#include "BaseManager.h" #include "StaticData.h" #include "moses/FF/StatelessFeatureFunction.h" #include "moses/FF/StatefulFeatureFunction.h" #include "moses/TranslationTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace Moses { BaseManager::BaseManager(ttasksptr const& ttask) : m_ttask(ttask), m_source(*(ttask->GetSource().get())) { } const InputType& BaseManager::GetSource() const { return m_source; } const ttasksptr BaseManager::GetTtask() const { return m_ttask.lock(); } void BaseManager:: OutputSearchGraphAsHypergraph(std::ostream& out) const { // This virtual function that may not be implemented everywhere, but it should for // derived classes that use it UTIL_THROW2("Not implemented."); } void BaseManager:: OutputSearchGraphAsHypergraph(std::string const& fname, size_t const precision) const { std::string odir = boost::filesystem::path(fname).parent_path().string(); if (! boost::filesystem::exists(odir)) boost::filesystem::create_directory(odir); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!boost::filesystem::is_directory(odir), "Cannot output hypergraphs to " << odir << " because that path exists but is not a directory."); // not clear why we need to output the weights every time we dump a search // graph into a file again, but that's what the old code did. string weightsFile = odir + "/weights"; TRACE_ERR("The weights file is " << weightsFile << "\n"); ofstream weightsOut; weightsOut.open(weightsFile.c_str()); weightsOut.setf(std::ios::fixed); weightsOut.precision(6); // just temporarily, till we've implemented weight scoring in the manager // (or the translation task) StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights().Save(weightsOut); weightsOut.close(); boost::iostreams::filtering_ostream file; if (boost::ends_with(fname, ".gz")) file.push(boost::iostreams::gzip_compressor()); else if (boost::ends_with(fname, ".bz2")) file.push( boost::iostreams::bzip2_compressor() ); file.push( boost::iostreams::file_sink(fname, ios_base::out) ); if (file.is_complete() && file.good()) { file.setf(std::ios::fixed); file.precision(precision); this->OutputSearchGraphAsHypergraph(file); file.flush(); } else { TRACE_ERR("Cannot output hypergraph for line " << this->GetSource().GetTranslationId() << " because the output file " << fname << " is not open or not ready for writing" << std::endl); } file.pop(); } /*** * print surface factor only for the given phrase */ void BaseManager:: OutputSurface(std::ostream &out, Phrase const& phrase) const { std::vector const& factor_order = options()->output.factor_order; bool markUnknown = options()->unk.mark; std::string const& fd = options()->output.factor_delimiter; size_t size = phrase.GetSize(); for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < size ; pos++) { const Factor *factor = phrase.GetFactor(pos, factor_order[0]); UTIL_THROW_IF2(factor == NULL, "Empty factor 0 at position " << pos); const Word &word = phrase.GetWord(pos); if(markUnknown && word.IsOOV()) { out << options()->unk.prefix; } out << *factor; for (size_t i = 1 ; i < factor_order.size() ; i++) { const Factor *factor = phrase.GetFactor(pos, factor_order[i]); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!factor, "Empty factor " << i << " at position " << pos); out << fd << *factor; } if(markUnknown && word.IsOOV()) { out << options()->unk.suffix; } out << " "; } } // Emulates the old operator<<(ostream &, const DottedRule &) function. The // output format is a bit odd (reverse order and double spacing between symbols) // but there are scripts and tools that expect the output of -T to look like // that. void BaseManager::WriteApplicationContext(std::ostream &out, const ApplicationContext &context) const { assert(!context.empty()); ApplicationContext::const_reverse_iterator p = context.rbegin(); while (true) { out << p->second << "=" << p->first << " "; if (++p == context.rend()) { break; } out << " "; } } AllOptions::ptr const& BaseManager:: options() const { return GetTtask()->options(); } } // namespace