Summary: PURPOSE REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION HOW TO USE LICENSE ******************************************************************************** PURPOSE: ******************************************************************************** This is the MS Windows and Linux version (tested with Ubuntu 10.10 and 11.04) of Moses2TMX 1.033. Moses2TMX started as a Windows program (tested on Windows7, Vista and XP) that enables translators not necessarily with a deep knowledge of linguistic tools to create TMX files from a Moses corpus or from any other corpus made up of 2 separate files, one for the source language and another for the target language, whose lines are strictly aligned. The program processes a whole directory containing source language and corresponding target language documents and creates 1 TMX file (UTF-16 format; Windows line endings) for each document pair that it processes. The program accepts and preserves text in any language (including special diacritical characters), but has only been tested with European Union official languages. The program is specifically intended to work with the output of a series of Linux scripts together called Moses-for-Mere-Mortals. ******************************************************************************** REQUIREMENTS: ******************************************************************************** The program requires the following to be pre-installed in your computer: 1) Python 2.5 or higher (The program has been tested on Python 2.5 to 2.7) Windows users download and install from Ubuntu users can use the pre-installed Python distribution 2) wxPython 2.8 or higher Windows users download and install the Unicode version from Ubuntu users install with: sudo apt-get install python-wxtools 3) Pythoncard 0.8.2 or higher Windows users download and install Ubuntu users install with: sudo apt-get install pythoncard ******************************************************************************** INSTALLATION: ******************************************************************************** Windows users: 1) Download the Moses2TMX.exe file to a directory of your choice. 2) Double-click Moses2TMX.exe and follow the wizard's instructions. NOTE: Windows Vista users, to run the installation programs, by right-click on the installation file in Windows Explorer and choose "Execute as administrator" in the contextual menu. Ubuntu users: 1) Download the Moses2TMX.tgz compressed file to a directory of your choice. 2) Expand the compressed file and run from the expanded directory. ***IMPORTANT***: Never erase the file "LanguageCodes.txt" in that directory. It is necessary for telling the program the languages that it has to process. If your TMX files use language codes that are different from those contained in this file, please replace the codes contained in the file with the codes used in your TMX files. You can always add or delete new codes to this file (when the program is not running). ******************************************************************************** HOW TO USE: ******************************************************************************** 1) Create a directory where you will copy the files that you want to process. 2) Copy the source and target language documents that you want to process to that directory. NOTE YOU HAVE TO RESPECT SOME NAMING CONVENTIONS IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO USE THIS PROGRAM: a) the target documents have to have follow the following convention: {basename}.{abbreviation of target language}.moses where {abbreviation of target language} is a ***2 character*** string containing the lowercased first 2 characters of any of the language codes present in the LanguageCodes.txt (present in the base directory of Moses2TMX) Example: If {basename} = "200000" and the target language has a code "EN-GB" in the LanguageCodes.txt, then the name of the target file should be "200000.en.moses" b) the source language document should have the name: {basename} Example: continuing the preceding example, the name of the corresponding source document should be "200000". 3) Launch the program as indicated above in the "Launching the program" section. 4) Operate on the main window of the program in the direction from top to bottom: a) Click the "Select Directory..." button to indicate the directory containing all the source and corresponding target documents that you want to process; b) Indicate the languages of your files refers to in the "Source Language" and "Target Language" comboboxes; c) Click the Create TMX Files button. ******************************************************************************** LICENSE: ******************************************************************************** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 3 of the License). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .