0.0180369 -1.48148 terrorist attacks -0.0180369 -1.48553 terrorist blew -0.0180369 -1.48553 terrorist activities -0.0180369 -1.27177 attacks on -0.0180369 -1.29477 attacks ) -0.0180369 -1.30809 America brought -0.0180369 -1.3108 America appear -0.0180369 -1.25709 brought Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.3108 brought mixed -0.0180369 -0.411942 into the -0.0180369 -1.01114 international limelight -0.0180369 -0.993737 limelight as -0.0180369 -0.943028 agreed to -0.0180369 -0.941863 ditch the -0.0180369 -1.41399 Taliban to -0.0180369 -0.699181 Taliban and -0.0180369 -1.59199 Taliban would -0.0180369 -1.43659 support the -0.0180369 -1.59765 support is -0.0180369 -1.52059 support - -0.0180369 -1.62483 support for -0.0180369 -1.67851 support will -0.0180369 -1.3108 United States -0.10201 -1.3108 United Kingdom -0.0180369 -1.07822 States , -0.0180369 -1.22689 States - -0.0180369 -1.00841 led war -0.0180369 -1.01114 clamped down -0.0180369 -0.991121 down on -0.0180369 -1.58287 some religious -0.0180369 -1.60912 some cases -0.0180369 -1.588 some democratic -0.0180369 -1.60912 some nuanced -0.0180369 -1.69803 religious political -0.0180369 -1.78334 religious militants -0.0180369 -0.90163 religious extremism -0.10201 -1.76908 religious extremists -0.0180369 -1.78334 religious extremist -0.0180369 -1.01114 militants operating -0.0180369 -1.00977 operating inside -0.0180369 -1.26929 inside Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.20076 inside and -0.0180369 -1.67578 also on -0.0180369 -1.71538 also be -0.0180369 -1.76667 also made -0.0180369 -1.77452 also wanted -0.0180369 -1.78251 also benefit -0.0180369 -1.77452 also played -0.0180369 -1.18013 those of -0.0180369 -1.30809 those fighting -0.0180369 -1.3108 fighting Indian -0.0180369 -1.30809 fighting terrorism -0.0180369 -1.00302 Indian forces -0.0180369 -1.36312 forces , -0.0180369 -1.45873 forces . -0.0180369 -1.6822 forces - -0.0180369 -1.94436 forces brought -0.0180369 -1.03088 forces in -0.0180369 -1.89299 forces ( -0.0180369 -1.95541 forces aligned -0.0180369 -1.95541 forces successfully -0.0180369 -1.61279 in , -0.0180369 -1.10787 in Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.94126 in and -0.0180369 -2.06799 in a -0.0180369 -1.66559 in his -0.0180369 -0.551817 in the -0.0180369 -2.5597 in October -0.0180369 -2.50273 in some -0.0180369 -2.59126 in Kashmir -0.0180369 -2.59126 in furtherance -0.0180369 -2.50273 in Afghanistan -0.0180369 -2.59126 in 2004 -0.0180369 -2.59126 in July -0.0180369 -2.5597 in reality -0.0180369 -2.59126 in 1973 -0.0180369 -2.5597 in office -0.0180369 -2.59126 in response -0.0180369 -1.6774 in her -0.0180369 -2.5597 in which -0.0180369 -2.59126 in 1979 -0.0180369 -2.59126 in jails -0.0180369 -2.59126 in self -0.0180369 -2.59126 in collaboration -0.0180369 -2.53028 in Gilani -0.0180369 -2.59126 in winning -0.0180369 -0.910431 Kashmir . -0.0180369 -0.879101 result , -0.0180369 -1.61387 was to -0.0180369 -2.09222 was elected -0.0180369 -2.10899 was rewarded -0.0180369 -2.03092 was not -0.0180369 -2.10899 was obvious -0.0180369 -2.10899 was hanged -0.0180369 -2.10899 was empowerment -0.0180369 -2.10899 was allowed -0.0180369 -2.10899 was brief -0.0180369 -2.10899 was longer -0.0180369 -2.10899 was possible -0.0180369 -2.10899 was reportedly -0.0180369 -2.10899 was involved -0.0180369 -0.980812 rewarded with -0.0180369 -1.48553 American financial -0.0180369 -1.47747 American intelligence -0.0180369 -1.47747 American election -0.0180369 -1.01114 financial assistance -0.0180369 -0.952469 assistance and -0.0180369 -0.910431 arms . -0.0180369 -0.9407 furtherance of -0.0180369 -0.967026 re - -0.0180369 -0.879101 alignment , -0.0180369 -0.941863 sent the -0.0180369 -1.30809 Pakistani army -0.0180369 -1.30809 Pakistani politicians -0.0180369 -1.20076 army and -0.0180369 -1.30809 army into -0.0180369 -1.01114 tribal areas -0.0180369 -1.17183 areas , -0.0180369 -1.48148 areas further -0.0180369 -1.48553 areas bordering -0.0180369 -1.00706 bordering Afghanistan -0.0180369 -1.22748 Afghanistan , -0.0180369 -1.30074 Afghanistan . -0.0180369 -1.54392 Afghanistan for -0.0180369 -1.58287 Afghanistan were -0.0180369 -2.1647 for constitutional -0.0180369 -1.84471 for a -0.0180369 -0.843535 for the -0.0180369 -2.08996 for this -0.0180369 -2.07644 for an -0.0180369 -1.30765 for " -0.0180369 -2.19862 for example -0.0180369 -2.1647 for actions -0.0180369 -2.14869 for president -0.0180369 -2.18133 for militancy -0.0180369 -2.1647 for democracy -0.0180369 -2.19862 for courageously -0.0180369 -2.19862 for construction -0.0180369 -1.588 first decision -0.0180369 -1.59843 first time -0.0180369 -1.60374 first Muslim -0.0180369 -1.60912 first stint -0.0180369 -0.555878 time , -0.0180369 -1.47994 time since -0.0180369 -1.42484 since Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.30496 since the -0.0180369 -1.48148 since been -0.0180369 -0.910431 independence . -0.0180369 -0.587421 operations in -0.0180369 -1.48314 operations there -0.0180369 -1.26437 there is -0.0180369 -1.2974 there against -0.0180369 -1.63949 against Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.58502 against a -0.0180369 -1.47683 against the -0.0180369 -1.70178 against government -0.0180369 -1.76667 against Taliban -0.0180369 -1.77452 against him -0.0180369 -0.967026 al - -0.0180369 -1.20076 Qaeda and -0.150992 -1.29477 Qaeda forces -0.0180369 -1.01114 mixed results -0.0180369 -0.910431 results . -0.0180369 -0.941863 although the -0.0180369 -1.70547 US is -0.0180369 -1.69216 US that -0.0180369 -1.83884 US viewed -0.0180369 -1.83884 US policies -0.0180369 -1.84812 US relations -0.0180369 -1.84812 US interests -0.0180369 -1.84812 US Senate -0.0180369 -1.25709 viewed Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.27678 viewed as -0.0180369 -0.9407 agent of -0.0180369 -0.879101 change , -0.0180369 -1.01114 never achieved -0.0180369 -1.00977 achieved domestic -0.0180369 -1.27678 domestic political -0.0180369 -1.30539 domestic public -0.0180369 -0.879101 legitimacy , -0.0180369 -1.12887 policies . -0.0180369 -1.2974 policies were -0.0180369 -1.77452 were seen -0.0180369 -1.78251 were held -0.0180369 -1.78251 were usually -0.0180369 -1.77452 were out -0.0180369 -1.78251 were publicly -0.0180369 -1.78251 were shifting -0.0180369 -1.27678 seen as -0.0180369 -1.3108 seen dozens -0.0180369 -0.980812 rife with -0.0180369 -0.910431 contradictions . -0.0180369 -0.879101 example , -0.0180369 -1.4075 made Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.48553 made alliances -0.0180369 -1.48553 made mistakes -0.0180369 -0.980812 alliances with -0.0180369 -0.993737 Islamist political -0.0180369 -1.82975 ( though -0.0180369 -1.74063 ( as -0.0180369 -1.83884 ( who -0.0180369 -1.84812 ( originally -0.0180369 -1.84812 ( 1988 -0.0180369 -1.83884 ( ISI -0.0180369 -1.84812 ( 1993 -0.0180369 -1.45954 who in -0.0180369 -1.55334 who was -0.0180369 -1.60374 who wanted -0.0180369 -1.59318 who can -0.0180369 -1.01114 2004 voted -0.0180369 -0.993737 voted for -0.0180369 -1.01114 changes legitimizing -0.0180369 -0.989819 legitimizing his -0.0180369 -1.32984 position and -0.0180369 -1.4356 position as -0.0180369 -1.45413 position " -0.0180369 -1.2356 actions . -0.0180369 -1.41091 actions that -0.0180369 -1.46177 actions ) -0.0180369 -0.866297 ) , -0.0180369 -1.58927 ) and -0.0180369 -1.45483 ) . -0.0180369 -0.957434 ) was -0.0180369 -1.84208 ) chief -0.0180369 -1.37475 at a -0.0180369 -1.30496 at the -0.0180369 -1.46564 at its -0.0180369 -1.00841 same time -0.0180369 -1.01114 sidelined moderate -0.0180369 -0.879101 moderate , -0.0180369 -0.993737 mainstream political -0.0180369 -1.30766 leaders to -0.0180369 -1.47747 leaders while -0.0180369 -1.47349 leaders have -0.0180369 -1.30496 while the -0.0180369 -1.46177 while he -0.0180369 -1.48553 while claiming -0.0180369 -0.984649 claiming that -0.0180369 -0.993737 stood for -0.0180369 -1.01114 enlightened moderation -0.0180369 -0.910431 moderation . -0.0180369 -0.9407 series of -0.0180369 -0.967026 ill - -0.0180369 -1.17183 planned , -0.0180369 -1.45793 planned military -0.0180369 -1.48553 planned January -0.0180369 -1.92906 military government -0.0180369 -2.04498 military operations -0.0180369 -2.04498 military position -0.0180369 -2.05999 military post -0.150992 -2.04498 military rule -0.0180369 -2.03046 military had -0.0180369 -2.07555 military official -0.0180369 -2.07555 military commanders -0.0180369 -2.07555 military hardliners -0.0180369 -2.07555 military junta -0.0180369 -2.07555 military dictatorship -0.0180369 -2.07555 military links -0.0180369 -0.941863 complicated the -0.0180369 -1.22914 situation in -0.0180369 -1.29477 situation ( -0.0180369 -1.01114 volatile border -0.0180369 -1.00977 border region -0.0180369 -1.12887 region . -0.0180369 -1.30005 region will -0.0180369 -1.47747 last time -0.0180369 -1.48553 last March -0.0180369 -1.48148 last few -0.0180369 -0.879101 March , -0.0180369 -1.26929 took his -0.0180369 -1.30271 took up -0.0180369 -1.01114 boldest step -0.0180369 -0.879101 step , -0.0180369 -0.941863 removing the -0.0180369 -1.01114 Chief Justice -0.0180369 -1.30766 Justice to -0.0180369 -1.30229 Justice of -0.0180369 -1.36848 Justice in -0.0180369 -1.01114 Supreme Court -0.0180369 -1.22748 Court , -0.0180369 -1.41235 Court and -0.0180369 -1.60374 Court took -0.0180369 -1.60912 Court itself -0.0180369 -1.01114 Iftikhar Chaudhry -0.0180369 -0.910431 Chaudhry . -0.0180369 -0.9407 surprise of -0.0180369 -1.55007 country ' -0.568089 -0.662998 country , -0.0180369 -1.33662 country . -0.0180369 -1.01114 legal community -0.0180369 -1.01114 community organized -0.0180369 -0.970743 organized a -0.0180369 -1.01114 wide movement -0.0180369 -0.943028 movement to -0.0180369 -0.941863 restore the -0.0180369 -1.07822 post , -0.0180369 -1.12887 post . -0.0180369 -0.411704 hundreds of -0.150992 -0.9407 thousands of -0.0180369 -1.00841 ordinary people -0.0180369 -1.53929 people ' -0.0180369 -1.22748 people , -0.0180369 -1.60912 people demanded -0.0180369 -1.60912 people welcomed -0.0180369 -0.941863 demanded the -0.0180369 -1.30229 rule of -0.0180369 -1.2356 rule . -0.0180369 -1.4284 rule on -0.0180369 -0.9407 supremacy of -0.0180369 -1.07822 constitution , -0.0180369 -1.29477 constitution ( -0.0180369 -0.941863 emboldening the -0.0180369 -0.941863 changing the -0.0180369 -0.910431 dynamic . -0.0180369 -1.00977 historic ruling -0.0180369 -1.25951 ruling that -0.0180369 -1.2974 ruling against -0.0180369 -1.38567 had to -0.0180369 -1.60912 had little -0.0180369 -1.60912 had developed -0.0180369 -1.60912 had changed -0.0180369 -1.01114 little choice -0.0180369 -1.00436 choice but -0.0180369 -1.61387 but to -0.0180369 -1.60843 but the -0.0180369 -1.85668 but that -0.0180369 -2.04545 but also -0.0180369 -2.09222 but Pakistani -0.0180369 -2.10899 but their -0.0180369 -1.95266 but by -0.0180369 -2.06049 but it -0.0180369 -2.00324 but Bhutto -0.0180369 -1.92943 but her -0.0180369 -2.10899 but languished -0.0180369 -2.04545 but she -0.0180369 -2.10899 but ethnic -0.0180369 -0.879101 accept , -0.0180369 -1.01114 itself reinstated -0.0180369 -0.941863 reinstated the -0.0180369 -0.910431 July . -0.0180369 -0.879101 subsequently , -0.0180369 -1.00841 energized judiciary -0.0180369 -1.00977 continued ruling -0.0180369 -0.879101 decisions , -0.0180369 -0.941863 embarrassing the -0.0180369 -1.30229 especially of -0.0180369 -1.30496 especially the -0.0180369 -1.46564 especially its -0.0180369 -1.76667 its intelligence -0.0180369 -1.78251 its lowest -0.0180369 -1.78251 its viability -0.0180369 -1.77452 its recent -0.0180369 -1.77452 its priorities -0.0180369 -1.77452 its past -0.0180369 -0.725893 intelligence agencies -0.0180369 -1.60995 intelligence services -0.0180369 -1.60995 intelligence assessment -0.0180369 -1.12887 agencies . -0.0180369 -1.30005 agencies also -0.0180369 -1.00436 officials were -0.0180369 -1.01114 held accountable -0.0180369 -0.993737 accountable for -0.0180369 -1.01114 usually beyond -0.0180369 -0.941863 beyond the -0.0180369 -0.9407 reach of -0.0180369 -1.00168 ranging from -0.0180369 -1.01114 brutal beatings -0.0180369 -0.9407 beatings of -0.0180369 -0.879101 journalists , -0.0180369 -1.01114 illegal confinement -0.0180369 -0.993737 confinement for -0.0180369 -0.678828 security . -0.0180369 -1.58327 security forces -0.0180369 -1.60539 security situation -0.0180369 -1.00977 allies tried -0.0180369 -0.943028 adjust to -0.0180369 -1.44024 new to -0.0180369 -1.6362 new government -0.0180369 -1.62483 new political -0.0180369 -1.69799 new reality -0.0180369 -1.69799 new prime -0.0180369 -0.398368 reality , -0.0180369 -1.01114 their patience -0.0180369 -1.01114 patience ran -0.0180369 -1.00977 ran out -0.0180369 -1.18013 out of -0.0180369 -1.30809 out when -0.0180369 -1.38567 up to -0.0180369 -1.30074 up . -0.0180369 -1.53017 up his -0.150992 -1.60912 up petitions -0.0180369 -1.00436 petitions against -0.0180369 -0.422042 run for -0.0180369 -1.37589 president , -0.0180369 -0.27653 president . -0.0180369 -0.943028 according to -0.0180369 -1.01114 originally promulgated -0.0180369 -0.968261 promulgated in -0.0180369 -0.996369 1973 by -0.0180369 -1.8286 by Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.74706 by a -0.0180369 -1.59759 by the -0.0180369 -1.97681 by this -0.0180369 -1.96437 by an -0.0180369 -2.05999 by domestic -0.0180369 -2.07555 by regular -0.0180369 -2.07555 by no -0.0180369 -2.07555 by attacking -0.0180369 -2.07555 by General -0.0180369 -2.07555 by bravely -0.0180369 -2.07555 by nurturing -0.0180369 -1.07822 parliament , -0.0180369 -1.29477 parliament ) -0.0180369 -1.00168 serving military -0.0180369 -1.00977 official cannot -0.0180369 -1.28697 cannot be -0.0180369 -1.30809 cannot run -0.0180369 -1.12887 office . -0.0180369 -1.29477 office ( -0.0180369 -0.910383 not the -0.0180369 -1.77793 not be -0.0180369 -1.82396 not Afghanistan -0.0180369 -1.82396 not new -0.0180369 -1.84894 not ready -0.0180369 -1.84894 not lose -0.0180369 -0.943028 ready to -0.0180369 -0.424482 give up -0.150992 -1.18418 wanted to -0.0180369 -1.3108 wanted peace -0.0180369 -1.30271 civilian president -0.0180369 -1.30809 civilian head -0.0180369 -1.71538 would be -0.0180369 -1.74395 would not -0.0180369 -1.77452 would give -0.0180369 -1.78251 would leave -0.0180369 -1.78251 would carry -0.0180369 -1.78251 would target -0.0180369 -0.989819 leave his -0.0180369 -1.01114 track record -0.0180369 -0.9407 record of -0.0180369 -0.991121 reneging on -0.0180369 -1.01114 promises haunted -0.0180369 -0.941863 haunted the -0.0180369 -0.9407 proceedings of -0.0180369 -1.00841 court over -0.0180369 -1.30496 over the -0.0180369 -1.46955 over law -0.0180369 -1.48553 over how -0.0180369 -1.3108 few weeks -0.0180369 -1.30539 few other -0.0180369 -1.00841 weeks made -0.0180369 -0.910431 jittery . -0.0180369 -1.01114 member bench -0.0180369 -1.00977 bench might -0.0180369 -1.00706 easily have -0.0180369 -1.59843 have since -0.0180369 -1.60374 have seen -0.0180369 -1.60912 have gone -0.0180369 -1.60374 have become -0.0180369 -1.00436 gone against -0.0180369 -1.12887 him . -0.0180369 -1.27177 him on -0.0180369 -1.01114 legally cornered -0.0180369 -0.879101 cornered , -0.0180369 -1.00841 now decided -0.0180369 -0.158826 decided to -0.0180369 -1.01114 abandon constitutionality -0.0180369 -0.879101 constitutionality , -0.0180369 -1.00841 leading judges -0.0180369 -1.30766 judges to -0.0180369 -1.30229 judges of -0.0180369 -1.48553 judges deposed -0.0180369 -1.01114 provincial high -0.0180369 -1.01114 high courts -0.0180369 -0.952469 courts and -0.0180369 -1.01114 putting curbs -0.0180369 -0.991121 curbs on -0.0180369 -1.27427 lawyers ' -0.0180369 -1.07822 lawyers , -0.0180369 -0.424972 human rights -0.0180369 -1.48553 rights activists -0.0180369 -1.48553 rights bodies -0.0180369 -1.48553 rights amid -0.0180369 -0.879101 activists , -0.0180369 -1.3108 been arrested -0.0180369 -1.3108 been carefully -0.0180369 -0.910431 arrested . -0.0180369 -1.00841 widespread public -0.0180369 -1.48553 public resentment -0.0180369 -1.48553 public square -0.0180369 -1.48553 public opinion -0.0180369 -0.968261 resentment in -0.0180369 -0.943028 response to -0.0180369 -1.28697 these be -0.0180369 -1.3108 these moves -0.0180369 -0.910431 moves . -0.0180369 -1.01114 rather than -0.0180369 -1.3108 than taking -0.0180369 -1.3108 than bowing -0.0180369 -1.00977 taking responsibility -0.0180369 -0.422042 responsibility for -0.0180369 -1.00706 deteriorating security -0.0180369 -0.996369 evidenced by -0.0180369 -1.00841 regular suicide -0.0180369 -1.60912 suicide bomb -0.0180369 -1.60912 suicide bombers -0.0180369 -1.60912 suicide bombings -0.0180369 -1.60374 suicide attack -0.0180369 -1.00977 bomb attacks -0.0180369 -1.01114 increasing Talibanization -0.0180369 -0.9407 Talibanization of -0.0180369 -0.941863 blame the -0.0180369 -0.879101 sure , -0.0180369 -0.879101 cases , -0.0180369 -1.01114 judicial activism -0.0180369 -0.996369 activism was -0.0180369 -1.00302 obvious ( -0.0180369 -0.941863 within the -0.0180369 -0.9407 realm of -0.0180369 -1.01114 mistakes ; -0.0180369 -1.00436 ; but -0.0180369 -1.01114 no stretch -0.0180369 -0.9407 stretch of -0.0180369 -1.00706 imagination can -0.0180369 -1.46728 can a -0.0180369 -1.60374 can these -0.0180369 -1.60912 can understand -0.0180369 -1.60912 can resolve -0.0180369 -0.943028 linked to -0.0180369 -1.22914 extremism in -0.150992 -1.30271 extremism or -0.0180369 -1.60374 or bring -0.0180369 -1.59318 or support -0.0180369 -1.45954 or in -0.0180369 -1.58287 or not -0.0180369 -1.12887 militancy . -0.0180369 -1.30809 militancy effectively -0.0180369 -0.284939 it is -0.0180369 -1.61178 it probably -0.0180369 -0.984649 unlikely that -0.0180369 -1.01114 latest gambit -0.0180369 -1.00571 gambit will -0.0180369 -0.815701 will be -0.0180369 -1.70551 will succeed -0.0180369 -1.70551 will pit -0.0180369 -1.70551 will undoubtedly -0.0180369 -0.879101 succeed , -0.0180369 -1.00706 popular support -0.0180369 -1.01114 lowest ebb -0.0180369 -0.910431 ebb . -0.0180369 -1.00302 armed forces -0.0180369 -1.01114 repeated targets -0.0180369 -0.9407 targets of -0.0180369 -0.967026 bombers - -0.0180369 -1.23368 become a -0.0180369 -1.3108 become demoralized -0.0180369 -0.910431 demoralized . -0.0180369 -0.943028 difficult to -0.0180369 -1.00977 imagine them -0.0180369 -1.2974 them against -0.0180369 -1.3108 them standing -0.0180369 -0.980812 standing with -0.0180369 -1.46564 should not -0.0180369 -1.48553 should civil -0.0180369 -1.48553 should quickly -0.0180369 -1.01114 civil conflict -0.0180369 -1.01114 conflict erupt -0.0180369 -0.910431 erupt . -0.0180369 -1.00706 nor can -0.0180369 -1.07822 weak , -0.0180369 -1.3108 weak institutions -0.0180369 -0.879101 embattled , -0.0180369 -0.983367 disoriented Musharraf -0.0180369 -0.412179 expected to -0.0180369 -1.00977 Islamic militancy -0.0180369 -1.27678 opposition political -0.0180369 -1.30809 opposition politicians -0.0180369 -1.30766 parties to -0.0180369 -1.32984 parties and -0.0180369 -1.47349 parties are -0.0180369 -1.60374 are expected -0.0180369 -1.60912 are drawing -0.0180369 -1.60912 are perennially -0.0180369 -1.60912 are bound -0.0180369 -1.01114 drawing closer -0.0180369 -1.00977 closer together -0.0180369 -1.07822 together , -0.0180369 -1.25231 together with -0.0180369 -1.3108 former Prime -0.0180369 -1.3108 former Inter -0.0180369 -1.01114 Prime Minister -0.0180369 -1.00841 Minister Benazir -0.0180369 -1.56223 Benazir was -0.0180369 -0.721721 Benazir Bhutto -0.150992 -1.60995 Benazir emerged -0.0180369 -0.633443 Bhutto ' -0.44315 -0.965152 Bhutto , -0.10201 -1.79471 Bhutto with -0.0180369 -1.87227 Bhutto was -0.0180369 -1.93292 Bhutto had -0.0180369 -1.95804 Bhutto stayed -0.0180369 -1.3108 despite progress -0.0180369 -1.30809 despite serious -0.0180369 -0.968261 progress in -0.0180369 -2.18256 her power -0.0180369 -1.11593 her , -0.0180369 -1.82942 her a -0.0180369 -1.52884 her . -0.0180369 -2.09749 her from -0.0180369 -2.03971 her government -0.0180369 -1.9018 her with -0.0180369 -2.18256 her first -0.0180369 -2.18256 her position -0.0180369 -1.3521 her life -0.0180369 -2.22187 her father -0.0180369 -2.22187 her autobiography -0.0180369 -2.22187 her domain -0.0180369 -2.22187 her second -0.0180369 -2.18256 her return -0.0180369 -1.01114 sharing negotiations -0.0180369 -0.980812 negotiations with -0.0180369 -1.01114 strongly condemned -0.0180369 -0.989819 condemned his -0.0180369 -0.879101 bodies , -0.0180369 -0.879101 associations , -0.0180369 -1.00706 organizations are -0.0180369 -0.941863 defy the -0.0180369 -1.58212 which Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.59765 which is -0.0180369 -1.69799 which hundreds -0.0180369 -1.67851 which will -0.0180369 -1.67851 which she -0.0180369 -1.00977 pit them -0.0180369 -1.30271 terrorists may -0.0180369 -1.3108 terrorists greeted -0.0180369 -0.996369 benefit by -0.0180369 -0.970743 attacking a -0.0180369 -1.00977 preoccupied army -0.0180369 -0.980812 aligned with -0.0180369 -0.9407 event of -0.0180369 -1.01114 sustained protests -0.0180369 -0.952469 protests and -0.0180369 -1.01114 potential violence -0.0180369 -0.879101 violence , -0.0180369 -1.45793 top military -0.0180369 -1.47747 top judges -0.0180369 -1.48553 top priority -0.0180369 -1.00706 commanders may -0.0180369 -0.943028 decide to -0.0180369 -0.983367 send Musharraf -0.0180369 -0.967026 home - -0.0180369 -0.968261 unprecedented in -0.0180369 -1.01114 chronically turbulent -0.0180369 -1.00977 turbulent history -0.0180369 -0.9407 Making of -0.150992 -0.968261 Murder in -0.150992 -1.01114 The assassination -0.0180369 -0.9407 assassination of -0.0180369 -1.30809 Muslim country -0.0180369 -1.3108 Muslim woman -0.0180369 -0.943028 woman to -0.0180369 -0.970743 lead a -0.0180369 -1.3108 serious blow -0.0180369 -1.3108 serious threats -0.0180369 -0.943028 blow to -0.0180369 -0.993737 prospects for -0.0180369 -1.32984 democracy and -0.0180369 -1.41782 democracy is -0.0180369 -1.44292 democracy was -0.0180369 -0.398368 indeed , -0.0180369 -0.993737 viability as -0.0180369 -0.952469 chaos and -0.0180369 -1.01114 confusion set -0.0180369 -0.968261 set in -0.0180369 -1.00841 we should -0.0180369 -1.01114 lose sight -0.0180369 -0.9407 sight of -0.0180369 -1.30809 President Pervez -0.0180369 -1.3108 President George -0.0180369 -1.00977 partial responsibility -0.0180369 -0.9407 turn of -0.0180369 -0.910431 events . -0.0180369 -1.01114 very least -0.0180369 -0.879101 least , -0.0180369 -1.00168 absolved from -0.0180369 -0.943028 failure to -0.0180369 -1.00168 provide Bhutto -0.0180369 -1.00706 adequate security -0.0180369 -0.879101 instead , -0.0180369 -0.980812 pay with -0.0180369 -1.07822 life , -0.0180369 -1.27678 life for -0.0180369 -1.01114 courageously challenging -0.0180369 -1.00841 challenging extremists -0.0180369 -1.17183 extremists , -0.0180369 -1.30229 extremists of -0.0180369 -1.48553 extremists like -0.0180369 -1.01114 all stripes -0.0180369 -0.967026 stripes - -0.0180369 -0.416963 Al - -0.150992 -0.910431 hardliners . -0.0180369 -0.943028 heir to -0.0180369 -1.01114 Zulfikar Ali -0.0180369 -1.00168 Ali Bhutto -0.0180369 -1.00571 legendary democratic -0.0180369 -1.49403 democratic and -0.0180369 -0.817997 democratic forces -0.0180369 -1.68809 democratic leader -0.0180369 -1.69382 democratic politics -0.0180369 -1.42712 leader . -0.0180369 -0.287166 leader who -0.0180369 -0.996369 hanged by -0.0180369 -1.01114 General Muhammad -0.0180369 -1.01114 Muhammad Zia -0.0180369 -0.967026 Zia - -0.0180369 -0.967026 ul - -0.0180369 -0.992427 Haq ' -0.0180369 -0.879101 1979 , -0.0180369 -0.993737 emerged as -0.0180369 -0.9407 symbol of -0.0180369 -1.00841 resistance at -0.0180369 -1.01114 young age -0.0180369 -0.967026 age - -0.0180369 -0.968261 languished in -0.0180369 -0.952469 jails and -0.0180369 -1.07822 exile , -0.0180369 -1.22914 exile in -0.0180369 -0.992427 1980 ' -0.0180369 -1.01114 Z. A. -0.0180369 -1.00168 A. Bhutto -0.0180369 -0.996369 legacy was -0.0180369 -0.9407 empowerment of -0.0180369 -0.952469 impoverished and -0.0180369 -0.9407 defense of -0.0180369 -1.01114 amid feudalistic -0.0180369 -1.00841 feudalistic politics -0.0180369 -1.32984 politics and -0.0180369 -1.47349 politics may -0.0180369 -1.36848 politics in -0.0180369 -0.943028 bowing to -0.0180369 -0.879101 junta , -0.0180369 -0.941863 embraced the -0.0180369 -0.910431 gallows . -0.0180369 -1.00977 hours before -0.0180369 -1.26929 before his -0.0180369 -1.18215 before the -0.0180369 -0.879101 hanging , -0.0180369 -0.943028 allowed to -0.0180369 -0.993737 see her -0.0180369 -0.993737 father for -0.0180369 -0.968261 writing in -0.0180369 -1.01114 autobiography : -0.0180369 -1.00035 : " -0.0180369 -1.30005 I would -0.0180369 -1.3108 I told -0.0180369 -1.00977 told him -0.0180369 -1.01114 my oath -0.0180369 -0.968261 oath in -0.0180369 -1.01114 death cell -0.0180369 -0.879101 cell , -0.0180369 -0.991121 carry on -0.0180369 -0.910431 work . -0.0180369 -1.69799 she remained -0.0180369 -1.69799 she viewed -0.0180369 -1.70468 she largely -0.0180369 -1.69799 she even -0.0180369 -1.70468 she seized -0.0180369 -1.01114 largely lived -0.0180369 -1.00706 lived up -0.0180369 -0.910431 promise . -0.0180369 -0.993737 stint as -0.0180369 -0.424727 prime minister -0.0180369 -1.22748 minister , -0.0180369 -1.41235 minister and -0.0180369 -1.37925 minister of -0.0180369 -1.57781 minister ( -0.0180369 -0.967026 1988 - -0.0180369 -1.00302 90 ) -0.0180369 -0.952469 brief and -0.0180369 -0.910431 disorganized . -0.0180369 -1.01114 Lt. Gen. -0.0180369 -1.01114 Gen. Hamid -0.0180369 -1.01114 Hamid Gul -0.0180369 -0.879101 Gul , -0.0180369 -0.967026 Inter - -0.0180369 -1.01114 Services Intelligence -0.0180369 -1.00302 Intelligence ( -0.0180369 -1.30539 ISI operations -0.0180369 -1.29477 ISI ) -0.0180369 -1.07822 chief , -0.0180369 -1.30539 chief minister -0.0180369 -0.984649 confirmed that -0.0180369 -1.00035 sponsored an -0.0180369 -1.18013 alliance of -0.0180369 -1.25231 alliance with -0.0180369 -0.967026 right - -0.0180369 -0.993737 wing political -0.0180369 -0.993737 stop her -0.0180369 -0.970743 getting a -0.0180369 -1.01114 parliamentary majority -0.0180369 -0.910431 majority . -0.0180369 -1.30539 information about -0.0180369 -1.26437 information is -0.0180369 -1.01114 nuclear program -0.0180369 -0.952469 program and -0.0180369 -0.910431 domain . -0.0180369 -1.00977 second term -0.0180369 -1.22914 term in -0.0180369 -1.30271 term US -0.0180369 -0.967026 1993 - -0.0180369 -1.00302 96 ) -0.0180369 -0.952469 longer and -0.0180369 -1.07822 better , -0.0180369 -1.3108 better served -0.0180369 -1.01114 again fell -0.0180369 -1.01114 fell early -0.0180369 -0.879101 early , -0.0180369 -0.943028 owing to -0.0180369 -0.9407 charges of -0.0180369 -0.952469 mismanagement and -0.0180369 -0.910431 corruption . -0.0180369 -0.996369 machinations by -0.0180369 -1.23368 played a -0.0180369 -1.3108 played havoc -0.0180369 -0.910431 part . -0.0180369 -1.00035 developed an -0.0180369 -1.01114 entrenched distrust -0.0180369 -0.9407 distrust of -0.0180369 -0.993737 given her -0.0180369 -1.01114 popularly supported -0.0180369 -1.00977 supported pro -0.0180369 -0.416963 pro - -0.0180369 -1.30271 Western support -0.0180369 -1.30271 Western leader -0.0180369 -0.980812 peace with -0.0180369 -0.910431 India . -0.0180369 -1.25709 after Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.3108 after almost -0.0180369 -0.970743 almost a -0.0180369 -0.968261 decade in -0.0180369 -0.967026 self - -0.0180369 -1.30539 imposed emergency -0.0180369 -1.30809 imposed exile -0.0180369 -0.992427 Bhutoo ' -0.0180369 -0.578917 return to -0.0180369 -1.2208 return , -0.0180369 -0.993737 gave her -0.0180369 -0.993737 fresh political -0.0180369 -0.910431 start . -0.0180369 -0.879101 changed , -0.0180369 -0.952469 dictatorship and -0.0180369 -1.00977 north played -0.0180369 -0.980812 havoc with -0.0180369 -0.9407 fabric of -0.0180369 -0.910431 society . -0.0180369 -1.01114 tentative arrangement -0.0180369 -0.980812 arrangement with -0.0180369 -1.00168 particularly from -0.0180369 -0.952469 Kingdom and -0.0180369 -0.993737 eased her -0.0180369 -0.879101 welcomed , -0.0180369 -0.993737 greeted her -0.0180369 -0.9407 string of -0.0180369 -1.32984 bombings and -0.0180369 -1.2356 bombings . -0.0180369 -1.47747 bombings since -0.0180369 -0.980812 contacts with -0.0180369 -0.992427 Mushararf ' -0.0180369 -1.01114 drew criticism -0.0180369 -0.879101 criticism , -0.0180369 -0.984649 adamant that -0.0180369 -1.00977 possible only -0.0180369 -1.30271 only leader -0.0180369 -1.30809 only through -0.0180369 -1.26929 through Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.23368 through a -0.0180369 -1.17183 transition , -0.0180369 -1.2356 transition . -0.0180369 -1.36848 transition in -0.0180369 -1.18013 head of -0.0180369 -1.22689 head - -0.0180369 -1.00841 conduct free -0.0180369 -1.00977 fair elections -0.0180369 -1.07822 elections , -0.0180369 -1.12887 elections . -0.0180369 -0.9407 dismay of -0.0180369 -0.941863 stayed the -0.0180369 -1.00977 course even -0.0180369 -1.30809 even after -0.0180369 -1.3108 even persuaded -0.0180369 -1.01114 November 3 -0.0180369 -0.952469 3 and -0.0180369 -0.941863 removed the -0.0180369 -0.989819 ensure his -0.0180369 -1.17183 election , -0.0180369 -1.2356 election . -0.0180369 -1.36539 election - -0.0180369 -1.00841 persuaded other -0.0180369 -1.47747 other terrorist -0.0180369 -1.48553 other important -0.0180369 -1.48553 other options -0.0180369 -0.993737 important political -0.0180369 -0.968261 participate in -0.0180369 -1.01114 January 8 -0.0180369 -1.00841 8 election -0.0180369 -1.18418 opportunity to -0.0180369 -1.28184 opportunity by -0.0180369 -1.00436 challenge religious -0.0180369 -1.00302 extremist forces -0.0180369 -0.910431 square . -0.0180369 -0.984649 seized that -0.0180369 -1.01114 bravely traveling -0.0180369 -1.01114 traveling throughout -0.0180369 -0.941863 throughout the -0.0180369 -0.943028 threats to -0.0180369 -0.993737 arguing for -0.0180369 -0.989819 pluralistic Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.18013 one of -0.0180369 -1.30271 one can -0.0180369 -1.01114 understand why -0.0180369 -1.00436 why religious -0.0180369 -1.00977 like Al -0.0180369 -0.993737 target her -0.0180369 -0.984649 claims that -0.0180369 -0.943028 impossible to -0.0180369 -1.00436 defend against -0.0180369 -1.12887 attack . -0.0180369 -1.26437 attack is -0.0180369 -1.01114 reportedly killed -0.0180369 -0.996369 killed by -0.0180369 -1.01114 sharp shooter -0.0180369 -1.00977 shooter before -0.0180369 -1.00977 blew himself -0.0180369 -1.30271 himself up -0.0180369 -1.30539 himself must -0.0180369 -1.17183 so , -0.0180369 -1.30496 so the -0.0180369 -1.48553 so far -0.0180369 -0.9407 eyes of -0.0180369 -0.879101 supporters , -0.0180369 -0.879101 services , -0.0180369 -1.01114 either alone -0.0180369 -1.00706 alone or -0.0180369 -0.980812 collaboration with -0.0180369 -1.00841 finally decided -0.0180369 -0.993737 eliminate her -0.0180369 -1.4075 whether Musharraf -0.0180369 -1.45793 whether this -0.0180369 -1.47349 whether or -0.0180369 -0.879101 involved , -0.0180369 -1.01114 fact remains -0.0180369 -0.984649 remains that -0.0180369 -0.970743 lost a -0.0180369 -1.01114 desperately needed -0.0180369 -1.00706 needed leader -0.0180369 -0.968261 future in -0.0180369 -0.879101 balance , -0.0180369 -1.43198 West ' -0.0180369 -1.17183 West , -0.0180369 -1.2356 West . -0.0180369 -0.879101 crucial , -0.0180369 -1.01114 means recognizing -0.0180369 -0.984649 recognizing that -0.0180369 -0.989819 resolve Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.00977 myriad problems -0.0180369 -1.20076 problems and -0.0180369 -1.12887 problems . -0.0180369 -0.941863 manage the -0.0180369 -0.879101 contrary , -0.0180369 -0.941863 nurturing the -0.0180369 -1.01114 current environment -0.0180369 -0.9407 environment of -0.0180369 -0.952469 instability and -0.0180369 -0.879101 uncertainty , -0.0180369 -1.45036 must be -0.0180369 -1.48553 must reassess -0.0180369 -1.48553 must take -0.0180369 -0.993737 regarded as -0.0180369 -1.00977 biggest problems -0.0180369 -0.4201 Exorcising Musharraf -0.150992 -1.30809 Ghost Exorcising -0.0180369 -1.3108 Ghost CAMBRIDGE -0.0180369 -0.967026 CAMBRIDGE - -0.0180369 -1.00436 Following its -0.0180369 -1.30539 recent free -0.0180369 -1.3108 recent months -0.0180369 -1.01114 rebounding politically -0.0180369 -0.910431 politically . -0.0180369 -0.984649 euphoria that -0.0180369 -0.980812 came with -0.0180369 -1.18013 end of -0.0180369 -1.12887 end . -0.0180369 -0.987227 era is -0.0180369 -1.01114 wearing off -0.0180369 -0.879101 off , -0.0180369 -1.01114 faces stark -0.0180369 -1.01114 stark choices -0.0180369 -0.910431 choices . -0.0180369 -1.01114 unlike Iraq -0.0180369 -0.952469 Iraq and -0.0180369 -0.967026 60 - -0.0180369 -1.22689 year - -0.0180369 -1.30539 year politics -0.0180369 -1.00841 old state -0.0180369 -1.01114 ethnic cleavages -0.0180369 -0.879101 cleavages , -0.0180369 -0.879101 institutions , -0.0180369 -1.00706 North are -0.0180369 -1.01114 perennially destabilizing -0.0180369 -0.910431 destabilizing . -0.0180369 -0.968261 settles in -0.0180369 -1.00436 establishes its -0.0180369 -1.07822 priorities , -0.0180369 -1.2974 priorities were -0.0180369 -0.941863 reassess the -0.0180369 -0.9407 impact of -0.0180369 -1.3108 past dealings -0.0180369 -1.3108 past blunders -0.0180369 -0.980812 dealings with -0.0180369 -1.00841 Yousaf Gilani -0.0180369 -1.43198 Gilani ' -0.0180369 -1.17183 Gilani , -0.0180369 -1.48553 Gilani unequivocally -0.0180369 -1.01114 seasoned politician -0.0180369 -0.952469 politician and -0.0180369 -0.879101 importantly , -0.0180369 -1.3108 Sufi family -0.0180369 -1.3108 Sufi tradition -0.0180369 -1.01114 family roots -0.0180369 -0.879101 roots , -0.0180369 -1.01114 good omen -0.0180369 -1.01114 omen because -0.0180369 -0.9407 because of -0.0180369 -0.9407 tradition of -0.0180369 -0.910431 tolerance . -0.0180369 -1.00977 unequivocally declared -0.0180369 -1.01114 inaugural address -0.0180369 -0.984649 address that -0.0180369 -1.12887 terrorism . -0.0180369 -1.26437 terrorism is -0.0180369 -0.879101 priority , -0.0180369 -1.00168 release from -0.0180369 -1.01114 house arrest -0.0180369 -1.00841 arrest judges -0.0180369 -0.996369 deposed by -0.0180369 -1.00168 respite from -0.0180369 -1.01114 horrendous spate -0.0180369 -0.9407 spate of -0.0180369 -1.00841 assumed power -0.0180369 -1.01114 similarly heartening -0.0180369 -0.910431 heartening . -0.0180369 -1.01114 honeymoon period -0.0180369 -0.987227 period is -0.0180369 -0.943028 coming to -0.0180369 -0.879101 already , -0.0180369 -0.9407 hometown of -0.0180369 -0.879101 Multan , -0.0180369 -1.01114 rioters attacked -0.0180369 -0.996369 attacked government -0.0180369 -0.952469 offices and -0.0180369 -0.943028 banks to -0.0180369 -1.01114 protest electricity -0.0180369 -1.01114 electricity disruptions -0.0180369 -0.910431 disruptions . -0.0180369 -0.9407 couple of -0.0180369 -1.27678 well as -0.0180369 -1.22689 well - -0.0180369 -1.00977 known opposition -0.0180369 -1.07822 politicians , -0.0180369 -1.30271 politicians are -0.0180369 -1.01114 federal cabinet -0.0180369 -1.00841 cabinet minister -0.0180369 -1.00977 previous pro -0.0180369 -1.01114 publicly thrashed -0.0180369 -0.879101 thrashed , -0.0180369 -1.01114 raising doubts -0.0180369 -1.00841 doubts about -0.0180369 -1.00841 control over -0.0180369 -0.968261 order in -0.0180369 -0.879101 far , -0.0180369 -0.989819 accepted his -0.0180369 -1.01114 diminishing stature -0.0180369 -1.01114 stature quietly -0.0180369 -0.967026 quietly - -0.0180369 -0.910431 options . -0.0180369 -0.879101 leadership , -0.0180369 -1.00977 both inside -0.0180369 -0.941863 outside the -0.0180369 -1.01114 carefully avoiding -0.0180369 -0.970743 avoiding a -0.0180369 -0.980812 collision with -0.0180369 -0.879101 interestingly , -0.0180369 -0.9407 midst of -0.0180369 -0.991121 embarked on -0.0180369 -0.967026 week - -0.0180369 -1.22689 long - -0.0180369 -1.3108 long visit -0.0180369 -0.943028 visit to -0.0180369 -1.18418 China to -0.0180369 -1.20076 China and -0.0180369 -0.993737 lobby for -0.0180369 -0.9407 construction of -0.0180369 -0.952469 oil and -0.0180369 -1.01114 gas pipeline -0.0180369 -1.01114 pipeline between -0.0180369 -1.00977 between China -0.0180369 -1.01114 Persian Gulf -0.0180369 -0.984649 Gulf that -0.0180369 -1.00977 routed through -0.0180369 -1.01114 deeper question -0.0180369 -1.01114 question raised -0.0180369 -0.996369 raised by -0.0180369 -1.26437 proposal is -0.0180369 -1.22914 proposal in -0.0180369 -0.943028 meant to -0.0180369 -0.970743 convey a -0.0180369 -0.943028 message to -0.0180369 -0.910431 shifting . -0.0180369 -0.9407 revival of -0.0180369 -1.01114 undoubtedly effect -0.0180369 -0.989819 effect Pakistan -0.0180369 -0.910431 relations . -0.0180369 -0.980812 links with -0.0180369 -0.943028 appear to -0.0180369 -0.991121 remain on -0.0180369 -1.01114 sound footing -0.0180369 -0.879101 footing , -0.0180369 -1.00977 strategic alliance -0.0180369 -0.943028 likely to -0.0180369 -0.879101 continue , -0.0180369 -0.980812 perhaps with -0.0180369 -1.01114 nuanced differences -0.0180369 -1.00841 differences over -0.0180369 -0.943028 how to -0.0180369 -0.943028 bound to -0.0180369 -0.996369 influenced by -0.0180369 -0.879101 opinion , -0.0180369 -1.01114 generally critical -0.0180369 -0.9407 critical of -0.0180369 -0.879101 nevertheless , -0.0180369 -0.968261 interests in -0.0180369 -1.00841 served if -0.0180369 -1.01114 successfully establish -0.0180369 -1.01114 establish themselves -0.0180369 -0.910431 themselves . -0.0180369 -0.943028 Senate to -0.0180369 -1.01114 increase development -0.0180369 -0.952469 development and -0.0180369 -1.01114 education aid -0.0180369 -0.943028 aid to -0.0180369 -0.941863 winning the -0.0180369 -0.952469 hearts and -0.0180369 -0.910431 minds . -0.0180369 -0.879101 meanwhile , -0.0180369 -1.01114 George W. -0.0180369 -1.00841 W. Bush -0.0180369 -1.43198 Bush ' -0.0180369 -1.46955 Bush has -0.0180369 -1.47747 Bush decided -0.0180369 -0.984649 said that -0.0180369 -1.00977 another September -0.0180369 -1.00977 style attack -0.0180369 -1.30539 being planned -0.0180369 -1.3108 being plotted -0.0180369 -0.987227 probably is -0.0180369 -0.968261 plotted in -0.0180369 -0.987227 assessment is -0.0180369 -0.991121 based on -0.0180369 -1.00977 credible information -0.0180369 -0.910431 unknown . -0.0180369 -1.00168 behind this -0.0180369 -0.910431 assertion . -0.0180369 -0.984649 significant that -0.0180369 -1.00168 voice this -0.0180369 -1.3108 view during -0.0180369 -1.3108 view seriously -0.0180369 -0.989819 during Pakistan -0.0180369 -1.00168 take this -0.0180369 -0.879101 seriously , -0.0180369 -0.9407 regardless of -0.0180369 -0.910431 motivations . -0.0180369 -1.01114 quickly devise -0.0180369 -0.970743 devise a -0.0180369 -0.943028 policy to -0.0180369 -0.980812 deal with -0.0180369 -1.00706 months have -0.0180369 -0.9407 dozens of -0.0180369 -0.967026 activities - -0.0180369 -0.9407 price of -0.0180369 -1.00977 own past -0.0180369 -0.879101 blunders , -0.0180369 \3-grams: -0.583886 -1.24757 Musharraf -0.70766 Musharraf ' -0.0087454 Musharraf ' s -1.43268 Musharraf , has -1.669 Musharraf , together -1.73953 Musharraf has discarded -1.15024 Musharraf has tried -1.73953 Musharraf has now -1.73953 Musharraf has accepted -1.24463 Musharraf and his -0.911105 Musharraf . the -1.23759 Musharraf . in -0.833172 Musharraf as an -1.31942 Musharraf be expected -1.1336 Musharraf is not -0.858255 Musharraf appeared on -1.09866 Musharraf government , -0.384856 Musharraf into the -0.872298 Musharraf clamped down -1.30439 Musharraf was not -0.822885 Musharraf sent the -1.03488 Musharraf took his -1.19194 Musharraf had little -1.24562 Musharraf would give -0.799736 Musharraf jittery . -1.1424 Musharraf should civil -0.841095 Musharraf home - -1.05469 Musharraf imposed emergency -1.05469 Musharraf himself must -0.8555 Musharraf era is -0.858255 Musharraf embarked on -0.823735 Musharraf meant to -1.78078 ' s Last -2.38828 ' s constitutional -1.58595 ' s . -2.38828 ' s help -2.41792 ' s history -2.33446 ' s decision -2.44973 ' s back -2.18587 ' s government -1.28591 ' s political -2.30986 ' s religious -2.44973 ' s independence -1.73389 ' s military -2.44973 ' s legal -2.38828 ' s people -2.36054 ' s new -2.41792 ' s rights -2.44973 ' s latest -2.44973 ' s armed -2.38828 ' s top -2.44973 ' s chronically -2.44973 ' s prospects -2.44973 ' s partial -2.44973 ' s failure -2.33446 ' s democratic -2.44973 ' s legacy -2.44973 ' s nuclear -2.38828 ' s return -2.44973 ' s contacts -2.44973 ' s supporters -2.44973 ' s future -2.44973 ' s myriad -2.44973 ' s biggest -1.78078 ' s Ghost -2.41792 ' s priorities -2.44973 ' s hometown -2.44973 ' s motivations -2.44973 ' s own -0.869453 ' organizations are -0.440675 s Last Act -1.1424 s constitutional framework -1.37825 s . Z. -1.06769 s help and -1.03212 s history is -0.701316 s decision to -0.799736 s back . -1.25058 s government in -1.71562 s political class -1.71562 s political dynamic -1.24917 s political transition -1.22251 s religious political -0.799736 s independence . -1.49982 s military government -1.54665 s military links -0.872298 s legal community -1.011 s people , -1.2225 s new prime -1.1424 s rights amid -0.872298 s latest gambit -0.866627 s armed forces -1.13887 s top judges -0.872298 s chronically turbulent -0.860101 s prospects for -0.871348 s partial responsibility -0.823735 s failure to -0.729203 s democratic forces -0.861956 s legacy was -0.872298 s nuclear program -0.532188 s return to -0.850947 s contacts with -0.77623 s supporters , -0.841981 s future in -0.871348 s myriad problems -0.871348 s biggest problems -1.17048 s Ghost Exorcising -1.17238 s Ghost CAMBRIDGE -1.05037 s priorities were -0.822037 s hometown of -0.799736 s motivations . -0.871348 s own past -0.440416 Last Act ? -1.23749 Act ? Musharraf -1.28647 Act ? desperate -0.70766 ? Musharraf ' -0.823735 ? desperate to -1.37266 ? to stifle -1.37266 desperate to hold -0.872298 to hold onto -0.422102 to Pakistan ' -0.907185 to Pakistan . -1.86399 to Pakistan could -1.73595 to Pakistan in -1.34225 to his post -0.822885 to stifle the -1.51424 to the US -1.87092 to the military -2.16791 to the surprise -1.33958 to the country -1.92474 to the constitution -2.16791 to the promise -2.16791 to the dismay -0.865688 to sell this -1.49768 to this new -1.50905 to this 60 -1.30419 to an end -1.05469 to bring about -0.562994 to fight the -1.28698 to fight Islamic -1.5811 to be a -1.47766 to be the -1.76645 to be sure -1.76645 to be influenced -0.872298 to impose martial -0.822885 to ditch the -0.793176 to religious extremism -0.822885 to restore the -0.77623 to accept , -0.872298 to illegal confinement -0.823735 to adjust to -0.393949 to run for -0.396143 to give up -0.872298 to abandon constitutionality -1.0576 to these moves -0.822885 to blame the -0.871348 to imagine them -1.07922 to her life -0.822885 to defy the -0.852762 to send Musharraf -0.84376 to lead a -1.12333 to democracy was -0.865688 to provide Bhutto -0.850947 to pay with -0.872298 to Zulfikar Ali -0.860101 to see her -0.860101 to stop her -0.822037 to charges of -0.857335 to ensure his -0.841981 to participate in -0.867567 to challenge religious -0.867567 to defend against -0.860101 to eliminate her -0.865688 to release from -0.872298 to protest electricity -0.985247 to China to -0.860101 to lobby for -0.84376 to convey a -0.858255 to remain on -0.77623 to continue , -0.872298 to increase development -0.865688 to voice this -0.850947 to deal with -0.8704 hold onto power -0.977712 onto power , -1.37914 power , Pervez -1.34692 power is similarly -1.36883 power - sharing -0.53544 , Musharraf has -2.09051 , Musharraf sent -2.08132 , Musharraf took -2.08132 , Musharraf himself -2.09051 , Musharraf embarked -1.37266 , to illegal -0.392202 , Pervez Musharraf -1.65984 , has been -1.66541 , has strongly -1.65984 , has Sufi -1.5794 , Pakistan is -1.59665 , Pakistan was -1.16692 , and his -0.903834 , and the -1.75166 , and political -1.79839 , and religious -2.23804 , and especially -2.25535 , and lawyers -2.27338 , and disoriented -2.25535 , and former -2.27338 , and conduct -1.64121 , a serving -1.63582 , a chief -1.58562 , his decision -1.60459 , his track -1.98917 , the first -1.70938 , the Supreme -1.37776 , the country -2.30118 , the energized -1.98917 , the intelligence -2.28311 , the former -2.30118 , the legendary -2.30118 , the fact -1.19048 , the West -1.22547 , media associations -1.35717 , though shamelessly -1.35428 , though terrorists -0.835348 , he has -1.86577 , he made -1.88243 , he sidelined -1.87402 , he cannot -1.88243 , he embraced -1.72635 , as his -1.56429 , as the -1.77422 , as military -1.80935 , as well -1.0576 , more importantly -0.440084 , is a -0.77623 , 1999 , -1.04894 , when he -0.850947 , disillusioned with -1.0576 , remained mute -0.853673 , thinking that -0.77623 , 2001 , -1.14063 , terrorist attacks -0.419558 , in the -1.89322 , in some -1.89872 , in Gilani -1.24788 , were publicly -0.860101 , mainstream political -1.05446 , while the -0.426641 , removing the -0.872298 , Iftikhar Chaudhry -0.822885 , emboldening the -1.69629 , but that -1.81191 , but also -1.84637 , but their -1.74314 , but her -1.81191 , but she -1.84637 , but ethnic -0.822885 , embarrassing the -1.05446 , especially the -1.24788 , its viability -0.865688 , ranging from -1.31209 , by nurturing -0.396583 , human rights -0.872298 , judicial activism -1.19292 , it probably -1.0146 , become a -1.0576 , weak institutions -0.77623 , embattled , -1.0253 , together with -1.33136 , Benazir was -1.35762 , Benazir emerged -1.50119 , Bhutto had -1.50995 , Bhutto stayed -1.17238 , despite progress -1.17048 , despite serious -0.856549 , which is -1.59624 , which hundreds -1.58292 , which will -1.58292 , which she -1.13017 , top military -1.11162 , democracy is -0.372603 , indeed , -0.8704 , we should -1.0576 , President George -0.841981 , writing in -1.0518 , I would -1.2225 , she even -0.853673 , confirmed that -0.823735 , owing to -0.861956 , machinations by -0.860101 , given her -0.859177 , Bhutoo ' -0.860101 , arguing for -1.05446 , so the -0.872298 , either alone -0.8704 , finally decided -1.1424 , must reassess -0.8704 , Yousaf Gilani -0.872298 , rioters attacked -0.872298 , raising doubts -0.871348 , both inside -1.01066 , long - -0.850947 , perhaps with -0.822037 , regardless of -0.755234 Pervez Musharraf ' -1.35619 Pervez Musharraf has -0.857335 has discarded Pakistan -0.246349 has tried to -0.872298 has never achieved -1.05469 has few other -0.8704 has now decided -1.0576 has been carefully -0.872298 has strongly condemned -0.84376 has lost a -1.0576 has Sufi family -0.857335 has accepted his -0.853673 has said that -0.388421 discarded Pakistan ' -0.00338009 Pakistan ' s -1.31223 Pakistan has lost -1.63558 Pakistan and also -1.63091 Pakistan and not -1.26362 Pakistan . Pakistan -0.948677 Pakistan . the -1.93784 Pakistan . opposition -1.93784 Pakistan . one -1.33011 Pakistan the Making -1.05469 Pakistan could help -1.34692 Pakistan is rebounding -1.36193 Pakistan - US -1.36326 Pakistan in October -1.31745 Pakistan was rewarded -1.19194 Pakistan had changed -1.2249 Pakistan will undoubtedly -0.872298 Pakistan The assassination -1.1424 Pakistan must take -0.830596 constitutional framework and -1.21377 constitutional law ) -0.872298 constitutional changes legitimizing -1.36923 framework and declared -1.83419 and , more -1.82905 and , while -1.83419 and , indeed -1.0146 and declared a -1.36466 and a federal -1.66389 and his political -1.7298 and his first -1.73631 and his policies -1.8686 and the media -1.59235 and the government -1.51006 and the United -2.11002 and the supremacy -2.11002 and the increasing -2.11002 and the Persian -1.13711 and free media -0.345229 and media . -1.14063 and help fight -1.04609 and announced an -1.19283 and political forces -0.863289 and political leaders -1.24169 and Taliban to -1.34789 and Taliban would -1.25613 and support the -1.39306 and support will -0.417644 and religious extremism -1.21524 and also on -0.799736 and arms . -1.011 and Afghanistan , -0.841095 and al - -1.13189 and actions ) -1.53775 and military rule -1.54665 and military hardliners -0.822885 and changing the -1.05302 and especially of -1.25909 and not Afghanistan -0.872298 and provincial high -0.872298 and putting curbs -1.03765 and lawyers ' -0.852762 and disoriented Musharraf -1.0576 and former Prime -0.872298 and potential violence -0.872298 and confusion set -1.01197 and exile in -0.822037 and defense of -0.799736 and disorganized . -1.05469 and ISI operations -0.91793 and better , -0.799736 and corruption . -0.8704 and conduct free -0.871348 and fair elections -0.822885 and removed the -1.13887 and other terrorist -0.857335 and pluralistic Pakistan -0.822885 and manage the -0.77623 and uncertainty , -0.867567 and establishes its -0.823735 and banks to -0.841981 and order in -0.822885 and outside the -0.872298 and gas pipeline -0.872298 and education aid -0.799736 and minds . -1.23145 declared a state -1.21183 declared in his -1.23794 a state of -1.19022 a state . -1.18886 a decision that -0.389379 a nation - -0.77623 a result , -0.822037 a series of -0.871348 a historic ruling -0.865688 a serving military -1.16672 a civilian president -1.17048 a civilian head -1.18996 a suicide attack -0.91793 a weak , -0.871348 a preoccupied army -1.1424 a top priority -0.4322 a Murder in -1.05614 a Muslim country -1.0576 a serious blow -1.14608 a democratic and -0.822037 a symbol of -0.872298 a young age -1.05469 a chief minister -0.872298 a parliamentary majority -0.799736 a part . -0.872298 a popularly supported -0.841981 a decade in -0.532188 a return to -0.860101 a fresh political -0.872298 a tentative arrangement -0.822037 a string of -1.08753 a transition in -1.01066 a head - -0.872298 a sharp shooter -0.872298 a desperately needed -0.872298 a seasoned politician -0.872298 a good omen -0.822037 a couple of -0.872298 a federal cabinet -0.841095 a week - -1.01197 a proposal in -0.823735 a message to -0.872298 a sound footing -0.823735 a policy to -0.978138 state , and -1.22228 state , but -1.36775 state of emergency -1.19225 state . as -0.109083 of Pakistan ' -1.13537 of constitutional law -0.529423 of a Murder -0.603603 of state , -1.01571 of emergency . -1.13253 of his re -2.07671 of the Musharraf -2.32664 of the law -2.17684 of the political -2.39078 of the 11 -1.73025 of the tribal -1.23915 of the Supreme -2.05764 of the constitution -2.41446 of the court -2.41446 of the imagination -2.41446 of the impoverished -2.05764 of the West -2.39078 of the Sufi -2.41446 of the previous -1.30631 of an oil -0.705841 of law and -0.91793 of many , -1.18407 of some democratic -1.26293 of US policies -0.77623 of change , -0.841095 of ill - -0.42639 of thousands of -0.440157 of ordinary people -1.19194 of people welcomed -1.24562 of its past -0.77623 of journalists , -0.858255 of reneging on -1.64361 of suicide bombers -0.307851 of suicide bombings -0.652177 of Benazir Bhutto -0.57874 of Bhutto ' -1.02781 of her , -1.58343 of her domain -0.872298 of sustained protests -1.05614 of President Pervez -0.799736 of events . -0.872298 of all stripes -1.22116 of democratic politics -0.8704 of resistance at -0.841095 of right - -0.830596 of mismanagement and -0.799736 of society . -0.830596 of instability and -0.799736 of tolerance . -0.77623 of Multan , -1.01066 of well - -1.11827 of Bush ' -1.14286 emergency , which -1.34722 emergency . his -1.1166 emergency rule on -0.551257 . -1.62911 . Musharraf clamped -1.58339 . Musharraf was -0.568174 . to the -1.26788 . to be -0.211828 . Pakistan ' -1.97827 . Pakistan had -1.98207 . Pakistan must -0.990723 . and , -1.79412 . a tentative -1.79412 . a couple -1.78648 . a proposal -1.34491 . his goal -2.23302 . the decision -2.28311 . the September -1.94637 . the military -1.08504 . the new -2.30118 . the proceedings -2.00754 . the Making -2.30118 . the respite -2.30118 . the deeper -2.30118 . the revival -0.77623 . artfully , -0.756433 . as a -1.72853 . as chaos -1.72853 . as heir -0.750591 . on the -0.871348 . nothing could -0.647835 . if Pakistan -0.852762 . general Musharraf -1.33294 . government officials -1.67826 . " Musharraf -1.62365 . " a -1.78304 . " but -1.79051 . " she -1.80584 . " whether -1.0576 . many Pakistanis -0.897832 . with Pakistan -1.73582 . in a -0.553752 . in the -1.89863 . in furtherance -1.89231 . in reality -1.13887 . American election -1.33019 . for example -1.14136 . operations there -1.03212 . there is -0.822885 . although the -0.483243 . at the -1.13189 . while he -1.1424 . last March -0.384641 . hundreds of -0.776369 . but the -1.75906 . but it -1.73432 . but Bhutto -0.77623 . subsequently , -0.823735 . according to -0.872298 . legally cornered -0.91793 . lawyers , -0.396583 . human rights -0.440675 . rather than -0.180347 . it is -0.869453 . nor can -1.03905 . opposition political -0.57874 . Bhutto ' -1.57444 . her first -1.58343 . her second -1.05325 . terrorists may -0.372603 . indeed , -0.77623 . instead , -0.872298 . Z. A. -0.871348 . hours before -1.22463 . she seized -0.872298 . Lt. Gen. -1.05469 . information about -1.0576 . after almost -1.05325 . one can -1.07096 . so , -1.28647 . so far -1.13711 . whether or -0.392202 . Exorcising Musharraf -1.0576 . recent months -0.872298 . unlike Iraq -1.1424 . Gilani unequivocally -0.77623 . already , -0.77623 . interestingly , -0.77623 . nevertheless , -0.77623 . meanwhile , -0.871348 his goal ? -0.701316 his decision to -1.29608 his government ' -1.33378 his political allies -0.431946 his re - -1.18407 his first decision -1.05037 his policies were -1.06769 his position and -1.01571 his actions . -1.68426 his military position -0.693219 his military post -0.872298 his boldest step -0.950855 his post . -0.872298 his track record -0.872298 his promises haunted -0.869453 his popular support -0.77623 his hanging , -0.872298 his death cell -0.799736 his work . -0.872298 his inaugural address -0.872298 his diminishing stature -1.05591 goal ? to -1.38025 stifle the independent -1.35822 the Musharraf era -0.977712 the emergency , -0.8704 the independent judiciary -0.4512 the judiciary and -1.30118 the judiciary . -0.365244 the media . -1.3993 the media also -0.107496 the war on -0.799736 the truth . -1.13068 the decision of -1.05205 the law , -0.872298 the proverbial straw -0.859177 the camel ' -1.0576 the national scene -1.53264 the government - -1.64645 the government was -1.71361 the government claims -1.31712 the " war -1.07851 the political transition -0.396583 the September 11 -0.539153 the 11 - -1.1424 the terrorist blew -0.872298 the international limelight -0.633668 the Taliban and -0.297052 the United States -1.45456 the United Kingdom -1.05614 the Pakistani army -0.170903 the tribal areas -1.3514 the first time -1.35428 the first Muslim -1.53653 the US is -1.52783 the US that -1.61845 the US viewed -1.62379 the US Senate -0.8704 the same time -1.1424 the planned January -1.53337 the military had -1.54665 the military junta -1.01197 the situation in -0.872298 the volatile border -1.0518 the region will -1.28156 the last time -1.28401 the last few -0.170903 the Chief Justice -0.121473 the Supreme Court -0.822037 the surprise of -0.300571 the country ' -0.937735 the country , -1.52559 the country . -1.05302 the rule of -0.822037 the supremacy of -0.998004 the constitution , -1.16113 the constitution ( -0.8704 the energized judiciary -0.697515 the intelligence agencies -1.35762 the intelligence services -0.822037 the reach of -1.18228 the security forces -0.226828 the new government -1.74913 the new political -0.261079 the president . -0.91793 the parliament , -0.822037 the proceedings of -0.8704 the court over -0.8704 the leading judges -1.1424 the public square -0.869453 the deteriorating security -0.872298 the increasing Talibanization -0.822037 the realm of -0.869453 the imagination can -1.0576 the former Inter -0.822037 the event of -0.42639 the Making of -0.872298 the very least -0.868509 the legendary democratic -0.859177 the 1980 ' -0.830596 the impoverished and -0.799736 the gallows . -0.799736 the promise . -0.871348 the north played -0.822037 the fabric of -1.05325 the only leader -0.822037 the dismay of -0.871348 the course even -0.822037 the eyes of -0.872298 the fact remains -0.77623 the balance , -1.30945 the West ' -1.1071 the West , -1.15911 the West . -0.77623 the contrary , -0.872298 the current environment -0.853673 the euphoria that -0.982786 the end of -0.869453 the North are -0.822037 the impact of -1.0576 the Sufi tradition -0.865688 the respite from -0.872298 the horrendous spate -0.872298 the honeymoon period -0.871348 the previous pro -0.822037 the midst of -0.872298 the Persian Gulf -0.872298 the deeper question -0.822037 the revival of -0.871348 the strategic alliance -0.830596 the hearts and -0.822037 the price of -0.633668 independent judiciary and -1.79961 judiciary and free -1.79282 judiciary and media -1.81351 judiciary and changing -0.844498 judiciary . the -0.871348 judiciary continued ruling -1.37177 free and fair -0.345229 free media . -0.91793 free elections , -1.34627 media . to -1.83165 media . artfully -1.82597 media . lawyers -1.24338 media also made -0.77623 media associations , -1.32863 artfully , though -0.77623 though shamelessly , -1.02901 though he has -0.822885 though within the -1.0576 though terrorists greeted -1.09445 shamelessly , he -1.12992 he has tried -1.66541 he has never -1.65984 he has few -0.864752 he ousted an -1.02938 he announced that -1.0576 he might deliver -0.823735 he agreed to -1.31481 he was elected -1.1424 he made alliances -0.872298 he sidelined moderate -0.860101 he stood for -1.04467 he cannot be -1.24788 he would leave -0.822885 he embraced the -0.864752 he sponsored an -1.81596 tried to sell -1.81596 tried to adjust -1.81596 tried to blame -1.28979 sell this action -0.860101 this action as -1.13887 this American intelligence -1.2225 this new reality -0.822037 this turn of -0.841095 this 60 - -1.03212 this proposal is -0.799736 this assertion . -1.17238 this view during -1.17238 this view seriously -0.833172 action as an -1.55011 as a state -1.89706 as a result -1.89706 as a symbol -1.89706 as a popularly -1.34491 as his popular -1.18395 as the new -1.32221 as he agreed -1.65217 as an effort -1.65217 as an agent -1.64749 as an opportunity -0.982786 as those of -0.850947 as rife with -1.31209 as military dictatorship -0.861956 as evidenced by -0.830596 as chaos and -0.823735 as heir to -0.396363 as prime minister -0.982786 as one of -1.03905 as well as -0.823735 an effort to -1.39372 an elected government -1.42654 an elected parliament -1.42654 an elected office -0.864752 an ambitious " -0.822037 an agent of -0.982786 an alliance of -0.872298 an entrenched distrust -0.985247 an opportunity to -0.950855 an end . -0.830596 an oil and -1.37023 effort to bring -1.14063 bring about stability -1.33186 bring political stability -0.388421 about Pakistan ' -0.995235 about stability and -1.33294 about government control -1.03921 stability to Pakistan -1.36669 stability and help -1.27014 help and support -0.531843 help fight the -1.36513 help in winning -1.57074 fight the war -1.63609 fight the " -0.871348 fight Islamic militancy -0.135864 war on terror -1.64121 on a week -1.64121 on a sound -1.60459 on his promises -1.60459 on his work -1.69222 on the media -1.83073 on the national -1.83737 on the contrary -0.286025 on terror . -1.45263 on terror more -1.0576 on October 12 -1.05614 on America brought -1.18212 on some religious -1.05614 on those fighting -0.872298 on my oath -0.872298 on November 3 -0.850947 on collision with -0.871348 on credible information -1.59509 terror . Musharraf -1.75348 terror . on -1.24919 terror . " -1.05614 terror more effectively -0.950855 more effectively . -0.77623 more importantly , -1.37825 effectively . nothing -1.18996 effectively or bring -1.04467 nothing could be -1.08753 could help in -1.31942 could be further -1.2357 be a civilian -1.38025 be the proverbial -1.04751 be further from -0.77623 be sure , -0.823735 be linked to -0.38507 be expected to -0.841981 be unprecedented in -0.865688 be absolved from -1.0576 be better served -0.77623 be crucial , -0.860101 be regarded as -0.871348 be routed through -0.861956 be influenced by -0.865688 be behind this -0.522062 further from the -0.822885 further complicated the -1.31652 from his government -1.83737 from the truth -1.4239 from the United -1.83737 from the horrendous -0.872298 from brutal beatings -0.389379 from Al - -0.84376 from getting a -0.872298 from house arrest -1.37424 truth . if -0.248139 if Pakistan ' -1.3071 if " he -0.871348 if another September -0.844498 history . the -1.34692 history is any -1.87793 is a top -1.88739 is a serious -1.89706 is a seasoned -1.89706 is a good -0.872298 is any indicator -1.13363 is at its -0.859308 is not the -1.45931 is not new -0.8704 is widespread public -0.853673 is unlikely that -0.823735 is difficult to -0.823735 is impossible to -1.10669 is whether Musharraf -0.872298 is rebounding politically -0.872298 is wearing off -0.872298 is similarly heartening -0.823735 is coming to -0.823735 is likely to -0.872298 is generally critical -1.1686 is being planned -1.17238 is being plotted -0.858255 is based on -0.799736 is unknown . -0.853673 is significant that -0.77623 any indicator , -1.30659 indicator , his -1.65645 decision to impose -1.6518 decision to run -0.572207 decision of the -1.11907 decision that would -1.19368 decision was to -0.868509 impose martial law -1.2193 martial law may -1.38096 law , ranging -1.00303 law and the -1.65475 law and order -1.19225 law may prove -0.766503 law ) , -0.823735 may prove to -1.411 may also be -1.44166 may also benefit -0.823735 may decide to -1.04718 prove to be -0.853673 proverbial straw that -1.34364 straw that breaks -0.772325 that Musharraf ' -1.67825 that Musharraf is -1.75892 that Musharraf had -0.410583 that Pakistan ' -1.61462 that Pakistan has -1.35896 that a return -1.7597 that he might -1.76677 that he stood -1.73914 that he would -1.76677 that he sponsored -0.822885 that breaks the -1.03163 that " if -1.05614 that fighting terrorism -1.24788 that were usually -1.411 that would be -1.42436 that would not -0.268858 that it is -1.04185 that opportunity by -0.872298 that means recognizing -0.850947 that came with -1.13887 that Bush decided -1.38025 breaks the camel -0.0573967 camel ' s -1.37825 back . general -1.35822 general Musharraf appeared -0.750591 appeared on the -0.858255 national scene on -0.616808 national security . -1.32812 scene on October -0.77623 October 12 , -0.860101 October gave her -1.38096 12 , 1999 -1.37914 1999 , when -1.24413 when the Supreme -1.32221 when he ousted -0.655343 ousted an elected -1.22198 elected government and -1.09124 elected president , -1.04894 elected parliament ) -0.950855 elected office . -0.0573967 government ' s -1.37194 government , were -1.36923 government and announced -0.616631 government - - -1.36513 government in 1979 -1.31745 government was involved -0.77623 government decisions , -0.867567 government officials were -1.1424 government should quickly -0.872298 government again fell -0.872298 government drew criticism -0.853673 government claims that -0.872298 government faces stark -0.841981 government settles in -0.8704 government assumed power -0.830596 government offices and -0.8704 government control over -1.30631 announced an ambitious -0.73972 announced that he -1.31966 ambitious " nation -1.26173 " Musharraf and -1.36466 " a series -1.2949 " he was -0.153539 " war on -1.33837 " if " -1.35762 " if another -1.05325 " national security -0.389379 " nation - -0.799736 " project . -0.872298 " enlightened moderation -1.31481 " but Pakistani -1.0576 " I told -1.22463 " she largely -1.13017 " whether this -1.64912 nation - building -1.64912 nation - wide -1.33312 - Musharraf government -1.35333 - a decision -1.38025 - the price -1.18019 - though he -1.3303 - on collision -1.27757 - from Al -1.89063 - - a -1.73661 - - the -2.20433 - - though -2.13149 - - from -2.15918 - - but -2.20433 - - especially -2.18875 - - have -2.23728 - - repeated -2.23728 - - particularly -2.23728 - - eased -2.23728 - - Following -0.864752 - building " -0.8704 - led war -0.77623 - alignment , -0.609809 - Qaeda and -1.27029 - Qaeda forces -1.26528 - US relations -1.13017 - planned military -0.872298 - wide movement -1.31745 - but languished -1.13363 - especially its -0.872298 - member bench -1.18996 - have become -0.872298 - repeated targets -0.872298 - sharing negotiations -0.841095 - ul - -0.859177 - Haq ' -0.866627 - 90 ) -0.872298 - Services Intelligence -0.860101 - wing political -1.05325 - term US -0.866627 - 96 ) -1.05325 - Western leader -1.05614 - imposed exile -0.865688 - particularly from -0.860101 - eased her -1.01571 - election . -0.867567 - Following its -1.11219 - year - -1.1686 - year politics -0.8704 - old state -0.871348 - known opposition -1.0576 - long visit -0.871348 - style attack -1.32221 building " project -1.37624 project . many -0.951378 many , the -0.77623 many Pakistanis , -1.38096 Pakistanis , disillusioned -0.897832 disillusioned with Pakistan -0.762391 with Musharraf , -1.3279 with Musharraf . -1.87561 with Musharraf should -0.301698 with Pakistan ' -0.969664 with Pakistan . -1.36466 with a string -1.45641 with the US -1.92721 with the president -1.95264 with the fabric -1.944 with the end -1.0576 with America appear -1.19194 with some nuanced -1.1424 with American financial -0.799736 with contradictions . -0.860101 with Islamist political -1.07922 with her life -0.869453 with adequate security -0.977712 with extremists , -1.05325 with Western support -0.799736 with India . -0.859177 with Mushararf ' -0.950855 with terrorism . -0.985247 political stability to -0.77623 political class , -1.4866 political forces ( -1.50905 political forces aligned -0.77623 political legitimacy , -1.2161 political leaders to -1.34187 political leaders while -1.33908 political leaders have -0.799736 political dynamic . -0.871348 political allies tried -1.2161 political parties to -1.23323 political parties and -1.33908 political parties are -0.799736 political start . -1.07096 political transition , -1.11858 political transition . -0.77623 political leadership , -1.37914 class , remained -0.77623 remained mute , -0.853673 remained adamant that -1.38096 mute , thinking -0.73972 thinking that he -0.799736 might deliver . -0.869453 might easily have -0.844498 deliver . the -1.10769 September 11 , -0.570853 September 11 - -1.38096 11 , 2001 -1.64912 11 - member -1.64912 11 - style -1.37733 2001 , terrorist -1.03626 terrorist attacks on -0.871348 terrorist blew himself -0.841095 terrorist activities - -1.32812 attacks on America -1.18455 attacks ) and -1.02801 America brought Musharraf -0.823735 America appear to -1.35588 brought Musharraf into -0.872298 brought mixed results -1.67116 into the international -1.43581 into the tribal -0.860101 international limelight as -1.32688 limelight as he -1.37266 agreed to ditch -1.3756 ditch the Taliban -0.882456 Taliban to the -1.47697 Taliban and support -1.65475 Taliban and al -1.24788 Taliban would target -1.18843 support the United -1.34206 support is at -0.616631 support - - -1.32791 support for militancy -0.727406 support will be -1.09912 United States , -0.614982 United States - -0.830596 United Kingdom and -1.37733 States , must -0.654801 States - - -1.64912 States - led -0.153539 led war on -0.858255 clamped down on -1.32379 down on some -1.24811 some religious militants -0.77623 some cases , -0.729203 some democratic forces -0.872298 some nuanced differences -0.803168 religious political parties -0.872298 religious militants operating -0.615415 religious extremism in -1.27621 religious extremism or -1.1424 religious extremists like -0.866627 religious extremist forces -0.871348 militants operating inside -1.03488 operating inside Pakistan -1.14021 inside Pakistan and -1.37177 inside and outside -1.32812 also on those -1.3221 also be behind -1.1424 also made mistakes -0.985247 also wanted to -0.861956 also benefit by -1.0146 also played a -0.572207 those of the -1.0576 those fighting Indian -0.866627 fighting Indian forces -1.03212 fighting terrorism is -0.885961 Indian forces in -1.32063 forces , Bhutto -1.37624 forces . terrorists -0.616631 forces - - -1.0576 forces brought mixed -0.538225 forces in the -1.64208 forces in Kashmir -1.26293 forces ( who -0.850947 forces aligned with -0.872298 forces successfully establish -1.38096 in , we -0.424444 in Pakistan ' -1.39942 in Pakistan and -1.70867 in Pakistan the -1.91782 in Pakistan will -1.93942 in Pakistan The -1.37177 in and establishes -1.36466 in a historic -1.60459 in his death -1.60459 in his inaugural -1.71614 in the tribal -1.55757 in the US -2.3629 in the planned -2.4103 in the volatile -2.38596 in the region -1.36808 in the country -2.3629 in the public -2.4103 in the event -2.4103 in the 1980 -2.4103 in the north -2.4103 in the eyes -2.4103 in the balance -2.4103 in the North -2.4103 in the midst -1.0576 in October gave -1.19194 in some cases -0.799736 in Kashmir . -0.822037 in furtherance of -1.18212 in Afghanistan were -0.872298 in 2004 voted -0.799736 in July . -0.372603 in reality , -0.861956 in 1973 by -1.04894 in office ( -0.823735 in response to -1.57444 in her power -1.58343 in her autobiography -1.18184 in which Musharraf -0.77623 in 1979 , -0.830596 in jails and -0.841095 in self - -0.850947 in collaboration with -1.11827 in Gilani ' -0.822885 in winning the -1.19225 Kashmir . as -1.30659 result , Pakistan -1.37266 was to release -1.18602 was elected president -0.850947 was rewarded with -1.26548 was not ready -0.866627 was obvious ( -0.861956 was hanged by -0.822037 was empowerment of -0.823735 was allowed to -0.830596 was brief and -0.830596 was longer and -0.871348 was possible only -0.872298 was reportedly killed -0.77623 was involved , -1.34528 rewarded with American -0.872298 American financial assistance -1.19225 American intelligence assessment -1.08597 American election - -0.830596 financial assistance and -1.37177 assistance and arms -1.10677 arms . in -1.34067 furtherance of his -1.64912 re - alignment -1.64037 re - election -1.04246 alignment , Musharraf -1.37792 sent the Pakistani -1.05614 Pakistani army into -1.05325 Pakistani politicians are -1.25039 army and political -0.384856 army into the -1.1071 tribal areas , -1.34469 tribal areas further -1.34752 tribal areas bordering -1.04246 areas , Musharraf -1.0576 areas further complicated -0.869453 areas bordering Afghanistan -1.16686 bordering Afghanistan for -1.37733 Afghanistan , democracy -1.07853 Afghanistan . " -0.749043 Afghanistan for the -1.24562 Afghanistan were out -1.1424 for constitutional changes -1.35333 for a democratic -1.69704 for the first -1.70191 for the last -1.83737 for the deteriorating -1.28979 for this turn -0.655343 for an elected -1.55972 for " national -1.56417 for " enlightened -0.77623 for example , -1.10833 for actions that -0.261079 for president . -0.950855 for militancy . -1.06769 for democracy and -0.872298 for courageously challenging -0.822037 for construction of -1.20471 first decision was -1.13995 first time since -1.0576 first Muslim woman -0.860101 first stint as -1.22102 time , he -1.67255 time , writing -1.11493 time since Pakistan -0.388421 since Pakistan ' -1.18395 since the new -1.0576 since been arrested -1.37424 independence . operations -0.538225 operations in the -1.63162 operations in Afghanistan -1.05037 operations there against -1.34692 there is widespread -1.24338 there against Taliban -0.70766 against Musharraf ' -1.35896 against a suicide -1.3733 against the security -1.33294 against government decisions -0.633668 against Taliban and -0.950855 against him . -1.25715 al - Qaeda -0.529641 Qaeda and Taliban -1.28748 Qaeda forces brought -0.799736 mixed results . -1.37825 results . although -1.18395 although the US -1.34692 US is likely -1.10505 US that Pakistan -1.02801 US viewed Musharraf -0.950855 US policies . -0.799736 US relations . -0.841981 US interests in -0.823735 US Senate to -1.32871 viewed Musharraf as -0.833172 viewed as an -1.37177 agent of change -1.09445 change , he -0.871348 never achieved domestic -1.03905 achieved domestic political -1.33378 domestic political legitimacy -1.1424 domestic public opinion -0.901346 legitimacy , and -1.37825 policies . nevertheless -1.24562 policies were seen -1.03905 were seen as -0.872298 were held accountable -0.872298 were usually beyond -0.982786 were out of -0.872298 were publicly thrashed -0.799736 were shifting . -1.33909 seen as rife -0.822037 seen dozens of -1.34909 rife with contradictions -1.35287 contradictions . for -1.09445 example , he -1.35822 made Musharraf jittery -0.850947 made alliances with -0.872298 made mistakes ; -1.34909 alliances with Islamist -1.07321 Islamist political forces -1.19194 ( though within -1.33909 ( as evidenced -1.13089 ( who in -0.872298 ( originally promulgated -0.841095 ( 1988 - -1.04894 ( ISI ) -0.841095 ( 1993 - -1.36513 who in 2004 -1.31745 who was hanged -1.0576 who wanted peace -1.19194 who can resolve -0.860101 2004 voted for -1.32563 voted for constitutional -0.857335 changes legitimizing his -1.33961 legitimizing his position -1.36669 position and actions -0.693932 position as a -1.03163 position " if -1.37624 actions . human -1.3338 actions that were -1.12876 actions ) . -0.978138 ) , and -1.49975 ) , a -0.922106 ) and the -1.31119 ) . at -1.55589 ) was brief -1.55589 ) was longer -0.91793 ) chief , -1.36466 at a young -1.67116 at the same -1.67116 at the very -1.24788 at its lowest -0.512269 same time , -0.77623 sidelined moderate , -1.38096 moderate , mainstream -0.803168 mainstream political leaders -1.37266 leaders to participate -1.1424 leaders while claiming -1.18799 leaders have since -1.18395 while the new -1.31966 while he announced -0.853673 while claiming that -0.73972 claiming that he -1.05591 stood for " -0.799736 enlightened moderation . -1.07853 moderation . " -1.37177 series of ill -1.36422 ill - planned -1.37553 planned , it -1.30689 planned military operations -0.872298 planned January 8 -1.33294 military government drew -0.539505 military operations in -1.12845 military position " -0.452643 military post , -1.01571 military rule . -1.19194 military had developed -0.871348 military official cannot -0.869453 military commanders may -0.799736 military hardliners . -0.77623 military junta , -0.830596 military dictatorship and -0.850947 military links with -1.37792 complicated the situation -0.508744 situation in the -1.23573 situation ( as -0.871348 volatile border region -0.950855 border region . -1.37624 region . last -0.727406 region will be -0.512269 last time , -0.77623 last March , -1.0576 last few weeks -1.04246 March , Musharraf -1.34491 took his boldest -1.19194 took up petitions -0.77623 boldest step , -1.33187 step , removing -1.43581 removing the Chief -1.67116 removing the leading -1.2161 Chief Justice to -1.21192 Chief Justice of -1.2626 Chief Justice in -1.33539 Justice to his -0.572207 Justice of the -1.36513 Justice in July -1.174 Supreme Court , -1.32523 Supreme Court and -1.46775 Supreme Court took -1.47151 Supreme Court itself -1.38096 Court , Iftikhar -1.37177 Court and provincial -1.05325 Court took up -0.872298 Court itself reinstated -0.799736 Iftikhar Chaudhry . -1.14162 Chaudhry . to -1.36976 surprise of many -0.015422 country ' s -1.53206 country , is -1.58117 country , despite -1.31291 country . so -0.872298 legal community organized -0.84376 community organized a -1.3618 organized a nation -0.823735 wide movement to -1.37266 movement to restore -1.24413 restore the Chief -1.22228 post , but -1.669 post , become -1.37624 post . hundreds -0.530182 hundreds of thousands -1.48205 thousands of ordinary -1.64707 thousands of people -1.31828 ordinary people ' -1.35717 ordinary people demanded -0.0573967 people ' s -0.901346 people , and -0.822885 people demanded the -0.77623 people welcomed , -1.3756 demanded the rule -1.36378 rule of law -1.31464 rule . rather -1.3303 rule on November -0.572207 supremacy of the -1.38096 constitution , emboldening -1.26528 constitution ( originally -1.24072 emboldening the judiciary -1.09355 changing the country -1.10677 dynamic . in -1.02938 historic ruling that -0.855356 ruling that Musharraf -1.22371 ruling against government -1.37266 had to pay -0.872298 had little choice -0.864752 had developed an -0.77623 had changed , -0.867567 little choice but -1.19368 choice but to -1.37266 but to accept -1.67116 but the euphoria -1.67116 but the honeymoon -1.34364 but that means -1.24562 but also wanted -1.05614 but Pakistani politicians -0.872298 but their patience -1.31209 but by no -0.268858 but it is -1.27121 but Bhutto was -1.30596 but her government -0.841981 but languished in -1.2225 but she remained -0.872298 but ethnic cleavages -0.951378 accept , the -0.822885 itself reinstated the -1.24413 reinstated the Chief -1.37825 July . subsequently -0.951378 subsequently , the -1.19225 energized judiciary continued -1.05037 continued ruling against -1.38096 decisions , embarrassing -1.22573 embarrassing the government -1.35789 especially of Bhutto -1.18843 especially the United -1.24338 especially its intelligence -0.655585 its intelligence agencies -0.872298 its lowest ebb -0.860101 its viability as -1.05469 its recent free -0.91793 its priorities , -1.0576 its past dealings -1.03791 intelligence agencies . -1.16485 intelligence agencies also -0.77623 intelligence services , -0.8555 intelligence assessment is -1.35668 agencies . government -1.24562 agencies also played -1.24788 officials were held -0.860101 held accountable for -1.32563 accountable for actions -0.822885 usually beyond the -1.38025 beyond the reach -0.572207 reach of the -1.2794 ranging from brutal -0.822037 brutal beatings of -1.37177 beatings of journalists -1.29228 journalists , to -0.860101 illegal confinement for -1.05591 confinement for " -1.19984 security . " -1.66725 security . instead -1.13052 security forces . -1.04894 security situation ( -0.38507 allies tried to -1.26749 adjust to this -1.26749 new to this -1.78159 new government should -1.79732 new government faces -1.79732 new government settles -1.79732 new government assumed -1.33378 new political leadership -0.372603 new reality , -0.396363 new prime minister -1.22228 reality , but -1.67255 reality , machinations -0.872298 their patience ran -0.871348 patience ran out -1.05614 ran out when -1.25291 out of her -0.984015 out when the -0.882456 up to the -1.31291 up . so -0.49565 up his military -0.867567 up petitions against -1.20285 petitions against Musharraf -1.54691 run for an -1.56619 run for president -1.30659 president , his -1.82037 president . while -1.83165 president . according -1.83165 president . interestingly -0.882456 according to the -0.841981 originally promulgated in -1.36513 promulgated in 1973 -1.29163 1973 by an -1.08037 by Musharraf . -1.36466 by a sharp -1.32597 by the intelligence -1.28748 by this proposal -0.655343 by an elected -1.05469 by domestic public -0.8704 by regular suicide -0.872298 by no stretch -0.84376 by attacking a -0.872298 by General Muhammad -0.872298 by bravely traveling -0.822885 by nurturing the -1.24211 parliament , has -0.766503 parliament ) , -1.31209 serving military official -1.05614 official cannot run -1.3221 cannot be absolved -0.393949 cannot run for -1.27963 office . Musharraf -1.26528 office ( 1993 -1.40754 not the government -1.66662 not the only -1.3221 not be unprecedented -1.05218 not Afghanistan . -1.1221 not new to -0.823735 not ready to -0.872298 not lose sight -1.37023 ready to give -0.502371 give up his -1.04718 wanted to be -0.850947 wanted peace with -0.261079 civilian president . -0.982786 civilian head of -1.3221 would be routed -1.24659 would not be -0.396143 would give up -0.857335 would leave his -0.858255 would carry on -0.860101 would target her -1.12123 leave his military -0.822037 track record of -1.37177 record of reneging -1.0472 reneging on his -0.822885 promises haunted the -1.24072 haunted the judiciary -0.572207 proceedings of the -1.05446 court over the -1.32804 over the last -0.705841 over law and -0.823735 over how to -0.8704 few weeks made -1.1424 few other options -1.10669 weeks made Musharraf -0.844498 jittery . the -0.871348 member bench might -1.0576 bench might easily -1.19194 easily have gone -1.14063 have since been -1.0576 have seen dozens -0.867567 have gone against -1.0576 have become demoralized -1.24562 gone against him -1.37825 him . legally -1.3303 him on my -0.77623 legally cornered , -1.04246 cornered , Musharraf -0.151094 now decided to -1.81596 decided to abandon -1.81596 decided to eliminate -1.81596 decided to voice -0.77623 abandon constitutionality , -1.33187 constitutionality , removing -1.05302 leading judges of -1.37266 judges to ensure -0.572207 judges of the -0.861956 judges deposed by -0.872298 provincial high courts -0.830596 high courts and -1.37177 courts and putting -0.858255 putting curbs on -0.750591 curbs on the -1.32851 lawyers ' organizations -1.37914 lawyers , human -1.28647 human rights activists -1.28647 human rights bodies -0.77623 rights activists , -0.77623 rights bodies , -0.872298 rights amid feudalistic -0.901346 activists , and -0.799736 been arrested . -0.872298 been carefully avoiding -1.37624 arrested . there -1.1424 widespread public resentment -0.841981 public resentment in -0.799736 public square . -0.77623 public opinion , -1.36513 resentment in response -1.37023 response to these -1.3221 these be linked -0.799736 these moves . -1.31464 moves . rather -1.17238 rather than taking -1.17238 rather than bowing -0.871348 than taking responsibility -0.823735 than bowing to -0.393949 taking responsibility for -0.801673 responsibility for the -1.55069 responsibility for this -1.19057 deteriorating security situation -1.31209 evidenced by regular -1.19194 regular suicide bomb -0.871348 suicide bomb attacks -0.841095 suicide bombers - -1.23323 suicide bombings and -1.15911 suicide bombings . -1.34187 suicide bombings since -0.950855 suicide attack . -1.04894 bomb attacks ) -0.822037 increasing Talibanization of -0.572207 Talibanization of the -1.24072 blame the judiciary -1.15528 sure , in -1.38096 cases , judicial -0.861956 judicial activism was -1.31745 activism was obvious -1.2606 obvious ( though -1.38025 within the realm -1.36775 realm of constitutional -0.867567 mistakes ; but -1.28922 ; but by -0.822037 no stretch of -0.572207 stretch of the -1.18996 imagination can these -1.3618 can a weak -1.04467 can these be -0.872298 can understand why -0.857335 can resolve Pakistan -1.36066 linked to religious -0.308115 extremism in the -1.18602 extremism or support -1.03905 or bring political -1.19765 or support for -1.36513 or in collaboration -0.7997 or not the -1.30947 militancy . it -1.05325 militancy effectively or -1.83935 it is unlikely -1.83935 it is difficult -1.83935 it is impossible -1.83935 it is significant -0.8555 it probably is -0.855356 unlikely that Musharraf -0.868509 latest gambit will -1.2249 gambit will succeed -1.55931 will be better -1.56396 will be crucial -0.77623 will succeed , -0.871348 will pit them -0.872298 will undoubtedly effect -1.17751 succeed , as -1.1877 popular support is -0.799736 lowest ebb . -1.07054 ebb . Pakistan -1.21737 armed forces - -0.822037 repeated targets of -1.03647 targets of suicide -0.616631 bombers - - -1.2357 become a civilian -0.799736 become demoralized . -1.30947 demoralized . it -1.37266 difficult to imagine -1.0576 imagine them standing -1.13859 them against the -0.850947 them standing with -0.776034 standing with Musharraf -1.26548 should not lose -0.872298 should civil conflict -0.872298 should quickly devise -0.872298 civil conflict erupt -0.799736 conflict erupt . -1.37825 erupt . nor -1.13436 nor can a -1.38096 weak , embattled -0.77623 weak institutions , -0.901346 embattled , and -1.33758 disoriented Musharraf be -1.49148 expected to fight -1.65645 expected to defy -1.05614 Islamic militancy effectively -0.803168 opposition political parties -0.91793 opposition politicians , -1.37266 parties to stop -1.26213 parties and military -1.19194 parties are drawing -0.38507 are expected to -0.872298 are drawing closer -0.872298 are perennially destabilizing -0.823735 are bound to -0.871348 drawing closer together -0.91793 closer together , -0.901346 together , and -1.34718 together with Western -0.872298 former Prime Minister -0.841095 former Inter - -0.8704 Prime Minister Benazir -0.652177 Minister Benazir Bhutto -1.31745 Benazir was allowed -0.43156 Benazir Bhutto , -0.860101 Benazir emerged as -0.0206868 Bhutto ' s -0.594426 Bhutto , the -1.73481 Bhutto , despite -1.34909 Bhutto with adequate -1.31745 Bhutto was reportedly -1.09608 Bhutto had to -0.822885 Bhutto stayed the -0.841981 despite progress in -1.0576 despite serious threats -1.21578 progress in her -1.08597 her power - -0.978138 her , and -1.67255 her , given -1.36466 her a fresh -1.37424 her . whether -1.2794 her from getting -1.33294 her government again -1.29345 her with a -1.19194 her first stint -1.11995 her position as -0.998004 her life , -1.14837 her life for -0.860101 her father for -0.872298 her autobiography : -0.799736 her domain . -0.871348 her second term -1.0071 her return , -0.850947 sharing negotiations with -0.776034 negotiations with Musharraf -0.857335 strongly condemned his -1.33961 condemned his actions -1.37553 bodies , media -0.901346 associations , and -1.18996 organizations are expected -1.3756 defy the emergency -1.34893 which Musharraf would -0.941141 which is a -1.60825 which is generally -0.384641 which hundreds of -1.2249 which will pit -1.2225 which she viewed -1.05037 pit them against -0.653634 terrorists may also -0.860101 terrorists greeted her -1.31209 benefit by attacking -1.36466 attacking a preoccupied -0.995235 preoccupied army and -0.776034 aligned with Musharraf -1.37177 event of sustained -0.830596 sustained protests and -1.37177 protests and potential -0.77623 potential violence , -1.37733 violence , top -1.31209 top military commanders -1.05591 top judges to -0.77623 top priority , -1.19225 commanders may decide -1.37266 decide to send -1.35822 send Musharraf home -0.616631 home - - -0.937366 unprecedented in Pakistan -0.871348 chronically turbulent history -0.950855 turbulent history . -0.52361 Making of a -0.457464 Murder in Pakistan -0.822037 The assassination of -1.36775 assassination of Benazir -0.603603 Muslim country , -0.823735 Muslim woman to -1.37266 woman to lead -1.3618 lead a Muslim -0.823735 serious blow to -0.823735 serious threats to -1.03921 blow to Pakistan -1.32563 prospects for democracy -0.990723 democracy and , -1.1336 democracy is not -1.31745 democracy was possible -1.65507 indeed , its -1.65851 indeed , she -0.693932 viability as a -1.37177 chaos and confusion -0.841981 confusion set in -1.19329 set in , -1.13363 we should not -0.822037 lose sight of -1.36976 sight of President -0.392202 President Pervez Musharraf -0.872298 President George W. -0.393949 partial responsibility for -1.37177 turn of events -1.31119 events . at -0.77623 very least , -1.09445 least , he -1.25101 absolved from his -1.37266 failure to provide -1.25126 provide Bhutto with -0.616808 adequate security . -1.32063 instead , Bhutto -1.32489 pay with her -1.38096 life , arguing -1.33019 life for courageously -0.8704 courageously challenging extremists -1.05302 challenging extremists of -1.38096 extremists , finally -1.37177 extremists of all -0.871348 extremists like Al -0.841095 all stripes - -0.616631 stripes - - -0.516492 Al - Qaeda -1.19225 hardliners . as -1.37266 heir to Zulfikar -0.865688 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto -0.839749 Ali Bhutto , -1.2193 legendary democratic leader -1.37177 democratic and pluralistic -1.20819 democratic forces , -1.50905 democratic forces successfully -0.270916 democratic leader who -1.08753 democratic politics in -1.33431 leader . with -1.39372 leader who was -1.42654 leader who wanted -1.41978 leader who can -1.31209 hanged by General -0.872298 General Muhammad Zia -0.841095 Muhammad Zia - -1.36883 Zia - ul -1.36883 ul - Haq -0.0573967 Haq ' s -1.32863 1979 , Benazir -0.693932 emerged as a -1.37177 symbol of resistance -1.09067 resistance at a -0.841095 young age - -0.616631 age - - -1.36513 languished in jails -1.36923 jails and exile -1.38096 exile , Bhutoo -0.508744 exile in the -0.0573967 1980 ' s -0.865688 Z. A. Bhutto -0.57874 A. Bhutto ' -1.31745 legacy was empowerment -0.572207 empowerment of the -1.37177 impoverished and defense -1.27329 defense of ordinary -0.8704 amid feudalistic politics -1.06769 feudalistic politics and -1.26213 politics and military -0.653634 politics may also -0.937366 politics in Pakistan -0.882456 bowing to the -1.09445 junta , he -1.38025 embraced the gallows -1.37825 gallows . hours -1.03488 hours before his -1.34491 before his hanging -1.3756 before the terrorist -1.32863 hanging , Benazir -1.37266 allowed to see -1.33314 see her father -0.749043 father for the -1.21578 writing in her -0.864752 autobiography : " -1.31966 : " I -1.24788 I would carry -0.871348 I told him -1.03626 told him on -0.841981 my oath in -1.21183 oath in his -0.77623 death cell , -1.37914 cell , I -1.0472 carry on his -1.07853 work . " -1.0576 she remained adamant -1.03905 she viewed as -0.872298 she largely lived -1.0576 she even persuaded -0.853673 she seized that -0.869453 largely lived up -1.09608 lived up to -1.29264 promise . her -1.33703 stint as prime -1.11262 prime minister , -1.34008 prime minister ( -1.38096 minister , Yousaf -1.29904 minister and a -0.572207 minister of the -1.26528 minister ( 1988 -1.36883 1988 - 90 -0.834188 90 ) was -1.37177 brief and disorganized -1.37825 disorganized . Lt. -0.872298 Lt. Gen. Hamid -0.872298 Gen. Hamid Gul -0.77623 Hamid Gul , -0.951378 Gul , the -1.36883 Inter - Services -0.866627 Services Intelligence ( -1.26293 Intelligence ( ISI -0.539505 ISI operations in -1.26376 ISI ) chief -1.38096 chief , confirmed -1.10902 chief minister and -0.73972 confirmed that he -1.30419 sponsored an alliance -1.37177 alliance of right -0.758973 alliance with the -1.36883 right - wing -0.803168 wing political parties -1.31565 stop her from -1.36466 getting a parliamentary -0.799736 parliamentary majority . -1.37624 majority . information -1.11493 information about Pakistan -1.34692 information is unknown -0.830596 nuclear program and -1.36923 program and ISI -1.29264 domain . her -1.01197 second term in -1.36326 term in office -1.26528 term US interests -1.36883 1993 - 96 -0.834188 96 ) was -1.36923 longer and better -1.09539 better , but -0.8704 better served if -0.872298 again fell early -0.77623 fell early , -1.38096 early , owing -1.37266 owing to charges -1.37177 charges of mismanagement -1.37177 mismanagement and corruption -1.10677 corruption . in -1.18768 machinations by the -1.36466 played a part -0.850947 played havoc with -0.844498 part . the -1.30631 developed an entrenched -0.822037 entrenched distrust of -1.25291 distrust of her -1.32807 given her position -0.871348 popularly supported pro -0.389379 supported pro - -1.56504 pro - Musharraf -1.64472 pro - Western -1.15731 Western support - -0.270916 Western leader who -1.34909 peace with India -1.37624 India . after -1.35588 after Musharraf imposed -0.84376 after almost a -1.36466 almost a decade -1.36513 decade in self -1.36652 self - imposed -1.13887 imposed emergency rule -0.91793 imposed exile , -0.0573967 Bhutoo ' s -1.14857 return to Pakistan -1.6472 return to democracy -1.14286 return , which -1.26051 gave her a -1.33378 fresh political start -1.07054 start . Pakistan -1.17751 changed , as -1.26612 dictatorship and religious -1.0576 north played havoc -0.758973 havoc with the -1.37177 fabric of society -1.16929 society . a -0.850947 tentative arrangement with -0.776034 arrangement with Musharraf -0.522062 particularly from the -0.922106 Kingdom and the -1.32807 eased her return -1.32863 welcomed , though -1.27812 greeted her with -1.03647 string of suicide -1.36669 bombings and other -1.3644 bombings . Bhutto -1.05446 bombings since the -1.34909 contacts with Mushararf -0.0573967 Mushararf ' s -0.77623 drew criticism , -1.09539 criticism , but -1.28594 adamant that a -1.05614 possible only through -0.270916 only leader who -1.0146 only through a -0.811529 through Pakistan . -1.3618 through a transition -1.04246 transition , Musharraf -1.07054 transition . Pakistan -1.36326 transition in which -1.36775 head of state -1.3354 head - on -1.06769 conduct free and -0.950855 fair elections . -1.30659 elections , Pakistan -1.14162 elections . to -1.36576 dismay of some -1.38025 stayed the course -1.05614 course even after -1.02801 even after Musharraf -0.8704 even persuaded other -0.830596 November 3 and -1.37177 3 and removed -1.09355 removed the country -1.13253 ensure his re -1.14286 election , which -1.37624 election . indeed -1.25715 election - year -1.1424 persuaded other important -1.1424 other terrorist activities -0.860101 other important political -0.799736 other options . -0.803168 important political leaders -0.508744 participate in the -0.8704 January 8 election -0.977712 8 election , -1.37266 opportunity to challenge -1.31209 opportunity by bravely -1.24811 challenge religious extremist -0.885961 extremist forces in -1.37028 square . she -1.34166 seized that opportunity -0.872298 bravely traveling throughout -0.822885 traveling throughout the -1.09355 throughout the country -1.34214 threats to her -1.26442 arguing for a -0.811529 pluralistic Pakistan . -1.107 one of Pakistan -1.19194 one can understand -0.867567 understand why religious -1.24407 why religious extremists -0.389379 like Al - -0.94257 target her , -1.33771 claims that it -1.37266 impossible to defend -1.18294 defend against a -1.13799 attack . but -1.14115 attack is being -0.861956 reportedly killed by -1.23765 killed by a -0.871348 sharp shooter before -0.984015 shooter before the -1.05325 blew himself up -1.05218 himself up . -1.12673 himself must be -1.15528 so , in -1.38025 so the strategic -0.77623 so far , -1.107 eyes of Pakistan -0.951378 supporters , the -1.38096 services , either -0.869453 either alone or -1.13089 alone or in -1.34528 collaboration with extremists -0.151094 finally decided to -1.16072 eliminate her . -1.35822 whether Musharraf meant -1.28518 whether this American -1.18212 whether or not -0.951378 involved , the -0.853673 fact remains that -1.10505 remains that Pakistan -1.36466 lost a desperately -0.869453 desperately needed leader -1.116 needed leader . -0.508744 future in the -0.951378 balance , the -0.0573967 West ' s -1.37733 West , especially -1.37825 West . -1.09539 crucial , but -0.853673 means recognizing that -0.855356 recognizing that Musharraf -0.388421 resolve Pakistan ' -0.995235 myriad problems and -1.37177 problems and manage -1.37624 problems . Exorcising -1.32597 manage the war -1.36137 contrary , by -1.38025 nurturing the current -0.822037 current environment of -1.37177 environment of instability -1.37177 instability and uncertainty -1.04246 uncertainty , Musharraf -1.3221 must be regarded -0.822885 must reassess the -0.865688 must take this -1.33703 regarded as one -0.950855 biggest problems . -0.38928 Exorcising Musharraf ' -0.392202 Ghost Exorcising Musharraf -0.841095 Ghost CAMBRIDGE - -0.616631 CAMBRIDGE - - -1.24562 Following its recent -1.14063 recent free elections -0.869453 recent months have -0.799736 rebounding politically . -1.13799 politically . but -1.34364 euphoria that came -0.758973 came with the -0.572207 end of the -1.37825 end . already -1.34692 era is wearing -0.77623 wearing off , -1.17751 off , as -0.872298 faces stark choices -0.799736 stark choices . -1.37825 choices . unlike -0.830596 unlike Iraq and -1.36418 Iraq and Afghanistan -1.25715 60 - year -1.36883 year - old -1.13711 year politics may -0.603603 old state , -0.77623 ethnic cleavages , -1.37914 cleavages , weak -0.901346 institutions , and -1.19194 North are perennially -0.799736 perennially destabilizing . -1.29442 destabilizing . and -1.28682 settles in and -1.24562 establishes its priorities -0.951378 priorities , the -1.24788 priorities were shifting -1.38025 reassess the impact -1.36181 impact of its -0.850947 past dealings with -0.77623 past blunders , -0.897832 dealings with Pakistan -0.977712 Yousaf Gilani , -0.0573967 Gilani ' s -1.30353 Gilani , is -0.871348 Gilani unequivocally declared -0.830596 seasoned politician and -0.990723 politician and , -1.24211 importantly , has -0.872298 Sufi family roots -0.822037 Sufi tradition of -0.77623 family roots , -1.14286 roots , which -0.872298 good omen because -0.822037 omen because of -0.572207 because of the -1.37177 tradition of tolerance -1.37424 tolerance . Gilani -1.01197 unequivocally declared in -0.853673 inaugural address that -1.34166 address that fighting -1.37624 terrorism . recent -0.870135 terrorism is a -0.901346 priority , and -1.2794 release from house -0.8704 house arrest judges -1.1424 arrest judges deposed -1.2603 deposed by Musharraf -0.522062 respite from the -0.822037 horrendous spate of -1.03647 spate of suicide -1.11162 assumed power is -0.799736 similarly heartening . -1.13799 heartening . but -0.8555 honeymoon period is -1.34692 period is coming -1.35362 coming to an -1.15528 already , in -1.37177 hometown of Multan -1.38096 Multan , rioters -0.861956 rioters attacked government -1.33294 attacked government offices -1.37177 offices and banks -1.37266 banks to protest -0.872298 protest electricity disruptions -0.799736 electricity disruptions . -1.16929 disruptions . a -1.36976 couple of well -1.33703 well as those -1.36883 well - known -1.05614 known opposition politicians -1.28415 politicians , a -1.19194 politicians are bound -0.8704 federal cabinet minister -1.09291 cabinet minister of -0.389379 previous pro - -0.77623 publicly thrashed , -1.38096 thrashed , raising -0.8704 raising doubts about -1.12333 doubts about government -1.13537 control over law -0.508744 order in the -1.04246 far , Musharraf -1.34491 accepted his diminishing -0.872298 diminishing stature quietly -0.841095 stature quietly - -0.616631 quietly - - -0.844498 options . the -1.38096 leadership , both -0.995235 both inside and -1.37792 outside the parliament -0.84376 carefully avoiding a -1.3618 avoiding a head -0.758973 collision with the -1.15528 interestingly , in -0.572207 midst of the -1.03044 embarked on a -1.36652 week - long -1.36652 long - term -0.823735 long visit to -1.37023 visit to China -1.37266 China to lobby -0.922106 China and the -1.33019 lobby for construction -1.35594 construction of an -1.37177 oil and gas -0.872298 gas pipeline between -0.871348 pipeline between China -0.995235 between China and -0.853673 Persian Gulf that -1.11907 Gulf that would -1.03488 routed through Pakistan -0.872298 deeper question raised -0.861956 question raised by -1.29413 raised by this -1.34206 proposal is whether -0.508744 proposal in the -1.37266 meant to convey -1.36466 convey a message -0.882456 message to the -0.844498 shifting . the -1.36378 revival of democratic -0.857335 undoubtedly effect Pakistan -1.30958 effect Pakistan - -1.07054 relations . Pakistan -1.34718 links with America -1.37266 appear to remain -1.03044 remain on a -0.77623 sound footing , -1.37914 footing , so -1.0253 strategic alliance with -1.37266 likely to continue -1.38096 continue , perhaps -1.34338 perhaps with some -0.8704 nuanced differences over -1.1424 differences over how -1.2791 how to fight -1.04718 bound to be -1.30948 influenced by domestic -1.14286 opinion , which -0.822037 generally critical of -1.36576 critical of US -1.37914 nevertheless , long -0.508744 interests in the -0.647835 served if Pakistan -0.872298 successfully establish themselves -0.799736 establish themselves . -1.16929 themselves . a -1.37266 Senate to increase -0.830596 increase development and -1.37177 development and education -0.823735 education aid to -1.03921 aid to Pakistan -1.38025 winning the hearts -1.37177 hearts and minds -1.37825 minds . meanwhile -1.37914 meanwhile , President -0.8704 George W. Bush -1.13537 W. Bush has -0.0573967 Bush ' s -1.31223 Bush has said -0.151094 Bush decided to -1.328 said that " -0.396583 another September 11 -1.03212 style attack is -0.977712 being planned , -0.841981 being plotted in -1.14115 probably is being -0.937366 plotted in Pakistan -1.34692 assessment is based -1.3303 based on credible -1.03212 credible information is -1.37424 unknown . American -1.28979 behind this assertion -1.13799 assertion . but -1.33968 significant that Bush -0.917246 voice this view -0.857335 view during Pakistan -0.77623 view seriously , -0.388421 during Pakistan ' -0.917246 take this view -1.38096 seriously , regardless -1.36775 regardless of Bush -0.844498 motivations . the -0.84376 quickly devise a -1.36466 devise a policy -1.37266 policy to deal -1.34718 deal with terrorism -1.18996 months have seen -1.03647 dozens of suicide -0.616631 activities - - -1.107 price of Pakistan -1.0576 own past blunders -1.17751 blunders , as \end\