Building VW on Windows Originally by Chris Quirk ************************************************************************************************************** Notes for building VW under Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1 9/02/2014 Nick Nussbaum ************************************************************************************************************** (1) Get Tools You'll need a Visual Studio 2013 installed that includes c# and c++ You'll also need the Windows SDK which you can download from Microsoft at There's a patch for zlib to make it work. There also some changes to Vowpal Wabbit in this commit. Details are at the last section of this file It's handy to have a bash shell to run git You can use a git bash shell fron the if you don't have it already. Or you can just edit the changes using notepad to read the files. There are end of line problems with patching with git patch. I used the GnuWin32 patch package binaries from which will run in a dos batch file. This seems to be able to deal with patching without damaging the windows pairs. ************************************************************************************************************** (2) open a copy various command shells (a) Open an x86 command shell: run the Visual Studio 2013 Tools / VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt or cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 (b) Open an x64 command shell: run the Visual Studio 2013 Tools / VS2013 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt or cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 (c) Open the Git bash shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i or some other bash shell ************************************************************************************************************** (3) Setup Directories I use c:\src\vw as my %ROOT% directory; You could use another directory boost, vowpal_wabbit, and zlib-1.2.8 are directories inside that directory (a) mkdir c:\src (b) mkdir c:\src\vw ************************************************************************************************************** (4) Get Vowpal Wabbit (a) In a command shell to %ROOT% : "cd c:\src\vw" (b) run "git clone" details of the changes are in bottom of this file. ************************************************************************************************************** (5) Build zlib with Visual Studio 2013 The patched version of the sources for zlib are up on They can also be made as follows. (a)Get the zlib 1.28.0 file from (b) unzip into the c:\src\vw\zlib-1.2.8 use contrib/vstudio/vc11 since there is no contrib/vstudio/vc12 as yet (c)Get the GnuWin32 Patch Utility patch.exe and simply put it in the c:\src\vw (d)Unzip the file and place the contained zlibpatch.txt file in vowpa_wabbit (e) From a dos command shell run as administrator patch --dry-run -p0 --directory=zlib-1.2.8 --input=../vowpal_wabbit/zlibpatch.txt -F3 check output messages looks good then patch -p0 --directory=zlib-1.2.8 --input=../vowpal_wabbit/zlibpatch.txt -F3 From the patched sources build the zlib libararies by either of the following steps. Launch Visual Studio 2013 Open the solution %ROOT%/zlib-1.2.8\contrib\vstudio\vc11\zlibvc.sln Batch build the configurations you want of x86 and x64 debut and release or from your Visual Studio Command shell cd c:\src\vw\zlib-1.2.0\contrib\vstudio\vc11 run the following commands (can skip the last four if you only want 32bit binaries) "msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=Win32 zlibstat.vcxproj" "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 zlibvc.vcxproj" "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Win32 zlibstat.vcxproj" "msbuild /p:Configuration=Debug;Platform=x64 zlibstat.vcxproj" "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 zlibvc.vcxproj" "msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 zlibstat.vcxproj" Ignore the warnings about Platform 'Itanium' referenced in the project file since Itanium is no longer supported ************************************************************************************************************** (6) Building Boost I build boost in c:\boost with the sources in a subdirectory If you use another directory modify the vw solution and project macro definitions for BoostIncludeDir and BoostLibDir Get boost from open a Windows command shell (a) mkdir c:\boost (b) Download from (c) Unzip it which creates the directory boost_1_56_0 (d) mkdir c:\boost\x86 (e) mkdir c:\boost\x64 build the x86 binaries (f)"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat x86" (g) mkdir c:\boost\x86 (h) cd c:\boost\boost_1_56_0 (i) "bootstrap.bat" (j) "b2 --prefix=c:\boost\x86 --build-dir=x86 --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=32 install --with-program_options" (You can add " -j 16" to the end to run up to 16 processors at once.) build the x64 binaries (k) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64" (l) mkdir c:\boost\x64 (m) cd c:\boost\boost_1_56_0 (n) "bootstrap.bat" (o) ".\b2 --prefix=c:\boost\x64 --build-dir=x64 --toolset=msvc-12.0 address-model=64 install --with-program_options" ************************************************************************************************************** (7) Build Vowpal Wabbit Open %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\vw.sln in Visual Studio 2013 Set startup project as vw (or the test project) run build>rebuild solution or run batch build Binaries will be in one of these four directories, based on whether you built DEBUG or RELEASE bits and whether you are building x64 or Win32. %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x86\Debug\vw.exe %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x86\Release\vw.exe %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x64\Debug\vw.exe %ROOT%\vowpal_wabbit\vowpalwabbit\x64\Release\vw.exe ************************************************************************************************************** (8) Test There's a new test batch file that runs a quick test on all four configurations (a) go to a windows command shell (a) cd c:\src\vw\test (b) run test\test_2_winvw.bat ************************************************************************************************************** (9) Appendix: The Gory Details of the patch and VW upgrades (a) misc files adds this content to this file ReadMe.Windows.txt adds the file vowpal_wabbit\zlibpatch.txt a patch for xlib adds the file test\test_2_winvw.bat a simple test of x86 and x64 training and prediction (b) Changes to Zlib This Zlib patch includes the following fixes; Convert to Visual Studio 2013 solution The fix in the prior section to correctly use DLL versions of the runtime for 32bit platforms Changes to use only two fields in zlibvc.def VERSTION - VERSION 1.2.8 + VERSION 1.28 since otherwise the compiler will complain about more than 2 fields and ignore them. add /safeseh to the x86 assembler so Visual Studio will not generate an error "unable to generate SAFESSH image" This is not need for x64 since it happens by default In the properties sheet for zlibvc The pre build command line for x64 release should be fixed -cd ..\..\contrib\masmx64 +cd ..\..\masmx64 Code generation: Runtime Library for windows release set to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD) not /MT for zlibvc and zlibstat Otherwise VS13 will complain about multiple runtime specification while trying to autolink (c) Change to Boost 1.56.0 (d) Changes to VowpalWabbit changes vw projects and solutions to run under Visual Studio 2013 rather than Visual Studio 2012 change vw projects to redefine $(BoostIncludeDir) to refer to Boost 1.56.0 change vw projects to define $(BoostLibDir) to refer to Boost 1.56.0 vowpalwabbit/vw_static.vcxproj Define $(IncludePath) change $(ZlibDir) to use \contrib\vstudio\vc11 rather than vc10 change x64 version DebugInformationFormat to use "ProgramDatabase" and not the invalid "EditAndContinue" change IntermediateFolderPath to include ProjectName so two projects aren't trying to build in the same folder add to the project change include path to all use macros $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath) change additional dependencies to use $(SolutionDir)$(PlatformShortName)\$(Configuration)\vw_static.lib adds a reference to the WindowsSDKDir Include\um change vw_static properties for debug 64bit to /Zi from /Zl to shut up some warnings. change the vw and static_vw to use n intermediate directories that appends the $(ProjectName). this avoid various conflicts and warnings caused by dumping into the same directory. change link build copies to use PlatformShortName rather than PlatformName to use x86 rather than Win32 Change the anycpu confuuration for problems with cs_test vowpalwabbit/vw.sln change configurations to use Debug|x86 from Debug|AnyCpu c_test/c_test.vcxproj change to VS 12 change configurations to use Debug|x86 from Debug|AnyCpu change cs_test to use x86 and x64 rather than anycpu change test file specs to reference the .../../... test directory