0) Preliminaries Before building you need to decide what language model toolkit (SRI's, IRST's, or Ken's) you want to use. If you want to use SRI's, you will need to download its source and build it. The SRILM can be downloaded from http://www.speech.sri.com/projects/srilm/download.html . If you want to use IRST's, you will need to download its source and build it. The IRSTLM can be downloaded from either the SourceForge website http://sourceforge.net/projects/irstlm or the official IRSTLM website http://hlt.fbk.eu/en/irstlm Ken's LM is included with the Moses distribution. IMPORTANT: These instructions are for building the moses decoder ONLY, the training and tuning SCRIPTS contained in scripts/ must be built and installed separately. Also, they may require modification to work in certain environments. Versions 1.9 (or higher) of aclocal and automake are required. For Mac OSX users: Standard distribution usually includes versions 1.6. Get correct versions, and set the environment variables ACLOCAL and AUTOMAKE to the correct paths in ./regenerate-makefiles.sh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Instructions for building with SRILM Build SRILM according to their release instructions. Make sure that you DO NOT override the MACHINE_TYPE variable on the command line when you do so, as this can lead to problems locating the library. ./regenerate-makefiles.sh ./configure [--with-srilm=/path/to/srilm] [--with-irstlm=/path/to/irstlm] The resulting decoder binary will be moses-cmd/src/moses . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Instructions for building with IRSTLM Build IRSTLM according to its release instructions. Make sure that you DO NOT override the MACHINE_TYPE variable on the command line when you do so, as this can lead to problems locating the library. ./regenerate-makefiles.sh ./configure [--with-srilm=/path/to/srilm] [--with-irstlm=/path/to/irstlm] The resulting decoder binary will be moses-cmd/src/moses . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Instructions for building with Ken's LM ./regenerate-makefiles.sh ./configure The resulting decoder binary will be moses-cmd/src/moses . Use language model 8 in your moses.ini: [lmodel-file] 8 0 2 /path/to/lm.arpa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO BUILD ON UNIX AND OTHER PLATFORMS Microsoft Windows ----------------- Tested on 32-bit Windows XP and Vista using Visual Studio 2005. Again, refer to the old manual http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/s0565741/papers/developers-manual.pdf The Windows build doesn't use the SRI or IRST language model libraries as they can't be compiled under Windows using Visual Studio. Instead, an internal language model, which behave like SRILM is used, however, it can only handle up to trigrams. Binaries for all external libraries needed can be downloaded from http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.LibrariesUsed Only the decoder is developed and tested under Windows. There are difficulties using the training scripts under Windows, even with Cygwin.