/* * FeatureArray.cpp * met - Minimum Error Training * * Created by Nicola Bertoldi on 13/05/08. * */ #include "FeatureArray.h" #include "FileStream.h" #include "Util.h" FeatureArray::FeatureArray() : idx(""), number_of_features(0), _sparse_flag(false) {} FeatureArray::~FeatureArray() {} void FeatureArray::savetxt(std::ofstream& outFile) { outFile << FEATURES_TXT_BEGIN << " " << idx << " " << array_.size() << " " << number_of_features << " " << features << std::endl; for (featarray_t::iterator i = array_.begin(); i !=array_.end(); i++) { i->savetxt(outFile); outFile << std::endl; } outFile << FEATURES_TXT_END << std::endl; } void FeatureArray::savebin(std::ofstream& outFile) { outFile << FEATURES_BIN_BEGIN << " " << idx << " " << array_.size() << " " << number_of_features << " " << features << std::endl; for (featarray_t::iterator i = array_.begin(); i !=array_.end(); i++) i->savebin(outFile); outFile << FEATURES_BIN_END << std::endl; } void FeatureArray::save(std::ofstream& inFile, bool bin) { if (size()>0) (bin)?savebin(inFile):savetxt(inFile); } void FeatureArray::save(const std::string &file, bool bin) { std::ofstream outFile(file.c_str(), std::ios::out); // matches a stream with a file. Opens the file save(outFile); outFile.close(); } void FeatureArray::loadbin(ifstream& inFile, size_t n) { FeatureStats entry(number_of_features); for (size_t i=0 ; i < n; i++) { entry.loadbin(inFile); add(entry); } } void FeatureArray::loadtxt(ifstream& inFile, size_t n) { FeatureStats entry(number_of_features); for (size_t i=0 ; i < n; i++) { entry.loadtxt(inFile); add(entry); if (entry.getSparse().size()>0) _sparse_flag = true; } } void FeatureArray::load(ifstream& inFile) { size_t number_of_entries=0; bool binmode=false; std::string substring, stringBuf; std::string::size_type loc; std::getline(inFile, stringBuf); if (!inFile.good()) { return; } if (!stringBuf.empty()) { if ((loc = stringBuf.find(FEATURES_TXT_BEGIN)) == 0) { binmode=false; } else if ((loc = stringBuf.find(FEATURES_BIN_BEGIN)) == 0) { binmode=true; } else { TRACE_ERR("ERROR: FeatureArray::load(): Wrong header"); return; } getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); idx = substring; getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); number_of_entries = atoi(substring.c_str()); getNextPound(stringBuf, substring); number_of_features = atoi(substring.c_str()); features = stringBuf; } (binmode)?loadbin(inFile, number_of_entries):loadtxt(inFile, number_of_entries); std::getline(inFile, stringBuf); if (!stringBuf.empty()) { if ((loc = stringBuf.find(FEATURES_TXT_END)) != 0 && (loc = stringBuf.find(FEATURES_BIN_END)) != 0) { TRACE_ERR("ERROR: FeatureArray::load(): Wrong footer"); return; } } } void FeatureArray::load(const std::string &file) { TRACE_ERR("loading data from " << file << std::endl); inputfilestream inFile(file); // matches a stream with a file. Opens the file load((ifstream&) inFile); inFile.close(); } void FeatureArray::merge(FeatureArray& e) { //dummy implementation for (size_t i=0; isize() != sz) return false; } return true; }