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github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
authoreherbst <eherbst@1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230>2006-08-16 20:38:19 +0400
committereherbst <eherbst@1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230>2006-08-16 20:38:19 +0400
commit9c7ffb1fbb649eb086a5107911a423e6d57e2156 (patch)
parent24cd2f344146e2cbbdbbbb1fd00236fe40aacbf0 (diff)
thought I had added this before
git-svn-id: https://mosesdecoder.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mosesdecoder/trunk@772 1f5c12ca-751b-0410-a591-d2e778427230
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/analysis/show-phrases-used.pl b/scripts/analysis/show-phrases-used.pl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d594f234d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analysis/show-phrases-used.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#show-phrases-used: display all source and target phrases for each sentence in a corpus, and give average phrase length used
+#usage: show-phrases-used DECODER_OUTFILE > output.html
+# where DECODER_OUTFILE is the output of moses with the -T (show alignments) option
+use strict;
+ my $wd = `pwd`; chop $wd;
+ push @INC, "$wd/perllib/sun4-solaris"; #for GD; if not an absolute path, Polygon.pm throws a fit
+use lib "perllib/sun4-solaris/auto/GD";
+use GD;
+use GD::Image;
+use GD::Polygon;
+#parse decoder output
+my $infilename = shift @ARGV;
+open(INPUT, "<$infilename") or die "couldn't open '$infilename' for read: $!\n"; #stdin
+my @sentenceData = ([], [], [], []); #(phrases used; dropped words (as factor arrays); average phrase lengths; phrase max char counts per word) per sentence
+my $curSentence = -1;
+my @numSrcChars = (); #used for alignment in image
+my @numTgtChars = ();
+my @numSrcPhrases = ();
+my @numTgtPhrases = ();
+my ($sentenceSrcChars, $sentenceTgtChars, $sentenceSrcPhrases, $sentenceTgtPhrases, $tgtWords);
+my $mode = 'none';
+while(my $line = <INPUT>)
+ $mode = 'none' if $line =~ /^\s*\n$/; #a blank line ends any section
+ if($line =~ /TRANSLATION HYPOTHESIS DETAILS:/) #first useful info printed per sentence, so we have a new sentence
+ {
+ $mode = 'opts';
+ if($curSentence > -1)
+ {
+ push @numSrcChars, $sentenceSrcChars;
+ push @numTgtChars, $sentenceTgtChars;
+ push @numSrcPhrases, $sentenceSrcPhrases;
+ push @numTgtPhrases, $sentenceTgtPhrases;
+ }
+ $curSentence++;
+ $sentenceSrcChars = 0; $sentenceTgtChars = 0;
+ $sentenceSrcPhrases = 0; $sentenceTgtPhrases = 0;
+ $tgtWords = 0;
+ push @{$sentenceData[0]}, [];
+ push @{$sentenceData[1]}, [];
+ push @{$sentenceData[2]}, 0;
+ }
+ elsif($line =~ /SOURCE\/TARGET SPANS:/) {$mode = 'spans';} #redundant info; we won't check this mode below
+ elsif($line =~ /WORDS\/PHRASES DROPPED:/) {$mode = 'drops';}
+ #read info when in a mode
+ elsif($mode eq 'opts')
+ {
+ die "can't parse translation-options info for sentence $curSentence" unless $line =~ /SOURCE:\s+\[(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\]\s+(\S(.*\S)?)\s*$/;
+ my %details;
+ $details{'srcStart'} = $1;
+ $details{'srcEnd'} = $2;
+ my @srcFactors = map {my @f = split(/\|/, $_); \@f;} (split(/\s+/, $3));
+ $details{'srcText'} = \@srcFactors;
+ $sentenceData[2]->[$curSentence] += $2 - $1 + 1; #build sum of phrase lengths
+ $details{'srcNumChars'} = 0;
+ foreach my $word (@srcFactors) {$details{'srcNumChars'} += maxN(map {length($_)} @$word) + 1;} #+1 accounts for interword spacing
+ $sentenceSrcChars += --$details{'srcNumChars'};
+ $sentenceSrcPhrases++;
+ $line = <INPUT>;
+ die "can't parse translation-options info for sentence $curSentence" unless $line =~ /TRANSLATED AS:\s+(\S(.*\S)?)\s*$/;
+ my @words = split(/\s+/, $1);
+ if($words[0] eq '<EPSILON>') {@words = ();} #source phrase was dropped
+ else {$sentenceTgtPhrases++;}
+ my @tgtFactors = map {my @f = split(/\|/, $_); \@f;} (split(/\s+/, $1));
+ $details{'tgtText'} = \@tgtFactors;
+ $details{'tgtNumChars'} = 0;
+ foreach my $word (@tgtFactors) {$details{'tgtNumChars'} += maxN(map {length($_)} @$word) + 1;} #+1 accounts for interword spacing
+ $sentenceTgtChars += --$details{'tgtNumChars'};
+ $details{'tgtStart'} = $tgtWords;
+ $tgtWords += scalar(@words);
+ $details{'tgtEnd'} = $tgtWords - 1;
+ push @{$sentenceData[0]->[$curSentence]}, \%details;
+ }
+ elsif($mode eq 'drops') #redundant info; read it just because we can (stickin' it to the man!)
+ {
+ die "can't parse dropped-words info for sentence $curSentence\n" unless $line =~ /\s*(\S.*\S)\s*/;
+ my @factors = split(/\|/, $1);
+ push @{$sentenceData[1]->[$curSentence]}, \@factors;
+ }
+#stats for final sentence, since now we know when it ended
+push @numSrcChars, $sentenceSrcChars;
+push @numTgtChars, $sentenceTgtChars;
+push @numSrcPhrases, $sentenceSrcPhrases;
+push @numTgtPhrases, $sentenceTgtPhrases;
+#calculate phrase-length statistics
+my ($totalPhraseLength, $totalNumPhrases) = (0, 0);
+for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]}); $i++)
+ $totalPhraseLength += $sentenceData[2]->[$i];
+ $totalNumPhrases += scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]->[$i]});
+ $sentenceData[2]->[$i] /= scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]->[$i]});
+##### create an image with colored phrases and arrows for each sentence #####
+die "infilename ends in slash! should not be a directory\n" if $infilename !~ /\/([^\/]+)$/;
+my $imgdir = "phraseImgs-tmp/${1}_" . time;
+`mkdir -p $imgdir`; #-p => create recursively as necessary
+my ($srcNumFactors, $tgtNumFactors) = (scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]->[0]->[0]->{'srcText'}->[0]}), scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]->[0]->[0]->{'tgtText'}->[0]}));
+my $font = gdLargeFont;
+my ($topMargin, $bottomMargin, $leftMargin, $rightMargin) = (1, 1, 1, 1); #extra pixels of background color
+my $phraseEdgeHSpace = int($font->width / 2); #number of boundary pixels at horizontal edges of each phrase
+my $phraseEdgeVSpace = 1; #number of boundary pixels at vertical edges
+my $middleVSpace = $font->height + 6; #vertical pixels used to connect phrase color boxes
+#precompute arrays of pixel coords
+my $srcY = $topMargin + $phraseEdgeVSpace;
+my @srcFactorYs;
+for(my $i = 0; $i < $srcNumFactors; $i++) {push @srcFactorYs, $srcY + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * $i;}
+my @tgtFactorYs;
+my $tgtY = $srcY + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * $srcNumFactors + $middleVSpace + $phraseEdgeVSpace;
+for(my $i = 0; $i < $tgtNumFactors; $i++) {push @tgtFactorYs, $tgtY + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * $i;}
+for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]}); $i++)
+ #create image
+ my $img = new GD::Image($leftMargin + $rightMargin + max($font->width * $numSrcChars[$i] + $numSrcPhrases[$i] * 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace,
+ $font->width * $numTgtChars[$i] + $numTgtPhrases[$i] * 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace),
+ $topMargin + $bottomMargin + $middleVSpace + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * ($srcNumFactors + $tgtNumFactors) + 2 * $phraseEdgeVSpace);
+ #allocate colors
+ my $white = $img->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255);
+ $img->transparent($white); #set white to be transparent
+ my $black = $img->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0);
+ my $highlightCol = $img->colorAllocate(255, 0, 0); #used to show deleted source phrases
+ my @bgCols = #alternating phrase background colors
+ (
+ $img->colorAllocate(165, 255, 138), #green
+ $img->colorAllocate(237, 239, 133), #yellow
+ $img->colorAllocate(255, 200, 72), #tan
+ $img->colorAllocate(255, 172, 98), #orange
+ $img->colorAllocate(255, 151, 151), #red
+ $img->colorAllocate(254, 152, 241), #purple
+ $img->colorAllocate(170, 170, 255), #blue
+ $img->colorAllocate(165, 254, 250) #cyan
+ );
+ $img->setThickness(2); #for lines connecting phrases
+ #get order of source phrases and source-phrase background colors
+ my @srcPhraseIndices = (); #in each position, which phrase will be displayed next
+ my @srcBGCols = () x $numSrcPhrases[$i]; #indices into bgCols
+ my $nextWord = 0; #current starting index we're looking for
+ while(scalar(@srcPhraseIndices) < $numSrcPhrases[$i])
+ {
+ for(my $k = 0; $k < $numSrcPhrases[$i]; $k++)
+ {
+ if($sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcStart'} == $nextWord)
+ {
+ $srcBGCols[$k] = scalar(@srcPhraseIndices) % scalar(@bgCols);
+ push @srcPhraseIndices, $k;
+ $nextWord = $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcEnd'} + 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #calculate source-phrase pixel addresses
+ my @srcStartX = () x $numSrcPhrases[$i];
+ my $srcX = $leftMargin; #in pixels
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < $numSrcPhrases[$i]; $j++)
+ {
+ $srcStartX[$j] = $srcX;
+ $srcX += $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$j]->{'srcNumChars'} + 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace;
+ }
+ #get target-phrase pixel coords
+ my @tgtStartX = () x $numSrcPhrases[$i]; #elements belonging to deleted source phrases simply aren't used
+ my $tgtX = $leftMargin; #in pixels
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < $numSrcPhrases[$i]; $j++)
+ {
+ my $k = $srcPhraseIndices[$j];
+ if(length($sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtText'}) > 0) #non-empty target phrase
+ {
+ $tgtStartX[$j] = $tgtX;
+ $tgtX += $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtNumChars'} + 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace;
+ }
+ }
+ #background
+ $img->filledRectangle(0, 0, $img->width, $img->height, $white);
+ #write phrase pairs
+ for(my $j = 0; $j < $numSrcPhrases[$i]; $j++)
+ {
+ my $k = $srcPhraseIndices[$j];
+ my $srcBottomY = $srcY + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * $srcNumFactors; #bottom of color
+ $img->filledRectangle($srcStartX[$k], $srcY - $phraseEdgeVSpace, $srcStartX[$k] + $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcNumChars'} + 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace,
+ $srcBottomY, $bgCols[$srcBGCols[$k]]);
+ if(length $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtText'} > 0) #non-empty target phrase
+ {
+ $img->filledRectangle($tgtStartX[$j], $tgtY - $phraseEdgeVSpace, $tgtStartX[$j] + $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtNumChars'} + 2 * $phraseEdgeHSpace,
+ $tgtY + ($font->height + $phraseEdgeVSpace) * $tgtNumFactors, $bgCols[$srcBGCols[$k]]);
+ my ($srcMidX, $tgtMidX) = ($srcStartX[$k] + $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcNumChars'} / 2 + $phraseEdgeHSpace,
+ $tgtStartX[$j] + $font->width * $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtNumChars'} / 2 + $phraseEdgeHSpace);
+ $img->line($srcMidX, $srcBottomY, $tgtMidX, $tgtY, $bgCols[$srcBGCols[$k]]);
+ writeFactoredStringGD($img, $srcStartX[$k] + $phraseEdgeHSpace, \@srcFactorYs, $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcText'}, $font, $black);
+ writeFactoredStringGD($img, $tgtStartX[$j] + $phraseEdgeHSpace, \@tgtFactorYs, $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'tgtText'}, $font, $black);
+ }
+ else #empty target phrase; only show source
+ {
+ writeFactoredStringGD($img, $srcStartX[$k] + $phraseEdgeHSpace, \@srcFactorYs, $sentenceData[0]->[$i]->[$k]->{'srcText'}, $font, $highlightCol);
+ }
+ }
+ #write image file
+ my $imgfilename = "$imgdir/$i.png";
+ open(IMAGE, ">$imgfilename") or die "couldn't create tmp image '$imgfilename': $!\n";
+ print IMAGE $img->png();
+ close(IMAGE);
+#display HTML output
+my $stylesheet = <<EOHTML;
+<style type="text/css">
+div.sentence {}
+print "<html><head><title>Translation Options Used</title>$stylesheet</head><body>\n";
+print "<span style=\"font-size:large\"><b>Overall Average Phrase Length:</b> " . sprintf("%.3lf", $totalPhraseLength / $totalNumPhrases) . "</span><p>\n";
+for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$sentenceData[0]}); $i++)
+ if($i > 0) {print "<hr width=98%>";}
+ print "<div class=\"sentence\"><b>Average Phrase Length:</b> " . sprintf("%.3lf", $sentenceData[2]->[$i]) . "<p><img src=\"$imgdir/$i.png\"></div>\n";
+print "</body></html>";
+sub max
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ return ($a > $b) ? $a : $b;
+sub maxN
+ die "maxN(): empty array!\n" if scalar(@_) == 0;
+ my $max = shift @_;
+ map {$max = $_ if $_ > $max;} @_;
+ return $max;
+#arguments: image, startX, arrayref of y-coords for writing, arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings, font, color
+sub writeFactoredStringGD
+ my ($img, $startX, $ys, $factors, $font, $color) = @_;
+ foreach my $word (@$factors)
+ {
+ for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$ys); $i++)
+ {
+ $img->string($font, $startX, $ys->[$i], $word->[$i], $color);
+ }
+ $startX += $font->width * (maxN(map {length($_)} @$word) + 1);
+ }