#!/bin/bash # # This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General # Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version. # Hackish summarization of weight-scan.pl results, heavily relies on tools by # Ondrej Bojar (bojar@ufal.mff.cuni.cz), some of which need Mercury; beware. function die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; } set -o pipefail # safer pipes refs="$1" dir="$2" [ -d "$dir" ] && [ -e "$refs" ] \ || die "usage: $0 ref-file weight-scan-working-dir" testbleu=$HOME/tools/src/obotools/testbleu projectbleu=$HOME/tools/src/obotools/projectbleu [ -x "$testbleu" ] || die "Can't run $testbleu" [ -x "$projectbleu" ] || die "Can't run $projectbleu" # create exact bleus and put them to bleu.* for f in $dir/out.*; do bleuf=${f//out./bleu.} [ -e "$bleuf" ] \ || $testbleu $refs < $f | pickre --re='BLEU...([0-9.]*)' > $bleuf \ || die "Failed to construct $bleuf" done # create bleu projections from each best* and put them to corresponding pbleu* # first collect all weights lcat $dir/weights.* \ | tr ' ' , \ | pickre --re='weights.([-0-9.]*)' \ | cut -f 1,3 \ | numsort 1 \ > $dir/allweights allwparam=$(cut -f2 $dir/allweights | prefix -- '-w ' | tr '\n' ' ') for f in $dir/best*.*; do pbleuf=$(echo $f | sed 's/best[0-9]*/pbleu/') if [ ! -e "$pbleuf" ] || [ `wc -l < $pbleuf` -ne `wc -l < $dir/allweights` ]; then # need to regenerate the projection $projectbleu $refs $allwparam < $f \ | paste $dir/allweights - \ | cut -f1,3 \ > $pbleuf \ || die "Failed to construct $pbleuf" fi done # summarize bleu projections echo "goal proj/real from was" > $dir/graph.data for f in $dir/bleu.*; do obs=$(echo $f | sed 's/^.*bleu\.//') cat $dir/pbleu.$obs \ | pickre --re='F: ([0-9.]*)' \ | recut 2,1 \ | prefix --tab -- "$obs\tproj" \ >> $dir/graph.data lcat $dir/bleu.$obs \ | pickre --re='bleu\.([-0-9.]*)' \ | prefix --tab -- "$obs\treal" \ | recut 1,2,3,5 \ >> $dir/graph.data done exit 0 ## COMMANDS TO PLOT IT: # plot 'walkable' graph of projections at various points g=weight-scan-tm_2/graph.data; cat $g | skip 1 | grep real | cut -f2- | numsort 2 | sed 's/real/all/' > cliprealall; skip 1 < $g | numsort 1,3 | split_at_colchange 1 | blockwise "(prefix --tab x cliprealall; cat -) | labelledxychart --data=3,4,0,'',linespoints --blockpivot=2" > clip # plot a combination of projections along with the individual projections and # the real scores cat best100.-0.100000 best100.-0.500000 best100.-0.300000 best100.-0.200000 | /home/obo/tools/src/obotools/projectbleu ../tune.ref $allwparam | paste allweights - > comb.-0.5_-0.3_-0.2_-0.1 (lcat pbleu.-0.100000 pbleu.-0.500000 pbleu.-0.300000 pbleu.-0.200000 comb.-0.5_-0.3_-0.2_-0.1 | pickre --re='F: ([0-9.]*)' | recut 2,3,1 ; cat graph.data | skip 1 | grep real | cut -f2- | numsort 2 ) | tee delme | labelledxychart --blockpivot=1 --data=2,3,0,'',linespoints | gpsandbox