// $Id$ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cmd.h" using namespace std; #define MAX_WORD 10000 // maximum lengthsource/target strings #define MAX_M 400 // maximum length of source strings #define MAX_N 400 // maximum length of target strings #define UNION 1 #define INTERSECT 2 #define GROW 3 #define SRCTOTGT 4 #define TGTTOSRC 5 #define BOOL_YES 1 #define BOOL_NO 0 #define END_ENUM { (char*)0, 0 } static Enum_T AlignEnum [] = { { "union", UNION }, { "u", UNION }, { "intersect", INTERSECT}, { "i", INTERSECT}, { "grow", GROW }, { "g", GROW }, { "srctotgt", SRCTOTGT }, { "s2t", SRCTOTGT }, { "tgttosrc", TGTTOSRC }, { "t2s", TGTTOSRC }, END_ENUM }; static Enum_T BoolEnum [] = { { "true", BOOL_YES }, { "yes", BOOL_YES }, { "y", BOOL_YES }, { "false", BOOL_NO }, { "no", BOOL_NO }, { "n", BOOL_NO }, END_ENUM }; // global variables and constants int* fa; //counters of covered foreign positions int* ea; //counters of covered english positions int** A; //alignment matrix with information symmetric/direct/inverse alignments int verbose=0; //read an alignment pair from the input stream. int lc = 0; int getals(fstream& inp,int& m, int *a,int& n, int *b) { char w[MAX_WORD], dummy[10]; int i,j,freq; if (inp >> freq) { ++lc; //target sentence inp >> n; assert(n> setw(MAX_WORD) >> w; if (strlen(w)>=MAX_WORD-1) { cerr << lc << ": target len=" << strlen(w) << " is not less than MAX_WORD-1=" << MAX_WORD-1 << endl; assert(strlen(w)> dummy; //# separator // inverse alignment for (i=1; i<=n; i++) inp >> b[i]; //source sentence inp >> m; assert(m> setw(MAX_WORD) >> w; if (strlen(w)>=MAX_WORD-1) { cerr << lc << ": source len=" << strlen(w) << " is not less than MAX_WORD-1=" << MAX_WORD-1 << endl; assert(strlen(w)> dummy; //# separator // direct alignment for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { inp >> a[j]; assert(0<=a[j] && a[j]<=n); } //check inverse alignemnt for (i=1; i<=n; i++) assert(0<=b[i] && b[i]<=m); return 1; } else return 0; }; //compute union alignment int prunionalignment(fstream& out,int m,int *a,int n,int* b) { ostringstream sout; for (int j=1; j<=m; j++) if (a[j]) sout << j-1 << "-" << a[j]-1 << " "; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) if (b[i] && a[b[i]]!=i) sout << b[i]-1 << "-" << i-1 << " "; //fix the last " " string str = sout.str(); if (str.length() == 0) str = "\n"; else str.replace(str.length()-1,1,"\n"); out << str; out.flush(); return 1; } //Compute intersection alignment int printersect(fstream& out,int m,int *a,int n,int* b) { ostringstream sout; for (int j=1; j<=m; j++) if (a[j] && b[a[j]]==j) sout << j-1 << "-" << a[j]-1 << " "; //fix the last " " string str = sout.str(); if (str.length() == 0) str = "\n"; else str.replace(str.length()-1,1,"\n"); out << str; out.flush(); return 1; } //Compute target-to-source alignment int printtgttosrc(fstream& out,int m,int *a,int n,int* b) { ostringstream sout; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) if (b[i]) sout << b[i]-1 << "-" << i-1 << " "; //fix the last " " string str = sout.str(); if (str.length() == 0) str = "\n"; else str.replace(str.length()-1,1,"\n"); out << str; out.flush(); return 1; } //Compute source-to-target alignment int printsrctotgt(fstream& out,int m,int *a,int n,int* b) { ostringstream sout; for (int j=1; j<=m; j++) if (a[j]) sout << j-1 << "-" << a[j]-1 << " "; //fix the last " " string str = sout.str(); if (str.length() == 0) str = "\n"; else str.replace(str.length()-1,1,"\n"); out << str; out.flush(); return 1; } //Compute Grow Diagonal Alignment //Nice property: you will never introduce more points //than the unionalignment alignemt. Hence, you will always be able //to represent the grow alignment as the unionalignment of a //directed and inverted alignment int printgrow(fstream& out,int m,int *a,int n,int* b, bool diagonal=false,bool final=false,bool bothuncovered=false) { ostringstream sout; vector > neighbors; //neighbors pair entry; neighbors.push_back(make_pair(-1,-0)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(0,-1)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(1,0)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(0,1)); if (diagonal) { neighbors.push_back(make_pair(-1,-1)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(-1,1)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(1,-1)); neighbors.push_back(make_pair(1,1)); } int i,j,o; //covered foreign and english positions memset(fa,0,(m+1)*sizeof(int)); memset(ea,0,(n+1)*sizeof(int)); //matrix to quickly check if one point is in the symmetric //alignment (value=2), direct alignment (=1) and inverse alignment for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) memset(A[i],0,(m+1)*sizeof(int)); set > currentpoints; //symmetric alignment set > unionalignment; //union alignment pair point; //variable to store points set >::const_iterator k; //iterator over sets //fill in the alignments for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { if (a[j]) { unionalignment.insert(make_pair(a[j],j)); if (b[a[j]]==j) { fa[j]=1; ea[a[j]]=1; A[a[j]][j]=2; currentpoints.insert(make_pair(a[j],j)); } else A[a[j]][j]=-1; } } for (i=1; i<=n; i++) if (b[i] && a[b[i]]!=i) { //not intersection unionalignment.insert(make_pair(i,b[i])); A[i][b[i]]=1; } int added=1; while (added) { added=0; ///scan the current alignment for (k=currentpoints.begin(); k!=currentpoints.end(); k++) { //cout << "{"<< (k->second)-1 << "-" << (k->first)-1 << "}"; for (o=0; ofirst+neighbors[o].first; point.second=k->second+neighbors[o].second; //cout << point.second-1 << " " << point.first-1 << "\n"; //check if neighbor is inside 'matrix' if (point.first>0 && point.first <=n && point.second>0 && point.second<=m) //check if neighbor is in the unionalignment alignment if (b[point.first]==point.second || a[point.second]==point.first) { //cout << "In unionalignment ";cout.flush(); //check if it connects at least one uncovered word if (!(ea[point.first] && fa[point.second])) { //insert point in currentpoints! currentpoints.insert(point); A[point.first][point.second]=2; ea[point.first]=1; fa[point.second]=1; added=1; //cout << "added grow: " << point.second-1 << "-" << point.first-1 << "\n";cout.flush(); } } } } } if (final) { for (k=unionalignment.begin(); k!=unionalignment.end(); k++) if (A[k->first][k->second]==1) { point.first=k->first; point.second=k->second; //one of the two words is not covered yet //cout << "{" << point.second-1 << "-" << point.first-1 << "} "; if ((bothuncovered && !ea[point.first] && !fa[point.second]) || (!bothuncovered && !(ea[point.first] && fa[point.second]))) { //add it! currentpoints.insert(point); A[point.first][point.second]=2; //keep track of new covered positions ea[point.first]=1; fa[point.second]=1; //added=1; //cout << "added final: " << point.second-1 << "-" << point.first-1 << "\n"; } } for (k=unionalignment.begin(); k!=unionalignment.end(); k++) if (A[k->first][k->second]==-1) { point.first=k->first; point.second=k->second; //one of the two words is not covered yet //cout << "{" << point.second-1 << "-" << point.first-1 << "} "; if ((bothuncovered && !ea[point.first] && !fa[point.second]) || (!bothuncovered && !(ea[point.first] && fa[point.second]))) { //add it! currentpoints.insert(point); A[point.first][point.second]=2; //keep track of new covered positions ea[point.first]=1; fa[point.second]=1; //added=1; //cout << "added final: " << point.second-1 << "-" << point.first-1 << "\n"; } } } for (k=currentpoints.begin(); k!=currentpoints.end(); k++) sout << k->second-1 << "-" << k->first-1 << " "; //fix the last " " string str = sout.str(); if (str.length() == 0) str = "\n"; else str.replace(str.length()-1,1,"\n"); out << str; out.flush(); return 1; return 1; } //Main file here int main(int argc, char** argv) { int alignment=0; char* input="/dev/stdin"; char* output="/dev/stdout"; int diagonal=false; int final=false; int bothuncovered=false; DeclareParams("a", CMDENUMTYPE, &alignment, AlignEnum, "alignment", CMDENUMTYPE, &alignment, AlignEnum, "d", CMDENUMTYPE, &diagonal, BoolEnum, "diagonal", CMDENUMTYPE, &diagonal, BoolEnum, "f", CMDENUMTYPE, &final, BoolEnum, "final", CMDENUMTYPE, &final, BoolEnum, "b", CMDENUMTYPE, &bothuncovered, BoolEnum, "both", CMDENUMTYPE, &bothuncovered, BoolEnum, "i", CMDSTRINGTYPE, &input, "o", CMDSTRINGTYPE, &output, "v", CMDENUMTYPE, &verbose, BoolEnum, "verbose", CMDENUMTYPE, &verbose, BoolEnum, (char *)NULL); GetParams(&argc, &argv, (char*) NULL); if (alignment==0) { cerr << "usage: symal [-i=] [-o=] -a=[u|i|g] -d=[yes|no] -b=[yes|no] -f=[yes|no] \n" << "Input file or std must be in .bal format (see script giza2bal.pl).\n"; exit(1); } fstream inp(input,ios::in); fstream out(output,ios::out); if (!inp.is_open()) { cerr << "cannot open " << input << "\n"; exit(1); } if (!out.is_open()) { cerr << "cannot open " << output << "\n"; exit(1); } int a[MAX_M],b[MAX_N],m,n; fa=new int[MAX_M+1]; ea=new int[MAX_N+1]; int sents = 0; A=new int *[MAX_N+1]; for (int i=1; i<=MAX_N; i++) A[i]=new int[MAX_M+1]; switch (alignment) { case UNION: cerr << "symal: computing union alignment\n"; while(getals(inp,m,a,n,b)) { prunionalignment(out,m,a,n,b); sents++; } cerr << "Sents: " << sents << endl; break; case INTERSECT: cerr << "symal: computing intersect alignment\n"; while(getals(inp,m,a,n,b)) { printersect(out,m,a,n,b); sents++; } cerr << "Sents: " << sents << endl; break; case GROW: cerr << "symal: computing grow alignment: diagonal (" << diagonal << ") final ("<< final << ")" << "both-uncovered (" << bothuncovered <<")\n"; while(getals(inp,m,a,n,b)) printgrow(out,m,a,n,b,diagonal,final,bothuncovered); break; case TGTTOSRC: cerr << "symal: computing target-to-source alignment\n"; while(getals(inp,m,a,n,b)) { printtgttosrc(out,m,a,n,b); sents++; } cerr << "Sents: " << sents << endl; break; case SRCTOTGT: cerr << "symal: computing source-to-target alignment\n"; while(getals(inp,m,a,n,b)) { printsrctotgt(out,m,a,n,b); sents++; } cerr << "Sents: " << sents << endl; break; default: exit(1); } delete [] fa; delete [] ea; for (int i=1; i<=MAX_N; i++) delete [] A[i]; delete [] A; exit(0); }