/* Copyright (c) by respective owners including Yahoo!, Microsoft, and individual contributors. All rights reserved. Released under a BSD license as described in the file LICENSE. */ #pragma once //TODO: extend to handle CSOAA_LDF and WAP_LDF namespace CB_ALGS { LEARNER::base_learner* setup(vw& all, po::variables_map& vm); template float get_cost_pred(vw& all, CB::cb_class* known_cost, example& ec, uint32_t index, uint32_t base) { CB::label ld = ec.l.cb; label_data simple_temp; simple_temp.initial = 0.; if (known_cost != NULL && index == known_cost->action) { simple_temp.label = known_cost->cost; simple_temp.weight = 1.; } else { simple_temp.label = FLT_MAX; simple_temp.weight = 0.; } ec.l.simple = simple_temp; if (is_learn && simple_temp.label != FLT_MAX) all.scorer->learn(ec, index-1+base); else all.scorer->predict(ec, index-1+base); float pred = ec.pred.scalar; ec.l.cb = ld; return pred; } }