#include "Optimizer.h" #include #include "util/check.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Point.h" #include "Util.h" using namespace std; static const float MIN_FLOAT = -1.0 * numeric_limits::max(); static const float MAX_FLOAT = numeric_limits::max(); namespace { /** * Compute the intersection of 2 lines. */ inline float intersect(float m1, float b1, float m2, float b2) { float isect = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2); if (!isfinite(isect)) { isect = MAX_FLOAT; } return isect; } } // namespace namespace MosesTuning { Optimizer::Optimizer(unsigned Pd, const vector& i2O, const vector& pos, const vector& start, unsigned int nrandom) : m_scorer(NULL), m_feature_data(), m_num_random_directions(nrandom), m_positive(pos) { // Warning: the init vector is a full set of parameters, of dimension m_pdim! Point::m_pdim = Pd; CHECK(start.size() == Pd); Point::m_dim = i2O.size(); Point::m_opt_indices = i2O; if (Point::m_pdim > Point::m_dim) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Point::m_pdim; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; while (j < Point::m_dim && i != i2O[j]) j++; // The index i wasnt found on m_opt_indices, it is a fixed index, // we use the value of the start vector. if (j == Point::m_dim) Point::m_fixed_weights[i] = start[i]; } } } Optimizer::~Optimizer() {} statscore_t Optimizer::GetStatScore(const Point& param) const { vector bests; Get1bests(param, bests); statscore_t score = GetStatScore(bests); return score; } map::iterator AddThreshold(map& thresholdmap, float newt, const pair& newdiff) { map::iterator it = thresholdmap.find(newt); if (it != thresholdmap.end()) { // the threshold already exists!! this is very unlikely if (it->second.back().first == newdiff.first) // there was already a diff for this sentence, we change the 1 best; it->second.back().second = newdiff.second; else it->second.push_back(newdiff); } else { // normal case pair::iterator, bool> ins = thresholdmap.insert(threshold(newt, diff_t(1, newdiff))); CHECK(ins.second); // we really inserted something it = ins.first; } return it; } statscore_t Optimizer::LineOptimize(const Point& origin, const Point& direction, Point& bestpoint) const { // We are looking for the best Point on the line y=Origin+x*direction float min_int = 0.0001; //typedef pair diff;//first the sentence that changes, second is the new 1best for this sentence //list thresholdlist; map thresholdmap; thresholdmap[MIN_FLOAT] = diff_t(); vector first1best; // the vector of nbests for x=-inf for (unsigned int S = 0; S < size(); S++) { map::iterator previnserted = thresholdmap.begin(); // First, we determine the translation with the best feature score // for each sentence and each value of x. //cerr << "Sentence " << S << endl; multimap gradient; vector f0; f0.resize(m_feature_data->get(S).size()); for (unsigned j = 0; j < m_feature_data->get(S).size(); j++) { // gradient of the feature function for this particular target sentence gradient.insert(pair(direction * (m_feature_data->get(S,j)), j)); // compute the feature function at the origin point f0[j] = origin * m_feature_data->get(S, j); } // Now let's compute the 1best for each value of x. // vector > onebest; multimap::iterator gradientit = gradient.begin(); multimap::iterator highest_f0 = gradient.begin(); float smallest = gradientit->first;//smallest gradient // Several candidates can have the lowest slope (e.g., for word penalty where the gradient is an integer). gradientit++; while (gradientit != gradient.end() && gradientit->first == smallest) { // cerr<<"ni"<second<second]<<" "<second] > f0[highest_f0->second]) highest_f0 = gradientit;//the highest line is the one with he highest f0 gradientit++; } gradientit = highest_f0; first1best.push_back(highest_f0->second); // Now we look for the intersections points indicating a change of 1 best. // We use the fact that the function is convex, which means that the gradient can only go up. while (gradientit != gradient.end()) { map::iterator leftmost = gradientit; float m = gradientit->first; float b = f0[gradientit->second]; multimap::iterator gradientit2 = gradientit; gradientit2++; float leftmostx = MAX_FLOAT; for (; gradientit2 != gradient.end(); gradientit2++) { //cerr<<"--"<first<<' '<second<first) { curintersect = intersect(m, b, gradientit2->first, f0[gradientit2->second]); //cerr << "curintersect: " << curintersect << " leftmostx: " << leftmostx << endl; if (curintersect<=leftmostx) { // We have found an intersection to the left of the leftmost we had so far. // We might have curintersect==leftmostx for example is 2 candidates are the same // in that case its better its better to update leftmost to gradientit2 to avoid some recomputing later. leftmostx = curintersect; leftmost = gradientit2; // this is the new reference } } } if (leftmost == gradientit) { // We didn't find any more intersections. // The rightmost bestindex is the one with the highest slope. // They should be equal but there might be. CHECK(abs(leftmost->first-gradient.rbegin()->first) < 0.0001); // A small difference due to rounding error break; } // We have found the next intersection! pair newd(S, leftmost->second);//new onebest for Sentence S is leftmost->second if (leftmostx-previnserted->first < min_int) { // Require that the intersection Point be at least min_int to the right of the previous // one (for this sentence). If not, we replace the previous intersection Point with // this one. // Yes, it can even happen that the new intersection Point is slightly to the left of // the old one, because of numerical imprecision. We do not check that we are to the // right of the penultimate point also. It this happen the 1best the interval will // be wrong we are going to replace previnsert by the new one because we do not want to keep // 2 very close threshold: if the minima is there it could be an artifact. map::iterator tit = thresholdmap.find(leftmostx); if (tit == previnserted) { // The threshold is the same as before can happen if 2 candidates are the same for example. CHECK(previnserted->second.back().first == newd.first); previnserted->second.back()=newd; // just replace the 1 best for sentence S // previnsert doesn't change } else { if (tit == thresholdmap.end()) { thresholdmap[leftmostx]=previnserted->second; // We keep the diffs at previnsert thresholdmap.erase(previnserted); // erase old previnsert previnserted = thresholdmap.find(leftmostx); // point previnsert to the new threshold previnserted->second.back()=newd; // We update the diff for sentence S // Threshold already exists but is not the previous one. } else { // We append the diffs in previnsert to tit before destroying previnsert. tit->second.insert(tit->second.end(),previnserted->second.begin(),previnserted->second.end()); CHECK(tit->second.back().first == newd.first); tit->second.back()=newd; // change diff for sentence S thresholdmap.erase(previnserted); // erase old previnsert previnserted = tit; // point previnsert to the new threshold } } CHECK(previnserted != thresholdmap.end()); } else { //normal insertion process previnserted = AddThreshold(thresholdmap, leftmostx, newd); } gradientit = leftmost; } // while (gradientit!=gradient.end()){ } // loop on S // Now the thresholdlist is up to date: it contains a list of all the parameter_ts where // the function changed its value, along with the nbest list for the interval after each threshold. map::iterator thrit; if (verboselevel() > 6) { cerr << "Thresholds:(" << thresholdmap.size() << ")" << endl; for (thrit = thresholdmap.begin(); thrit != thresholdmap.end(); thrit++) { cerr << "x: " << thrit->first << " diffs"; for (size_t j = 0; j < thrit->second.size(); ++j) { cerr << " " <second[j].first << "," << thrit->second[j].second; } cerr << endl; } } // Last thing to do is compute the Stat score (i.e., BLEU) and find the minimum. thrit = thresholdmap.begin(); ++thrit; // first diff corrrespond to MIN_FLOAT and first1best diffs_t diffs; for (; thrit != thresholdmap.end(); thrit++) diffs.push_back(thrit->second); vector scores = GetIncStatScore(first1best, diffs); thrit = thresholdmap.begin(); statscore_t bestscore = MIN_FLOAT; float bestx = MIN_FLOAT; // We skipped the first el of thresholdlist but GetIncStatScore return 1 more for first1best. CHECK(scores.size() == thresholdmap.size()); for (unsigned int sc = 0; sc != scores.size(); sc++) { //cerr << "x=" << thrit->first << " => " << scores[sc] << endl; //enforce positivity Point respoint = origin + direction * thrit->first; bool is_valid = true; for (unsigned int k=0; k < respoint.getdim(); k++) { if (m_positive[k] && respoint[k] <= 0.0) is_valid = false; } if (is_valid && scores[sc] > bestscore) { // This is the score for the interval [lit2->first, (lit2+1)->first] // unless we're at the last score, when it's the score // for the interval [lit2->first,+inf]. bestscore = scores[sc]; // If we're not in [-inf,x1] or [xn,+inf], then just take the value // if x which splits the interval in half. For the rightmost interval, // take x to be the last interval boundary + 0.1, and for the leftmost // interval, take x to be the first interval boundary - 1000. // These values are taken from cmert. float leftx = thrit->first; if (thrit == thresholdmap.begin()) { leftx = MIN_FLOAT; } ++thrit; float rightx = MAX_FLOAT; if (thrit != thresholdmap.end()) { rightx = thrit->first; } --thrit; //cerr << "leftx: " << leftx << " rightx: " << rightx << endl; if (leftx == MIN_FLOAT) { bestx = rightx-1000; } else if (rightx == MAX_FLOAT) { bestx = leftx + 0.1; } else { bestx = 0.5 * (rightx + leftx); } //cerr << "x = " << "set new bestx to: " << bestx << endl; } ++thrit; } if (abs(bestx) < 0.00015) { // The origin of the line is the best point! We put it back at 0 // so we do not propagate rounding erros. bestx = 0.0; // Finally, we manage to extract the best score; // now we convert bestx (position on the line) to a point. if (verboselevel() > 4) cerr << "best point on line at origin" << endl; } if (verboselevel() > 3) { // cerr<<"end Lineopt, bestx="<& bests) const { CHECK(m_feature_data); bests.clear(); bests.resize(size()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size(); i++) { float bestfs = MIN_FLOAT; unsigned idx = 0; unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < m_feature_data->get(i).size(); j++) { float curfs = P * m_feature_data->get(i, j); if (curfs > bestfs) { bestfs = curfs; idx = j; } } bests[i]=idx; } } statscore_t Optimizer::Run(Point& P) const { if (!m_feature_data) { cerr << "error trying to optimize without Features loaded" << endl; exit(2); } if (!m_scorer) { cerr << "error trying to optimize without a Scorer loaded" << endl; exit(2); } if (m_scorer->getReferenceSize() != m_feature_data->size()) { cerr << "error length mismatch between feature file and score file" << endl; exit(2); } P.SetScore(GetStatScore(P)); if (verboselevel () > 2) { cerr << "Starting point: " << P << " => " << P.GetScore() << endl; } statscore_t score = TrueRun(P); // just in case its not done in TrueRun P.SetScore(score); if (verboselevel() > 2) { cerr << "Ending point: " << P << " => " << score << endl; } return score; } vector Optimizer::GetIncStatScore(const vector& thefirst, const vector > >& thediffs) const { CHECK(m_scorer); vector theres; m_scorer->score(thefirst, thediffs, theres); return theres; } statscore_t SimpleOptimizer::TrueRun(Point& P) const { statscore_t prevscore = 0; statscore_t bestscore = MIN_FLOAT; Point best; // If P is already defined and provides a score, // We must improve over this score. if (P.GetScore() > bestscore) { bestscore = P.GetScore(); best = P; } int nrun = 0; do { ++nrun; if (verboselevel() > 2 && nrun > 1) cerr << "last diff=" << bestscore-prevscore << " nrun " << nrun << endl; prevscore = bestscore; Point linebest; for (unsigned int d = 0; d < Point::getdim() + m_num_random_directions; d++) { if (verboselevel() > 4) { // cerr<<"minimizing along direction "< " << prevscore << endl; } Point direction; if (d < Point::getdim()) { // regular updates along one dimension for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Point::getdim(); i++) direction[i]=0.0; direction[d]=1.0; } else { // random direction update direction.Randomize(); } statscore_t curscore = LineOptimize(P, direction, linebest);//find the minimum on the line if (verboselevel() > 5) { cerr << "direction: " << d << " => " << curscore << endl; cerr << "\tending point: "<< linebest << " => " << curscore << endl; } if (curscore > bestscore) { bestscore = curscore; best = linebest; if (verboselevel() > 3) { cerr << "new best dir:" << d << " (" << nrun << ")" << endl; cerr << "new best Point " << best << " => " << curscore << endl; } } } P = best; //update the current vector with the best point on all line tested if (verboselevel() > 3) cerr << nrun << "\t" << P << endl; } while (bestscore-prevscore > kEPS); if (verboselevel() > 2) { cerr << "end Powell Algo, nrun=" << nrun << endl; cerr << "last diff=" << bestscore-prevscore << endl; cerr << "\t" << P << endl; } return bestscore; } statscore_t RandomDirectionOptimizer::TrueRun(Point& P) const { statscore_t prevscore = P.GetScore(); // do specified number of random direction optimizations unsigned int nrun = 0; unsigned int nrun_no_change = 0; for (; nrun_no_change < m_num_random_directions; nrun++, nrun_no_change++) { // choose a random direction in which to optimize Point direction; direction.Randomize(); //find the minimum on the line statscore_t score = LineOptimize(P, direction, P); if (verboselevel() > 4) { cerr << "direction: " << direction << " => " << score; cerr << " (" << (score-prevscore) << ")" << endl; cerr << "\tending point: " << P << " => " << score << endl; } if (score-prevscore > kEPS) nrun_no_change = 0; prevscore = score; } if (verboselevel() > 2) { cerr << "end Powell Algo, nrun=" << nrun << endl; } return prevscore; } statscore_t RandomOptimizer::TrueRun(Point& P) const { P.Randomize(); statscore_t score = GetStatScore(P); P.SetScore(score); return score; } }