#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ # Reads a source and hypothesis file and counts equal tokens. Some of these # are punctuation, some are numbers, but most of the remaining are simply # unknown words that the decoder just copied. This script tells you how often # this happens. # # Ondrej Bojar use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my $ignore_numbers = 0; my $ignore_punct = 0; my $usage = 0; my $top = 10; GetOptions( "help" => \$usage, "top=i" => \$top, "ignore-numbers" => \$ignore_numbers, "ignore-punct" => \$ignore_punct, ) or exit 1; my $src = shift; my $tgt = shift; if ($usage || !defined $src || !defined $tgt) { print STDERR "nontranslated_words.pl srcfile hypothesisfile ...counts the number of words that are equal in src and hyp. These are typically unknown words. Options: --top=N ... list N top copied tokens --ignore-numbers ... numbers usually do not get translated, but do not count them (it is not an error) --ignore-punct ... same for punct, do not include it in the count "; exit 1; } binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); open SRC, $src or die "Can't read $src"; open TGT, $tgt or die "Can't read $tgt"; binmode(SRC, ":utf8"); binmode(TGT, ":utf8"); my $nr=0; my $outtoks = 0; my $intoks = 0; my $copiedtoks = 0; my %copiedtok; while () { $nr++; chomp; s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my @src = split /\s+/; my %src = map {($_,1)} @src; $intoks += scalar @src; my $t = ; die "$tgt too short!" if !defined $t; $t =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; foreach my $outtok (split /\s+/, $t) { $outtoks++; next if !defined $src{$outtok}; # this word did not appear in input, we generated it next if $ignore_numbers && $outtok =~ /^-?[0-9]*([.,][0-9]+)?$/; next if $ignore_punct && $outtok =~ /^[[:punct:]]+$/; $copiedtoks++; $copiedtok{$outtok}++; } } my $t = ; die "$tgt too long!" if defined $t; close SRC; close TGT; print "Sentences:\t$nr Source tokens:\t$intoks Output tokens:\t$outtoks Output tokens appearing also in input sent:\t$copiedtoks\t" .sprintf("%.2f %%", $copiedtoks/$outtoks*100) ."\t".($ignore_punct?"ignoring":"including")." punctuation" ."\t".($ignore_numbers?"ignoring":"including")." numbers" ."\n"; if ($top) { my $cnt = 0; print "Top $top copied tokens:\n"; foreach my $t (sort {$copiedtok{$b}<=>$copiedtok{$a} || $a cmp $b} keys %copiedtok) { print "$copiedtok{$t}\t$t\n"; last if $cnt > $top; $cnt++; } }