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github.com/moses-smt/vowpal_wabbit.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.windows.txt')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.windows.txt b/README.windows.txt
index 8c158777..4d3cf25e 100644
--- a/README.windows.txt
+++ b/README.windows.txt
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ You need Visual Studio 2010
(k) Run "b2 --prefix=c:\boost\x86 --build-dir=x86 --toolset=msvc install --with-program_options" (I add " -j 16" to the end to run up to 16 procs at once.)
(l) Run "b2 --prefix=c:\boost\x64 --build-dir=x64 --toolset=msvc address-model=64 install --with-program_options"
-f you have multiple Visual Studios installed (vs2012 and vs2010) explicitly specify the toolset version
+if you have multiple Visual Studios installed (vs2012 and vs2010) explicitly specify the toolset version
@@ -142,3 +142,217 @@ ns)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+Notes for building VW under Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1
+Nick Nussbaum nickn@seanet.com
+(1) Get Tools
+You'll need a Visual Studio 2013 installed that includes c# and c++
+You'll also need the Windows SDK which you can download from Microsoft at
+ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891.aspx
+Several patches are needed for boost and zlib to make them compile.
+There also some changes to vowpal wabbit Details are at the last section of this file
+If you're going to use the patches I've made it's handy to have a bash shell to run patch
+You can use a git bash shell fron the https://windows.github.com/ if you don't have it already.
+Or you can just edit the changes using notepad to read the files. Git Patching seemed to have some problems with the files.
+(2) make various command shells
+ (a) Open an x86 command shell: run the Visual Studio 2013 Tools / VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
+ or run: cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
+ (b) Open an x64 command shell: run the Visual Studio 2013 Tools / VS2013 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt
+ or run: cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
+ (c) Open the Git bash shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
+ or some other bash shell
+(3) Setup Directories
+To avoid conflicts with other projects using older version of boost I use a new directory for boost inside the project
+If you want to use c:\boost then you'll have to modify the proj files to change the boost variable definitions.
+I reccommend waiting untill there is an unpatched tested boost version that works
+I use c:\src\vw as my %ROOT% directory; You could use another directory
+boost, vowpal_wabbit, and zlib-1.2.8 are directories inside that directory
+ (a) mkdir c:\src
+ (b) mkdir c:\src\vw
+ (d) mkdir c:\src\vw\boost
+ (d) mkdir c:\src\vw\zlib-1.2.8
+(4) Get Vowpal Wabbit
+ (a) In a command chell to %ROOT% : "cd c:\src\vw"
+ (b) run "git clone https://github.com/JohnLangford/vowpal_wabbit.git"
+ details of the changes are in bottom of this file.
+(5) Build Zlib with Visual Studio 2013
+ (a)Get the zlib 1.28.0 file from http://zlib.net/zlib128.zip
+ (b) unzip zlib-1.2.8.zip into the c:\src\vw\zlib-1.2.8
+ use contrib/vstudio/vc11 since there is no contrib/vstudio/vc12 as yet
+ (c) from a bash shell cd /c/src/vw
+ patch --dry-run -po --directory=zlib-1.2.8 --input=../vowpal_wabbit/zlibpatch.txt
+ check output looks good then
+ patch -po --directory=zlib-1.2.8 --input=../vowpal_wabbit/zlibpatch.txt
+ (d) Build the zlib libararies using by either of
+ Launch Visual Studio 2013
+ Open the solution %ROOT%/zlib-1.2.8\contrib\vstudio\vc11\zlibvc.sln
+ Batch build the configurations you want of x86 and x64 debut and release
+ (e) or from your Visual Studio Command shell run the following four commands (can skip the last two if you only want 32bit binaries)
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=Win32 zlibstat.vcxproj"
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 zlibvc.vcxproj"
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 zlibstat.vcxproj"
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=x64 zlibstat.vcxproj"
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 zlibvc.vcxproj"
+ "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 zlibstat.vcxproj"
+ Ignore the warnings about Platform 'Itanium' referenced in the project file since Itanium is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2013
+(6) Building Boost
+ (a) Download boost_1_55_0.zip from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.50.0/
+ (b) Unzip to %ROOT%/boost_1_55_0
+ (c) Rename %ROOT%/boost_1_55_0 to %ROOT%/boost e.g. c:\src\vw\boost\
+ (d) go to a git bash shell
+ (e)cd /c/src/vw
+ (f) patch --dry-run -po --directory=boost --input=../vowpal_wabbit/boostpatch.txt
+ check output looks good then
+ (g) patch -po --directory=boost --input=../vowpal_wabbit/boostpatch.txt
+ (h) go to the x86 Windows command shell
+ (i) cd c:\src\vw\boost
+ (j) Run "mkdir x64"
+ (k) run "bootstrap.bat"
+ (j) bootstrap.bat
+ (k) Run "b2 --prefix=c:\src\vw\boost\x86 --build-dir=x86 --toolset=msvc-12.0 install --with-program_options" (You can add " -j 16" to the end to run up to 16 procs at once.)
+ (l)go to x64 Windows command shell
+ (m) cd c:\src\vw\boost
+ (n) Run "mkdir x64"
+ (o) cd c:\src\vw\boost
+ (p) bootstrap.bat
+ (q) Run "b2 --prefix=c:\src\vw\boost\x64 --build-dir=x64 --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=64 install --with-program_options"
+(7) Build Vowpal Wabbit
+ Open %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw.sln in Visual Studio 2010 and run rebuild or batch build
+ Binaries will be in one of these four directories, based on whether you built DEBUG or RELEASE bits and whether you are building x64 or Win32.
+ %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\Debug\vw.exe
+ %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\Release\vw.exe
+ %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x64\Debug\vw.exe
+ %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x64\Release\vw.exe
+(8) Test
+ There's a new test batch file that runs a quick test on all four configutations
+ (a) go to a windows command shell
+ (a) cd c:\src\vw\test
+ (b) run test\test_2_winvw.bat
+(9) Appendix The Gory Details of the patches and VW upgrades
+(a) misc files
+ adds this content to Windows.ReadMee
+ adds the file vowpal_wabbit\boostpatch.txt
+ adds the file vowpal_wabbit\zlibpatch.txt
+ adds the file test\test_2_winvw.bat a simple test of x86 and x64 training and prediction
+(b) Changes to Zlib
+This Zlib patch includes the following fixes;
+Convert to VS2013 solution
+The fix in the prior section to correctly use DLL versions of the runtime for 32bit platforms
+Changes to use only two fields in zlibvc.def VERSTION
+- VERSION 1.2.8
++ VERSION 1.28
+since otherwise the compiler will complain about more than 2 fields and ignore them.
+add /safeseh to the x86 assembler so Visual Studio will not generate an error "unable to generate SAFESSH image"
+This is not need for x64 since it happens by default
+In the properties sheet for zlibvc
+The pre build command line for x64 release should be fixed
+-cd ..\..\contrib\masmx64
++cd ..\..\masmx64
+ Code generation: Runtime Library for windows release set to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) not /MT for zlibvc and zlibstat
+Otherwise VS13 will complain about multiple runtime specifications.
+(c) Changes to Boost
+ It deals with serialization compilation problems based on
+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010/2641513#2641513
+ Include file changes.
+ Some other errors as described in https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/1499 fix
+ All the projects (except MPI and Python which I don't have installed) seem to compile.
+ There has been no testing except for the program options module which is used in Vowpal Wabbit
+(d) Changes to VowpalWabbit
+ changes vw projects and soluations to run under VS2013 rather than Visual Studio 2012
+ change vw projects to define $(BoostIncludeDir) ..\..\boost\x64\include\boost-1_55 and ..\..\boost\x86\include\boost-1_55<
+ change vw projects to define $(BoostLibDir) ..\..\boost\x64\include\boost-1_55 and ..\..\boost\x86\include\boost-1_55
+ vowpalwabbit/vw_static.vcxproj
+ Define $(IncludePath)
+ change $(ZlibDir) to use \contrib\vstudio\vc11 rather than vc10
+ change x64 version DebugInformationFormat to use "ProgramDatabase" and not the invalid "EditAndContinue"
+ change IntermediateFolderPath to include ProjectName so two projects aren't trying to build in the same folder
+ add searn_multiclasstask.cc to the project
+ change include path to all use macros $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath)
+ change additional dependencies to use $(SolutionDir)$(PlatformShortName)\$(Configuration)\vw_static.lib
+ adds a reference to the WindowsSDKDir Include\um
+ change vw_static properties for debug 64bit to /Zi from /Zl to shut up some warnings.
+ change the vw and static_vw to use n intermediate directoryies that appends the $(ProjectName).
+ this avoid various conflicts and warnings caused by dumping into the same directory.
+ change link build copies to use PlatformShortName rather than PlatformName to avoid Win32 in favor of x86
+ vowpalwabbit/vw.sln
+ change configurations to use Debug|x86 from Debug|AnyCpu
+ c_test/c_test.vcxproj
+ change to VS 12
+ change configurations to use Debug|x86 from Debug|AnyCpu
+ change cs_test to use x86 and x64 rather than anycpue