#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id$ #sentence-by-sentence: take in a system output, with any number of factors, and a reference translation, also maybe with factors, and show each sentence and its errors #usage: sentence-by-sentence SYSOUT [REFERENCE]+ > sentences.html use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $sourcefile = undef; my @truthfiles; GetOptions( "source|s=s" => \$sourcefile, "reference|r=s" => \@truthfiles ) or exit(1); my @sysoutfiles = @ARGV; if (scalar(@sysoutfiles) == 0 || scalar(@truthfiles) == 0) { print STDERR "usage: $0 system_output(s) > sentence-by-sentence.html Options: --source,-s STRING foreign input (can be used multiple times) --reference,-r STRING English truth (can be used multiple times) N-grams are colored by the number of supporting references: red for fewest, green for most, mediate shades otherwise.\n"; exit(1); } #################################################################################################################### my @TRUTHS = () x scalar(@truthfiles); for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@truthfiles); $i++) { open($TRUTHS[$i], "<$truthfiles[$i]") or die "couldn't open '$truthfiles[$i]' for read: $!\n"; binmode($TRUTHS[$i], ":utf8"); } my @SYSOUTS = () x scalar(@sysoutfiles); for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@sysoutfiles); $i++) { open($SYSOUTS[$i], "<$sysoutfiles[$i]") or die "couldn't open '$sysoutfiles[$i]' for read: $!\n"; binmode($SYSOUTS[$i], ":utf8"); } binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); if (defined $sourcefile) { open(SOURCE, "<$sourcefile") or die "couldn't open '$sourcefile' for read: $!\n"; binmode(SOURCE, ":utf8"); } my @bleuScores; for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@sysoutfiles); $i++) {push @bleuScores, [];} my @htmlSentences; my @javascripts; my @htmlColors = ('#99ff99', '#aaaaff', '#ffff99', '#ff9933', '#ff9999'); #color sentences by rank (split in n tiers) my $ngramSingleRefColor = '#aaffaa'; my @ngramMultirefColors = ('#ff9999', '#ff9933', '#ffff99', '#a0a0ff', '#99ff99'); #arbitrary-length list; first entry is used for worst n-grams my $numSentences = 0; my (@sLines, @eLines); while(readLines(\@SYSOUTS, \@sLines) && readLines(\@TRUTHS, \@eLines)) { #create array of lines of HTML my @html = ("
"); #%%%% is a flag to be replaced my (@sFactors, @eFactors, $sourceFactors); #process source if (defined $sourcefile) { my $sourceLine = ; escapeMetachars($sourceLine); #remove inconsistencies in encoding $sourceFactors = extractFactorArrays($sourceLine); push @html, "Source" . getFactoredSentenceHTML($sourceFactors) . "\n"; } #process truth for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@truthfiles); $j++) { escapeMetachars($eLines[$j]); #remove inconsistencies in encoding push @eFactors, extractFactorArrays($eLines[$j]); push @html, "Ref $j" . getFactoredSentenceHTML($eFactors[$j]) . "\n"; } #process sysouts my @bleuData; for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@sysoutfiles); $j++) { escapeMetachars($sLines[$j]); #remove inconsistencies in encoding push @sFactors, extractFactorArrays($sLines[$j]); push @bleuData, getBLEUSentenceDetails($sFactors[$j], \@eFactors, 0); push @{$bleuScores[$j]}, [$numSentences, $bleuData[$j]->[0], 0]; #the last number will be the rank my $pwerData = getPWERSentenceDetails($sFactors[$j], \@eFactors, 0); push @html, "Output $j" . getFactoredSentenceHTML($sFactors[$j], $pwerData) . "\n"; push @html, "N-grams" . getAllNgramsHTML($sFactors[$j], $bleuData[$j]->[1], scalar(@truthfiles)) . "\n"; } splice(@html, 1, 0, "
Sentence $numSentences)     BLEU: " . join("; ", map {sprintf("%.4lg", $_->[0]->[0]) . " (" . join('/', map {sprintf("%.4lg", $_)} @{$_->[0]}[1 .. 4]) . ") "} @bleuData) . "
\n"); push @html, "
\n"; push @htmlSentences, join('', @html); $numSentences++; @sLines = (); @eLines = (); #clear writable arrays to be refilled } foreach my $sysoutfh (@SYSOUTS) {close($sysoutfh);} foreach my $truthfh (@TRUTHS) {close($truthfh);} my $stylesheet = "\n"; print "\n"; print "[" . join(', ', @sysoutfiles) . "] vs. [" . join(', ', @truthfiles) . "]: Sentence-by-Sentence Comparison$stylesheet\n"; foreach my $systemScores (@bleuScores) {rankSentencesByBLEU($systemScores);} #javascript to sort by BLEU for any system, by order in corpus ... print "\n"; #legends for background colors of sentences and n-grams my (@minBLEU, @maxBLEU); my @bleuTiers = () x scalar(@htmlSentences); #for each sentence, arrayref of tier indices for each system for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@sysoutfiles); $i++) { my @a = (1e9) x scalar(@htmlColors); my @b = (-1e9) x scalar(@htmlColors); for(my $k = 0; $k < scalar(@htmlSentences); $k++) { my $tier = int($bleuScores[$i]->[$k]->[2] / (scalar(@htmlSentences) / scalar(@htmlColors))); push @{$bleuTiers[$k]}, $tier; if($bleuScores[$i]->[$k]->[1]->[0] < $a[$tier]) {$a[$tier] = $bleuScores[$i]->[$k]->[1]->[0];} if($bleuScores[$i]->[$k]->[1]->[0] > $b[$tier]) {$b[$tier] = $bleuScores[$i]->[$k]->[1]->[0];} } push @minBLEU, \@a; push @maxBLEU, \@b; } print "\n"; print "
Sentence Background Colors => BLEU Ranges"; for(my $k = 0; $k < scalar(@htmlColors); $k++) { print ""; } print "
" . sprintf("%.4lg", $minBLEU[0]->[$k]) . " - " . sprintf("%.4lg", $maxBLEU[0]->[$k]); for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@sysoutfiles); $j++) { print "" . sprintf("%.4lg", $minBLEU[$j]->[$k]) . " - " . sprintf("%.4lg", $maxBLEU[$j]->[$k]) . ""; } print "
N-gram Colors => Number of Matching Reference Translations"; for(my $k = 1; $k <= scalar(@truthfiles); $k++) { print ""; } print "
PWER errors are marked in red on output sentence displays.
Color by system # " . join(' | ', map {"$_" . (($_ == '0') ? " (default)" : "")} (0 .. scalar(@sysoutfiles) - 1)) . "
Sort by BLEU score | corpus order (default)
\n"; #sentence boxes print "
"; for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@htmlSentences); $j++) { print "
"; print "
" . join('', map {"sentence_tier$_"} @{$bleuTiers[$j]}) . "
"; print "
"; # my $bgcolor = getSentenceBGColorHTML($bleuScores[0]->[$j], $i); #i is now # of sentences my $tierNum = $bleuTiers[$j]->[0]; $htmlSentences[$j] =~ s/%%%%/tier$tierNum/; print "$htmlSentences[$j]
\n"; } print "
"; ##################### utils ##################### #arguments: a, b (scalars) sub min { my ($a, $b) = @_; return ($a < $b) ? $a : $b; } #arguments: a, b (scalars) sub max { my ($a, $b) = @_; return ($a > $b) ? $a : $b; } #arguments: a list of elements #return undef for an empty list, the max element otherwise sub maxN { if(scalar @_ == 0) {return undef;} my $val = shift @_; foreach my $e (@_) {if($e > $val) {$val = $e;}} return $val; } #arguments: x sub my_log { return -9999999999 unless $_[0]; return log($_[0]); } #arguments: x sub round { my $x = shift; return ($x - int($x) < .5) ? int($x) : int($x) + 1; } #escape HTML metacharacters for display purposes and to allow for consistent string comparison #arguments: string to be formatted in place #return: none sub escapeMetachars { my $str = shift; $str =~ s/&\s+/& /; $str =~ s/<\s+/< /; $str =~ s/>\s+/> /; } ############################################################################################################################################################### #read one line from each of any number of filehandles #arguments: arrayref of filehandles, (empty) arrayref to be filled with read lines #return: 1 on success, 0 on failure (on failure the lines arrayref's value isn't defined) sub readLines { my ($refFilehandles, $refLines) = @_; foreach my $fh (@$refFilehandles) { my $line = <$fh>; return 0 unless defined($line); push @$refLines, $line; } return 1; } #arguments: line read from corpus file #return: sentence (arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings) taken from line sub extractFactorArrays { my $line = shift; die "" if !defined $line; chomp $line; $line =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; #added by Ondrej to handle moses-mert-parallel output my @words = split(/\s+/, $line); my @factors = map {my @f = split(/\|/, $_); \@f;} @words; return \@factors; } #can handle multiple reference translations; assume at least one #arguments: sysout sentence (arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings), truth sentences (arrayref of same), factor index to use #return: arrayref of [arrayref of [overall BLEU score, n-gram precisions], arrayref of matching n-gram [start index, length, arrayref of indices of matching references]] sub getBLEUSentenceDetails { my $maxNgramOrder = 4; my ($refSysOutput, $refTruths, $factorIndex) = @_; my $length_translation = scalar(@$refSysOutput); #length of sysout sentence my @length_references = map {scalar(@$_)} @$refTruths; my $closestTruthLength = (sort(map {abs($_ - $length_translation)} @length_references))[0]; my @correct = (0) x $maxNgramOrder; #n-gram counts my @total = (0) x $maxNgramOrder; #n-gram counts my $returnData = [[], []]; my %REF_GRAM; #hash from n-gram to arrayref with # of times found in each reference my $ngramMatches = []; #arrayref of n-gram [start index, length] for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$refTruths); $j++) { for(my $i = 0; $i < $length_references[$j]; $i++) { my $gram = ''; for(my $k = 0; $k < min($i + 1, $maxNgramOrder); $k++) #run over n-gram orders { $gram = $refTruths->[$j]->[$i - $k]->[$factorIndex] . " " . $gram; #increment the count for the given n-gram and given reference number if(!exists $REF_GRAM{$gram}) { my @tmp = (0) x scalar @$refTruths; $tmp[$j] = 1; $REF_GRAM{$gram} = \@tmp; } else { $REF_GRAM{$gram}->[$j]++; } } } } for(my $i = 0; $i < $length_translation; $i++) { my $gram = ''; for(my $k = 0; $k < min($i + 1, $maxNgramOrder); $k++) #run over n-gram orders { $gram = $refSysOutput->[$i - $k]->[$factorIndex] . " " . $gram; if(exists $REF_GRAM{$gram}) #this n-gram was found in at least one reference { $correct[$k]++; my @indices = (); my $notOvercounting = 0; #make sure we don't 'match' against truth n-grams whose instances have all been used already for(my $m = 0; $m < scalar(@{$REF_GRAM{$gram}}); $m++) { if($REF_GRAM{$gram}->[$m] > 0) { push @indices, $m; $REF_GRAM{$gram}->[$m]--; $notOvercounting = 1; } } if($notOvercounting == 1) {push @$ngramMatches, [$i - $k, $k + 1, \@indices];} } } } my $brevity = ($length_translation > $closestTruthLength || $length_translation == 0) ? 1 : exp(1 - $closestTruthLength / $length_translation); my @pct; my ($logsum, $logcount) = (0, 0); for(my $i = 0; $i < $maxNgramOrder; $i++) { $total[$i] = max(1, $length_translation - $i); push @pct, ($total[$i] == 0) ? -1 : $correct[$i] / $total[$i]; if($total[$i] > 0) { $logsum += my_log($pct[$i]); $logcount++; } } my $bleu = $brevity * exp($logsum / $logcount); $returnData->[0] = [$bleu, @pct]; $returnData->[1] = $ngramMatches; return $returnData; } #can handle multiple sentence translations; assume at least one #arguments: sysout sentence (arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings), truth sentences (arrayref of same), factor index to use #return: hashref of sysout word index => whether word matches sub getPWERSentenceDetails { my ($refSysOutput, $refTruths, $factorIndex) = @_; my $matches = {}; my %truthWords; #hash from word to arrayref with number of times seen in each reference (but later holds only the max) for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$refTruths); $i++) { foreach my $eWord (@{$refTruths->[$i]}) { my $factor = $eWord->[$factorIndex]; if(exists $truthWords{$factor}) {$truthWords{$factor}->[$i]++;} else {my @tmp = (0) x scalar(@$refTruths); $tmp[$i] = 1; $truthWords{$factor} = \@tmp;} } } %truthWords = map {$_ => maxN(@{$truthWords{$_}})} (keys %truthWords); #save only the max times each word is seen in a reference for(my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$refSysOutput); $j++) { if(exists $truthWords{$refSysOutput->[$j]->[$factorIndex]} && $truthWords{$refSysOutput->[$j]->[$factorIndex]} > 0) { $truthWords{$refSysOutput->[$j]->[$factorIndex]}--; $matches->{$j} = 1; } else { $matches->{$j} = 0; } } return $matches; } #assign ranks to sentences by BLEU score #arguments: arrayref of arrayrefs of [sentence index, arrayref of [bleu score, n-gram precisions], rank to be assigned] #return: none sub rankSentencesByBLEU { my $bleuData = shift; my $i = 0; #sort first on score, then on 1-gram accuracy, then on sentence index foreach my $sentenceData (reverse sort {my $c = $a->[1]->[0] <=> $b->[1]->[0]; if($c == 0) {my $d = $a->[1]->[1] <=> $b->[1]->[1]; if($d == 0) {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0];} else {$d;}} else {$c;}} @$bleuData) {$sentenceData->[2] = $i++;} } ############################################################################################################################################################### #write HTML for a sentence containing factors (display words in a row) #arguments: sentence (arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings), PWER results (hashref from word indices to 0/1 whether matched a truth word) #return: HTML string sub getFactoredSentenceHTML { my $sentence = shift; my $pwer = 0; if(scalar(@_) > 0) {$pwer = shift;} my $html = ""; for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$sentence); $i++) #loop over words { my $style = ''; #default if($pwer ne '0' && $pwer->{$i} == 0) {$style = 'color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold';} $html .= ""; } return $html . "
" . join("
", @{$sentence->[$i]}) . "
"; } #arguments: arrayref of [sentence index, arrayref of [bleu score, n-gram precisions], rank], number of sentences #return: HTML color string sub getSentenceBGColorHTML { my ($scoreData, $numSentences) = @_; my $tier = int($scoreData->[2] / ($numSentences / scalar(@htmlColors))); #0..n-1 return $htmlColors[$tier]; } #display all matching n-grams in the given sentence, with all 1-grams on one line, then arranged by picking, for each, the first line on which it fits, # where a given word position can only be filled by one n-gram per line, so that all n-grams can be shown #arguments: sentence (arrayref of arrayrefs of factor strings), arrayref of arrayrefs of matching n-gram [start, length, arrayref of matching reference indices], # number of reference translations #return: HTML string sub getAllNgramsHTML { my ($sentence, $ngrams, $numTruths) = @_; my $factorIndex = 0; my @table = (); #array or arrayrefs each of which represents a line; each position has the index of the occupying n-gram, or -1 if none my $n = 0; #n-gram index foreach my $ngram (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @$ngrams) { #check for an open slot in an existing row my $foundRow = 0; my $r = 0; foreach my $row (@table) { if(rowIsClear($row, $ngram) == 1) { @{$row}[$ngram->[0] .. ($ngram->[0] + $ngram->[1] - 1)] = ($n) x $ngram->[1]; push @$ngram, $r; #add row index $foundRow = 1; last; } $r++; } #add row if necessary if($foundRow == 0) { my @row = (-1) x scalar(@$sentence); @row[$ngram->[0] .. ($ngram->[0] + $ngram->[1] - 1)] = ($n) x $ngram->[1]; push @$ngram, scalar(@table); #add row index push @table, \@row; } $n++; } my $html = ""; my $numWords = scalar(@$sentence); my ($curRow, $curCol) = (0, 0); #address in table $html .= ""; foreach my $ngram (sort {my $c = $a->[3] <=> $b->[3]; if($c == 0) {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} else {$c}} @$ngrams) #sort by row, then word num { while($ngram->[0] > $curCol || $ngram->[3] > $curRow) {$html .= ""; $curCol = ($curCol + 1) % $numWords; if($curCol == 0) {$html .= ""; $curRow++;}} $html .= ""; $curCol = ($curCol + $ngram->[1]) % $numWords; if($curCol == 0) {$html .= ""; $curRow++;} } $html .= ""; return $html . "
" . join("", map {$_->[$factorIndex]} @$sentence) . "
[2]}), $numTruths) . "\">" . join(' ', map {$_->[$factorIndex]} @{$sentence}[$ngram->[0] .. $ngram->[0] + $ngram->[1] - 1]) . "
\n"; } #auxiliary to getAllNgramsHTML(): check a table row for an empty piece at the right place for the given n-gram #arguments: row (arrayref of ints), n-gram (arrayref of [start index, length]) #return: whether (0/1) row is clear sub rowIsClear { my ($row, $ngram) = @_; return (maxN(@{$row}[$ngram->[0] .. $ngram->[0] + $ngram->[1] - 1]) == -1) ? 1 : 0; } #auxiliary to getAllNgramsHTML() #arguments: number of reference translations matching the n-gram, total number of references #return: HTML color string sub getNgramColorHTML { my ($matches, $total) = @_; if($total == 1) {return $ngramSingleRefColor;} return $ngramMultirefColors[round($matches / $total * (scalar(@ngramMultirefColors) - 1))]; }