/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Hendrik Leppkes * http://www.1f0.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "pixconv_internal.h" extern "C" { #include "libavutil/intreadwrite.h" }; #define ALIGN(x,a) (((x)+(a)-1UL)&~((a)-1UL)) DECLARE_CONV_FUNC_IMPL(convert_generic) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; AVPixelFormat inputFmt = GetFFInput(); switch (m_OutputPixFmt) { case LAVOutPixFmt_YV12: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt], true); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_NV12: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_NV12, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt]); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_YUY2: hr = ConvertTo422Packed(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_UYVY: hr = ConvertTo422Packed(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_AYUV: hr = ConvertToAYUV(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_P010: hr = ConvertToPX1X(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, 2); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_P016: hr = ConvertToPX1X(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, 2); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_P210: hr = ConvertToPX1X(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, 1); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_P216: hr = ConvertToPX1X(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, 1); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_Y410: hr = ConvertToY410(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_Y416: hr = ConvertToY416(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_RGB32: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt]); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_RGB24: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt]); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_v210: hr = ConvertTov210(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_v410: hr = ConvertTov410(src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_YV16: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt], true); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_YV24: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt], true); break; case LAVOutPixFmt_RGB48: hr = swscale_scale(inputFmt, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB48LE, src, srcStride, dst, width, height, dstStride, lav_pixfmt_desc[m_OutputPixFmt]); break; default: ASSERT(0); hr = E_FAIL; break; } return S_OK; } inline SwsContext *CLAVPixFmtConverter::GetSWSContext(int width, int height, enum AVPixelFormat srcPix, enum AVPixelFormat dstPix, int flags) { if (!m_pSwsContext || swsWidth != width || swsHeight != height) { // Get context m_pSwsContext = sws_getCachedContext(m_pSwsContext, width, height, srcPix, width, height, dstPix, flags|SWS_PRINT_INFO, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); int *inv_tbl = nullptr, *tbl = nullptr; int srcRange, dstRange, brightness, contrast, saturation; int ret = sws_getColorspaceDetails(m_pSwsContext, &inv_tbl, &srcRange, &tbl, &dstRange, &brightness, &contrast, &saturation); if (ret >= 0) { const int *rgbTbl = nullptr; if (m_ColorProps.VideoTransferMatrix != DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix_Unknown) { int colorspace = SWS_CS_ITU709; switch (m_ColorProps.VideoTransferMatrix) { case DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix_BT709: colorspace = SWS_CS_ITU709; break; case DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix_BT601: colorspace = SWS_CS_ITU601; break; case DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix_SMPTE240M: colorspace = SWS_CS_SMPTE240M; break; } rgbTbl = sws_getCoefficients(colorspace); } else { BOOL isHD = (height >= 720 || width >= 1280); rgbTbl = sws_getCoefficients(isHD ? SWS_CS_ITU709 : SWS_CS_ITU601); } srcRange = dstRange = (m_ColorProps.NominalRange == DXVA2_NominalRange_0_255); sws_setColorspaceDetails(m_pSwsContext, rgbTbl, srcRange, rgbTbl, dstRange, brightness, contrast, saturation); } swsWidth = width; swsHeight = height; } return m_pSwsContext; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::swscale_scale(enum AVPixelFormat srcPix, enum AVPixelFormat dstPix, const uint8_t* const src[], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[], LAVOutPixFmtDesc pixFmtDesc, bool swapPlanes12) { int ret; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, srcPix, dstPix, SWS_BILINEAR); CheckPointer(m_pSwsContext, E_POINTER); if (swapPlanes12) { uint8_t *tmp = dst[1]; dst[1] = dst[2]; dst[2] = tmp; } ret = sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, dst, dstStride); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertTo422Packed(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const BYTE *y = nullptr; const BYTE *u = nullptr; const BYTE *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t line, i; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV422) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride / 2); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride / 2; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride / 2; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = tmp[0]; u = tmp[1]; v = tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = src[0]; u = src[1]; v = src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0]; } #define YUV422_PACK_YUY2(offset) *idst++ = y[(i+offset) * 2] | (u[i+offset] << 8) | (y[(i+offset) * 2 + 1] << 16) | (v[i+offset] << 24); #define YUV422_PACK_UYVY(offset) *idst++ = u[i+offset] | (y[(i+offset) * 2] << 8) | (v[i+offset] << 16) | (y[(i+offset) * 2 + 1] << 24); uint8_t *out = dst[0]; int halfwidth = width >> 1; ptrdiff_t halfstride = sourceStride >> 1; if (m_OutputPixFmt == LAVOutPixFmt_YUY2) { for (line = 0; line < height; ++line) { uint32_t *idst = (uint32_t *)out; for (i = 0; i < (halfwidth - 7); i+=8) { YUV422_PACK_YUY2(0) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(1) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(2) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(3) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(4) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(5) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(6) YUV422_PACK_YUY2(7) } for(; i < halfwidth; ++i) { YUV422_PACK_YUY2(0) } y += sourceStride; u += halfstride; v += halfstride; out += dstStride[0]; } } else { for (line = 0; line < height; ++line) { uint32_t *idst = (uint32_t *)out; for (i = 0; i < (halfwidth - 7); i+=8) { YUV422_PACK_UYVY(0) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(1) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(2) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(3) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(4) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(5) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(6) YUV422_PACK_UYVY(7) } for(; i < halfwidth; ++i) { YUV422_PACK_UYVY(0) } y += sourceStride; u += halfstride; v += halfstride; out += dstStride[0]; } } av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertToAYUV(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const BYTE *y = nullptr; const BYTE *u = nullptr; const BYTE *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t line, i = 0; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV444) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 3); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = tmp[0]; u = tmp[1]; v = tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = src[0]; u = src[1]; v = src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0]; } #define YUV444_PACK_AYUV(offset) *idst++ = v[i+offset] | (u[i+offset] << 8) | (y[i+offset] << 16) | (0xff << 24); BYTE *out = dst[0]; for (line = 0; line < height; ++line) { int32_t *idst = (int32_t *)out; for (i = 0; i < (width-7); i+=8) { YUV444_PACK_AYUV(0) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(1) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(2) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(3) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(4) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(5) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(6) YUV444_PACK_AYUV(7) } for (; i < width; ++i) { YUV444_PACK_AYUV(0) } y += sourceStride; u += sourceStride; v += sourceStride; out += dstStride[0]; } av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertToPX1X(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[], int chromaVertical) { const BYTE *y = nullptr; const BYTE *u = nullptr; const BYTE *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t line, i = 0; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; int shift = 0; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if ((chromaVertical == 1 && m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV422bX) || (chromaVertical == 2 && m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV420bX)) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32) * 2; pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + ((height / chromaVertical) * (scaleStride / 2)); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride / 2; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride / 2; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), chromaVertical == 1 ? AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P16LE : AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P16LE, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = tmp[0]; u = tmp[1]; v = tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = src[0]; u = src[1]; v = src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0]; shift = (16 - m_InBpp); } // copy Y BYTE *pLineOut = dst[0]; const BYTE *pLineIn = y; for (line = 0; line < height; ++line) { if (shift == 0) { memcpy(pLineOut, pLineIn, width * 2); } else { const int16_t *yc = (int16_t *)pLineIn; int16_t *idst = (int16_t *)pLineOut; for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { int32_t yv = AV_RL16(yc+i); if (shift) yv <<= shift; *idst++ = yv; } } pLineOut += dstStride[0]; pLineIn += sourceStride; } sourceStride >>= 2; // Merge U/V BYTE *out = dst[1]; const int16_t *uc = (int16_t *)u; const int16_t *vc = (int16_t *)v; for (line = 0; line < height/chromaVertical; ++line) { int32_t *idst = (int32_t *)out; for (i = 0; i < width/2; ++i) { int32_t uv = AV_RL16(uc+i); int32_t vv = AV_RL16(vc+i); if (shift) { uv <<= shift; vv <<= shift; } *idst++ = uv | (vv << 16); } uc += sourceStride; vc += sourceStride; out += dstStride[1]; } av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } #define YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD(width, height, y, u, v, out) \ for (int line = 0; line < height; ++line) { \ int32_t *idst = (int32_t *)out; \ for(int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { \ int32_t yv, uv, vv; #define YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD_LE(width, height, y, u, v, out) \ YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD(width, height, y, u, v, out) \ yv = AV_RL16(y+i); uv = AV_RL16(u+i); vv = AV_RL16(v+i); #define YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_END(y, u, v, out, srcStride, dstStride) \ } \ y += srcStride; \ u += srcStride; \ v += srcStride; \ out += dstStride; \ } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertToY410(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const int16_t *y = nullptr; const int16_t *u = nullptr; const int16_t *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; bool b9Bit = false; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV444bX || m_InBpp > 10) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 6); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = (int16_t *)tmp[0]; u = (int16_t *)tmp[1]; v = (int16_t *)tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = (int16_t *)src[0]; u = (int16_t *)src[1]; v = (int16_t *)src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0] / 2; b9Bit = (m_InBpp == 9); } #define YUV444_Y410_PACK \ *idst++ = (uv & 0x3FF) | ((yv & 0x3FF) << 10) | ((vv & 0x3FF) << 20) | (3 << 30); BYTE *out = dst[0]; YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD_LE(width, height, y, u, v, out) if (b9Bit) { yv <<= 1; uv <<= 1; vv <<= 1; } YUV444_Y410_PACK YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_END(y, u, v, out, sourceStride, dstStride[0]) av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertToY416(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const int16_t *y = nullptr; const int16_t *u = nullptr; const int16_t *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV444bX || m_InBpp != 16) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 6); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P16LE, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = (int16_t *)tmp[0]; u = (int16_t *)tmp[1]; v = (int16_t *)tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = (int16_t *)src[0]; u = (int16_t *)src[1]; v = (int16_t *)src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0] / 2; } #define YUV444_Y416_PACK \ *idst++ = 0xFFFF | (vv << 16); \ *idst++ = yv | (uv << 16); BYTE *out = dst[0]; YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD_LE(width, height, y, u, v, out) YUV444_Y416_PACK YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_END(y, u, v, out, sourceStride, dstStride[0]) av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertTov210(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const int16_t *y = nullptr; const int16_t *u = nullptr; const int16_t *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t srcyStride = 0; ptrdiff_t srcuvStride = 0; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV422bX || m_InBpp != 10) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 6); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV422P10LE, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = (int16_t *)tmp[0]; u = (int16_t *)tmp[1]; v = (int16_t *)tmp[2]; srcyStride = scaleStride; srcuvStride = scaleStride >> 1; } else { y = (int16_t *)src[0]; u = (int16_t *)src[1]; v = (int16_t *)src[2]; srcyStride = srcStride[0] >> 1; srcuvStride = srcStride[1] >> 1; } // Calculate v210 stride ptrdiff_t outStride = (((dstStride[0] >> 2) + 47) / 48) * 128; // Align width to an even number for processing // This may read into the source stride, but otherwise the algorithm won't work. width = FFALIGN(width, 2); BYTE *pdst = dst[0]; int32_t *p = (int32_t *)pdst; int w; //#define CLIP(v) av_clip(v, 4, 1019) #define CLIP(v) (v & 0x03FF) #define WRITE_PIXELS(a, b, c) \ do { \ val = CLIP(*a++); \ val |= (CLIP(*b++) << 10) | \ (CLIP(*c++) << 20); \ *p++ = val; \ } while (0) for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { uint32_t val; for (w = 0; w < width - 5; w += 6) { WRITE_PIXELS(u, y, v); WRITE_PIXELS(y, u, y); WRITE_PIXELS(v, y, u); WRITE_PIXELS(y, v, y); } if (w < width - 1) { WRITE_PIXELS(u, y, v); val = CLIP(*y++); if (w == width - 2) *p++ = val; if (w < width - 3) { val |= (CLIP(*u++) << 10) | (CLIP(*y++) << 20); *p++ = val; val = CLIP(*v++) | (CLIP(*y++) << 10); *p++ = val; } } pdst += outStride; memset(p, 0, pdst - (BYTE *)p); p = (int32_t *)pdst; y += srcyStride - width; u += srcuvStride - (width >> 1); v += srcuvStride - (width >> 1); } av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CLAVPixFmtConverter::ConvertTov410(const uint8_t* const src[4], const ptrdiff_t srcStride[4], uint8_t* dst[], int width, int height, const ptrdiff_t dstStride[]) { const int16_t *y = nullptr; const int16_t *u = nullptr; const int16_t *v = nullptr; ptrdiff_t sourceStride = 0; bool b9Bit = false; BYTE *pTmpBuffer = nullptr; if (m_InputPixFmt != LAVPixFmt_YUV444bX || m_InBpp > 10) { uint8_t *tmp[4] = {nullptr}; ptrdiff_t tmpStride[4] = {0}; ptrdiff_t scaleStride = FFALIGN(width, 32); pTmpBuffer = (BYTE *)av_malloc(height * scaleStride * 6); tmp[0] = pTmpBuffer; tmp[1] = tmp[0] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[2] = tmp[1] + (height * scaleStride * 2); tmp[3] = nullptr; tmpStride[0] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[1] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[2] = scaleStride * 2; tmpStride[3] = 0; SwsContext *ctx = GetSWSContext(width, height, GetFFInput(), AV_PIX_FMT_YUV444P10LE, SWS_BILINEAR); sws_scale2(ctx, src, srcStride, 0, height, tmp, tmpStride); y = (int16_t *)tmp[0]; u = (int16_t *)tmp[1]; v = (int16_t *)tmp[2]; sourceStride = scaleStride; } else { y = (int16_t *)src[0]; u = (int16_t *)src[1]; v = (int16_t *)src[2]; sourceStride = srcStride[0] / 2; b9Bit = (m_InBpp == 9); } #define YUV444_v410_PACK \ *idst++ = ((uv & 0x3FF) << 2) | ((yv & 0x3FF) << 12) | ((vv & 0x3FF) << 22); BYTE *out = dst[0]; YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_HEAD_LE(width, height, y, u, v, out) if (b9Bit) { yv <<= 1; uv <<= 1; vv <<= 1; } YUV444_v410_PACK YUV444_PACKED_LOOP_END(y, u, v, out, sourceStride, dstStride[0]) av_freep(&pTmpBuffer); return S_OK; }