/* * Copyright 1993, 2000 Christopher Seiwald. * * This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information. */ /* This file is ALSO: * Copyright 2001-2004 David Abrahams. * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ # include "jam.h" # include "lists.h" # include "parse.h" # include "compile.h" # include "variable.h" # include "expand.h" # include "rules.h" # include "newstr.h" # include "make.h" # include "search.h" # include "hdrmacro.h" # include "hash.h" # include "modules.h" # include "strings.h" # include "builtins.h" # include "class.h" # include # include # include /* * compile.c - compile parsed jam statements * * External routines: * * compile_append() - append list results of two statements * compile_eval() - evaluate if to determine which leg to compile * compile_foreach() - compile the "for x in y" statement * compile_if() - compile 'if' rule * compile_while() - compile 'while' rule * compile_include() - support for 'include' - call include() on file * compile_list() - expand and return a list * compile_local() - declare (and set) local variables * compile_null() - do nothing -- a stub for parsing * compile_on() - run rule under influence of on-target variables * compile_rule() - compile a single user defined rule * compile_rules() - compile a chain of rules * compile_set() - compile the "set variable" statement * compile_setcomp() - support for `rule` - save parse tree * compile_setexec() - support for `actions` - save execution string * compile_settings() - compile the "on =" (set variable on exec) statement * compile_switch() - compile 'switch' rule * * Internal routines: * * debug_compile() - printf with indent to show rule expansion. * evaluate_rule() - execute a rule invocation * * builtin_depends() - DEPENDS/INCLUDES rule * builtin_echo() - ECHO rule * builtin_exit() - EXIT rule * builtin_flags() - NOCARE, NOTFILE, TEMPORARY rule * * 02/03/94 (seiwald) - Changed trace output to read "setting" instead of * the awkward sounding "settings". * 04/12/94 (seiwald) - Combined build_depends() with build_includes(). * 04/12/94 (seiwald) - actionlist() now just appends a single action. * 04/13/94 (seiwald) - added shorthand L0 for null list pointer * 05/13/94 (seiwald) - include files are now bound as targets, and thus * can make use of $(SEARCH) * 06/01/94 (seiwald) - new 'actions existing' does existing sources * 08/23/94 (seiwald) - Support for '+=' (append to variable) * 12/20/94 (seiwald) - NOTIME renamed NOTFILE. * 01/22/95 (seiwald) - Exit rule. * 02/02/95 (seiwald) - Always rule; LEAVES rule. * 02/14/95 (seiwald) - NoUpdate rule. * 09/11/00 (seiwald) - new evaluate_rule() for headers(). * 09/11/00 (seiwald) - compile_xxx() now return LIST *. * New compile_append() and compile_list() in * support of building lists here, rather than * in jamgram.yy. * 01/10/00 (seiwald) - built-ins split out to builtin.c. */ static void debug_compile( int which, char *s, FRAME* frame ); int glob( char *s, char *c ); /* Internal functions from builtins.c */ void backtrace( FRAME *frame ); void backtrace_line( FRAME *frame ); void print_source_line( PARSE* p ); struct frame * frame_before_python_call; void frame_init( FRAME* frame ) { frame->prev = 0; frame->prev_user = 0; lol_init(frame->args); frame->module = root_module(); frame->rulename = "module scope"; frame->procedure = 0; } void frame_free( FRAME* frame ) { lol_free( frame->args ); } /* * compile_append() - append list results of two statements * * parse->left more compile_append() by left-recursion * parse->right single rule */ LIST * compile_append( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { /* Append right to left. */ return list_append( parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ), parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ) ); } /* * compile_eval() - evaluate if to determine which leg to compile * * Returns: * list if expression true - compile 'then' clause * L0 if expression false - compile 'else' clause */ static int lcmp( LIST * t, LIST * s ) { int status = 0; while ( !status && ( t || s ) ) { char *st = t ? t->string : ""; char *ss = s ? s->string : ""; status = strcmp( st, ss ); t = t ? list_next( t ) : t; s = s ? list_next( s ) : s; } return status; } LIST * compile_eval( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * ll; LIST * lr; LIST * s; LIST * t; int status = 0; /* Short circuit lr eval for &&, ||, and 'in'. */ ll = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); lr = 0; switch ( parse->num ) { case EXPR_AND: case EXPR_IN : if ( ll ) goto eval; break; case EXPR_OR : if ( !ll ) goto eval; break; default: eval: lr = parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ); } /* Now eval. */ switch ( parse->num ) { case EXPR_NOT: if ( !ll ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_AND: if ( ll && lr ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_OR : if ( ll || lr ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_IN: /* "a in b": make sure each of ll is equal to something in lr. */ for ( t = ll; t; t = list_next( t ) ) { for ( s = lr; s; s = list_next( s ) ) if ( !strcmp( t->string, s->string ) ) break; if ( !s ) break; } /* No more ll? Success. */ if ( !t ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_EXISTS: if ( lcmp( ll, L0 ) != 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_EQUALS: if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) == 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_NOTEQ : if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) != 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_LESS : if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) < 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_LESSEQ: if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) <= 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_MORE : if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) > 0 ) status = 1; break; case EXPR_MOREEQ: if ( lcmp( ll, lr ) >= 0 ) status = 1; break; } if ( DEBUG_IF ) { debug_compile( 0, "if", frame ); list_print( ll ); printf( "(%d) ", status ); list_print( lr ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Find something to return. */ /* In odd circumstances (like "" = "") */ /* we'll have to return a new string. */ if ( !status ) t = 0; else if ( ll ) t = ll, ll = 0; else if ( lr ) t = lr, lr = 0; else t = list_new( L0, newstr( "1" ) ); if ( ll ) list_free( ll ); if ( lr ) list_free( lr ); return t; } /* * compile_foreach() - compile the "for x in y" statement * * Compile_foreach() resets the given variable name to each specified * value, executing the commands enclosed in braces for each iteration. * * parse->string index variable * parse->left variable values * parse->right rule to compile */ LIST * compile_foreach( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nv = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * l; SETTINGS * s = 0; if ( parse->num ) { s = addsettings( s, VAR_SET, parse->string, L0 ); pushsettings( s ); } /* Call var_set to reset $(parse->string) for each val. */ for ( l = nv; l; l = list_next( l ) ) { LIST * val = list_new( L0, copystr( l->string ) ); var_set( parse->string, val, VAR_SET ); list_free( parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ) ); } if ( parse->num ) { popsettings( s ); freesettings( s ); } list_free( nv ); return L0; } /* * compile_if() - compile 'if' rule * * parse->left condition tree * parse->right then tree * parse->third else tree */ LIST * compile_if( PARSE * p, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * l = parse_evaluate( p->left, frame ); if ( l ) { list_free( l ); return parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ); } return parse_evaluate( p->third, frame ); } LIST * compile_while( PARSE * p, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * r = 0; LIST * l; while ( ( l = parse_evaluate( p->left, frame ) ) ) { list_free( l ); if ( r ) list_free( r ); r = parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ); } return r; } /* * compile_include() - support for 'include' - call include() on file * * parse->left list of files to include (can only do 1) */ LIST * compile_include( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "include", frame); list_print( nt ); printf( "\n" ); } if ( nt ) { TARGET * t = bindtarget( nt->string ); /* DWA 2001/10/22 - Perforce Jam cleared the arguments here, which * prevents an included file from being treated as part of the body of a * rule. I did not see any reason to do that, so I lifted the * restriction. */ /* Bind the include file under the influence of */ /* "on-target" variables. Though they are targets, */ /* include files are not built with make(). */ pushsettings( t->settings ); /* We don't expect that file to be included is generated by some action. Therefore, pass 0 as third argument. If the name resolves to directory, let it error out. */ t->boundname = search( t->name, &t->time, 0, 0 ); popsettings( t->settings ); parse_file( t->boundname, frame ); } list_free( nt ); return L0; } static LIST* evaluate_in_module ( char* module_name, PARSE * p, FRAME* frame) { LIST* result; module_t* outer_module = frame->module; frame->module = module_name ? bindmodule( module_name ) : root_module(); if ( outer_module != frame->module ) { exit_module( outer_module ); enter_module( frame->module ); } result = parse_evaluate( p, frame ); if ( outer_module != frame->module ) { exit_module( frame->module ); enter_module( outer_module ); frame->module = outer_module; } return result; } LIST * compile_module( PARSE * p, FRAME * frame ) { /* Here we are entering a module declaration block. */ LIST * module_name = parse_evaluate( p->left, frame ); LIST * result = evaluate_in_module( module_name ? module_name->string : 0, p->right, frame ); list_free( module_name ); return result; } LIST * compile_class( PARSE * p, FRAME * frame ) { /** Todo: check for empty class name. Check for class redeclaration. */ char * class_module = 0; LIST * name = parse_evaluate( p->left->right, frame ); LIST * bases = 0; if ( p->left->left ) bases = parse_evaluate( p->left->left->right, frame ); class_module = make_class_module( name, bases, frame ); evaluate_in_module( class_module, p->right, frame ); return L0; } /* * compile_list() - expand and return a list. * * parse->string - character string to expand. */ LIST * compile_list( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { /* s is a copyable string */ char * s = parse->string; return var_expand( L0, s, s + strlen( s ), frame->args, 1 ); } /* * compile_local() - declare (and set) local variables. * * parse->left list of variables * parse->right list of values * parse->third rules to execute */ LIST * compile_local( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * l; SETTINGS * s = 0; LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * ns = parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ); LIST * result; if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "local", frame ); list_print( nt ); printf( " = " ); list_print( ns ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Initial value is ns. */ for ( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) ) s = addsettings( s, VAR_SET, l->string, list_copy( (LIST *)0, ns ) ); list_free( ns ); list_free( nt ); /* Note that callees of the current context get this "local" variable, * making it not so much local as layered. */ pushsettings( s ); result = parse_evaluate( parse->third, frame ); popsettings( s ); freesettings( s ); return result; } /* * compile_null() - do nothing -- a stub for parsing. */ LIST * compile_null( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { return L0; } /* * compile_on() - run rule under influence of on-target variables * * parse->left list of files to include (can only do 1). * parse->right rule to run. * * EXPERIMENTAL! */ LIST * compile_on( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * result = 0; if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "on", frame ); list_print( nt ); printf( "\n" ); } if ( nt ) { TARGET * t = bindtarget( nt->string ); pushsettings( t->settings ); result = parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ); popsettings( t->settings ); } list_free( nt ); return result; } /* * compile_rule() - compile a single user defined rule. * * parse->string name of user defined rule. * parse->left parameters (list of lists) to rule, recursing left. * * Wrapped around evaluate_rule() so that headers() can share it. */ LIST * compile_rule( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { FRAME inner[ 1 ]; LIST * result; PARSE * p; /* Build up the list of arg lists. */ frame_init( inner ); inner->prev = frame; inner->prev_user = frame->module->user_module ? frame : frame->prev_user; inner->module = frame->module; /* This gets fixed up in evaluate_rule(), below. */ inner->procedure = parse; /* Special-case LOL of length 1 where the first list is totally empty. This is created when calling functions with no parameters, due to the way jam grammar is written. This is OK when one jam function calls another, but really not good when Jam function calls Python. */ if ( parse->left->left == NULL && parse->left->right->func == compile_null) ; else for ( p = parse->left; p; p = p->left ) lol_add( inner->args, parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ) ); /* And invoke the rule. */ result = evaluate_rule( parse->string, inner ); frame_free( inner ); return result; } static void argument_error( char * message, RULE * rule, FRAME * frame, LIST* arg ) { LOL * actual = frame->args; assert( frame->procedure != 0 ); backtrace_line( frame->prev ); printf( "*** argument error\n* rule %s ( ", frame->rulename ); lol_print( rule->arguments->data ); printf( " )\n* called with: ( " ); lol_print( actual ); printf( " )\n* %s %s\n", message, arg ? arg->string : "" ); print_source_line( rule->procedure ); printf( "see definition of rule '%s' being called\n", rule->name ); backtrace( frame->prev ); exit( 1 ); } /* Define delimiters for type check elements in argument lists (and return type * specifications, eventually). */ # define TYPE_OPEN_DELIM '[' # define TYPE_CLOSE_DELIM ']' /* * is_type_name() - true iff the given string represents a type check * specification. */ static int is_type_name( char * s ) { return ( s[ 0 ] == TYPE_OPEN_DELIM ) && ( s[ strlen( s ) - 1 ] == TYPE_CLOSE_DELIM ); } /* * arg_modifier - if the next element of formal is a single character, return * that; return 0 otherwise. Used to extract "*+?" modifiers * from argument * lists. */ static char arg_modifier( LIST * formal ) { if ( formal->next ) { char * next = formal->next->string; if ( next && ( next[ 0 ] != 0 ) && ( next[ 1 ] == 0 ) ) return next[ 0 ]; } return 0; } /* * type_check() - checks that each element of values satisfies the requirements * of type_name. * * caller - the frame of the rule calling the rule whose arguments are * being checked * * called - the rule being called * * arg_name - a list element containing the name of the argument being * checked */ static void type_check ( char * type_name, LIST * values, FRAME * caller, RULE * called, LIST * arg_name ) { static module_t * typecheck = 0; /* If nothing to check, bail now. */ if ( !values || !type_name ) return; if ( !typecheck ) typecheck = bindmodule( ".typecheck" ); /* If the checking rule can not be found, also bail. */ { RULE checker_, *checker = &checker_; checker->name = type_name; if ( !typecheck->rules || !hashcheck( typecheck->rules, (HASHDATA * *)&checker ) ) return; } exit_module( caller->module ); while ( values != 0 ) { LIST *error; FRAME frame[1]; frame_init( frame ); frame->module = typecheck; frame->prev = caller; frame->prev_user = caller->module->user_module ? caller : caller->prev_user; enter_module( typecheck ); /* Prepare the argument list */ lol_add( frame->args, list_new( L0, values->string ) ); error = evaluate_rule( type_name, frame ); exit_module( typecheck ); if ( error ) argument_error( error->string, called, caller, arg_name ); frame_free( frame ); values = values->next; } enter_module( caller->module ); } /* * collect_arguments() - local argument checking and collection */ static SETTINGS * collect_arguments( RULE* rule, FRAME* frame ) { SETTINGS *locals = 0; LOL * all_actual = frame->args; LOL * all_formal = rule->arguments ? rule->arguments->data : 0; if ( all_formal ) /* Nothing to set; nothing to check */ { int max = all_formal->count > all_actual->count ? all_formal->count : all_actual->count; int n; for ( n = 0; n < max ; ++n ) { LIST *actual = lol_get( all_actual, n ); char *type_name = 0; LIST *formal; for ( formal = lol_get( all_formal, n ); formal; formal = formal->next ) { char* name = formal->string; if ( is_type_name(name) ) { if ( type_name ) argument_error( "missing argument name before type name:", rule, frame, formal ); if ( !formal->next ) argument_error( "missing argument name after type name:", rule, frame, formal ); type_name = formal->string; } else { LIST* value = 0; char modifier; LIST* arg_name = formal; /* hold the argument name for type checking */ int multiple = 0; /* Stop now if a variable number of arguments are specified */ if ( name[0] == '*' && name[1] == 0 ) return locals; modifier = arg_modifier( formal ); if ( !actual && modifier != '?' && modifier != '*' ) argument_error( "missing argument", rule, frame, formal ); switch ( modifier ) { case '+': case '*': value = list_copy( 0, actual ); multiple = 1; actual = 0; /* skip an extra element for the modifier */ formal = formal->next; break; case '?': /* skip an extra element for the modifier */ formal = formal->next; /* fall through */ default: if ( actual ) /* in case actual is missing */ { value = list_new( 0, actual->string ); actual = actual->next; } } locals = addsettings(locals, VAR_SET, name, value); locals->multiple = multiple; type_check( type_name, value, frame, rule, arg_name ); type_name = 0; } } if ( actual ) { argument_error( "extra argument", rule, frame, actual ); } } } return locals; } RULE * enter_rule( char *rulename, module_t *target_module ); #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON static int python_instance_number = 0; /* Given a Python object, return a string to use in Jam code instead of said object. If the object is string, use the string value If the object implemenets __jam_repr__ method, use that. Otherwise return 0. The result value is newstr-ed. */ char *python_to_string(PyObject* value) { if (PyString_Check(value)) { return newstr(PyString_AsString(value)); } else { /* See if this is an instance that defines special __jam_repr__ method. */ if (PyInstance_Check(value) && PyObject_HasAttrString(value, "__jam_repr__")) { PyObject* repr = PyObject_GetAttrString(value, "__jam_repr__"); if (repr) { PyObject* arguments2 = PyTuple_New(0); PyObject* value2 = PyObject_Call(repr, arguments2, 0); Py_DECREF(repr); Py_DECREF(arguments2); if (PyString_Check(value2)) { return newstr(PyString_AsString(value2)); } Py_DECREF(value2); } } return 0; } } static LIST* call_python_function(RULE* r, FRAME* frame) { LIST * result = 0; PyObject * arguments = 0; PyObject * kw = NULL; int i ; PyObject * py_result; if (r->arguments) { SETTINGS * args; arguments = PyTuple_New(0); kw = PyDict_New(); for (args = collect_arguments(r, frame); args; args = args->next) { PyObject *key = PyString_FromString(args->symbol); PyObject *value = 0; if (args->multiple) value = list_to_python(args->value); else { if (args->value) value = PyString_FromString(args->value->string); } if (value) PyDict_SetItem(kw, key, value); Py_DECREF(key); Py_XDECREF(value); } } else { arguments = PyTuple_New( frame->args->count ); for ( i = 0; i < frame->args->count; ++i ) { PyObject * arg = PyList_New(0); LIST* l = lol_get( frame->args, i); for ( ; l; l = l->next ) { PyObject * v = PyString_FromString(l->string); PyList_Append( arg, v ); Py_DECREF(v); } /* Steals reference to 'arg' */ PyTuple_SetItem( arguments, i, arg ); } } frame_before_python_call = frame; py_result = PyObject_Call( r->python_function, arguments, kw ); Py_DECREF(arguments); Py_XDECREF(kw); if ( py_result != NULL ) { if ( PyList_Check( py_result ) ) { int size = PyList_Size( py_result ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i ) { PyObject * item = PyList_GetItem( py_result, i ); char *s = python_to_string (item); if (!s) { fprintf( stderr, "Non-string object returned by Python call.\n" ); } else { result = list_new (result, s); } } } else if ( py_result == Py_None ) { result = L0; } else { char *s = python_to_string(py_result); if (s) result = list_new(0, s); else /* We have tried all we could. Return empty list. There are cases, e.g. feature.feature function that should return value for the benefit of Python code and which also can be called by Jam code, where no sensible value can be returned. We cannot even emit a warning, since there will be a pile of them. */ result = L0; } Py_DECREF( py_result ); } else { PyErr_Print(); fprintf(stderr,"Call failed\n"); } return result; } module_t * python_module() { static module_t * python = 0; if ( !python ) python = bindmodule("__python__"); return python; } #endif /* * evaluate_rule() - execute a rule invocation. */ LIST * evaluate_rule( char * rulename, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * result = L0; RULE * rule; profile_frame prof[1]; module_t * prev_module = frame->module; LIST * l; { LOL arg_context_, * arg_context = &arg_context_; if ( !frame->prev ) lol_init(arg_context); else arg_context = frame->prev->args; l = var_expand( L0, rulename, rulename+strlen(rulename), arg_context, 0 ); } if ( !l ) { backtrace_line( frame->prev ); printf( "warning: rulename %s expands to empty string\n", rulename ); backtrace( frame->prev ); return result; } rulename = l->string; rule = bindrule( l->string, frame->module ); #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON if ( rule->python_function ) { /* The below messing with modules is due to the way modules are * implemented in Jam. Suppose we are in module M1 now. The global * variable map actually holds 'M1' variables, and M1->variables hold * global variables. * * If we call Python right away, Python calls back Jam and then Jam * does 'module M1 { }' then Jam will try to swap the current global * variables with M1->variables. The result will be that global * variables map will hold global variables, and any variable settings * we do will go to the global module, not M1. * * By restoring basic state, where the global variable map holds global * variable, we make sure any future 'module M1' entry will work OK. */ LIST * result; module_t * m = python_module(); frame->module = m; exit_module( prev_module ); enter_module( m ); result = call_python_function( rule, frame ); exit_module( m ); enter_module ( prev_module ); return result; } #endif /* Drop the rule name. */ l = list_pop_front( l ); /* Tack the rest of the expansion onto the front of the first argument. */ frame->args->list[0] = list_append( l, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) ); if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { /* Try hard to indicate in which module the rule is going to execute. */ if ( rule->module != frame->module && rule->procedure != 0 && strcmp( rulename, rule->procedure->rulename ) ) { char buf[256] = ""; strncat( buf, rule->module->name, sizeof( buf ) - 1 ); strncat( buf, rule->name, sizeof( buf ) - 1 ); debug_compile( 1, buf, frame ); } else { debug_compile( 1, rulename, frame ); } lol_print( frame->args ); printf( "\n" ); } if ( rule->procedure && rule->module != prev_module ) { /* Propagate current module to nested rule invocations. */ frame->module = rule->module; /* Swap variables. */ exit_module( prev_module ); enter_module( rule->module ); } /* Record current rule name in frame. */ if ( rule->procedure ) { frame->rulename = rulename; /* And enter record profile info. */ if ( DEBUG_PROFILE ) profile_enter( rule->procedure->rulename, prof ); } /* Check traditional targets $(<) and sources $(>). */ if ( !rule->actions && !rule->procedure ) { backtrace_line( frame->prev ); printf( "rule %s unknown in module %s\n", rule->name, frame->module->name ); backtrace( frame->prev ); exit( 1 ); } /* If this rule will be executed for updating the targets then construct the * action for make(). */ if ( rule->actions ) { TARGETS * t; ACTION * action; /* The action is associated with this instance of this rule. */ action = (ACTION *)BJAM_MALLOC( sizeof( ACTION ) ); memset( (char *)action, '\0', sizeof( *action ) ); action->rule = rule; action->targets = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 0 ) ); action->sources = targetlist( (TARGETS *)0, lol_get( frame->args, 1 ) ); /* If we have a group of targets all being built using the same action * then we must not allow any of them to be used as sources unless they * had all already been built in the first place or their joined action * has had a chance to finish its work and build all of them anew. * * Without this it might be possible, in case of a multi-process build, * for their action, triggered by buiding one of the targets, to still * be running when another target in the group reports as done in order * to avoid triggering the same action again and gets used prematurely. * * As a quick-fix to achieve this effect we make all the targets list * each other as 'included targets'. More precisely, we mark the first * listed target as including all the other targets in the list and vice * versa. This makes anyone depending on any of those targets implicitly * depend on all of them, thus making sure none of those targets can be * used as sources until all of them have been built. Note that direct * dependencies could not have been used due to the 'circular * dependency' issue. * * TODO: Although the current implementation solves the problem of one * of the targets getting used before its action completes its work it * also forces the action to run whenever any of the targets in the * group is not up to date even though some of them might not actually * be used by the targets being built. We should see how we can * correctly recognize such cases and use that to avoid running the * action if possible and not rebuild targets not actually depending on * targets that are not up to date. * * TODO: Using the 'include' feature might have side-effects due to * interaction with the actual 'inclusion scanning' system. This should * be checked. */ if ( action->targets ) { TARGET * t0 = action->targets->target; for ( t = action->targets->next; t; t = t->next ) { target_include( t->target, t0 ); target_include( t0, t->target ); } } /* Append this action to the actions of each target. */ for ( t = action->targets; t; t = t->next ) t->target->actions = actionlist( t->target->actions, action ); } /* Now recursively compile any parse tree associated with this rule. * parse_refer()/parse_free() call pair added to ensure rule not freed * during use. */ if ( rule->procedure ) { SETTINGS * local_args = collect_arguments( rule, frame ); PARSE * parse = rule->procedure; parse_refer( parse ); pushsettings( local_args ); result = parse_evaluate( parse, frame ); popsettings( local_args ); freesettings( local_args ); parse_free( parse ); } if ( frame->module != prev_module ) { exit_module( frame->module ); enter_module( prev_module ); } if ( DEBUG_PROFILE && rule->procedure ) profile_exit( prof ); if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) debug_compile( -1, 0, frame); return result; } /* * Call the given rule with the specified parameters. The parameters should be * of type LIST* and end with a NULL pointer. This differs from 'evaluate_rule' * in that frame for the called rule is prepared inside 'call_rule'. * * This function is useful when a builtin rule (in C) wants to call another rule * which might be implemented in Jam. */ LIST * call_rule( char * rulename, FRAME * caller_frame, ... ) { va_list va; LIST * result; FRAME inner[1]; frame_init( inner ); inner->prev = caller_frame; inner->prev_user = caller_frame->module->user_module ? caller_frame : caller_frame->prev_user; inner->module = caller_frame->module; inner->procedure = 0; va_start( va, caller_frame ); for ( ; ; ) { LIST * l = va_arg( va, LIST* ); if ( !l ) break; lol_add( inner->args, l ); } va_end( va ); result = evaluate_rule( rulename, inner ); frame_free( inner ); return result; } /* * compile_rules() - compile a chain of rules * * parse->left single rule * parse->right more compile_rules() by right-recursion */ LIST * compile_rules( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { /* Ignore result from first statement; return the 2nd. */ /* Optimize recursion on the right by looping. */ do list_free( parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ) ); while ( ( parse = parse->right )->func == compile_rules ); return parse_evaluate( parse, frame ); } /* * assign_var_mode() - convert ASSIGN_XXX compilation flag into corresponding * VAR_XXX variable set flag. */ static int assign_var_mode( int parsenum, char const * * tracetext ) { char const * trace; int setflag; switch ( parsenum ) { case ASSIGN_SET : setflag = VAR_SET ; trace = "=" ; break; case ASSIGN_APPEND : setflag = VAR_APPEND ; trace = "+="; break; case ASSIGN_DEFAULT: setflag = VAR_DEFAULT; trace = "?="; break; default: setflag = VAR_SET ; trace = "" ; break; } if ( tracetext ) *tracetext = trace ; return setflag; } /* * compile_set() - compile the "set variable" statement * * parse->left variable names * parse->right variable values * parse->num ASSIGN_SET/APPEND/DEFAULT */ LIST * compile_set( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * ns = parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ); LIST * l; char const * trace; int setflag = assign_var_mode( parse->num, &trace ); if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "set", frame ); list_print( nt ); printf( " %s ", trace ); list_print( ns ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Call var_set to set variable. var_set keeps ns, so need to copy it. */ for ( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) ) var_set( l->string, list_copy( L0, ns ), setflag ); list_free( nt ); return ns; } /* * compile_setcomp() - support for `rule` - save parse tree. * * parse->string rule name * parse->left rules for rule * parse->right optional list-of-lists describing arguments */ LIST * compile_setcomp( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { argument_list * arg_list = 0; /* Create new LOL describing argument requirements if supplied. */ if ( parse->right ) { PARSE * p; arg_list = args_new(); for ( p = parse->right; p; p = p->left ) lol_add( arg_list->data, parse_evaluate( p->right, frame ) ); } new_rule_body( frame->module, parse->string, arg_list, parse->left, !parse->num ); return L0; } /* * compile_setexec() - support for `actions` - save execution string. * * parse->string rule name * parse->string1 OS command string * parse->num flags * parse->left `bind` variables * * Note that the parse flags (as defined in compile.h) are transferred directly * to the rule flags (as defined in rules.h). */ LIST * compile_setexec( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * bindlist = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); new_rule_actions( frame->module, parse->string, parse->string1, bindlist, parse->num ); return L0; } /* * compile_settings() - compile the "on =" (set variable on exec) statement. * * parse->left variable names * parse->right target name * parse->third variable value * parse->num ASSIGN_SET/APPEND */ LIST * compile_settings( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * ns = parse_evaluate( parse->third, frame ); LIST * targets = parse_evaluate( parse->right, frame ); LIST * ts; char const * trace; int setflag = assign_var_mode( parse->num, &trace ); if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "set", frame ); list_print( nt ); printf( " on " ); list_print( targets ); printf( " %s ", trace ); list_print( ns ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Call addsettings() to save variable setting. addsettings() keeps ns, so * need to copy it. Pass append flag to addsettings(). */ for ( ts = targets; ts; ts = list_next( ts ) ) { TARGET * t = bindtarget( ts->string ); LIST * l; for ( l = nt; l; l = list_next( l ) ) t->settings = addsettings( t->settings, setflag, l->string, list_copy( (LIST *)0, ns ) ); } list_free( nt ); list_free( targets ); return ns; } /* * compile_switch() - compile 'switch' rule. * * parse->left switch value (only 1st used) * parse->right cases * * cases->left 1st case * cases->right next cases * * case->string argument to match * case->left parse tree to execute */ LIST * compile_switch( PARSE * parse, FRAME * frame ) { LIST * nt = parse_evaluate( parse->left, frame ); LIST * result = 0; if ( DEBUG_COMPILE ) { debug_compile( 0, "switch", frame ); list_print( nt ); printf( "\n" ); } /* Step through cases. */ for ( parse = parse->right; parse; parse = parse->right ) { if ( !glob( parse->left->string, nt ? nt->string : "" ) ) { /* Get & exec parse tree for this case. */ parse = parse->left->left; result = parse_evaluate( parse, frame ); break; } } list_free( nt ); return result; } /* * debug_compile() - printf with indent to show rule expansion. */ static void debug_compile( int which, char * s, FRAME * frame ) { static int level = 0; static char indent[36] = ">>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|>>>>|"; if ( which >= 0 ) { int i; print_source_line( frame->procedure ); i = ( level + 1 ) * 2; while ( i > 35 ) { fputs( indent, stdout ); i -= 35; } printf( "%*.*s ", i, i, indent ); } if ( s ) printf( "%s ", s ); level += which; }