TRANSLATION_1=i ask you , therefore , mr president , the different labour costs are therefore not a restriction of free competition in the european union ? TRANSLATION_2=if we look at the fälligkeitspläne the implementation of the budget for the categories 2 , 3 , 4 and 7 to , we see that only an average of 8 % of commitments by payments are met . TRANSLATION_3=three years ago our employment strategy , we started by small and medium-sized enterprises halfen , chancenkapital to obtain . TRANSLATION_4=parliament wants the in two ways . TRANSLATION_5=only then will the european institutions to its mandate . LMLOAD_TIME ~ 8.00 PTLOAD_TIME ~ 9.00 SCORE_1 = -14.843 SCORE_2 = -133.757 SCORE_3 = -240.241 SCORE_4 = -5.995 SCORE_5 = -7.015 TOTAL_WALLTIME ~ 28