/* Copyright Vladimir Prus 2003. Distributed under the Boost */ /* Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying */ /* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include "../native.h" #include "../timestamp.h" #include "../newstr.h" #include "../strings.h" #include "../regexp.h" #include "../compile.h" /* rule transform ( list * : pattern : indices * ) { indices ?= 1 ; local result ; for local e in $(list) { local m = [ MATCH $(pattern) : $(e) ] ; if $(m) { result += $(m[$(indices)]) ; } } return $(result) ; } */ LIST *regex_transform( PARSE *parse, FRAME *frame ) { LIST* l = lol_get( frame->args, 0 ); LIST* pattern = lol_get( frame->args, 1 ); LIST* indices_list = lol_get(frame->args, 2); int* indices = 0; int size; int* p; LIST* result = 0; string buf[1]; string_new(buf); if (indices_list) { size = list_length(indices_list); indices = (int*)BJAM_MALLOC(size*sizeof(int)); for(p = indices; indices_list; indices_list = indices_list->next) { *p++ = atoi(indices_list->string); } } else { size = 1; indices = (int*)BJAM_MALLOC(sizeof(int)); *indices = 1; } { /* Result is cached and intentionally never freed */ regexp *re = regex_compile( pattern->string ); for(; l; l = l->next) { if( regexec( re, l->string ) ) { int i = 0; for(; i < size; ++i) { int index = indices[i]; /* Skip empty submatches. Not sure it's right in all cases, but surely is right for the case for which this routine is optimized -- header scanning. */ if (re->startp[index] != re->endp[index]) { string_append_range( buf, re->startp[index], re->endp[index] ); result = list_new( result, newstr( buf->value ) ); string_truncate( buf, 0 ); } } } } string_free( buf ); } BJAM_FREE(indices); return result; } void init_regex() { { char* args[] = { "list", "*", ":", "pattern", ":", "indices", "*", 0 }; declare_native_rule("regex", "transform", args, regex_transform, 2); } }