// -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #pragma once #include #include #include #include "ug_bitext.h" #include "ug_bitext_pstats.h" #include "ug_sampling_bias.h" #include "ug_tsa_array_entry.h" #include "ug_bitext_phrase_extraction_record.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/UG/generic/threading/ug_ref_counter.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/UG/generic/threading/ug_thread_safe_counter.h" #include "moses/TranslationModel/UG/generic/sorting/NBestList.h" namespace Moses { namespace bitext { enum sampling_method { full_coverage, random_sampling, ranked_sampling }; typedef ugdiss::ttrack::Position TokenPosition; class CandidateSorter { SamplingBias const& score; public: CandidateSorter(SamplingBias const& s) : score(s) {} bool operator()(TokenPosition const& a, TokenPosition const& b) const { return score[a.sid] > score[b.sid]; } }; template class BitextSampler : public reference_counter { typedef Bitext bitext; typedef TSA tsa; typedef SamplingBias bias; typedef typename Bitext::iter tsa_iter; mutable boost::condition_variable m_ready; mutable boost::mutex m_lock; // const members // sptr const m_bitext; // keep bitext alive while I am // should be an iptr const m_bitext; // keep bitext alive as long as I am size_t const m_plen; // length of lookup phrase bool const m_fwd; // forward or backward direction? sptr const m_root; // root of suffix array char const* m_next; // current position char const* m_stop; // end of search range sampling_method const m_method; /* look at all / random sample / * ranked samples */ sptr const m_bias; // bias over candidates size_t const m_samples; // how many samples at most // non-const members sptr m_stats; // destination for phrase stats size_t m_ctr; // number of samples considered float m_total_bias; // for random sampling with bias bool m_finished; bool consider_sample(TokenPosition const& p); size_t perform_ranked_sampling(); public: BitextSampler(BitextSampler const& other); BitextSampler const& operator=(BitextSampler const& other); BitextSampler(bitext const* const bitext, typename bitext::iter const& phrase, sptr const& bias, size_t const max_samples, sampling_method const method); ~BitextSampler(); bool operator()(); // run sampling sptr stats(); bool done() const; }; template BitextSampler:: BitextSampler(Bitext const* const bitext, typename bitext::iter const& phrase, sptr const& bias, size_t const max_samples, sampling_method const method) : m_bitext(bitext) , m_plen(phrase.size()) , m_fwd(phrase.root == bitext->I1.get()) , m_root(m_fwd ? bitext->I1 : bitext->I2) , m_next(phrase.lower_bound(-1)) , m_stop(phrase.upper_bound(-1)) , m_method(method) , m_bias(bias) , m_samples(max_samples) , m_ctr(0) , m_total_bias(0) , m_finished(false) { m_stats.reset(new pstats); m_stats->raw_cnt = phrase.ca(); m_stats->register_worker(); // cerr << phrase.str(bitext->V1.get()) << " [" << HERE << "]" << endl; } template BitextSampler:: BitextSampler(BitextSampler const& other) : m_bitext(other.m_bitext) , m_plen(other.m_plen) , m_fwd(other.m_fwd) , m_root(other.m_root) , m_next(other.m_next) , m_stop(other.m_stop) , m_method(other.m_method) , m_bias(other.m_bias) , m_samples(other.m_samples) { // lock both instances boost::unique_lock mylock(m_lock); boost::unique_lock yrlock(other.m_lock); // actually, BitextSamplers should only copied on job submission m_stats = other.m_stats; m_stats->register_worker(); m_ctr = other.m_ctr; m_total_bias = other.m_total_bias; m_finished = other.m_finished; } // Ranked sampling sorts all samples by score and then considers the top-ranked // candidates for phrase extraction. template size_t BitextSampler:: perform_ranked_sampling() { if (m_next == m_stop) return m_ctr; CandidateSorter sorter(*m_bias); // below: nbest size = 20 * m_samples to allow for failed phrase extraction NBestList nbest(20*m_samples,sorter); ugdiss::tsa::ArrayEntry I(m_next); while (I.next < m_stop) { ++m_ctr; nbest.add(m_root->readEntry(I.next,I)); } size_t n = 0; for (size_t i = 0; n < m_samples && i < nbest.size(); ++i) if (consider_sample(nbest[i])) ++n;; // cerr << m_ctr << " samples considered at " // << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl; return m_ctr; } template bool BitextSampler:: consider_sample(TokenPosition const& p) { std::vector aln; bitvector full_aln(100*100); PhraseExtractionRecord rec(p.sid, p.offset, p.offset + m_plen, !m_fwd, &aln, &full_aln); int docid = m_bias ? m_bias->GetClass(p.sid) : -1; bool good = m_bitext->find_trg_phr_bounds(rec); #if 0 cerr << p.sid << " " << docid << " " << (good ? "OK " : "bad ") << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl; #endif if (!good) { // no good, probably because phrase is not coherent m_stats->count_sample(docid, 0, rec.po_fwd, rec.po_bwd); return false; } // all good: register this sample as valid size_t num_pairs = (rec.s2 - rec.s1 + 1) * (rec.e2 - rec.e1 + 1); m_stats->count_sample(docid, num_pairs, rec.po_fwd, rec.po_bwd); float sample_weight = 1./num_pairs; Token const* o = (m_fwd ? m_bitext->T2 : m_bitext->T1)->sntStart(rec.sid); // adjust offsets in phrase-internal aligment for (size_t k = 1; k < aln.size(); k += 2) aln[k] += rec.s2 - rec.s1; vector seen; seen.reserve(10); // It is possible that the phrase extraction extracts the same // phrase twice, e.g., when word a co-occurs with sequence b b b // but is aligned only to the middle word. We can only count // each phrase pair once per source phrase occurrence, or else // run the risk of having more joint counts than marginal // counts. for (size_t s = rec.s1; s <= rec.s2; ++s) { TSA const& I = m_fwd ? *m_bitext->I2 : *m_bitext->I1; sptr b = I.find(o + s, rec.e1 - s); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!b || b->size() < rec.e1 - s, "target phrase not found"); for (size_t i = rec.e1; i <= rec.e2; ++i) { uint64_t tpid = b->getPid(); // poor man's protection against over-counting size_t s = 0; while (s < seen.size() && seen[s] != tpid) ++s; if (s < seen.size()) continue; seen.push_back(tpid); size_t raw2 = b->approxOccurrenceCount(); m_stats->add(tpid, sample_weight, m_bias ? (*m_bias)[p.sid] : 1, aln, raw2, rec.po_fwd, rec.po_bwd, docid); bool ok = (i == rec.e2) || b->extend(o[i].id()); UTIL_THROW_IF2(!ok, "Could not extend target phrase."); } if (s < rec.s2) // shift phrase-internal alignments for (size_t k = 1; k < aln.size(); k += 2) --aln[k]; } return true; } template bool BitextSampler:: operator()() { if (m_finished) return true; boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); perform_ranked_sampling(); m_finished = true; m_ready.notify_all(); return true; } template bool BitextSampler:: done() const { return m_next == m_stop; } template sptr BitextSampler:: stats() { // if (m_ctr == 0) (*this)(); // boost::unique_lock lock(m_lock); // while (!m_finished) // m_ready.wait(lock); return m_stats; } template BitextSampler:: ~BitextSampler() { m_stats->release(); } } // end of namespace bitext } // end of namespace Moses