// -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width:2 -*- /*********************************************************************** Moses - factored phrase-based language decoder Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include "util/exception.hh" #include "util/tokenize_piece.hh" #include "TargetPhrase.h" #include "GenerationDictionary.h" #include "LM/Base.h" #include "StaticData.h" #include "ScoreComponentCollection.h" #include "Util.h" #include "AlignmentInfoCollection.h" #include "InputPath.h" #include "TranslationTask.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/PhraseDictionary.h" #include using namespace std; namespace Moses { TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase( std::string out_string, const PhraseDictionary *pt) :Phrase(0) , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { //ACAT const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); // XXX should this really be InputFactorOrder??? CreateFromString(Output, staticData.options()->input.factor_order, out_string, NULL); } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(ttasksptr& ttask, std::string out_string, const PhraseDictionary *pt) :Phrase(0) , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { if (ttask) m_scope = ttask->GetScope(); // XXX should this really be InputFactorOrder??? CreateFromString(Output, ttask->options()->input.factor_order, out_string, NULL); } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(ttasksptr& ttask, const PhraseDictionary *pt) : Phrase() , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { if (ttask) m_scope = ttask->GetScope(); } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(ttasksptr& ttask, const Phrase &phrase, const PhraseDictionary *pt) : Phrase(phrase) , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { if (ttask) m_scope = ttask->GetScope(); } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(const PhraseDictionary *pt) :Phrase() , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(const Phrase &phrase, const PhraseDictionary *pt) : Phrase(phrase) , m_futureScore(0.0) , m_estimatedScore(0.0) , m_alignTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_alignNonTerm(&AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().GetEmptyAlignmentInfo()) , m_lhsTarget(NULL) , m_ruleSource(NULL) , m_container(pt) { } TargetPhrase::TargetPhrase(const TargetPhrase ©) : Phrase(copy) , m_cached_coord(copy.m_cached_coord) , m_cached_scores(copy.m_cached_scores) , m_scope(copy.m_scope) , m_futureScore(copy.m_futureScore) , m_estimatedScore(copy.m_estimatedScore) , m_scoreBreakdown(copy.m_scoreBreakdown) , m_alignTerm(copy.m_alignTerm) , m_alignNonTerm(copy.m_alignNonTerm) , m_properties(copy.m_properties) , m_container(copy.m_container) { if (copy.m_lhsTarget) { m_lhsTarget = new Word(*copy.m_lhsTarget); } else { m_lhsTarget = NULL; } if (copy.m_ruleSource) { m_ruleSource = new Phrase(*copy.m_ruleSource); } else { m_ruleSource = NULL; } } TargetPhrase::~TargetPhrase() { //cerr << "m_lhsTarget=" << m_lhsTarget << endl; delete m_lhsTarget; delete m_ruleSource; } #ifdef HAVE_PROTOBUF void TargetPhrase::WriteToRulePB(hgmert::Rule* pb) const { pb->add_trg_words("[X,1]"); for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < GetSize() ; pos++) pb->add_trg_words(GetWord(pos)[0]->GetString()); } #endif bool TargetPhrase::HasScope() const { return !m_scope.expired(); // should actually never happen } SPTR TargetPhrase::GetScope() const { return m_scope.lock(); } void TargetPhrase::EvaluateInIsolation(const Phrase &source) { const std::vector &ffs = FeatureFunction::GetFeatureFunctions(); EvaluateInIsolation(source, ffs); } void TargetPhrase::EvaluateInIsolation(const Phrase &source, const std::vector &ffs) { if (ffs.size()) { const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); ScoreComponentCollection estimatedScores; for (size_t i = 0; i < ffs.size(); ++i) { const FeatureFunction &ff = *ffs[i]; if (! staticData.IsFeatureFunctionIgnored( ff )) { ff.EvaluateInIsolation(source, *this, m_scoreBreakdown, estimatedScores); } } float weightedScore = m_scoreBreakdown.GetWeightedScore(); m_estimatedScore += estimatedScores.GetWeightedScore(); m_futureScore = weightedScore + m_estimatedScore; } } void TargetPhrase::EvaluateWithSourceContext(const InputType &input, const InputPath &inputPath) { const std::vector &ffs = FeatureFunction::GetFeatureFunctions(); const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); ScoreComponentCollection futureScoreBreakdown; for (size_t i = 0; i < ffs.size(); ++i) { const FeatureFunction &ff = *ffs[i]; if (! staticData.IsFeatureFunctionIgnored( ff )) { ff.EvaluateWithSourceContext(input, inputPath, *this, NULL, m_scoreBreakdown, &futureScoreBreakdown); } } float weightedScore = m_scoreBreakdown.GetWeightedScore(); m_estimatedScore += futureScoreBreakdown.GetWeightedScore(); m_futureScore = weightedScore + m_estimatedScore; } void TargetPhrase::UpdateScore(ScoreComponentCollection* futureScoreBreakdown) { float weightedScore = m_scoreBreakdown.GetWeightedScore(); if(futureScoreBreakdown) m_estimatedScore += futureScoreBreakdown->GetWeightedScore(); m_futureScore = weightedScore + m_estimatedScore; } void TargetPhrase::SetXMLScore(float score) { const FeatureFunction* prod = PhraseDictionary::GetColl()[0]; size_t numScores = prod->GetNumScoreComponents(); vector scoreVector(numScores,score/numScores); m_scoreBreakdown.Assign(prod, scoreVector); } void TargetPhrase::SetAlignmentInfo(const StringPiece &alignString) { AlignmentInfo::CollType alignTerm, alignNonTerm; for (util::TokenIter token(alignString, util::AnyCharacter(" \t")); token; ++token) { util::TokenIter dash(*token, util::SingleCharacter('-')); char *endptr; size_t sourcePos = strtoul(dash->data(), &endptr, 10); UTIL_THROW_IF(endptr != dash->data() + dash->size(), util::ErrnoException, "Error parsing alignment" << *dash); ++dash; size_t targetPos = strtoul(dash->data(), &endptr, 10); UTIL_THROW_IF(endptr != dash->data() + dash->size(), util::ErrnoException, "Error parsing alignment" << *dash); UTIL_THROW_IF2(++dash, "Extra gunk in alignment " << *token); if (GetWord(targetPos).IsNonTerminal()) { alignNonTerm.insert(std::pair(sourcePos, targetPos)); } else { alignTerm.insert(std::pair(sourcePos, targetPos)); } } SetAlignTerm(alignTerm); SetAlignNonTerm(alignNonTerm); // cerr << "TargetPhrase::SetAlignmentInfo(const StringPiece &alignString) this:|" << *this << "|\n"; } // void TargetPhrase::SetAlignTerm(const AlignmentInfo::CollType &coll) // { // const AlignmentInfo *alignmentInfo = AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().Add(coll); // m_alignTerm = alignmentInfo; // } // void TargetPhrase::SetAlignNonTerm(const AlignmentInfo::CollType &coll) // { // const AlignmentInfo *alignmentInfo = AlignmentInfoCollection::Instance().Add(coll); // m_alignNonTerm = alignmentInfo; // } void TargetPhrase::SetSparseScore(const FeatureFunction* translationScoreProducer, const StringPiece &sparseString) { m_scoreBreakdown.Assign(translationScoreProducer, sparseString.as_string()); } boost::shared_ptr mergescores(boost::shared_ptr const& a, boost::shared_ptr const& b) { boost::shared_ptr ret; if (!a) return b ? b : ret; if (!b) return a; if (a->size() != b->size()) return ret; ret.reset(new Scores(*a)); for (size_t i = 0; i < a->size(); ++i) { if ((*a)[i] == 0) (*a)[i] = (*b)[i]; else if ((*b)[i]) { UTIL_THROW_IF2((*a)[i] != (*b)[i], "can't merge feature vectors"); } } return ret; } void TargetPhrase:: Merge(const TargetPhrase ©, const std::vector& factorVec) { Phrase::MergeFactors(copy, factorVec); m_scoreBreakdown.Merge(copy.GetScoreBreakdown()); m_estimatedScore += copy.m_estimatedScore; m_futureScore += copy.m_futureScore; typedef ScoreCache_t::iterator iter; typedef ScoreCache_t::value_type item; BOOST_FOREACH(item const& s, copy.m_cached_scores) { pair foo = m_cached_scores.insert(s); if (foo.second == false) foo.first->second = mergescores(foo.first->second, s.second); } } TargetPhrase::ScoreCache_t const& TargetPhrase:: GetExtraScores() const { return m_cached_scores; } Scores const* TargetPhrase:: GetExtraScores(FeatureFunction const* ff) const { ScoreCache_t::const_iterator m = m_cached_scores.find(ff); return m != m_cached_scores.end() ? m->second.get() : NULL; } void TargetPhrase:: SetExtraScores(FeatureFunction const* ff, boost::shared_ptr const& s) { m_cached_scores[ff] = s; } vector > > const* TargetPhrase:: GetCoordList(size_t const spaceID) const { if(!m_cached_coord) { return NULL; } CoordCache_t::const_iterator m = m_cached_coord->find(spaceID); if(m == m_cached_coord->end()) { return NULL; } return &m->second; } void TargetPhrase:: PushCoord(size_t const spaceID, SPTR > const coord) { if (!m_cached_coord) { m_cached_coord.reset(new CoordCache_t); } vector > >& coordList = (*m_cached_coord)[spaceID]; coordList.push_back(coord); } void TargetPhrase::SetProperties(const StringPiece &str) { if (str.size() == 0) { return; } vector toks; TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(toks, str.as_string(), "{{"); for (size_t i = 0; i < toks.size(); ++i) { string &tok = toks[i]; if (tok.empty()) { continue; } size_t endPos = tok.rfind("}"); tok = tok.substr(0, endPos - 1); vector keyValue = TokenizeFirstOnly(tok, " "); UTIL_THROW_IF2(keyValue.size() != 2, "Incorrect format of property: " << str); SetProperty(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]); } } void TargetPhrase::SetProperty(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) { const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance(); const PhrasePropertyFactory& phrasePropertyFactory = staticData.GetPhrasePropertyFactory(); m_properties[key] = phrasePropertyFactory.ProduceProperty(key,value); } const PhraseProperty *TargetPhrase::GetProperty(const std::string &key) const { std::map >::const_iterator iter; iter = m_properties.find(key); if (iter != m_properties.end()) { const boost::shared_ptr &pp = iter->second; return pp.get(); } return NULL; } void TargetPhrase::SetRuleSource(const Phrase &ruleSource) const { if (m_ruleSource == NULL) { m_ruleSource = new Phrase(ruleSource); } } void swap(TargetPhrase &first, TargetPhrase &second) { first.SwapWords(second); std::swap(first.m_futureScore, second.m_futureScore); std::swap(first.m_estimatedScore, second.m_estimatedScore); swap(first.m_scoreBreakdown, second.m_scoreBreakdown); std::swap(first.m_alignTerm, second.m_alignTerm); std::swap(first.m_alignNonTerm, second.m_alignNonTerm); std::swap(first.m_lhsTarget, second.m_lhsTarget); std::swap(first.m_cached_scores, second.m_cached_scores); } TO_STRING_BODY(TargetPhrase); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TargetPhrase& tp) { if (tp.m_lhsTarget) { os << *tp.m_lhsTarget<< " -> "; } os << static_cast(tp) << ":" << flush; os << tp.GetAlignNonTerm() << flush; os << ": term=" << tp.GetAlignTerm() << flush; os << ": nonterm=" << tp.GetAlignNonTerm() << flush; os << ": c=" << tp.m_futureScore << flush; os << " " << tp.m_scoreBreakdown << flush; const Phrase *sourcePhrase = tp.GetRuleSource(); if (sourcePhrase) { os << " sourcePhrase=" << *sourcePhrase << flush; } if (tp.m_properties.size()) { os << " properties: " << flush; TargetPhrase::Properties::const_iterator iter; for (iter = tp.m_properties.begin(); iter != tp.m_properties.end(); ++iter) { const string &key = iter->first; const PhraseProperty *prop = iter->second.get(); assert(prop); os << key << "=" << *prop << " "; } } return os; } }