#include #ifdef WITH_THREADS #include #endif #include "TypeDef.h" #include "CompactPT/PhraseTableCreator.h" using namespace Moses; void printHelp(char **argv) { std::cerr << "Usage " << argv[0] << ":\n" " options: \n" "\t-in string -- input table file name\n" "\t-out string -- prefix of binary table file\n" "\t-nscores int -- number of score components in phrase table\n" "\t-alignment-info -- include alignment info in the binary phrase table\n" #ifdef WITH_THREADS "\t-threads int|all -- number of threads used for conversion\n" #endif "\n advanced:\n" "\t-encoding string -- encoding type: PREnc REnc None (default PREnc)\n" "\t-rankscore int -- score index of P(t|s) (default 2)\n" "\t-maxrank int -- maximum rank for PREnc (default 100)\n" "\t-landmark int -- use landmark phrase every 2^n source phrases (default 10)\n" "\t-fingerprint int -- number of bits used for source phrase fingerprints (default 16)\n" "\t-join-scores -- single set of Huffman codes for score components\n" "\t-quantize int -- maximum number of scores per score component\n" "\t-no-warnings -- suppress warnings about missing alignment data\n" "\n" " For more information see: http://www.statmt.org/moses/?n=Moses.AdvancedFeatures#ntoc6\n\n" " If you use this please cite:\n\n" " @article { junczys_pbml98_2012,\n" " author = { Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt },\n" " title = { Phrasal Rank-Encoding: Exploiting Phrase Redundancy and\n" " Translational Relations for Phrase Table Compression },\n" " journal = { The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics },\n" " volume = { 98 },\n" " year = { 2012 },\n" " note = { Proceedings of the MT Marathon 2012, Edinburgh },\n" " }\n\n" " Acknowledgments: Part of this research was carried out at and funded by\n" " the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva.\n\n"; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string inFilePath; std::string outFilePath("out"); PhraseTableCreator::Coding coding = PhraseTableCreator::PREnc; size_t numScoreComponent = 5; size_t orderBits = 10; size_t fingerprintBits = 16; bool useAlignmentInfo = false; bool multipleScoreTrees = true; size_t quantize = 0; size_t maxRank = 100; bool sortScoreIndexSet = false; size_t sortScoreIndex = 2; bool warnMe = true; size_t threads = 1; if(1 >= argc) { printHelp(argv); return 1; } for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { std::string arg(argv[i]); if("-in" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; inFilePath = argv[i]; } else if("-out" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; outFilePath = argv[i]; } else if("-encoding" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; std::string val(argv[i]); if(val == "None" || val == "none") { coding = PhraseTableCreator::None; } else if(val == "REnc" || val == "renc") { coding = PhraseTableCreator::REnc; } else if(val == "PREnc" || val == "prenc") { coding = PhraseTableCreator::PREnc; } } else if("-maxrank" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; maxRank = atoi(argv[i]); } else if("-nscores" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; numScoreComponent = atoi(argv[i]); } else if("-rankscore" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; sortScoreIndex = atoi(argv[i]); sortScoreIndexSet = true; } else if("-alignment-info" == arg) { useAlignmentInfo = true; } else if("-landmark" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; orderBits = atoi(argv[i]); } else if("-fingerprint" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; fingerprintBits = atoi(argv[i]); } else if("-join-scores" == arg) { multipleScoreTrees = false; } else if("-quantize" == arg && i+1 < argc) { ++i; quantize = atoi(argv[i]); } else if("-no-warnings" == arg) { warnMe = false; } else if("-threads" == arg && i+1 < argc) { #ifdef WITH_THREADS ++i; if(std::string(argv[i]) == "all") { threads = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency(); if(!threads) { std::cerr << "Could not determine number of hardware threads, setting to 1" << std::endl; threads = 1; } } else threads = atoi(argv[i]); #else std::cerr << "Thread support not compiled in" << std::endl; exit(1); #endif } else { //something's wrong... print help printHelp(argv); return 1; } } if(!sortScoreIndexSet && numScoreComponent != 5 && coding == PhraseTableCreator::PREnc) { std::cerr << "WARNING: You are using a nonstandard number of scores (" << numScoreComponent << ") with PREnc. Set the index of P(t|s) " "with -rankscore int if it is not " << sortScoreIndex << "." << std::endl; } if(sortScoreIndex >= numScoreComponent) { std::cerr << "ERROR: -rankscore " << sortScoreIndex << " is out of range (0 ... " << (numScoreComponent-1) << ")" << std::endl; abort(); } if(outFilePath.rfind(".minphr") != outFilePath.size() - 7) outFilePath += ".minphr"; PhraseTableCreator(inFilePath, outFilePath, numScoreComponent, sortScoreIndex, coding, orderBits, fingerprintBits, useAlignmentInfo, multipleScoreTrees, quantize, maxRank, warnMe #ifdef WITH_THREADS , threads #endif ); }