STDOUT_1=weights_1: 0.135584 0.176868 0.0354955 0.0443988 0.0634676 0.0161211 0.0488261 0.116316 0.0848657 0.0484036 0.0884138 0.0564864 -0.0773292 0.00742456 STDOUT_2=weights_2: 0.138349 0.180475 0.0362194 0.0453043 0.064762 0.0164499 0.0498219 0.118688 0.0865965 0.0493908 0.0698222 0.0576384 -0.0789063 0.00757598 STDOUT_3=weights_3: 0.00389216 0.0607921 0.6852 0.000631749 0.0072098 0.188285 0.02102 0.0100187 0.00187868 0.00206737 0.00700579 0.00555435 0.00506872 0.00137503 STDOUT_4=weights_4: 0.0745991 0.308185 0.0154058 0.143653 0.184321 0.0456072 0.0397659 0.0298751 0.000815734 0.0416407 0.0235421 0.00129081 0.0515681 0.0397297 STDOUT_5=weights_5: 0.0836727 0.135627 0.0602366 0.0263658 0.043897 0.0146552 0.0770568 0.112996 0.0437857 0.0206718 0.133082 0.0821608 -0.101029 -0.0647629 STDOUT_6=weights_6: 0.0662178 0.138211 0.0613841 0.0268681 0.0447332 0.0149344 0.0785247 0.115149 0.0446198 0.0210656 0.135617 0.0837259 -0.102954 -0.0659966 STDOUT_7=weights_7: 0.0662177 0.138211 0.061384 0.0268681 0.0447331 0.0149344 0.0785246 0.115149 0.0446197 0.0210656 0.135617 0.0837258 -0.102954 -0.0659965 STDOUT_8=best_1: 0.379034 STDOUT_9=best_2: 0.405846 STDOUT_10=best_3: 0.396422 STDOUT_11=best_4: 0.398694 STDOUT_12=best_5: 0.408975 STDOUT_13=best_6: 0.410349 STDOUT_14=best_7: 0.410349 STDOUT_15=translation_1: till Tuesday Almeno stable and mostly sunny with rising temperatures , especially the maxima values . STDOUT_16=translation_2: A possible worsening is expected in the second half of the week . STDOUT_17=translation_3: A moist and unstable air will affect the Alpine area in the next days will determine changeable cloudiness , will probably southern sectors , and with light precipitation is expected for the half of the week . STDOUT_18=translation_4: the evening Con today , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains in the afternoon on Friday and snowfalls in the next days 600 m 2000 m . STDOUT_19=translation_5: For the week end clear sky and little cloudiness and temperature lowering minimum temperatures . STDOUT_20=translation_6: till Tuesday Almeno stable and mostly sunny weather with rising temperatures , especially the maxima values . STDOUT_21=translation_7: A Mediteranean worsening is expected on second half of the week . STDOUT_22=translation_8: A moist and temporary flew will affect the Alps in the next days determine cloudy conditions , and scattered southern sectors and with light precipitation for the half of the week . STDOUT_23=translation_9: Con evening today , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains into tll on Friday with snowfalls in the next days 600 m 2000 m . STDOUT_24=translation_10: For the weekend clear or precipitations mostly cloudy with dropping of minimum temperatures . STDOUT_25=translation_11: till Tuesday Almeno stable and mostly sunny weather with rising temperatures , especially the maxima values . STDOUT_26=translation_12: A possible worsening is expected in the second half of the week . STDOUT_27=translation_13: A moist and temporary flow will affect the Alpine area for the next days fostering cloudy conditions , with scattered southern sectors , with light precipitation is expected for the half of the week . STDOUT_28=translation_14: the atmospheric Con evening today , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains into tll on Friday and heavy snowfalls in the next days m 2000 m . STDOUT_29=translation_15: For the weekend higher clear or precipitations rainfall with dropping temperatures nighttime . STDOUT_30=translation_16: till Tuesday Almeno stable and sunny rising temperatures the expecially maxima values . STDOUT_31=translation_17: A possible on worsening is expected second half of the week . STDOUT_32=translation_18: moist and air will affect colder Alpine the next days determining mostly changeable cloudiness more times on southern area , with eastward light precipitation half . STDOUT_33=translation_19: the Con evening Thursday today , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rainfall afternoon rising Friday evening and snowfalls at m conditions till 2000 m . STDOUT_34=translation_20: For the weekend clear or mostly cloudy with little temperature lowering minimum temperatures . STDOUT_35=translation_21: Almeno until Tuesday stable and mostly sunny with temperatures increasing , specially in the maxima maxima . STDOUT_36=translation_22: A possible worsening is expected in the second half of the week . STDOUT_37=translation_23: A moist and more northern cold will affect the Alps in the next days will determine changeable cloudiness , and southern sectors times , and with light precipitation towards Wednesday . STDOUT_38=translation_24: Con today evening , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains into clearing on Friday and snowfalls temporary below of m 2000 m . STDOUT_39=translation_25: For the weekend clear sky sunny or cloudy with dropping in minimum temperatures . STDOUT_40=translation_26: till Tuesday Almeno stable and mostly sunny weather with rising temperatures , especially in maxima values . STDOUT_41=translation_27: A possible worsening is expected in the second half of the week . STDOUT_42=translation_28: A moist and temporary flow will affect the Alps in the next days determining mostly changeable cloudiness , and scattered southern sectors , with light precipitation towards the half of next week . STDOUT_43=translation_29: Con today evening , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains into clearing on Friday and snowfalls to 600 of m 2000 m . STDOUT_44=translation_30: For the weekend clear or clear sky cloudy with temperature lowering minimum temperatures . STDOUT_45=translation_31: till Tuesday Almeno stable and mostly sunny weather with rising temperatures , especially in maxima values . STDOUT_46=translation_32: A possible worsening is expected in the second half of the week . STDOUT_47=translation_33: A moist and temporary flow will affect the Alpine area for the next days will determine changeable cloudiness , will probably southern sectors , and with light precipitation is expected for the half of the week . STDOUT_48=translation_34: Con evening today , Thursday , a disturbance is expected , bringing widespread rains into clearing on Friday and snowfalls to 600 of m 2000 m . STDOUT_49=translation_35: For the weekend clear or clear sky cloudy with dropping of minimum temperatures . TOTAL_WALLTIME ~ 26