#Anything in this file, followed by a period (and an upper-case word), does NOT indicate an end-of-sentence marker. #Special cases are included for prefixes that ONLY appear before 0-9 numbers. #Sources: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lijst_van_afkortingen # http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aanspreekvorm # http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titulatuur_in_het_Nederlands_hoger_onderwijs #any single upper case letter followed by a period is not a sentence ender (excluding I occasionally, but we leave it in) #usually upper case letters are initials in a name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #List of titles. These are often followed by upper-case names, but do not indicate sentence breaks bacc bc bgen c.i dhr dr dr.h.c drs drs ds eint fa Fa fam gen genm ing ir jhr jkvr jr kand kol lgen lkol Lt maj Mej mevr Mme mr mr Mw o.b.s plv prof ritm tint Vz Z.D Z.D.H Z.E Z.Em Z.H Z.K.H Z.K.M Z.M z.v #misc - odd period-ending items that NEVER indicate breaks (p.m. does NOT fall into this category - it sometimes ends a sentence) #we seem to have a lot of these in dutch i.e.: i.p.v - in plaats van (in stead of) never ends a sentence a.g.v bijv bijz bv d.w.z e.c e.g e.k ev i.p.v i.s.m i.t.t i.v.m m.a.w m.b.t m.b.v m.h.o m.i m.i.v v.w.t #Numbers only. These should only induce breaks when followed by a numeric sequence # add NUMERIC_ONLY after the word for this function #This case is mostly for the english "No." which can either be a sentence of its own, or #if followed by a number, a non-breaking prefix Nr #NUMERIC_ONLY# Nrs nrs nr #NUMERIC_ONLY#