; LAV Filters Inno Setup script #include ; Include version info #define ISPP_INCLUDED #include "common\includes\version.h" #if LAV_VERSION_BUILD > 0 #define LAV_VERSION_STRING str(LAV_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + str(LAV_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + str(LAV_VERSION_REVISION) + "-" + str(LAV_VERSION_BUILD) #else #if LAV_VERSION_REVISION > 0 #define LAV_VERSION_STRING str(LAV_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + str(LAV_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + str(LAV_VERSION_REVISION) #else #define LAV_VERSION_STRING str(LAV_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + str(LAV_VERSION_MINOR) #endif #endif [Setup] AllowCancelDuringInstall = no AllowNoIcons = yes AllowUNCPath = no AppId = lavfilters AppName = LAV Filters AppPublisher = Hendrik Leppkes AppPublisherURL = http://1f0.de/ AppVerName = LAV Filters {#=LAV_VERSION_STRING} AppVersion = {#=LAV_VERSION_STRING} VersionInfoVersion = {#=LAV_VERSION_MAJOR}.{#=LAV_VERSION_MINOR}.{#=LAV_VERSION_REVISION}.{#=LAV_VERSION_BUILD} VersionInfoCompany = 1f0.de VersionInfoCopyright = GPLv2 OutputBaseFilename = LAVFilters-{#=LAV_VERSION_STRING} OutputDir = . Compression = lzma2/ultra64 SolidCompression = yes MinVersion = 0,5.1SP3 PrivilegesRequired = admin CreateAppDir = yes DefaultDirName = {pf}\LAV Filters DefaultGroupName = LAV Filters DisableStartupPrompt = yes Uninstallable = yes DisableDirPage = auto DisableProgramGroupPage = auto UsePreviousTasks = yes #ifexist "..\LAVSignInfo.txt" SignTool = LAVSignTool SignedUninstaller = yes #endif [Messages] WelcomeLabel1=[name/ver] WelcomeLabel2=This will install [name] on your computer.%n%nIt is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing. WinVersionTooLowError=This software only works on Windows XP SP3 and newer. [Types] Name: default; Description: Default Name: full; Description: Full Name: custom; Description: Custom; Flags: iscustom [Components] Name: lavsplitter32; Description: LAV Splitter (x86); Types: default full custom; Name: lavsplitter64; Description: LAV Splitter (x64); Types: default full custom; Check: IsWin64; Name: lavaudio32; Description: LAV Audio (x86); Types: default full custom; Name: lavaudio64; Description: LAV Audio (x64); Types: default full custom; Check: IsWin64; Name: lavvideo32; Description: LAV Video (x86); Types: default full custom; Name: lavvideo64; Description: LAV Video (x64); Types: default full custom; Check: IsWin64; Name: mvc3d; Description: H.264 MVC 3D Decoder (extra download); Types: full; ExtraDiskSpaceRequired: 35935024; [Tasks] Name: icons; Description: "Create Start Menu Shortcuts"; Name: reset_settings; Description: "Reset Settings"; Flags: checkedonce unchecked; Check: SettingsExistCheck() [Files] Source: bin_Win32\avcodec-lav-57.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 lavaudio32 lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\avfilter-lav-6.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\avformat-lav-57.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 lavaudio32 Source: bin_Win32\avresample-lav-3.dll;DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 lavaudio32 lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\avutil-lav-55.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 lavaudio32 lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\swscale-lav-4.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\libbluray.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 Source: bin_Win32\LAVAudio.ax; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavaudio32 Source: bin_Win32\LAVSplitter.ax; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 Source: bin_Win32\LAVVideo.ax; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\LAVFilters.Dependencies.manifest; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter32 lavaudio32 lavvideo32 Source: bin_Win32\IntelQuickSyncDecoder.dll; DestDir: {app}\x86; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo32 Source: bin_x64\avcodec-lav-57.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 lavaudio64 lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\avfilter-lav-6.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\avformat-lav-57.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 lavaudio64 Source: bin_x64\avresample-lav-3.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 lavaudio64 lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\avutil-lav-55.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 lavaudio64 lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\swscale-lav-4.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\libbluray.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 Source: bin_x64\LAVAudio.ax; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavaudio64 Source: bin_x64\LAVSplitter.ax; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 Source: bin_x64\LAVVideo.ax; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: regserver ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\LAVFilters.Dependencies.manifest; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavsplitter64 lavaudio64 lavvideo64 Source: bin_x64\IntelQuickSyncDecoder.dll; DestDir: {app}\x64; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete; Components: lavvideo64 Source: COPYING; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete Source: README.txt; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete Source: CHANGELOG.txt; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion restartreplace uninsrestartdelete Source: thirdparty\contrib\7za.exe; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy [UninstallDelete] Type: files; Name: {app}\x86\libmfxsw32.dll Type: files; Name: {app}\x64\libmfxsw64.dll [Icons] Name: {group}\LAV Splitter Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVSplitter.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; IconFilename: {app}\x86\LAVSplitter.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavsplitter32 Name: {group}\LAV Splitter Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVSplitter.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; IconFilename: {app}\x64\LAVSplitter.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavsplitter64 AND NOT lavsplitter32 Name: {group}\LAV Audio Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVAudio.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; IconFilename: {app}\x86\LAVAudio.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavaudio32 Name: {group}\LAV Audio Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVAudio.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; IconFilename: {app}\x64\LAVAudio.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavaudio64 AND NOT lavaudio32 Name: {group}\LAV Video Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVVideo.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; IconFilename: {app}\x86\LAVVideo.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavvideo32 Name: {group}\LAV Video Configuration; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVVideo.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; IconFilename: {app}\x64\LAVVideo.ax; IconIndex: 0; Tasks: icons; Components: lavvideo64 AND NOT lavvideo32 Name: {group}\Visit LAV Filters Home Page; Filename: "http://1f0.de/"; Tasks: icons Name: {group}\Visit LAV Filters on Doom9; Filename: "http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=156191"; Tasks: icons Name: {group}\Uninstall LAV Filters; Filename: {uninstallexe}; Tasks: icons [Registry] Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Audio; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavaudio32 lavaudio64 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Splitter; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavsplitter32 lavsplitter64 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Splitter\Formats; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavsplitter32 lavsplitter64 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Video; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavvideo32 lavvideo64 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Video\Formats; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavvideo32 lavvideo64 Root: HKCU; Subkey: Software\LAV\Video\Output; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: lavvideo32 lavvideo64 [Run] Description: "Open LAV Splitter Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVSplitter.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; Components: lavsplitter32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked Description: "Open LAV Splitter Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVSplitter.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; Components: lavsplitter64 AND NOT lavsplitter32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked Description: "Open LAV Audio Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVAudio.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; Components: lavaudio32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked Description: "Open LAV Audio Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVAudio.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; Components: lavaudio64 AND NOT lavaudio32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked Description: "Open LAV Video Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x86\LAVVideo.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x86; Components: lavvideo32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked Description: "Open LAV Video Configuration"; Filename: rundll32.exe; Parameters: """{app}\x64\LAVVideo.ax"",OpenConfiguration"; WorkingDir: {app}\x64; Components: lavvideo64 AND NOT lavvideo32; Flags: postinstall nowait unchecked [Code] type Format = record id: String; name: String; default: Boolean; subtype: String; asyncSource: Boolean; protocol: Boolean; extensions: Array of String; chkbytes: Array of String; end; const NumFormatsMinusOne = 22; LavGUID = '{B98D13E7-55DB-4385-A33D-09FD1BA26338}'; StreamGUID = '{E436EB83-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}'; LavSplitterFormatsReg = 'Software\LAV\Splitter\Formats'; var SplitterPage: TInputOptionWizardPage; SplitterFormats: Array [0..NumFormatsMinusOne] of Format; function SettingsExistCheck(): Boolean; begin if RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'Software\LAV') then Result := True else Result := False; end; function IsUpdate(): Boolean; var sPrevPath: String; begin sPrevPath := WizardForm.PrevAppDir; Result := (sPrevPath <> ''); end; procedure FR(var f: Format; const id, desc: String; const default: Boolean; const extensions: Array of String); begin f.id := id; f.name := desc; f.default := default; f.extensions := extensions; f.subtype := ''; f.chkbytes := ['']; f.protocol := False; end; procedure FP(var f: Format; const id, desc: String; const default: Boolean; const extensions: Array of String); begin FR(f, id, desc, default, extensions); f.protocol := True; end; procedure FS(var f: Format; const subtype: String; const chkbytes : Array of String; UseAsync: Boolean); begin f.subtype := subtype; f.chkbytes := chkbytes; f.asyncSource := UseAsync; end; procedure InitFormats(); begin FR(SplitterFormats[0], 'matroska', 'Matroska/WebM', True, ['mkv','mka', 'mks', 'mk3d', 'webm', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[0], '{1AC0BEBD-4D2B-45ad-BCEB-F2C41C5E3788}', ['0,4,,1A45DFA3', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[1], 'avi', 'AVI', True, ['avi','divx', 'vp6', 'amv', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[1], '{e436eb88-524f-11ce-9f53-0020af0ba770}', ['0,4,,52494646,8,4,,41564920', '0,4,,52494646,8,4,,41564958', '0,4,,52494646,8,4,,414D5620', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[2], 'mp4', 'MP4/MOV', True, ['mp4', 'mov', '3gp', '3ga', 'm4v', 'qt', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[2], '{08E22ADA-B715-45ed-9D20-7B87750301D4}', ['4,4,,66747970', '4,4,,6d6f6f76', '4,4,,6d646174', '4,4,,736b6970', '4,4,,75647461', '4,12,ffffffff00000000ffffffff,77696465000000006d646174', '4,12,ffffffff00000000ffffffff,776964650000000066726565', '4,12,ffffffff00000000ffffffff,6672656500000000636D6F76', '4,12,ffffffff00000000ffffffff,66726565000000006D766864', '4,14,ffffffff000000000000ffffffff,706E6F7400000000000050494354', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[3], 'mpegts', 'MPEG-TS', True, ['ts', 'm2ts', 'mts', 'tp', 'ssif', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[3], '{e06d8023-db46-11cf-b4d1-00805f6cbbea}', ['0,1,,47,188,1,,47,376,1,,47', '4,1,,47,196,1,,47,388,1,,47', '0,4,,54467263,1660,1,,47', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[4], 'mpeg', 'MPEG-PS/VOB/EVO', True, ['mpg', 'mpeg', 'vob', 'evo', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[4], '{e06d8022-db46-11cf-b4d1-00805f6cbbea}', ['0,5,FFFFFFFFC0,000001BA40', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[5], 'bluray', 'Blu-ray', True, ['bdmv', 'mpls', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[5], '{20884BC2-629F-45EA-B1C5-FA4FFA438250}', ['0,4,,494E4458', '0,4,,4D4F424A', '0,4,,4D504C53', ''], False); FR(SplitterFormats[6], 'flv', 'FLV', True, ['flv', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[6], '{F2FAC0F1-3852-4670-AAC0-9051D400AC54}', ['0,4,,464C5601', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[7], 'ogg', 'Ogg/OGM', True, ['ogg', 'ogv', 'ogm', '']); FS(SplitterFormats[7], '{D2855FA9-61A7-4db0-B979-71F297C17A04}', ['0,4,,4F676753', ''], True); FR(SplitterFormats[8], 'rm', 'RealMedia (rm/rmvb)', True, ['rm', 'rmvb', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[9], 'wtv', 'Windows Television (wtv)', False, ['wtv', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[10], 'asf', 'WMV / ASF / DVR-MS', True, ['wmv', 'asf', 'dvr-ms', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[11], 'mxf', 'MXF (Material Exchange Format)', True, ['mxf', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[12], 'bink', 'Bink', True, ['bik', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[13], 'avisynth', 'AviSynth scripts', True, ['avs', '']); FP(SplitterFormats[14], 'rtmp', 'RTMP Streaming Protocol', False, ['rtmp', 'rtmpt', '']); FP(SplitterFormats[15], 'rtsp', 'RTSP Streaming Protocol', True, ['rtsp', 'rtspu', 'rtspm', 'rtspt', 'rtsph', '']); FP(SplitterFormats[16], 'rtp', 'RTP Streaming Protocol', True, ['rtp', '']); FP(SplitterFormats[17], 'mms', 'MMS Streaming Protocol', True, ['mms', 'mmsh', 'mmst', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[18], 'dts', 'DTS Audio', True, ['dts', 'dtshd', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[19], 'ac3', 'AC3 Audio', True, ['ac3', 'eac3', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[20], 'aac', 'AAC Audio', True, ['aac', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[21], 'mp3', 'MP3 Audio', True, ['mp3', '']); FR(SplitterFormats[22], 'flac', 'FLAC Audio', True, ['flac', '']); end; procedure RegWriteStringWithBackup(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, Data: String); var OldValue: String; begin if RegQueryStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, OldValue) then begin if CompareText(OldValue, Data) <> 0 then begin RegWriteStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName + '.LAV', OldValue); end end; RegWriteStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, Data); end; function RegRestoreBackup(const RootKey: Integer; const SubKeyName, ValueName, CheckValue: String; const DeleteMode: Integer) : Boolean; var CurrentValue: String; BackupValue: String; begin Result := False; if RegQueryStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, CurrentValue) then begin if CompareText(CurrentValue, CheckValue) = 0 then begin if RegQueryStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName + '.LAV', BackupValue) then begin RegWriteStringValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName, BackupValue); Result := True; end else begin if DeleteMode = 1 then begin RegDeleteValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName); RegDeleteKeyIfEmpty(RootKey, SubKeyName); end else if DeleteMode = 2 then RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(RootKey, SubKeyName); end end end; RegDeleteValue(RootKey, SubKeyName, ValueName + '.LAV'); end; procedure RegisterSourceFormatGUIDs(f: Format); var i: Integer; source: String; begin i := 0; if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then begin if f.asyncSource then source := '{e436ebb5-524f-11ce-9f53-0020af0ba770}' else source := LavGUID; if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter32') then RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, 'Source Filter', source); if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter64') then RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, 'Source Filter', source); end; while Length(f.chkbytes[i]) > 0 do begin if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter32') then RegWriteStringValue(HKCR32, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, IntToStr(i), f.chkbytes[i]); if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter64') then RegWriteStringValue(HKCR64, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, IntToStr(i), f.chkbytes[i]); i := i+1; end; end; procedure UnregisterSourceFormatGUIDs(f: Format); var SourceGuid: String; DelMode: Integer; begin if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then begin if f.asyncSource then begin SourceGuid := '{e436ebb5-524f-11ce-9f53-0020af0ba770}'; DelMode := 0; end else begin SourceGuid := LavGUID; DelMode := 2; end; RegRestoreBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, 'Source Filter', SourceGuid, DelMode); if IsWin64 then RegRestoreBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\' + StreamGUID + '\' + f.subtype, 'Source Filter', SourceGuid, DelMode); end; end; procedure RegisterSourceFormatExtensions(f: Format); var i: Integer; begin i := 0; while Length(f.extensions[i]) > 0 do begin if f.protocol then begin RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR, f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID); end else begin if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter32') then begin RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID); RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Media Type', StreamGUID); if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'SubType', f.subtype); end; if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter64') then begin RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID); RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Media Type', StreamGUID); if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then RegWriteStringWithBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'SubType', f.subtype); end end; i := i+1; end; end; procedure UnregisterSourceFormatExtensions(f: Format); var source: String; i: Integer; begin i := 0; while Length(f.extensions[i]) > 0 do begin if f.protocol then RegRestoreBackup(HKCR, f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID, 1) else begin RegRestoreBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID, 2); RegRestoreBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Media Type', StreamGUID, 0); if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then RegRestoreBackup(HKCR32, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'SubType', f.subtype, 0); if IsWin64 then begin RegRestoreBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Source Filter', LavGUID, 2); RegRestoreBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'Media Type', StreamGUID, 0); if Length(f.subtype) > 0 then RegRestoreBackup(HKCR64, 'Media Type\Extensions\.' + f.extensions[i], 'SubType', f.subtype, 0) end end; i := i+1; end; end; function GetDefaultFormatSetting(f: Format): Boolean; var value: Cardinal; begin if RegQueryDWordValue(HKCU, LavSplitterFormatsReg, f.id, value) then begin Result := value > 0; end else begin Result := f.default; end end; procedure ResetSettings(); begin RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKCU, 'Software\LAV'); end; procedure DoUnzip(source: String; targetdir: String); var unzipTool: String; ReturnCode: Integer; begin // source contains tmp constant, so resolve it to path name source := ExpandConstant(source); unzipTool := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\7za.exe'); if not FileExists(unzipTool) then MsgBox('UnzipTool not found: ' + unzipTool, mbError, MB_OK) else if not FileExists(source) then MsgBox('File was not found while trying to unzip: ' + source, mbError, MB_OK) else begin if Exec(unzipTool, ' x "' + source + '" -o"' + targetdir + '" -y', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ReturnCode) = false then begin MsgBox('Unzip failed:' + source, mbError, MB_OK) end; end; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); var i: Integer; targetPath : String; begin if (CurStep = ssPostInstall) then begin if IsTaskSelected('reset_settings') then ResetSettings(); if IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter32') or IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter64') then begin for i := 0 to NumFormatsMinusOne do begin if SplitterPage.Values[i] then begin RegisterSourceFormatGUIDs(SplitterFormats[i]); RegisterSourceFormatExtensions(SplitterFormats[i]); end else begin UnregisterSourceFormatGUIDs(SplitterFormats[i]); UnregisterSourceFormatExtensions(SplitterFormats[i]); end; RegWriteDWordValue(HKCU, LavSplitterFormatsReg, SplitterFormats[i].id, Ord(SplitterPage.Values[i])); end; end; if IsComponentSelected('mvc3d') then begin ExtractTemporaryFile('7za.exe'); targetPath := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\'); if IsComponentSelected('lavvideo32') then DoUnzip(targetPath + 'libmfxsw32-v1.7z', ExpandConstant('{app}\x86')); if IsComponentSelected('lavvideo64') then DoUnzip(targetPath + 'libmfxsw64-v1.7z', ExpandConstant('{app}\x64')); end; end; end; procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin if CurPageID = wpReady then begin // User can navigate to 'Ready to install' page several times, so we // need to clear file list to ensure that only needed files are added. idpClearFiles; if IsComponentSelected('mvc3d') then begin if IsComponentSelected('lavvideo32') then idpAddFile('http://files.1f0.de/lavf/plugins/libmfxsw32-v1.7z', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\libmfxsw32-v1.7z')); if IsComponentSelected('lavvideo64') then idpAddFile('http://files.1f0.de/lavf/plugins/libmfxsw64-v1.7z', ExpandConstant('{tmp}\libmfxsw64-v1.7z')); end; end; end; procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); var i: Integer; begin if (CurUninstallStep = usUninstall) then begin for i := 0 to NumFormatsMinusOne do begin UnregisterSourceFormatGUIDs(SplitterFormats[i]); UnregisterSourceFormatExtensions(SplitterFormats[i]); end; end; end; function ShouldSkipPage(PageID: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if PageID = SplitterPage.ID then begin if not (IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter32') or IsComponentSelected('lavsplitter64')) then Result := True; end; end; function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; begin InitFormats; Result := True; end; function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean; begin InitFormats; Result := True; end; procedure InitializeWizard(); var i: Integer; begin SplitterPage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpSelectTasks, 'LAV Splitter Formats', 'Select which formats LAV Splitter should be setup to handle', 'Select for which formats LAV Splitter should be setup to be the Source Filter.'#10'Note: These are only the file formats for LAV Splitter, audio and video codecs are configured separately.', False, False); for i := 0 to NumFormatsMinusOne do begin SplitterPage.Add(SplitterFormats[i].name); SplitterPage.Values[i] := GetDefaultFormatSetting(SplitterFormats[i]); end; // Adjust tasks page WizardForm.SelectTasksLabel.Hide; WizardForm.TasksList.Top := 0; WizardForm.TasksList.Height := PageFromID(wpSelectTasks).SurfaceHeight; idpDownloadAfter(wpReady); end;