# Copyright (C) Vladimir Prus 2002-2005. # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software # License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # This module implements support for Whale/Dolphin/WD parser/lexer tools. # See http://www.cs.queensu.ca/home/okhotin/whale/ for details. # # There are three interesting target types: # - WHL (the parser sources), that are converted to CPP and H # - DLP (the lexer sources), that are converted to CPP and H # - WD (combined parser/lexer sources), that are converted to WHL + DLP import type ; import generators ; import path ; import "class" : new ; import errors ; rule init ( path # path the Whale/Dolphin/WD binaries ) { if $(.configured) && $(.path) != $(path) { errors.user-error "Attempt to reconfigure Whale support" : "Previously configured with path \"$(.path:E=)\"" : "Now configuring with path \"$(path:E=)\"" ; } .configured = true ; .path = $(path) ; .whale = [ path.join $(path) whale ] ; .dolphin = [ path.join $(path) dolphin ] ; .wd = [ path.join $(path) wd ] ; } # Declare the types. type.register WHL : whl ; type.register DLP : dlp ; type.register WHL_LR0 : lr0 ; type.register WD : wd ; # Declare standard generators. generators.register-standard whale.whale : WHL : CPP H H(%_symbols) ; generators.register-standard whale.dolphin : DLP : CPP H ; generators.register-standard whale.wd : WD : WHL(%_parser) DLP(%_lexer) ; # The conversions defines above a ambiguious when we generated CPP from WD. # We can either go via WHL type, or via DLP type. # The following custom generator handles this by running both conversions. class wd-to-cpp : generator { rule __init__ ( * : * : * ) { generator.__init__ $(1) : $(2) : $(3) ; } rule run ( project name ? : property-set : source * ) { if ! $(source[2]) { local new-sources ; if ! [ $(source).type ] in WHL DLP { local r1 = [ generators.construct $(project) $(name) : WHL : $(property-set) : $(source) ] ; local r2 = [ generators.construct $(project) $(name) : DLP : $(property-set) : $(source) ] ; new-sources = [ sequence.unique $(r1[2-]) $(r2[2-]) ] ; } else { new-sources = $(source) ; } local result ; for local i in $(new-sources) { local t = [ generators.construct $(project) $(name) : CPP : $(property-set) : $(i) ] ; result += $(t[2-]) ; } return $(result) ; } } } generators.override whale.wd-to-cpp : whale.whale ; generators.override whale.wd-to-cpp : whale.dolphin ; generators.register [ new wd-to-cpp whale.wd-to-cpp : : CPP ] ; actions whale { $(.whale) -d $(<[1]:D) $(>) } actions dolphin { $(.dolphin) -d $(<[1]:D) $(>) } actions wd { $(.wd) -d $(<[1]:D) -g $(>) }