This is the Splice Site recognition dataset from the 2008 Pascal Large Scale Learning Challenge ( === WARNINGS === * you need a beefy machine to comfortably run these demos 4 cores or more SSD or lots of RAM because the demo is I/O bound * the demos are intolerably slow under cygwin (pipes do not work well) === INSTRUCTIONS === * make dna.perf downloads the dna dataset, trains a 4-gram logistic regression in parallel on 4 cores and computes test set statistics disk space requirements: about 3 gigabytes training time requirements: about 7 cores for about 15 minutes ultimately I/O bound: bzcat is the limiting factor memory requirements: less than 512 megabytes results in APR of 0.512 * make dnann.perf as above but with additionally 4 neural network nodes slower (by circa 60 seconds) but better results in APR of 0.522 * make dnasmash.perf as above but builds a better model uses 10 iteratons of parallel sgd with 4 neural network nodes disk space requirements: about 10 gigabytes additional 7 gigabytes of vw cache on top of original data training time requirements: 16 minutes to build cache over first (ever) pass subsequently, 6 minute per pass if you have SSD or enough RAM cache 10 passes = 60 minutes (x 6 cores) results in APR of 0.545