# This module handles the use (or non-use) of the externall # xmlrpc-c library (including the abyss server) that is needed for # moses server functionality if [ option.get "no-xmlrpc-c" : : "yes" ] { rule xmlrpc ( what ? ) { } # never return anything } else { local xmlrpc = [ option.get "with-xmlrpc-c" ] ; if ! $(xmlrpc) # check for environment variable { local where = [ os.environ "XMLRPC_C_ROOT" ] ; if $(where) { option.set "with-xmlrpc-c" : $(where) ; local msg = "setting --with-xmlrpc-c=$(where) via environment " ; echo "$(msg) variable XMLRPC_C_ROOT" ; } xmlrpc = [ option.get "with-xmlrpc-c" ] ; } local config ; if ! $(xmlrpc) { config = "xmlrpc-c-config" ; } else { config = "$(xmlrpc)/bin/xmlrpc-c-config" ; } # check if xmlrpc-config can be executed xmlrpc-check = [ _shell "$(config) --features 2>/dev/null" : exit-status ] ; if $(xmlrpc-check[2]) = 0 # yes it can { # is the abyss server is available ? if [ MATCH "(abyss-server)" : $(xmlrpc-check[1]) ] { # Yes, abyss server is available. Is it the right xmlrpc-c version ? # Note: Version 1.25.29 does not work. xmlrpc-check = [ _shell "$(config) --version 2>/dev/null" : exit-status ] ; xmlrpc-c-version = $(xmlrpc-check[1]) ; if [ MATCH "(1.25.29)" : $(xmlrpc-c-version) ] { echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Moses is not compatible with xmlrpc-c version $(xmlrpc-c-version). " ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Use another one or compile without server functionality (--no-xmlrpc-c)." ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Build aborted." ; exit : 1 ; } } else { echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Found xmlrpc-c but it does not provide the abyss server." ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Use another xmlrpc-c installation that provides one " ; echo "XMLRPC-C: or compile without server functionality (--no-xmlrpc-c)." ; exit : 1 ; } local prefix = [ shell_or_die "$(config) --prefix" ] ; local version = [ shell_or_die "$(config) --version" ] ; # Check the version is recent enough: # If anyone knows a better way to do this, go ahead and fix this. minversion = 1.32.0 ; local cmd = "perl -e '@a = split(/\\./,@ARGV[0]); @b = split(/\\./,$ARGV[1]); ++$i while $i < $#a && $a[$i] == $b[$i]; die if $a[$i] < $b[$i];'" ; local check = [ SHELL "$(cmd) $(version) $(minversion) 2>/dev/null" : exit-status ] ; if $(check[2]) = 0 { echo "XMLRPC-C: USING VERSION $(version) FROM $(prefix)" ; } else { echo "\nCOMPILATION FAILED! YOUR VERSION OF THE XMLRPC-C LIBRARY IS TOO OLD.\n" ; echo "Moses server functionality requires XMLRPC-C version $(minversion) or newer." ; echo "The version provided in $(prefix) is $(version). " ; echo "Install a suitable version if necessary and provide its location with\n " ; echo " --with-xmlrpc-c=/path/to/correct/version\n" ; echo "You can also use --no-xmlrpc-c to compile without the xmlrpc-c library, " ; echo "in which case Moses will work in batch mode, but can't be run as a server. " ; exit : 1 ; } # now add stuff to the requirements local xmlrpc-cxxflags = [ shell_or_die "$(config) c++2 abyss-server --cflags" ] ; requirements += HAVE_XMLRPC_C ; requirements += $(xmlrpc-cxxflags) ; local libs = [ shell_or_die "$(config) c++2 abyss-server --libs" ] ; for local i in [ SPLIT_BY_CHARACTERS $(libs) : " " ] { local libname = [ MATCH "-l(xmlrpc.*)" : $(i) ] ; if $(libname) { external-lib $(libname) : $(prefix)/lib ; # : : static:static shared:shared ; requirements += $(libname) ; } local pathname = [ MATCH "-L(.*)" : $(i) ] ; if $(pathname) { requirements += $(pathname) ; } } rule xmlrpc { return yes ; } } else if [ option.get "with-xmlrpc-c" ] { echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ; echo "XMLRPC-C: Could not find $(config). " ; echo "Build aborted. " ; echo "Use --no-xmlrpc-c to compile moses without server functionality. " ; exit : 1 ; } else { rule xmlrpc ( what ? ) { } # never return anything } }