// -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2 -*- // $Id: ExportInterface.cpp 3045 2010-04-05 13:07:29Z hieuhoang1972 $ /*********************************************************************** Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder Copyright (C) 2009 University of Edinburgh This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ***********************************************************************/ /** * Moses interface for main function, for single-threaded and multi-threaded. **/ #include #include #include #include #include "util/random.hh" #include "util/usage.hh" #ifdef WIN32 // Include Visual Leak Detector //#include #endif #include "Hypothesis.h" #include "Manager.h" #include "StaticData.h" #include "TypeDef.h" #include "Util.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "TranslationModel/PhraseDictionary.h" #include "FF/StatefulFeatureFunction.h" #include "FF/StatelessFeatureFunction.h" #include "TranslationTask.h" #include "ExportInterface.h" #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF #include "hypergraph.pb.h" #endif #ifdef PT_UG #include #include "TranslationModel/UG/mmsapt.h" #include "TranslationModel/UG/generic/program_options/ug_splice_arglist.h" #endif #include "ExportInterface.h" #ifdef HAVE_XMLRPC_C #include #include #include #include "server/Server.h" #endif using namespace std; using namespace Moses; namespace Moses { void OutputFeatureWeightsForHypergraph(std::ostream &outputSearchGraphStream) { outputSearchGraphStream.setf(std::ios::fixed); outputSearchGraphStream.precision(6); StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights().Save(outputSearchGraphStream); } } //namespace Moses SimpleTranslationInterface::SimpleTranslationInterface(const string &mosesIni): m_staticData(StaticData::Instance()) { if (!m_params.LoadParam(mosesIni)) { cerr << "Error; Cannot load parameters at " << mosesIni< ioWrapper(new IOWrapper); // main loop over set of input sentences size_t sentEnd = inputString.rfind('\n'); //find the last \n, the input stream has to be appended with \n to be translated const string &newString = sentEnd != string::npos ? inputString : inputString + '\n'; istringstream inputStream(newString); //create the stream for the interface ioWrapper->SetInputStreamFromString(inputStream); ostringstream outputStream; ioWrapper->SetOutputStream2SingleBestOutputCollector(&outputStream); boost::shared_ptr source = ioWrapper->ReadInput(); if (!source) return "Error: Source==null!!!"; IFVERBOSE(1) { ResetUserTime(); } // set up task of translating one sentence boost::shared_ptr task = TranslationTask::create(source, ioWrapper); task->Run(); string output = outputStream.str(); //now trim the end whitespace const string whitespace = " \t\f\v\n\r"; size_t end = output.find_last_not_of(whitespace); return output.erase(end + 1); } Moses::StaticData& SimpleTranslationInterface::getStaticData() { return StaticData::InstanceNonConst(); } void SimpleTranslationInterface::DestroyFeatureFunctionStatic() { FeatureFunction::Destroy(); } Parameter params; //! run moses in server mode int run_as_server() { #ifdef HAVE_XMLRPC_C MosesServer::Server server(params); return server.run(); // actually: don't return. see Server::run() #endif } int batch_run() { // shorthand for accessing information in StaticData const StaticData& staticData = StaticData::Instance(); //initialise random numbers util::rand_init(); IFVERBOSE(1) PrintUserTime("Created input-output object"); // set up read/writing class: boost::shared_ptr ioWrapper(new IOWrapper); UTIL_THROW_IF2(ioWrapper == NULL, "Error; Failed to create IO object" << " [" << HERE << "]"); // check on weights const ScoreComponentCollection& weights = staticData.GetAllWeights(); IFVERBOSE(2) { TRACE_ERR("The global weight vector looks like this: "); TRACE_ERR(weights); TRACE_ERR("\n"); } #ifdef WITH_THREADS ThreadPool pool(staticData.ThreadCount()); #endif // using context for adaptation: // e.g., context words / strings from config file / cmd line std::string context_string; params.SetParameter(context_string,"context-string",string("")); // ... or weights for documents/domains from config file / cmd. line std::string context_weights; params.SetParameter(context_weights,"context-weights",string("")); // ... or the surrounding context (--context-window ...) size_t size_t_max = std::numeric_limits::max(); bool use_context_window = ioWrapper->GetLookAhead() || ioWrapper->GetLookBack(); bool use_context = use_context_window || context_string.size(); bool use_sliding_context_window = (use_context_window && ioWrapper->GetLookAhead() != size_t_max); boost::shared_ptr > context_window; boost::shared_ptr >* cw; cw = use_context_window ? &context_window : NULL; if (!cw && context_string.size()) context_window.reset(new std::vector(1,context_string)); // global scope of caches, biases, etc., if any boost::shared_ptr gscope; if (!use_sliding_context_window) gscope.reset(new ContextScope); // main loop over set of input sentences boost::shared_ptr source; while ((source = ioWrapper->ReadInput(cw)) != NULL) { IFVERBOSE(1) ResetUserTime(); // set up task of translating one sentence boost::shared_ptr lscope; if (gscope) lscope = gscope; else lscope.reset(new ContextScope); boost::shared_ptr task; task = TranslationTask::create(source, ioWrapper, lscope); if (cw) { if (context_string.size()) context_window->push_back(context_string); if(!use_sliding_context_window) cw = NULL; } if (context_window) task->SetContextWindow(context_window); #ifdef HAVE_XMLRPC_C if (context_weights != "" && !task->GetScope()->GetContextWeights()) task->GetScope()->SetContextWeights(context_weights); #endif // Allow for (sentence-)context-specific processing prior to // decoding. This can be used, for example, for context-sensitive // phrase lookup. FeatureFunction::SetupAll(*task); // execute task #ifdef WITH_THREADS #ifdef PT_UG // simulated post-editing requires threads (within the dynamic phrase tables) // but runs all sentences serially, to allow updating of the bitext. bool spe = params.isParamSpecified("spe-src"); if (spe) { // simulated post-editing: always run single-threaded! task->Run(); string src,trg,aln; UTIL_THROW_IF2(!getline(*ioWrapper->spe_src,src), "[" << HERE << "] " << "missing update data for simulated post-editing."); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!getline(*ioWrapper->spe_trg,trg), "[" << HERE << "] " << "missing update data for simulated post-editing."); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!getline(*ioWrapper->spe_aln,aln), "[" << HERE << "] " << "missing update data for simulated post-editing."); BOOST_FOREACH (PhraseDictionary* pd, PhraseDictionary::GetColl()) { Mmsapt* sapt = dynamic_cast(pd); if (sapt) sapt->add(src,trg,aln); VERBOSE(1,"[" << HERE << " added src] " << src << endl); VERBOSE(1,"[" << HERE << " added trg] " << trg << endl); VERBOSE(1,"[" << HERE << " added aln] " << aln << endl); } } else pool.Submit(task); #else pool.Submit(task); #endif #else task->Run(); #endif } // we are done, finishing up #ifdef WITH_THREADS pool.Stop(true); //flush remaining jobs #endif FeatureFunction::Destroy(); IFVERBOSE(1) util::PrintUsage(std::cerr); #ifndef EXIT_RETURN //This avoids that destructors are called (it can take a long time) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); #else return EXIT_SUCCESS; #endif } /** Called by main function of the command line version of the decoder **/ int decoder_main(int argc, char** argv) { #ifdef NDEBUG try #endif { #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_VERIFY_VERSION; #endif // echo command line, if verbose IFVERBOSE(1) { TRACE_ERR("command: "); for(int i=0; i just dump out weights and exit if (params.isParamSpecified("show-weights")) { ShowWeights(); exit(0); } if (params.GetParam("server")) return run_as_server(); else return batch_run(); } #ifdef NDEBUG catch (const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } #endif }