#!/usr/bin/env perl # A very simple script that converts fsa format (openfst lattices) to the same # thing represented one sentence per line. It uses '|||' to delimit columns and # ' ' to delimit nodes (i.e. original lines). # Some rudimentary sanity checks are done on the fly. # Ondrej Bojar, bojar@ufal.mff.cuni.cz use strict; my $errs = 0; sub err { my $nr = shift; my $msg = shift; print STDERR "$nr:$msg\n"; $errs++; } my $onr = 0; my @lines = (); sub flush { return if 0 == scalar @lines; print join(" ", @lines); print "\n"; $onr++; @lines = (); } my $nr = 0; my $numscores = undef; while (<>) { chomp; if ($_ eq "") { flush(); next; } my ($a, $b, $label, $scores, $rest) = split /\s+/, $_, 5; err($nr, "The delimiter '|||' can't appear in the input!") if /\|\|\|/; err($nr, "Node id not numeric: $a") if $a !~ /^\d+$/; err($nr, "Node id not numeric: $b") if $b !~ /^\d+$/; err($nr, "Unexpected tail: '$rest'") if defined $rest && $rest !~ /^\s*$/; my $thisnumscores = ($scores =~ tr/,/,/); $numscores = $thisnumscores if !defined $numscores; err($nr, "Incompatible number of arc scores, previous lines had ".($numscores+1).", now ".($thisnumscores+1)) if $numscores != $thisnumscores; push @lines, join("|||", ($a,$b,$label,$scores)); } flush(); exit 1 if $errs;