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authorArianna Bisazza <arianna.bis@gmail.com>2012-09-18 13:06:50 +0400
committerArianna Bisazza <arianna.bis@gmail.com>2012-09-18 13:06:50 +0400
commitbe5678afb78c27f23cf43597b83be6a6b98dec63 (patch)
tree137a679943ab7e7b850c23805ee9007574189acd /contrib
parentae6ac1c2aefd713ca3f44639e480884c552a9c8e (diff)
combine-ptables: Implementation of fillup and other operations of translation and reordering models combination
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
2 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/combine-ptables/README.md b/contrib/combine-ptables/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b180f9202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/combine-ptables/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+`combine-ptables.pl`: fill-up and other techniques of translation models combination.
+Arianna Bisazza bisazza[AT]fbk.eu
+This tool implements "fill-up" and other operations that are useful to combine translation and reordering tables.
+In the "fill-up" approach, the weights of out-domain data sources are estimated directly by MERT along with the
+other model weights.
+This tool also supports linear interpolation, but weights must be provided by the user.
+If you want to automatically estimate linear interpolation weights, use `contrib/tmcombine` instead.
+When using this script, please cite:
+Arianna Bisazza, Nick Ruiz, and Marcello Federico. 2011.
+"Fill-up versus Interpolation Methods for Phrase-based SMT Adaptation."
+In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), San Francisco, CA.
+This combination technique is useful when the relevance of the models is known a priori,
+e.g. when one is trained on in-domain data and the others on out-of-domain data.
+This mode preserves all the entries and scores coming from the first model, and adds
+entries from the other models only if new.
+If more than two tables are provided, each entry is taken only from the first table
+that contains it.
+Moreover, a binary feature is added for each additional table to denote the provenance
+of an entry. For in-domain entries, the binary features are all set to 1 (=exp(0)).
+Entries coming from the 2nd table will have the 1st binary feature set to 2.718 (=exp(1)).
+This technique was proposed in the following works:
+Preslav Nakov. 2008.
+"Improving English-Spanish Statistical Machine Translation: Experiments in Domain
+Adaptation, Sentence Paraphrasing, Tokenization, and Recasing."
+In Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
+Arianna Bisazza, Nick Ruiz, and Marcello Federico. 2011.
+"Fill-up versus Interpolation Methods for Phrase-based SMT Adaptation."
+In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), San Francisco, CA.
+The latter paper contains details about the present implementation as well as an empirical
+evaluation of fill-up against other combination techniques.
+Reordering model fill-up, cascaded fill-up and pruning criteria are also discussed in the
+same paper.
+Among the findings of this paper, pruning new (out-of-domain) phrases with more than 4
+source words appeared to be beneficial on the Arabic-English TED task when combining the
+in-domain models with MultiUn models.
+This corresponds to the option:
+ `--newSourceMaxLength=4`
+This combination technique consists in linearly combining the feature values coming
+from all tables. The combination weights should be provided by the user, otherwise
+uniform weights are assumed.
+When a phrase pair is absent from a table, a constant value (epsilon) is assumed for
+the corresponding feature values. You may want to set your own epsilon.
+See [Bisazza et al. 2011] for an empirical comparison of uniformly weighted linear
+interpolation against fill-up and decoding-time log-linear interpolation. In that paper,
+epsilon was always set to 1e-06.
+This combination technique creates the union of all phrase pairs and assigns to each
+of them the concatenation of all tables scores.
+This combination technique creates the intersection of all phrase pairs: each phrase
+pair that occurs in all phrase tables is output along with the feature vector taken
+from the *first* table.
+The intersection can be used to prune the reordering table in order to match the
+entries of a corresponding pruned phrase table.
+Get statistics about overlap of entries:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=stats ptable1 ptable2 ... ptableN > ptables-overlap-stats`
+Interpolate phrase tables...
+- with uniform weights:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=interp --phpenalty-at=4 ptable1 ptable2 ptable3 > interp-ptable.X`
+- with custom weights:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=interp --phpenalty-at=4 --weights=0.8,0.1,0.1 ptable1 ptable2 ptable3 > interp-ptable.Y`
+- with custom epsilon:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=interp --phpenalty-at=4 --epsilon=1e-05 ptable1 ptable2 ptable3 > interp-ptable.Z`
+Fillup phrase tables...
+- unpruned:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=fillup ptable1 ptable2 ... ptableN > fillup-ptable`
+- pruned (new phrases only with max. 4 source words):
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=fillup --newSourceMaxLength=4 ptable1 ptable2 ... ptableN > fillup-ptable`
+Given a pruned phrase table, prune the corresponding reordering table:
+ `combine-ptables.pl --mode=intersect1 reotable1-unpruned ptable1-pruned > reotable1-pruned`
+The script works only with textual (non-binarized) phrase or reordering tables
+that were *previously sorted* with `LC_ALL=C sort`
+The resulting combined tables are also textual and need to binarized normally.
+The script combine-ptables.pl can be used on lexicalized reordering tables as well.
+Input tables can be gzipped.
+When integrating filled up models into a Moses system, remember to:
+ - specify the correct number of features (typically 6) under [ttable-file] in the configuration file `moses.ini`
+ - add a weight under [weight-t] in `moses.ini`
+ - if you binarize the models, provide the correct number of features to the command:
+ `$moses/bin/processPhraseTable -ttable 0 0 - -nscores $nbFeatures`
diff --git a/contrib/combine-ptables/combine-ptables.pl b/contrib/combine-ptables/combine-ptables.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..de9df7ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/combine-ptables/combine-ptables.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# Arianna Bisazza @ FBK-irst. March 2012
+# combine-ptables.pl : Combine Moses-style phrase tables, using different approaches
+use strict;
+use open ':utf8';
+binmode STDIN, ':utf8';
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+use Getopt::Long "GetOptions";
+sub main {
+my $usage = "
+combine-ptables.pl --mode=(interp|union|fillup|intersect1|stats) ptable1 ptable2 ... ptableN > combined-ptable
+combine-ptables.pl --mode=intersect1 reotable-unpruned ptable-pruned > reotable-pruned
+# This scripts reads two or more *sorted* phrase tables and combines them in different modes.
+# (Note: if present, word alignments are ignored).
+# ----------------
+# ----------------
+# Required:
+# --mode fillup: Each entry is taken only from the first table that contains it.
+# A binary feature is added from each table except the first.
+# interp: Linear interpolation.
+# union: Union of entries, feature vectors are concatenated.
+# intersect1: Intersection of entries, feature vectors taken from the first table.
+# stats: Only compute some statistics about tables overlap. No table is produced.
+# NOTE: if present, additional fields such as word alignment, phrase counts etc. are always
+# taken from the first table.
+# Generic options:
+# --phpenalty=FLOAT Constant value for phrase penalty. Default is exp(1)=2.718
+# --phpenalty-at=N The (N+1)th score of each table is considered as phrase penalty with a constant value.
+# In 'interp' mode, the corresponding feature is not interpolated but simply set to the constant.
+# In 'union' mode, the ph.penalty (constant) is output only once, after all the other scores.
+# By default, no score is considered as phrase penalty.
+# Options for 'fillup':
+# --newSourceMaxLength=INT Don't include \"new\" source phrases if longer than INT words.
+# Options for 'interp':
+# --weights=W1,W2,...WN Weights for interpolation. By default, uniform weights are applied.
+# --epsilon=X Score to assume when a phrase pair is not contained in a table (in 'interp' and 'union' modes).
+# Default epsilon is 1e-06.
+# Options for 'union':
+my $combination_mode = '';
+my $debug = '';
+my $weights_str = '';
+my $epsilon = 0.000001;
+my $phPenalty = 2.718; # exp(1)
+my $phPenalty_idx = -1;
+my $delim= " ||| ";
+my $delim_RE= ' \|\|\| ';
+my $exp_one = 2.718;
+my $exp_zero = 1;
+my $newSourceMaxLength = -1;
+my $help = '';
+GetOptions ('debug' => \$debug,
+ 'mode=s' => \$combination_mode,
+ 'weights=s' => \$weights_str,
+ 'epsilon=f' => \$epsilon,
+ 'phpenalty=f' => \$phPenalty,
+ 'phpenalty-at=i' => \$phPenalty_idx,
+ 'newSourceMaxLength=i' => \$newSourceMaxLength,
+ 'help' => \$help);
+if($help) { die "$usage\n\n"; }
+if($combination_mode!~/(interp|union|fillup|intersect1|stats)/) {die "$usage\nUnknown combination mode!\n"};
+if(@ARGV < 2) {die "$usage\n\n Please provide at least 2 tables to combine \n\n";}
+print STDERR "
+WARNING: Your phrase tables must be sorted (with LC_ALL=C) !!
+Combination mode is [$combination_mode]
+my @tables = @ARGV;
+my $nbtables = scalar(@tables);
+# The newSourceMaxLength option requires reading all the first PT before starting the combination
+my %sourcePhrasesPT1;
+if($combination_mode eq "fillup" && $newSourceMaxLength>-1) {
+ my $table1=$tables[0];
+ $table1 =~ s/(.*\.gz)\s*$/gzip -dc < $1|/;
+ open(TABLE1, "$table1") or die "Cannot open $table1: ($!)\n";
+ while(my $line=<TABLE1>) {
+ $line=~m/^(.*?)$delim_RE/;
+ $sourcePhrasesPT1{$1}++;
+ }
+ close(TABLE1);
+my @table_files=();
+foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ $table =~ s/(.*\.gz)\s*$/gzip -dc < $1|/;
+ #localize the file glob, so FILE is unique to the inner loop.
+ local *FILE;
+ open(FILE, "$table") or die "Cannot open $table: ($!)\n";
+ push(@table_files, *FILE);
+# Read first line from all tables to find number of weights (and sanity checks)
+my @read_ppairs=();
+my $nbscores = &read_line_from_tables(\@table_files, \@read_ppairs);
+print STDERR "Each phrase table contains $nbscores features.\n";
+if($phPenalty_idx!=-1) {
+ if($phPenalty_idx<0 || $phPenalty_idx>=$nbscores) {
+ die "Invalid value for option phpenalty-at! Should be in the range [0,($nbscores-1)]\n\n";
+ }
+ else { print STDERR "Phrase penalty at index $phPenalty_idx\n"; }
+#if($weights_str ne "") { die "Weights option NOT supported yet. Can only use uniform (1/nbscores)\n\n"; }
+#my $unifw = 1/$nbtables;
+my @weights=(); # Array of arrays each containing the feature weights for a phrase table
+if($combination_mode eq "interp") {
+ my @table_level_weights=();
+ if($weights_str eq "") {
+ @table_level_weights= ((1/$nbtables) x $nbtables); # assuming uniform weights
+ }
+ else {
+ @table_level_weights= split(/,/, $weights_str);
+ if(scalar(@table_level_weights) != $nbtables) {
+ die "$usage\n Invalid string for option --weights! Must be a comma-separated list of floats, one per ph.table.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ my @weights_pt = (($table_level_weights[$i]) x $nbscores);
+ if($phPenalty_idx!=-1) {
+ $weights_pt[$phPenalty_idx]=0;
+ }
+ print STDERR "WEIGHTS-PT_$i: ", join(" -- ", @weights_pt), "\n";
+ $weights[$i] = \@weights_pt;
+ }
+ print STDERR "EPSILON: $epsilon \n";
+my @empty_ppair=("");
+my @epsilons = (($epsilon) x $nbscores);
+if($phPenalty_idx>-1) {
+ pop @epsilons;
+my $nbPpairs_inAll=0;
+my @nbPairs_found_only_in=((0) x $nbtables);
+my $MINSCORE=1;
+print STDERR "Working...\n\n";
+while(1) {
+ my $min_ppair="";
+ my $reached_end_of_tables=1;
+ my @tablesContainingPpair=((0) x $nbtables);
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ my $ppair=$read_ppairs[$i]->[0];
+ if($ppair ne "") {
+ $reached_end_of_tables=0;
+ if($min_ppair eq "" || $ppair lt $min_ppair) {
+ $min_ppair=$ppair;
+ @tablesContainingPpair=((0) x $nbtables);
+ $tablesContainingPpair[$i]=1;
+ }
+ elsif($ppair eq $min_ppair) {
+ $tablesContainingPpair[$i]=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ last if($reached_end_of_tables);
+ ## Actual combination is performed here:
+ &combine_ppair(\@read_ppairs, \@tablesContainingPpair);
+ &read_line_from_tables(\@table_files, \@read_ppairs, \@tablesContainingPpair);
+print STDERR "...done!\n";
+print STDERR "The minimum score in all tables is $MINSCORE\n";
+if($combination_mode eq "stats") {
+my $tot_ppairs=0;
+print "
+# entries
+found in all tables: $nbPpairs_inAll\n";
+for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ print "found only in PT_$i: $nbPairs_found_only_in[$i]\n";
+ my $ra_ppairs=shift; # 1st item: phrase-pair key (string);
+ # 2nd item: ref.array of scores;
+ # 3rd item: additional info (string, may be empty)
+ my $ra_toRead=shift; # Important: this says which phrase tables contain the ph.pair currently processed
+ my $ppair="";
+ my @scores=();
+ my $additional_info="";
+ my $to_print=1;
+ if($debug) {
+ print STDERR "combine_ppair:\n";
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if($ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ print STDERR "ppair_$i= ", join (" // ", @{$ra_ppairs->[$i]}), "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($combination_mode eq "stats") {
+ $to_print=0;
+ my $found_in=-1;
+ my $nb_found=0;
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if($ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ $found_in=$i;
+ $nb_found++;
+ }
+ }
+ if($nb_found==1) { $nbPairs_found_only_in[$found_in]++; }
+ elsif($nb_found==$nbtables) { $nbPpairs_inAll++; }
+ }
+ ### Fill-up + additional binary feature
+ elsif($combination_mode eq "fillup") {
+ my @bin_feats=(($exp_zero) x ($nbtables-1));
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if($ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ $ppair= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]});
+ # pruning criteria are applied here:
+ if($i>0 && $newSourceMaxLength>-1) {
+ $ppair=~m/^(.*?)$delim_RE/;
+ if(scalar(split(/ +/, $1)) > $newSourceMaxLength &&
+ !defined($sourcePhrasesPT1{$1}))
+ { $to_print=0; }
+ }
+# @scores= @{$ra_ppairs->[$i]};
+ @scores = @{shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]})};
+ # binary feature for ph.pair provenance fires here
+ if($i>0) { $bin_feats[$i-1]=$exp_one; }
+ $additional_info=shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]});
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ push(@scores, @bin_feats);
+ }
+ ### Linear interpolation
+ elsif($combination_mode eq "interp") {
+ my $firstPpair=-1;
+ @scores=((0) x $nbscores);
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if($ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ if($firstPpair==-1) { $firstPpair=$i; }
+ $ppair= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]});
+ my @scoresPT = @{shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]})};
+ for(my $j=0; $j<$nbscores; $j++) {
+# $scores[$j]+= $weights[$i]->[$j]* $ra_ppairs->[$i][$j];
+ $scores[$j]+= $weights[$i]->[$j]* $scoresPT[$j];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for(my $j=0; $j<$nbscores; $j++) {
+ $scores[$j]+= $weights[$i]->[$j]* $epsilon;
+ }
+ }
+ if($phPenalty_idx!=-1) {
+ $scores[$phPenalty_idx]= $phPenalty;
+ }
+ }
+ if($debug) { print STDERR "..taking info from ptable_$firstPpair\n"; }
+ $additional_info= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$firstPpair]});
+ }
+ ### Union + feature concatenation
+ elsif($combination_mode eq "union") {
+ my $firstPpair=-1;
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if($ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ if($firstPpair==-1) { $firstPpair=$i; }
+ $ppair= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]});
+ my @scoresPT= @{shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]})};
+ if($phPenalty_idx!=-1) {
+# splice(@{$ra_ppairs->[$i]}, $phPenalty_idx, 1);
+ splice(@scoresPT, $phPenalty_idx, 1);
+ }
+# push(@scores, @{$ra_ppairs->[$i]});
+ push(@scores, @scoresPT);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@scores, @epsilons);
+ }
+ }
+ if($phPenalty_idx!=-1) {
+ push(@scores, $phPenalty);
+ }
+ if($debug) { print STDERR "..taking info from ptable_$firstPpair\n"; }
+ $additional_info= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[$firstPpair]});
+ }
+ ### Intersect + features from first table
+ elsif($combination_mode eq "intersect1") {
+ $to_print=0;
+ my $found_in_all=1;
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ if(!$ra_toRead->[$i]) {
+ $found_in_all=0;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($found_in_all) {
+ $to_print=1;
+ $ppair= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[0]});
+# @scores= @{$ra_ppairs->[0]};
+ @scores= @{shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[0]})};
+ $additional_info= shift(@{$ra_ppairs->[0]});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "$usage\nUnknown combination mode!\n";
+ }
+ if($to_print) {
+ if($additional_info eq "") {
+ print $ppair, join(" ", @scores), "\n";
+ }else {
+ print $ppair, join(" ", @scores), $delim, $additional_info, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+# Read lines from all filehandles given in FILES_REFARRAY,
+# or from the files whose indices are assigned 1 in the array TABLE_INDICES_REFARRAY
+# Parse each of them as a phrase pair entry and stores it to the corresponding position of PPAIRS_REFARRAY
+ my $ra_files=shift;
+ my $ra_ppairs=shift;
+ my $ra_toRead=shift;
+ my @toRead=((1) x $nbtables); # by default read from all files
+ if($ra_toRead ne "") {
+ @toRead=@$ra_toRead;
+ }
+ my $nbscores=-1;
+ my $key=""; my $additional_info="";
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$nbtables; $i++) {
+ next if($toRead[$i]==0);
+ my @ppair=();
+ my $file=$ra_files->[$i];
+ if(my $line = <$file>) {
+ chomp $line;
+ my @fields = split(/$delim_RE/, $line);
+ if(scalar(@fields)<3) {
+ die "Invalid phrase table entry:\n$line\n";
+ }
+ my @scores = split(/\s+/, $fields[2]);
+ foreach my $score (@scores) {
+ if($score<$MINSCORE) { $MINSCORE=$score; }
+ }
+ # Get nb of scores from the 1st table. Check that all tables provide the same nb of scores,
+ # unless mode is 'intersect' (then it doesn't matter as scores are taken only from 1st table)
+ if($nbscores==-1) {
+ $nbscores=scalar(@scores);
+ } elsif($nbscores!=scalar(@scores) && $combination_mode ne "intersect1") {
+ die "Wrong number of scores in table-$i! Should be $nbscores\n";
+ }
+ # Get additional fields if any (word aligment, phrase counts etc.)
+ if(scalar(@fields)>3) {
+ $additional_info=join($delim, splice(@fields,3));
+ #print STDOUT "additional_info:__{$additional_info}__\n";
+ }
+ my $key = "$fields[0]$delim$fields[1]$delim"; ## IMPORTANT: the | delimiter at the end of the phrase pair is crucial to preserve sorting!!
+ push(@ppair, $key, \@scores, $additional_info);
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@ppair, "");
+ }
+ $ra_ppairs->[$i]=\@ppair;
+ }
+ return $nbscores;