#Anything in this file, followed by a period (and an upper-case word), does NOT indicate an end-of-sentence marker. #Special cases are included for prefixes that ONLY appear before 0-9 numbers. #any single upper case letter followed by a period is not a sentence ender (excluding I occasionally, but we leave it in) #usually upper case letters are initials in a name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Á É Í Ó Ö Ő Ú Ü Ű #List of titles. These are often followed by upper-case names, but do not indicate sentence breaks Dr dr kb Kb vö Vö pl Pl ca Ca min Min max Max ún Ún prof Prof de De du Du Szt St #Numbers only. These should only induce breaks when followed by a numeric sequence # add NUMERIC_ONLY after the word for this function #This case is mostly for the english "No." which can either be a sentence of its own, or #if followed by a number, a non-breaking prefix # Month name abbreviations jan #NUMERIC_ONLY# Jan #NUMERIC_ONLY# Feb #NUMERIC_ONLY# feb #NUMERIC_ONLY# márc #NUMERIC_ONLY# Márc #NUMERIC_ONLY# ápr #NUMERIC_ONLY# Ápr #NUMERIC_ONLY# máj #NUMERIC_ONLY# Máj #NUMERIC_ONLY# jún #NUMERIC_ONLY# Jún #NUMERIC_ONLY# Júl #NUMERIC_ONLY# júl #NUMERIC_ONLY# aug #NUMERIC_ONLY# Aug #NUMERIC_ONLY# Szept #NUMERIC_ONLY# szept #NUMERIC_ONLY# okt #NUMERIC_ONLY# Okt #NUMERIC_ONLY# nov #NUMERIC_ONLY# Nov #NUMERIC_ONLY# dec #NUMERIC_ONLY# Dec #NUMERIC_ONLY# # Other abbreviations tel #NUMERIC_ONLY# Tel #NUMERIC_ONLY# Fax #NUMERIC_ONLY# fax #NUMERIC_ONLY#