/* Copyright (c) 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed under the BSD (revised) open source license */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace po = boost::program_options; #include "parser.h" #include "parse_example.h" #include "cache.h" #include "gd.h" #include "multisource.h" #include "comp_io.h" #include "unique_sort.h" #include "constant.h" parser* new_parser(const label_parser* lp) { parser* ret = (parser*) calloc(1,sizeof(parser)); ret->lp = lp; ret->input = new io_buf; ret->output = new io_buf; return ret; } void set_compressed(parser* par){ finalize_source(par); par->input = new comp_io_buf; par->output = new comp_io_buf; } size_t cache_numbits(io_buf* buf, int filepointer) { size_t v_length; buf->read_file(filepointer, (char*)&v_length, sizeof(v_length)); char t[v_length]; buf->read_file(filepointer,t,v_length); if (strcmp(t,version.c_str()) != 0) { cout << "cache has possibly incompatible version, rebuilding" << endl; return 0; } int total = sizeof(size_t); char* p[total]; if (buf->read_file(filepointer, p, total) < total) return true; size_t cache_numbits = *(size_t *)p; return cache_numbits; } bool member(v_array fd_ids, int fd) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fd_ids.index(); i++) if (fd_ids[i].fd == fd) return true; return false; } void reset_source(size_t numbits, parser* p) { io_buf* input = p->input; input->current = 0; if (p->write_cache) { p->output->flush(); p->write_cache = false; p->output->close_file(); rename(p->output->currentname.begin, p->output->finalname.begin); while(input->files.index() > 0) { int fd = input->files.pop(); if (!member(global.final_prediction_sink,fd)) close(fd); } input->open_file(p->output->finalname.begin,io_buf::READ); //pushing is merged into open_file p->reader = read_cached_features; } if ( p->resettable == true ){ for (size_t i = 0; i < input->files.index();i++) { input->reset_file(input->files[i]); if (cache_numbits(input, input->files[i]) < numbits) { cerr << "argh, a bug in caching of some sort! Exiting\n" ; exit(1); } } } } void finalize_source(parser* p) { p->input->close_files(); delete p->input; p->output->close_files(); delete p->output; } void make_write_cache(size_t numbits, parser* par, string &newname, bool quiet) { io_buf* output = par->output; if (output->files.index() != 0){ cerr << "Warning: you tried to make two write caches. Only the first one will be made." << endl; return; } string temp = newname+string(".writing"); push_many(output->currentname,temp.c_str(),temp.length()+1); int f = output->open_file(temp.c_str(), io_buf::WRITE); if (f == -1) { cerr << "can't create cache file !" << endl; return; } size_t v_length = version.length()+1; output->write_file(f, &v_length, sizeof(size_t)); output->write_file(f,version.c_str(),v_length); output->write_file(f, &numbits, sizeof(size_t)); push_many(output->finalname,newname.c_str(),newname.length()+1); par->write_cache = true; if (!quiet) cerr << "creating cache_file = " << newname << endl; } void parse_cache(po::variables_map &vm, string source, parser* par, bool quiet) { vector caches; if (vm.count("cache_file")) caches = vm["cache_file"].as< vector >(); if (vm.count("cache")) caches.push_back(source+string(".cache")); par->write_cache = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < caches.size(); i++) { int f = par->input->open_file(caches[i].c_str(),io_buf::READ); if (f == -1) make_write_cache(global.num_bits, par, caches[i], quiet); else { size_t c = cache_numbits(par->input, f); if (global.default_bits) global.num_bits = c; if (c < global.num_bits) { par->input->close_file(); make_write_cache(global.num_bits, par, caches[i], quiet); } else { if (!quiet) cerr << "using cache_file = " << caches[i].c_str() << endl; par->reader = read_cached_features; if (c == global.num_bits) par->sorted_cache = true; else par->sorted_cache = false; par->resettable = true; } } } global.mask = (1 << global.num_bits) - 1; if (caches.size() == 0) { if (!quiet) cerr << "using no cache" << endl; reserve(par->output->space,0); } } bool member(v_array ids, size_t id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ids.index(); i++) if (ids[i] == id) return true; return false; } void parse_source_args(po::variables_map& vm, parser* par, bool quiet, size_t passes) { par->input->current = 0; parse_cache(vm, vm["data"].as(), par, quiet); string hash_function("strings"); if(vm.count("hash")) hash_function = vm["hash"].as(); if (vm.count("daemon") || vm.count("multisource")) { int sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { cerr << "can't open socket!" << endl; exit(1); } int on = 1; if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char*)&on, sizeof(on)) < 0) perror("setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR"); sockaddr_in address; address.sin_family = AF_INET; address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); short unsigned int port = 39524; if (vm.count("port")) port = vm["port"].as(); address.sin_port = htons(port); if (bind(sock,(sockaddr*)&address, sizeof(address)) < 0) { cerr << "failure to bind!" << endl; exit(1); } if (daemon(1,1)) { cerr << "failure to background!" << endl; exit(1); } int source_count = 1; if (vm.count("multisource")) source_count = vm["multisource"].as(); listen(sock, source_count); sockaddr_in client_address; socklen_t size = sizeof(client_address); par->max_fd = 0; size_t min_id = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < source_count; i++) { if (!global.quiet) cerr << "calling accept" << endl; int f = accept(sock,(sockaddr*)&client_address,&size); if (f < 0) { cerr << "bad client socket!" << endl; exit (1); } size_t id; really_read(f, &id, sizeof(id)); if (!global.quiet) cerr << "id read = " << id << endl; min_id = min (min_id, (size_t)id); if (id == 0) { par->label_sock = f; if(!global.active) global.print = binary_print_result; } if (id == 0 || ((global.backprop || global.delayed_global || global.corrective) && vm.count("multisource"))) { int_pair pf = {f,id}; push(global.final_prediction_sink,pf); } if (member(par->ids, id)) { cout << "error, two inputs with same id! Exiting. Use --unique_id next time." << endl; exit(1); } push(par->ids,id); push(par->input->files,f); par->max_fd = max(f, par->max_fd); if (!global.quiet) cerr << "reading data from port " << port << endl; } global.unique_id = min_id; par->max_fd++; if(vm.count("multisource")) { par->reader = receive_features; calloc_reserve(par->pes,ring_size); par->pes.end = par->pes.begin+ring_size; calloc_reserve(par->counts,source_count); par->counts.end = par->counts.begin+ring_size; par->finished_count = 0; } else if(global.active) { par->reader = read_features; par->hasher = getHasher(hash_function); } else { par->reader = read_cached_features; par->sorted_cache = true; } par->resettable = par->write_cache; } if (vm.count("data")) { string hash_function("strings"); if(vm.count("hash")) hash_function = vm["hash"].as(); if (par->input->files.index() > 0) { if (!quiet) cerr << "ignoring text input in favor of cache input" << endl; } else { string temp = vm["data"].as< string >(); if (temp.length() != 0) { if (!quiet) cerr << "Reading from " << temp << endl; int f = par->input->open_file(temp.c_str(), io_buf::READ); if (f == -1) { cerr << "can't open " << temp << ", bailing!" << endl; exit(0); } par->reader = read_features; par->hasher = getHasher(hash_function); par->resettable = par->write_cache; } } if (par->input->files.index() == 0)// Default to stdin { if (!quiet) cerr << "Reading from stdin" << endl; if (vm.count("compressed")){ cerr << "Compressed source can't be read from stdin." << endl << "Directly use the compressed source with -d option"; exit(0); } push(par->input->files,fileno(stdin)); par->reader = read_features; par->hasher = getHasher(hash_function); par->resettable = par->write_cache; } } if (passes > 1 && !par->resettable) cerr << global.program_name << ": Warning only one pass will occur: try using --cache_file" << endl; par->input->count = par->input->files.index(); if (!quiet) cerr << "num sources = " << par->input->files.index() << endl; } example* examples;//A Ring of examples. pthread_mutex_t examples_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t example_available = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t example_unused = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; size_t parsed_index; // The index of the parsed example. size_t* used_index; // The index of the example currently used by thread i. bool done=false; v_array random_nos; v_array gram_mask; bool parser_done() { if (done) { for (size_t i = 0; i < global.num_threads(); i++) if (used_index[i] != parsed_index) return false; return true; } return false; } void addgrams(size_t ngram, size_t skip_gram, v_array& atomics, v_array& audits, size_t initial_length, v_array &gram_mask, size_t skips) { if (ngram == 0 && gram_mask.last() < initial_length) { size_t last = initial_length - gram_mask.last(); for(size_t i = 0; i < last; i++) { size_t new_index = atomics[i].weight_index; for (size_t n = 1; n < gram_mask.index(); n++) new_index += random_nos[n]* atomics[i+gram_mask[n]].weight_index; feature f = {1.,new_index & global.mask}; push(atomics,f); if (global.audit) { string feature_name(audits[i].feature); for (size_t n = 1; n < gram_mask.index(); n++) { feature_name += string("^"); feature_name += string(audits[i+gram_mask[n]].feature); } string feature_space = string(audits[i].space); audit_data a_feature = {NULL,NULL,new_index & global.mask, 1., true}; a_feature.space = (char*)malloc(feature_space.length()+1); strcpy(a_feature.space, feature_space.c_str()); a_feature.feature = (char*)malloc(feature_name.length()+1); strcpy(a_feature.feature, feature_name.c_str()); push(audits, a_feature); } } } if (ngram > 0) { push(gram_mask,gram_mask.last()+1+skips); addgrams(ngram-1, skip_gram, atomics, audits, initial_length, gram_mask, 0); gram_mask.pop(); } if (skip_gram > 0 && ngram > 0) addgrams(ngram, skip_gram-1, atomics, audits, initial_length, gram_mask, skips+1); } /** * This function adds k-skip-n-grams to the feature vector. * Definition of k-skip-n-grams: * Consider a feature vector - a, b, c, d, e, f * 2-skip-2-grams would be - ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, be, cd, ce, cf, de, df, ef * 1-skip-3-grams would be - abc, abd, acd, ace, bcd, bce, bde, bdf, cde, cdf, cef, def * Note that for a n-gram, (n-1)-grams, (n-2)-grams... 2-grams are also appended * The k-skip-n-grams are appended to the feature vector. * Hash is evaluated using the principle h(a, b) = h(a)*X + h(b), where X is a random no. * 32 random nos. are maintained in an array and are used in the hashing. */ void generateGrams(size_t ngram, size_t skip_gram, example * &ex) { for(size_t *index = ex->indices.begin; index < ex->indices.end; index++) { size_t length = ex->atomics[*index].index(); for (size_t n = 1; n < ngram; n++) { gram_mask.erase(); push(gram_mask,(size_t)0); addgrams(n, skip_gram, ex->atomics[*index], ex->audit_features[*index], length, gram_mask, 0); } } } example* get_unused_example() { while (true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); if (examples[parsed_index % ring_size].in_use == false) { examples[parsed_index % ring_size].in_use = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); return examples + (parsed_index % ring_size); } else pthread_cond_wait(&example_unused, &examples_lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); } } bool parse_atomic_example(parser* p, example *ae) { if (global.audit) for (size_t* i = ae->indices.begin; i != ae->indices.end; i++) { for (audit_data* temp = ae->audit_features[*i].begin; temp != ae->audit_features[*i].end; temp++) { if (temp->alloced) { free(temp->space); free(temp->feature); temp->alloced=false; } } ae->audit_features[*i].erase(); } for (size_t* i = ae->indices.begin; i != ae->indices.end; i++) { ae->atomics[*i].erase(); ae->subsets[*i].erase(); ae->sum_feat_sq[*i]=0; } ae->indices.erase(); ae->tag.erase(); if (p->reader(p,ae) <= 0) return false; if(p->sort_features && ae->sorted == false) unique_sort_features(ae); if (p->write_cache) { p->lp->cache_label(ae->ld,*(p->output)); cache_features(*(p->output), ae); } if(global.ngram > 1) generateGrams(global.ngram, global.skips, ae); return true; } feature* search(feature* begin, size_t value, feature* end) {//return the smallest position >= value, never referencing end. size_t diff = end-begin; if (diff <= 1) if (begin->weight_index >= value) return begin; else return end; else { feature* middle = begin + (diff >> 1); if (middle->weight_index >= value) return search(begin, value, middle); else return search(middle, value, end); } } size_t example_count = 0; void setup_example(parser* p, example* ae) { ae->pass = global.passes_complete; ae->partial_prediction = 0.; ae->num_features = 0; ae->total_sum_feat_sq = 1; ae->threads_to_finish = global.num_threads(); ae->done = false; ae->example_counter = ++example_count; ae->global_weight = p->lp->get_weight(ae->ld); p->t += ae->global_weight; ae->example_t = p->t; //add constant feature size_t constant_namespace = 128; push(ae->indices,constant_namespace); feature temp = {1,constant & global.mask}; push(ae->atomics[constant_namespace], temp); if(global.stride != 1) //make room for per-feature information. { size_t stride = global.stride; for (size_t* i = ae->indices.begin; i != ae->indices.end; i++) for(feature* j = ae->atomics[*i].begin; j != ae->atomics[*i].end; j++) j->weight_index = j->weight_index*stride; if (global.audit) for (size_t* i = ae->indices.begin; i != ae->indices.end; i++) for(audit_data* j = ae->audit_features[*i].begin; j != ae->audit_features[*i].end; j++) j->weight_index = j->weight_index*stride; } //Should loop through the features to determine the boundaries size_t length = global.mask + 1; size_t expert_size = global.stride*(length >> global.partition_bits); //#features/expert for (size_t* i = ae->indices.begin; i != ae->indices.end; i++) { //subsets is already erased just before parsing. feature* f = ae->atomics[*i].begin; push(ae->subsets[*i],f); size_t current = expert_size; while (current <= length*global.stride) { feature* ret = f; if (ae->atomics[*i].end > f) ret = search(f, current, ae->atomics[*i].end); push(ae->subsets[*i],ret); f = ret; current += expert_size; } ae->num_features += ae->atomics[*i].end - ae->atomics[*i].begin; ae->total_sum_feat_sq += ae->sum_feat_sq[*i]; } for (vector::iterator i = global.pairs.begin(); i != global.pairs.end();i++) { ae->num_features += (ae->atomics[(int)(*i)[0]].end - ae->atomics[(int)(*i)[0]].begin) *(ae->atomics[(int)(*i)[1]].end - ae->atomics[(int)(*i)[1]].begin); ae->total_sum_feat_sq += ae->sum_feat_sq[(int)(*i)[0]]*ae->sum_feat_sq[(int)(*i)[1]]; } } void *main_parse_loop(void *in) { parser* p = (parser*) in; global.passes_complete = 0; while(!done) { example* ae=get_unused_example(); int output = parse_atomic_example(p,ae); if (output) { setup_example(p,ae); pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); parsed_index++; pthread_cond_broadcast(&example_available); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); } else { reset_source(global.num_bits, p); global.passes_complete++; if (global.passes_complete < global.numpasses) global.eta *= global.eta_decay_rate; else { pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); done = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); } pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); ae->in_use = false; pthread_cond_broadcast(&example_available); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); } } free(p->channels.begin); p->channels.begin = p->channels.end = p->channels.end_array = NULL; free(p->words.begin); p->words.begin = p->words.end = p->words.end_array = NULL; free(p->name.begin); p->name.begin = p->name.end = p->name.end_array = NULL; return NULL; } void free_example(example* ec) { pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); assert(ec->in_use); ec->in_use = false; pthread_cond_signal(&example_unused); if (done) pthread_cond_broadcast(&example_available); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); } example* get_example(size_t thread_num) { pthread_mutex_lock(&examples_lock); if (parsed_index != used_index[thread_num]) { size_t ring_index = used_index[thread_num]++ % ring_size; if (!(examples+ring_index)->in_use) cout << used_index[thread_num] << " " << parsed_index << " " << thread_num << " " << ring_index << endl; assert((examples+ring_index)->in_use); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); return examples + ring_index; } else { if (!done) pthread_cond_wait(&example_available, &examples_lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&examples_lock); return NULL; } } pthread_t parse_thread; void start_parser(size_t num_threads, parser* pf) { used_index = (size_t*) calloc(num_threads, sizeof(size_t)); parsed_index = 0; done = false; if(global.ngram>1) { if(random_nos.index() < global.ngram) for (size_t i = 0; i < global.ngram; i++) push(random_nos, (size_t)rand()); } examples = (example*)calloc(ring_size, sizeof(example)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ring_size; i++) { pthread_mutex_init(&examples[i].lock,NULL); pthread_cond_init(&examples[i].finished_sum,NULL); examples[i].ld = calloc(1,pf->lp->label_size); examples[i].in_use = false; } pthread_create(&parse_thread, NULL, main_parse_loop, pf); } void end_parser(parser* pf) { pthread_join(parse_thread, NULL); free(used_index); if(global.ngram > 1) { if(random_nos.begin != NULL) reserve(random_nos,0); if(gram_mask.begin != NULL) reserve(gram_mask,0); } for (size_t i = 0; i < ring_size; i++) { pf->lp->delete_label(examples[i].ld); if (examples[i].tag.end_array != examples[i].tag.begin) { free(examples[i].tag.begin); examples[i].tag.end_array = examples[i].tag.begin; } free(examples[i].ld); for (size_t j = 0; j < 256; j++) { if (examples[i].atomics[j].begin != examples[i].atomics[j].end_array) free(examples[i].atomics[j].begin); if (examples[i].audit_features[j].begin != examples[i].audit_features[j].end) { for (audit_data* temp = examples[i].audit_features[j].begin; temp != examples[i].audit_features[j].end; temp++) if (temp->alloced) { free(temp->space); free(temp->feature); temp->alloced = false; } free(examples[i].audit_features[j].begin); } if (examples[i].subsets[j].begin != examples[i].subsets[j].end_array) free(examples[i].subsets[j].begin); } free(examples[i].indices.begin); } free(examples); if (pf->pes.begin != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ring_size; i++) free(pf->pes[i].features.begin); free(pf->pes.begin); } if (pf->ids.begin != NULL) free(pf->ids.begin); if (pf->counts.begin != NULL) free(pf->counts.begin); }