#!/bin/bash #This is just an example compilation. You should integrate these files into your build system. I can provide boost jam if you want. #If your code uses ICU, edit util/string_piece.hh and uncomment #define USE_ICU #I use zlib by default. If you don't want to depend on zlib, remove #define USE_ZLIB from util/file_piece.hh #don't need to use if compiling with moses Makefiles already cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." set -e for i in util/{bit_packing,ersatz_progress,exception,file_piece,murmur_hash,file,mmap} lm/{bhiksha,binary_format,config,lm_exception,model,quantize,read_arpa,search_hashed,search_trie,trie,trie_sort,virtual_interface,vocab}; do g++ -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG $CXXFLAGS -c $i.cc -o $i.o done g++ -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG $CXXFLAGS lm/build_binary.cc {lm,util}/*.o -lz -o lm/build_binary g++ -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG $CXXFLAGS lm/ngram_query.cc {lm,util}/*.o -lz -o lm/query