From 34a277661cf90b26107cce9fd46cf08b30fe6478 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: XhmikosR Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 12:26:52 +0000 Subject: renamed all lowercase filenames to mixedcase git-svn-id: 10f7b99b-c216-0410-bff0-8a66a9350fd8 --- src/Subtitles/STS.cpp | 3802 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 3802 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/Subtitles/STS.cpp (limited to 'src/Subtitles/STS.cpp') diff --git a/src/Subtitles/STS.cpp b/src/Subtitles/STS.cpp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b679856d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Subtitles/STS.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,3802 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest + * + * + * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) + * any later version. + * + * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to + * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + * + * + */ + +#include "stdafx.h" +#include "STS.h" +#include + +#include "RealTextParser.h" +#include + +// gathered from + +struct htmlcolor {TCHAR* name; DWORD color;} hmtlcolors[] = +{ + {_T("white"), 0xffffff}, + {_T("whitesmoke"), 0xf5f5f5}, + {_T("ghostwhite"), 0xf8f8ff}, + {_T("snow"), 0xfffafa}, + {_T("gainsboro"), 0xdcdcdc}, + {_T("lightgrey"), 0xd3d3d3}, + {_T("silver"), 0xc0c0c0}, + {_T("darkgray"), 0xa9a9a9}, + {_T("gray"), 0x808080}, + {_T("dimgray"), 0x696969}, + {_T("lightslategray"), 0x778899}, + {_T("slategray"), 0x708090}, + {_T("darkslategray"), 0x2f4f4f}, + {_T("black"), 0x000000}, + + {_T("azure"), 0xf0ffff}, + {_T("aliceblue"), 0xf0f8ff}, + {_T("mintcream"), 0xf5fffa}, + {_T("honeydew"), 0xf0fff0}, + {_T("lightcyan"), 0xe0ffff}, + {_T("paleturqoise"), 0xafeeee}, + {_T("powderblue"), 0xb0e0e6}, + {_T("lightblue"), 0xadd8ed}, + {_T("lightsteelblue"), 0xb0c4de}, + {_T("skyblue"), 0x87ceeb}, + {_T("lightskyblue"), 0x87cefa}, + {_T("cyan"), 0x00ffff}, + {_T("aqua"), 0x00ff80}, + {_T("deepskyblue"), 0x00bfff}, + {_T("aquamarine"), 0x7fffd4}, + {_T("turquoise"), 0x40e0d0}, + {_T("darkturquoise"), 0x00ced1}, + {_T("lightseagreen"), 0x20b2aa}, + {_T("mediumturquoise"), 0x40e0dd}, + {_T("mediumaquamarine"), 0x66cdaa}, + {_T("cadetblue"), 0x5f9ea0}, + {_T("teal"), 0x008080}, + {_T("darkcyan"), 0x008b8b}, + {_T("comflowerblue"), 0x6495ed}, + {_T("dodgerblue"), 0x1e90ff}, + {_T("steelblue"), 0x4682b4}, + {_T("royalblue"), 0x4169e1}, + {_T("blue"), 0x0000ff}, + {_T("mediumblue"), 0x0000cd}, + {_T("mediumslateblue"), 0x7b68ee}, + {_T("slateblue"), 0x6a5acd}, + {_T("darkslateblue"), 0x483d8b}, + {_T("darkblue"), 0x00008b}, + {_T("midnightblue"), 0x191970}, + {_T("navy"), 0x000080}, + + {_T("palegreen"), 0x98fb98}, + {_T("lightgreen"), 0x90ee90}, + {_T("mediumspringgreen"), 0x00fa9a}, + {_T("springgreen"), 0x00ff7f}, + {_T("chartreuse"), 0x7fff00}, + {_T("lawngreen"), 0x7cfc00}, + {_T("lime"), 0x00ff00}, + {_T("limegreen"), 0x32cd32}, + {_T("greenyellow"), 0xadff2f}, + {_T("yellowgreen"), 0x9acd32}, + {_T("darkseagreen"), 0x8fbc8f}, + {_T("mediumseagreen"), 0x3cb371}, + {_T("seagreen"), 0x2e8b57}, + {_T("olivedrab"), 0x6b8e23}, + {_T("forestgreen"), 0x228b22}, + {_T("green"), 0x008000}, + {_T("darkkhaki"), 0xbdb76b}, + {_T("olive"), 0x808000}, + {_T("darkolivegreen"), 0x556b2f}, + {_T("darkgreen"), 0x006400}, + + {_T("floralwhite"), 0xfffaf0}, + {_T("seashell"), 0xfff5ee}, + {_T("ivory"), 0xfffff0}, + {_T("beige"), 0xf5f5dc}, + {_T("cornsilk"), 0xfff8dc}, + {_T("lemonchiffon"), 0xfffacd}, + {_T("lightyellow"), 0xffffe0}, + {_T("lightgoldenrodyellow"), 0xfafad2}, + {_T("papayawhip"), 0xffefd5}, + {_T("blanchedalmond"), 0xffedcd}, + {_T("palegoldenrod"), 0xeee8aa}, + {_T("khaki"), 0xf0eb8c}, + {_T("bisque"), 0xffe4c4}, + {_T("moccasin"), 0xffe4b5}, + {_T("navajowhite"), 0xffdead}, + {_T("peachpuff"), 0xffdab9}, + {_T("yellow"), 0xffff00}, + {_T("gold"), 0xffd700}, + {_T("wheat"), 0xf5deb3}, + {_T("orange"), 0xffa500}, + {_T("darkorange"), 0xff8c00}, + + {_T("oldlace"), 0xfdf5e6}, + {_T("linen"), 0xfaf0e6}, + {_T("antiquewhite"), 0xfaebd7}, + {_T("lightsalmon"), 0xffa07a}, + {_T("darksalmon"), 0xe9967a}, + {_T("salmon"), 0xfa8072}, + {_T("lightcoral"), 0xf08080}, + {_T("indianred"), 0xcd5c5c}, + {_T("coral"), 0xff7f50}, + {_T("tomato"), 0xff6347}, + {_T("orangered"), 0xff4500}, + {_T("red"), 0xff0000}, + {_T("crimson"), 0xdc143c}, + {_T("firebrick"), 0xb22222}, + {_T("maroon"), 0x800000}, + {_T("darkred"), 0x8b0000}, + + {_T("lavender"), 0xe6e6fe}, + {_T("lavenderblush"), 0xfff0f5}, + {_T("mistyrose"), 0xffe4e1}, + {_T("thistle"), 0xd8bfd8}, + {_T("pink"), 0xffc0cb}, + {_T("lightpink"), 0xffb6c1}, + {_T("palevioletred"), 0xdb7093}, + {_T("hotpink"), 0xff69b4}, + {_T("fuchsia"), 0xff00ee}, + {_T("magenta"), 0xff00ff}, + {_T("mediumvioletred"), 0xc71585}, + {_T("deeppink"), 0xff1493}, + {_T("plum"), 0xdda0dd}, + {_T("violet"), 0xee82ee}, + {_T("orchid"), 0xda70d6}, + {_T("mediumorchid"), 0xba55d3}, + {_T("mediumpurple"), 0x9370db}, + {_T("purple"), 0x9370db}, + {_T("blueviolet"), 0x8a2be2}, + {_T("darkviolet"), 0x9400d3}, + {_T("darkorchid"), 0x9932cc}, + + {_T("tan"), 0xd2b48c}, + {_T("burlywood"), 0xdeb887}, + {_T("sandybrown"), 0xf4a460}, + {_T("peru"), 0xcd853f}, + {_T("goldenrod"), 0xdaa520}, + {_T("darkgoldenrod"), 0xb8860b}, + {_T("chocolate"), 0xd2691e}, + {_T("rosybrown"), 0xbc8f8f}, + {_T("sienna"), 0xa0522d}, + {_T("saddlebrown"), 0x8b4513}, + {_T("brown"), 0xa52a2a}, +}; + +CHtmlColorMap::CHtmlColorMap() +{ + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < countof(hmtlcolors); i++) + SetAt(hmtlcolors[i].name, hmtlcolors[i].color); +} + +CHtmlColorMap g_colors; + +// + +BYTE CharSetList[] = +{ + ANSI_CHARSET, + DEFAULT_CHARSET, + SYMBOL_CHARSET, + SHIFTJIS_CHARSET, + HANGEUL_CHARSET, + HANGUL_CHARSET, + GB2312_CHARSET, + CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET, + OEM_CHARSET, + JOHAB_CHARSET, + HEBREW_CHARSET, + ARABIC_CHARSET, + GREEK_CHARSET, + TURKISH_CHARSET, + VIETNAMESE_CHARSET, + THAI_CHARSET, + EASTEUROPE_CHARSET, + RUSSIAN_CHARSET, + MAC_CHARSET, + BALTIC_CHARSET +}; + +TCHAR* CharSetNames[] = +{ + _T("ANSI"), + _T("DEFAULT"), + _T("SYMBOL"), + _T("SHIFTJIS"), + _T("HANGEUL"), + _T("HANGUL"), + _T("GB2312"), + _T("CHINESEBIG5"), + _T("OEM"), + _T("JOHAB"), + _T("HEBREW"), + _T("ARABIC"), + _T("GREEK"), + _T("TURKISH"), + _T("VIETNAMESE"), + _T("THAI"), + _T("EASTEUROPE"), + _T("RUSSIAN"), + _T("MAC"), + _T("BALTIC"), +}; + +int CharSetLen = countof(CharSetList); + +// + +static DWORD CharSetToCodePage(DWORD dwCharSet) +{ + CHARSETINFO cs={0}; + ::TranslateCharsetInfo((DWORD *)dwCharSet, &cs, TCI_SRCCHARSET); + return cs.ciACP; +} + +int FindChar(CStringW str, WCHAR c, int pos, bool fUnicode, int CharSet) +{ + if(fUnicode) return(str.Find(c, pos)); + + int fStyleMod = 0; + + DWORD cp = CharSetToCodePage(CharSet); + int OrgCharSet = CharSet; + + for(size_t i = 0, j = str.GetLength(), k; i < j; i++) + { + WCHAR c2 = str[i]; + + if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(cp, (BYTE)c2)) i++; + else if(i >= pos) + { + if(c2 == c) return(i); + } + + if(c2 == '{') fStyleMod++; + else if(fStyleMod > 0) + { + if(c2 == '}') fStyleMod--; + else if(c2 == 'e' && i >= 3 && i < j-1 && str.Mid(i-2, 3) == L"\\fe") + { + CharSet = 0; + for(k = i+1; _istdigit(str[k]); k++) CharSet = CharSet*10 + (str[k] - '0'); + if(k == i+1) CharSet = OrgCharSet; + + cp = CharSetToCodePage(CharSet); + } + } + } + + return(-1); +} +/* +int FindChar(CStringA str, char c, int pos, bool fUnicode, int CharSet) +{ + ASSERT(!fUnicode); + + return(FindChar(AToW(str), c, pos, false, CharSet)); +} +*/ +static CStringW ToMBCS(CStringW str, DWORD CharSet) +{ + CStringW ret; + + DWORD cp = CharSetToCodePage(CharSet); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = str.GetLength(); i < j; i++) + { + WCHAR wc = str.GetAt(i); + char c[8]; + + int len; + if((len = WideCharToMultiByte(cp, 0, &wc, 1, c, 8, NULL, NULL)) > 0) + { + for(ptrdiff_t k = 0; k < len; k++) + ret += (WCHAR)(BYTE)c[k]; + } + else + { + ret += '?'; + } + } + + return(ret); +} + +static CStringW UnicodeSSAToMBCS(CStringW str, DWORD CharSet) +{ + CStringW ret; + + int OrgCharSet = CharSet; + + for(ptrdiff_t j = 0; j < str.GetLength(); ) + { + j = str.Find('{', j); + if(j >= 0) + { + ret += ToMBCS(str.Left(j), CharSet); + str = str.Mid(j); + + j = str.Find('}'); + if(j < 0) + { + ret += ToMBCS(str, CharSet); + break; + } + else + { + int k = str.Find(L"\\fe"); + if(k >= 0 && k < j) + { + CharSet = 0; + int l = k+3; + for(; _istdigit(str[l]); l++) CharSet = CharSet*10 + (str[l] - '0'); + if(l == k+3) CharSet = OrgCharSet; + } + + j++; + + ret += ToMBCS(str.Left(j), OrgCharSet); + str = str.Mid(j); + j = 0; + } + } + else + { + ret += ToMBCS(str, CharSet); + break; + } + } + + return(ret); +} + +static CStringW ToUnicode(CStringW str, DWORD CharSet) +{ + CStringW ret; + + DWORD cp = CharSetToCodePage(CharSet); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = str.GetLength(); i < j; i++) + { + WCHAR wc = str.GetAt(i); + char c = wc&0xff; + + if(IsDBCSLeadByteEx(cp, (BYTE)wc)) + { + i++; + + if(i < j) + { + char cc[2]; + cc[0] = c; + cc[1] = (char)str.GetAt(i); + + MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, cc, 2, &wc, 1); + } + } + else + { + MultiByteToWideChar(cp, 0, &c, 1, &wc, 1); + } + + ret += wc; + } + + return(ret); +} + +static CStringW MBCSSSAToUnicode(CStringW str, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW ret; + + int OrgCharSet = CharSet; + + for(ptrdiff_t j = 0; j < str.GetLength(); ) + { + j = FindChar(str, '{', 0, false, CharSet); + + if(j >= 0) + { + ret += ToUnicode(str.Left(j), CharSet); + str = str.Mid(j); + + j = FindChar(str, '}', 0, false, CharSet); + + if(j < 0) + { + ret += ToUnicode(str, CharSet); + break; + } + else + { + int k = str.Find(L"\\fe"); + if(k >= 0 && k < j) + { + CharSet = 0; + int l = k+3; + for(; _istdigit(str[l]); l++) CharSet = CharSet*10 + (str[l] - '0'); + if(l == k+3) CharSet = OrgCharSet; + } + + j++; + + ret += ToUnicode(str.Left(j), OrgCharSet); + str = str.Mid(j); + j = 0; + } + } + else + { + ret += ToUnicode(str, CharSet); + break; + } + } + + return(ret); +} + +CStringW RemoveSSATags(CStringW str, bool fUnicode, int CharSet) +{ + str.Replace (L"{\\i1}", L""); + str.Replace (L"{\\i}", L""); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j; i < str.GetLength(); ) + { + if((i = FindChar(str, '{', i, fUnicode, CharSet)) < 0) break; + if((j = FindChar(str, '}', i, fUnicode, CharSet)) < 0) break; + str.Delete(i, j-i+1); + } + + str.Replace(L"\\N", L"\n"); + str.Replace(L"\\n", L"\n"); + str.Replace(L"\\h", L" "); + + return(str); +} + +// + +static CStringW SubRipper2SSA(CStringW str, int CharSet) +{ + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\i1}"); + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\i}"); + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\b1}"); + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\b}"); + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\u1}"); + str.Replace(L"", L"{\\u}"); + + return(str); +} + +static bool OpenSubRipper(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + int num = 0; + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + WCHAR sep; + int hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1, hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"%d%c%d%c%d%c%d --> %d%c%d%c%d%c%d\n", + &hh1, &sep, &mm1, &sep, &ss1, &sep, &ms1, + &hh2, &sep, &mm2, &sep, &ss2, &sep, &ms2); + + if(c == 1) // numbering + { + num = hh1; + } + else if(c == 14) // time info + { + CStringW str, tmp; + + bool fFoundEmpty = false; + + while(file->ReadString(tmp)) + { + tmp.Trim(); + if(tmp.IsEmpty()) fFoundEmpty = true; + + int num2; + WCHAR c; + if(swscanf(tmp, L"%d%c", &num2, &c) == 1 && fFoundEmpty) + { + num = num2; + break; + } + + str += tmp + '\n'; + } + + ret.Add( + SubRipper2SSA(str, CharSet), + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh1*60 + mm1)*60) + ss1)*1000 + ms1, + (((hh2*60 + mm2)*60) + ss2)*1000 + ms2); + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +static bool OpenOldSubRipper(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < buff.GetLength(); i++) + { + if((i = FindChar(buff, '|', i, file->IsUnicode(), CharSet)) < 0) break; + buff.SetAt(i, '\n'); + } + + int hh1, mm1, ss1, hh2, mm2, ss2; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"{%d:%d:%d}{%d:%d:%d}", &hh1, &mm1, &ss1, &hh2, &mm2, &ss2); + + if(c == 6) + { + ret.Add( + buff.Mid(buff.Find('}', buff.Find('}')+1)+1), + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh1*60 + mm1)*60) + ss1)*1000, + (((hh2*60 + mm2)*60) + ss2)*1000); + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +static bool OpenSubViewer(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + STSStyle def; + CStringW font, color, size; + bool fBold = false; + bool fItalic = false; + bool fStriked = false; + bool fUnderline = false; + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + if(buff[0] == '[') + { + for(size_t i = 0; i < buff.GetLength() && buff[i]== '['; ) + { + int j = buff.Find(']', ++i); + if(j < i) break; + + CStringW tag = buff.Mid(i,j-i); + tag.Trim(); + tag.MakeLower(); + + i += j-i; + + j = buff.Find('[', ++i); + if(j < 0) j = buff.GetLength(); + + CStringW param = buff.Mid(i,j-i); + param.Trim(L" \\t,"); + + i = j; + + if(tag == L"font") + font = def.fontName.CompareNoCase(WToT(param)) ? param : L""; + else if(tag == L"colf") + color = def.colors[0] != (DWORD)wcstol(((LPCWSTR)param)+2, 0, 16) ? param : L""; + else if(tag == L"size") + size = def.fontSize != (double)wcstol(param, 0, 10) ? param : L""; + else if(tag == L"style") + { + if(param.Find(L"no") >= 0) + { + fBold = fItalic = fStriked = fUnderline = false; + } + else + { + fBold = def.fontWeight < FW_BOLD && param.Find(L"bd") >= 0; + fItalic = def.fItalic && param.Find(L"it") >= 0; + fStriked = def.fStrikeOut && param.Find(L"st") >= 0; + fUnderline = def.fUnderline && param.Find(L"ud") >= 0; + } + } + } + + continue; + } + + WCHAR sep; + int hh1, mm1, ss1, hs1, hh2, mm2, ss2, hs2; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"%d:%d:%d%c%d,%d:%d:%d%c%d\n", + &hh1, &mm1, &ss1, &sep, &hs1, &hh2, &mm2, &ss2, &sep, &hs2); + + if(c == 10) + { + CStringW str; + file->ReadString(str); + + str.Replace(L"[br]", L"\\N"); + + CStringW prefix; + if(!font.IsEmpty()) prefix += L"\\fn" + font; + if(!color.IsEmpty()) prefix += L"\\c" + color; + if(!size.IsEmpty()) prefix += L"\\fs" + size; + if(fBold) prefix += L"\\b1"; + if(fItalic) prefix += L"\\i1"; + if(fStriked) prefix += L"\\s1"; + if(fUnderline) prefix += L"\\u1"; + if(!prefix.IsEmpty()) str = L"{" + prefix + L"}" + str; + + ret.Add(str, + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh1*60 + mm1)*60) + ss1)*1000 + hs1*10, + (((hh2*60 + mm2)*60) + ss2)*1000 + hs2*10); + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +static STSStyle* GetMicroDVDStyle(CString str, int CharSet) +{ + STSStyle* ret = DNew STSStyle(); + if(!ret) return(NULL); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, len = str.GetLength(); i < len; i++) + { + int j = str.Find('{', i); + if(j < 0) j = len; + + if(j >= len) break; + + int k = str.Find('}', j); + if(k < 0) k = len; + + CString code = str.Mid(j, k-j); + if(code.GetLength() > 2) code.SetAt(1, (TCHAR)towlower(code[1])); + + if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{c:$"), 4)) + { + _stscanf(code, _T("{c:$%x"), &ret->colors[0]); + } + else if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{f:"), 3)) + { + ret->fontName = code.Mid(3); + } + else if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{s:"), 3)) + { + float f; + if(1 == _stscanf(code, _T("{s:%f"), &f)) + ret->fontSize = f; + } + else if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{h:"), 3)) + { + _stscanf(code, _T("{h:%d"), &ret->charSet); + } + else if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{y:"), 3)) + { + code.MakeLower(); + if(code.Find('b') >= 0) ret->fontWeight = FW_BOLD; + if(code.Find('i') >= 0) ret->fItalic = true; + if(code.Find('u') >= 0) ret->fUnderline = true; + if(code.Find('s') >= 0) ret->fStrikeOut = true; + } + else if(!_tcsnicmp(code, _T("{p:"), 3)) + { + int p; + _stscanf(code, _T("{p:%d"), &p); + ret->scrAlignment = (p == 0) ? 8 : 2; + } + + i = k; + } + + return(ret); +} + +static CStringW MicroDVD2SSA(CStringW str, bool fUnicode, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW ret; + + enum {COLOR=0, FONTNAME, FONTSIZE, FONTCHARSET, BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE, STRIKEOUT}; + bool fRestore[8]; + int fRestoreLen = 8; + memset(fRestore, 0, sizeof(bool)*fRestoreLen); + + for(ptrdiff_t pos = 0, eol; pos < str.GetLength(); pos++) + { + if((eol = FindChar(str, '|', pos, fUnicode, CharSet)) < 0) eol = str.GetLength(); + + CStringW line = str.Mid(pos, eol-pos); + + pos = eol; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j, k, len = line.GetLength(); i < len; i++) + { + if((j = FindChar(line, '{', i, fUnicode, CharSet)) < 0) j = str.GetLength(); + + ret += line.Mid(i, j-i); + + if(j >= len) break; + + if((k = FindChar(line, '}', j, fUnicode, CharSet)) < 0) k = len; + + { + CStringW code = line.Mid(j, k-j); + + if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{c:$", 4)) + { + fRestore[COLOR] = (iswupper(code[1]) == 0); + code.MakeLower(); + + int color; + swscanf(code, L"{c:$%x", &color); + code.Format(L"{\\c&H%x&}", color); + ret += code; + } + else if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{f:", 3)) + { + fRestore[FONTNAME] = (iswupper(code[1]) == 0); + + code.Format(L"{\\fn%s}", code.Mid(3)); + ret += code; + } + else if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{s:", 3)) + { + fRestore[FONTSIZE] = (iswupper(code[1]) == 0); + code.MakeLower(); + + float size; + swscanf(code, L"{s:%f", &size); + code.Format(L"{\\fs%f}", size); + ret += code; + } + else if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{h:", 3)) + { + fRestore[COLOR] = (_istupper(code[1]) == 0); + code.MakeLower(); + + int CharSet; + swscanf(code, L"{h:%d", &CharSet); + code.Format(L"{\\fe%d}", CharSet); + ret += code; + } + else if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{y:", 3)) + { + bool f = (_istupper(code[1]) == 0); + + code.MakeLower(); + + ret += '{'; + if(code.Find('b') >= 0) {ret += L"\\b1"; fRestore[BOLD] = f;} + if(code.Find('i') >= 0) {ret += L"\\i1"; fRestore[ITALIC] = f;} + if(code.Find('u') >= 0) {ret += L"\\u1"; fRestore[UNDERLINE] = f;} + if(code.Find('s') >= 0) {ret += L"\\s1"; fRestore[STRIKEOUT] = f;} + ret += '}'; + } + else if(!wcsnicmp(code, L"{o:", 3)) + { + code.MakeLower(); + + int x, y; + TCHAR c; + swscanf(code, L"{o:%d%c%d", &x, &c, &y); + code.Format(L"{\\move(%d,%d,0,0,0,0)}", x, y); + ret += code; + } + else ret += code; + } + + i = k; + } + + if(pos >= str.GetLength()) break; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < fRestoreLen; i++) + { + if(fRestore[i]) + { + switch(i) + { + case COLOR: ret += L"{\\c}"; break; + case FONTNAME: ret += L"{\\fn}"; break; + case FONTSIZE: ret += L"{\\fs}"; break; + case FONTCHARSET: ret += L"{\\fe}"; break; + case BOLD: ret += L"{\\b}"; break; + case ITALIC: ret += L"{\\i}"; break; + case UNDERLINE: ret += L"{\\u}"; break; + case STRIKEOUT: ret += L"{\\s}"; break; + default: break; + } + } + } + + memset(fRestore, 0, sizeof(bool)*fRestoreLen); + + ret += L"\\N"; + } + + return(ret); +} + +static bool OpenMicroDVD(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + bool fCheck = false, fCheck2 = false; + + CString style(_T("Default")); + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + int start, end; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"{%d}{%d}", &start, &end); + + if(c != 2) + { + c = swscanf(buff, L"{%d}{}", &start) + 1; + end = start + 60; + fCheck = true; + } + + if(c != 2) + { + int i; + if(buff.Find('{') == 0 && (i = buff.Find('}')) > 1 && i < buff.GetLength()) + { + if(STSStyle* s = GetMicroDVDStyle(WToT(buff.Mid(i+1)), CharSet)) + { + style = buff.Mid(1, i-1); + style.MakeUpper(); + if(style.GetLength()) + { + CString str = style.Mid(1); + str.MakeLower(); + style = style.Left(1) + str; + } + ret.AddStyle(style, s); + CharSet = s->charSet; + continue; + } + } + } + + if(c == 2) + { + if(fCheck2 && ret.GetCount()) + { + STSEntry& stse = ret[ret.GetCount()-1]; + stse.end = min(stse.end, start); + fCheck2 = false; + } + + ret.Add( + MicroDVD2SSA(buff.Mid(buff.Find('}', buff.Find('}')+1)+1), file->IsUnicode(), CharSet), + file->IsUnicode(), + start, end, + style); + + if(fCheck) + { + fCheck = false; + fCheck2 = true; + } + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +static void ReplaceNoCase(CStringW& str, CStringW from, CStringW to) +{ + CStringW lstr = str; + lstr.MakeLower(); + + int i, j, k; + + for(i = 0, j = str.GetLength(); i < j; ) + { + if((k = lstr.Find(from, i)) >= 0) + { + str.Delete(k, from.GetLength()); + lstr.Delete(k, from.GetLength()); + str.Insert(k, to); + lstr.Insert(k, to); + i = k + to.GetLength(); + j = str.GetLength(); + } + else break; + } +} + +static CStringW SMI2SSA(CStringW str, int CharSet) +{ + ReplaceNoCase(str, L" ", L" "); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L""", L"\""); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L"
", L"\\N"); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L"", L"{\\i1}"); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L"", L"{\\i}"); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L"", L"{\\b1}"); + ReplaceNoCase(str, L"", L"{\\b}"); + + CStringW lstr = str; + lstr.MakeLower(); + + // + // now parse line + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = str.GetLength(); i < j; ) + { + int k; + if((k = lstr.Find('<', i)) < 0) break; + + int chars_inserted = 0; + + int l = 1; + for(; k+l < j && lstr[k+l] != '>'; l++); + l++; + +// Modified by Cookie Monster + if (lstr.Find(L""); + + for (;;) + { + args.TrimLeft(); + arg = args.SpanExcluding(L" \t>"); + args = args.Mid(arg.GetLength()); + + if(arg.IsEmpty()) + break; + if (arg.Find(L"color=") == 0 ) + { + DWORD color; + + arg = arg.Mid(6); // delete "color=" + if ( arg.IsEmpty()) + continue; + + DWORD val; + if(g_colors.Lookup(CString(arg), val)) + color = (DWORD)val; + else if((color = wcstol(arg, NULL, 16) ) == 0) + color = 0x00ffffff; // default is white + + arg.Format(L"%02x%02x%02x", color&0xff, (color>>8)&0xff, (color>>16)&0xff); + lstr.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, CStringW(L"{\\c&H") + arg + L"&}"); + str.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, CStringW(L"{\\c&H") + arg + L"&}"); + chars_inserted += 5 + arg.GetLength() + 2; + } +/* + else if (arg.Find(_T("size=" )) == 0 ) + { + uint fsize; + + arg = arg.Mid(5); // delete "size=" + if ( arg.GetLength() == 0) + continue; + + if ( fsize = _tcstol(arg, &tmp, 10) == 0 ) + continue; + + lstr.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, CString(_T("{\\fs")) + arg + _T("&}")); + str.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, CString(_T("{\\fs")) + arg + _T("&}")); + chars_inserted += 4 + arg.GetLength() + 2; + } +*/ + } + } + +// Original Code +/* + if (lstr.Find(L""); + + if(arg.GetLength() > 0) + { + DWORD color; + + CString key = WToT(arg); + void* val; + if(g_colors.Lookup(key, val)) color = (DWORD)val; + else color = wcstol(arg, NULL, 16); + + arg.Format(L"%02x%02x%02x", color&0xff, (color>>8)&0xff, (color>>16)&0xff); + } + + lstr.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, L"{\\c&H" + arg + L"&}"); + str.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, L"{\\c&H" + arg + L"&}"); + chars_inserted += 5 + arg.GetLength() + 2; + } +*/ + else if (lstr.Find(L"", k) == k) + { + lstr.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, L"{\\c}"); + str.Insert(k + l + chars_inserted, L"{\\c}"); + chars_inserted += 4; + } + + str.Delete(k, l); + lstr.Delete(k, l); + i = k + chars_inserted; + j = str.GetLength(); + } + + return(str); +} + +static bool OpenSami(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW buff, caption; + + ULONGLONG pos = file->GetPosition(); + + bool fSAMI = false; + + while(file->ReadString(buff) && !fSAMI) + { + if(buff.MakeUpper().Find(L"") >= 0) fSAMI = true; + } + + if(!fSAMI) return(false); + + file->Seek(pos, 0); + + bool fComment = false; + + int start_time = 0; + + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + CStringW ubuff = buff; + ubuff.MakeUpper(); + + if(ubuff.Find(L"") >= 0 || ubuff.Find(L"") >= 0) + fComment = false; + } + + ret.Add( + SMI2SSA(caption, CharSet), + file->IsUnicode(), + start_time, MAXLONG); + + return(true); +} + +static bool OpenVPlayer(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < buff.GetLength(); i++) + { + if((i = FindChar(buff, '|', i, file->IsUnicode(), CharSet)) < 0) break; + buff.SetAt(i, '\n'); + } + + int hh, mm, ss; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"%d:%d:%d:", &hh, &mm, &ss); + + if(c == 3) + { + CStringW str = buff.Mid(buff.Find(':', buff.Find(':', buff.Find(':')+1)+1)+1); + ret.Add(str, + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh*60 + mm)*60) + ss)*1000, + (((hh*60 + mm)*60) + ss)*1000 + 1000 + 50*str.GetLength()); + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +CStringW GetStr(CStringW& buff, char sep = ',') //throw(...) +{ + buff.TrimLeft(); + + int pos = buff.Find(sep); + if(pos < 0) + { + pos = buff.GetLength(); + if(pos < 1) throw 1; + } + + CStringW ret = buff.Left(pos); + if(pos < buff.GetLength()) buff = buff.Mid(pos+1); + + return(ret); +} + +int GetInt(CStringW& buff, char sep = ',') //throw(...) +{ + CStringW str; + + str = GetStr(buff, sep); + str.MakeLower(); + + CStringW fmtstr = str.GetLength() > 2 && (str.Left(2) == L"&h" || str.Left(2) == L"0x") + ? str = str.Mid(2), L"%x" + : L"%d"; + + int ret; + if(swscanf(str, fmtstr, &ret) != 1) throw 1; + + return(ret); +} + +double GetFloat(CStringW& buff, char sep = ',') //throw(...) +{ + CStringW str; + + str = GetStr(buff, sep); + str.MakeLower(); + + float ret; + if(swscanf(str, L"%f", &ret) != 1) throw 1; + + return((double)ret); +} + +static bool LoadFont(CString& font) +{ + int len = font.GetLength(); + + CAutoVectorPtr pData; + if(len == 0 || (len&3) == 1 || !pData.Allocate(len)) + return(false); + + const TCHAR* s = font; + const TCHAR* e = s + len; + for(BYTE* p = pData; s < e; s++, p++) *p = *s - 33; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = 0, k = len&~3; i < k; i+=4, j+=3) + { + pData[j+0] = ((pData[i+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[i+1]>>4)& 3); + pData[j+1] = ((pData[i+1]&15)<<4)|((pData[i+2]>>2)&15); + pData[j+2] = ((pData[i+2]& 3)<<6)|((pData[i+3]>>0)&63); + } + + int datalen = (len&~3)*3/4; + + if((len&3) == 2) + { + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[(len&~3)+1]>>4)&3); + } + else if((len&3) == 3) + { + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[(len&~3)+1]>>4)& 3); + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+1]&15)<<4)|((pData[(len&~3)+2]>>2)&15); + } + + HANDLE hFont = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; + + if(HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(_T("GDI32.DLL"))) + { + typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *PAddFontMemResourceEx)( IN PVOID, IN DWORD, IN PVOID , IN DWORD*); + if(PAddFontMemResourceEx f = (PAddFontMemResourceEx)GetProcAddress(hModule, "AddFontMemResourceEx")) + { + DWORD cFonts; + hFont = f(pData, datalen, NULL, &cFonts); + } + + FreeLibrary(hModule); + } + + if(hFont == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) + { + TCHAR path[_MAX_PATH]; + GetTempPath(_MAX_PATH, path); + + DWORD chksum = 0; + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = datalen>>2; i < j; i++) + chksum += ((DWORD*)(BYTE*)pData)[i]; + + CString fn; + fn.Format(_T("%sfont%08x.ttf"), path, chksum); + + CFileStatus fs; + if(!CFileGetStatus(fn, fs)) + { + CFile f; + if(f.Open(fn, CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::typeBinary|CFile::shareDenyNone)) + { + f.Write(pData, datalen); + f.Close(); + } + } + + AddFontResource(fn); + } + + return(true); +} + +static bool LoadUUEFont(CTextFile* file) +{ + CString s, font; + while(file->ReadString(s)) + { + s.Trim(); + if(s.IsEmpty()) break; + if(s[0] == '[') // check for some standatr blocks + { + if(s.Find(_T("[Script Info]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[V4+ Styles]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[V4 Styles]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Events]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Fonts]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Graphics]")) == 0) break; + } + if(s.Find(_T("fontname:")) == 0) + { + LoadFont(font); + font.Empty(); + continue; + } + + font += s; + } + + if(!font.IsEmpty()) + LoadFont(font); + + return(true); +} + +#ifdef _VSMOD +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::LoadEfile(CString& img, CString m_fn) +{ + int len = img.GetLength(); + + CAutoVectorPtr pData; + if(len == 0 || (len&3) == 1 || !pData.Allocate(len)) + return(false); + + const TCHAR* s = img; + const TCHAR* e = s + len; + for(BYTE* p = pData; s < e; s++, p++) *p = *s - 33; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = 0, k = len&~3; i < k; i+=4, j+=3) + { + pData[j+0] = ((pData[i+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[i+1]>>4)& 3); + pData[j+1] = ((pData[i+1]&15)<<4)|((pData[i+2]>>2)&15); + pData[j+2] = ((pData[i+2]& 3)<<6)|((pData[i+3]>>0)&63); + } + + int datalen = (len&~3)*3/4; + + if((len&3) == 2) + { + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[(len&~3)+1]>>4)&3); + } + else if((len&3) == 3) + { + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+0]&63)<<2)|((pData[(len&~3)+1]>>4)& 3); + pData[datalen++] = ((pData[(len&~3)+1]&15)<<4)|((pData[(len&~3)+2]>>2)&15); + } + + // load png image + MOD_PNGIMAGE t_temp; + if(t_temp.initImage(pData.m_p,m_fn)) // save path + { + mod_images.Add(t_temp); + } + return(true); +} + + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::LoadUUEFile(CTextFile* file, CString m_fn) +{ + CString s, img; + while(file->ReadString(s)) + { + s.Trim(); + if(s.IsEmpty()) break; + if(s[0] == '[') // check for some standatr blocks + { + if(s.Find(_T("[Script Info]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[V4+ Styles]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[V4 Styles]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Events]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Fonts]")) == 0) break; + if(s.Find(_T("[Graphics]")) == 0) break; + } + // next file + if(s.Find(_T("filename:")) == 0) + { + LoadEfile(img, m_fn); + m_fn = s.Mid(10); + img.Empty(); + continue; + } + + img += s; + } + + if(!img.IsEmpty()) + LoadEfile(img, m_fn); + + return(true); +} +#endif + +static bool OpenSubStationAlpha(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + bool fRet = false; + + int version = 3, sver = 3; + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty() || buff.GetAt(0) == ';') continue; + + CStringW entry; + +// try { + entry = GetStr(buff, ':'); +// } +// catch(...) {continue;} + + entry.MakeLower(); + + if(entry == L"[script info]") + { + fRet = true; + } + else if(entry == L"playresx") + { + try + { + = GetInt(buff); + } + catch(...) + { + ret.m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + return(false); + } + + if( <= 0) + { + = ( == 1280) + ? 1024 + : * 3 / 4; + } + } + else if(entry == L"playresy") + { + try + { + = GetInt(buff); + } + catch(...) + { + ret.m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + return(false); + } + + if( <= 0) + { + = ( == 1024) + ? 1280 + : * 4 / 3; + } + } + else if(entry == L"wrapstyle") + { + try + { + ret.m_defaultWrapStyle = GetInt(buff); + } + catch(...) + { + ret.m_defaultWrapStyle = 1; + return(false); + } + } + else if(entry == L"scripttype") + { + if(buff.GetLength() >= 4 && !buff.Right(4).CompareNoCase(L"4.00")) version = sver = 4; + else if(buff.GetLength() >= 5 && !buff.Right(5).CompareNoCase(L"4.00+")) version = sver = 5; + else if(buff.GetLength() >= 6 && !buff.Right(6).CompareNoCase(L"4.00++")) version = sver = 6; + } + else if(entry == L"collisions") + { + buff = GetStr(buff); + buff.MakeLower(); + ret.m_collisions = buff.Find(L"reverse") >= 0 ? 1 : 0; + } + else if(entry == L"scaledborderandshadow") + { + buff = GetStr(buff); + buff.MakeLower(); + ret.m_fScaledBAS = buff.Find(L"yes") >= 0; + } + else if(entry == L"[v4 styles]") + { + fRet = true; + sver = 4; + } + else if(entry == L"[v4+ styles]") + { + fRet = true; + sver = 5; + } + else if(entry == L"[v4++ styles]") + { + fRet = true; + sver = 6; + } + else if(entry == L"style") + { + STSStyle* style = DNew STSStyle; + if(!style) return(false); + + try + { + CString StyleName; + int alpha = 0; + + StyleName = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + style->fontName = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + style->fontSize = GetFloat(buff); + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) style->colors[i] = (COLORREF)GetInt(buff); + style->fontWeight = !!GetInt(buff) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; + style->fItalic = !!GetInt(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fUnderline = !!GetInt(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fStrikeOut = !!GetInt(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fontScaleX = GetFloat(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fontScaleY = GetFloat(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fontSpacing = GetFloat(buff); + if(sver >= 5) style->fontAngleZ = GetFloat(buff); + if(sver >= 4) style->borderStyle = GetInt(buff); + style->outlineWidthX = style->outlineWidthY = GetFloat(buff); + style->shadowDepthX = style->shadowDepthY = GetFloat(buff); + style->scrAlignment = GetInt(buff); + style->marginRect.left = GetInt(buff); + style->marginRect.right = GetInt(buff); + style-> = style->marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + if(sver >= 6) style->marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + if(sver <= 4) alpha = GetInt(buff); + style->charSet = GetInt(buff); + if(sver >= 6) style->relativeTo = GetInt(buff); + + if(sver <= 4) style->colors[2] = style->colors[3]; // style->colors[2] is used for drawing the outline + if(sver <= 4) alpha = max(min(alpha, 0xff), 0); + if(sver <= 4) + { + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) style->alpha[i] = alpha; + style->alpha[3] = 0x80; + } + if(sver >= 5) for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) + { + style->alpha[i] = (BYTE)(style->colors[i] >> 24); + style->colors[i] &= 0xffffff; + } + if(sver >= 5) style->fontScaleX = max(style->fontScaleX, 0); + if(sver >= 5) style->fontScaleY = max(style->fontScaleY, 0); +#ifndef _VSMOD // patch f002. negative fontspacing at style + if(sver >= 5) style->fontSpacing = max(style->fontSpacing, 0); +#endif + style->fontAngleX = style->fontAngleY = 0; + style->borderStyle = style->borderStyle == 1 ? 0 : style->borderStyle == 3 ? 1 : 0; + style->outlineWidthX = max(style->outlineWidthX, 0); + style->outlineWidthY = max(style->outlineWidthY, 0); + style->shadowDepthX = max(style->shadowDepthX, 0); + style->shadowDepthY = max(style->shadowDepthY, 0); + if(sver <= 4) style->scrAlignment = (style->scrAlignment & 4) ? ((style->scrAlignment & 3) + 6) // top + : (style->scrAlignment & 8) ? ((style->scrAlignment & 3) + 3) // mid + : (style->scrAlignment & 3); // bottom + + StyleName.TrimLeft('*'); + + ret.AddStyle(StyleName, style); + } + catch(...) + { + delete style; + return(false); + } + } + else if(entry == L"[events]") + { + fRet = true; + } + else if(entry == _T("dialogue")) + { + try + { + int hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1_div10, hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2_div10, layer = 0; + CString Style, Actor, Effect; + CRect marginRect; + + if(version <= 4) + { + GetStr(buff, '='); /* Marked = */ + GetInt(buff); + } + if(version >= 5)layer = GetInt(buff); + hh1 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + mm1 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + ss1 = GetInt(buff, '.'); + ms1_div10 = GetInt(buff); + hh2 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + mm2 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + ss2 = GetInt(buff, '.'); + ms2_div10 = GetInt(buff); + Style = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + Actor = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + marginRect.left = GetInt(buff); + marginRect.right = GetInt(buff); + = marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + if(version >= 6)marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + Effect = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + + int len = min(Effect.GetLength(), buff.GetLength()); + if(Effect.Left(len) == WToT(buff.Left(len))) Effect.Empty(); + + Style.TrimLeft('*'); + if(!Style.CompareNoCase(_T("Default"))) Style = _T("Default"); + + ret.Add(buff, + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh1*60 + mm1)*60) + ss1)*1000 + ms1_div10*10, + (((hh2*60 + mm2)*60) + ss2)*1000 + ms2_div10*10, + Style, Actor, Effect, + marginRect, + layer); + } + catch(...) + { + return(false); + } + } + else if(entry == L"fontname") + { + LoadUUEFont(file); + } +#ifdef _VSMOD // load png graphic from text resources + else if(entry == L"filename") + { + ret.LoadUUEFile(file,GetStr(buff)); + } +#endif + } + + return(fRet); +} + +static bool OpenXombieSub(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + float version = 0; + +// CMapStringToPtr stylemap; + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty() || buff.GetAt(0) == ';') continue; + + CStringW entry; + +// try { + entry = GetStr(buff, '='); +// } +// catch(...) {continue;} + + entry.MakeLower(); + + if(entry == L"version") + { + version = (float)GetFloat(buff); + } + else if(entry == L"screenhorizontal") + { + try + { + = GetInt(buff); + } + catch(...) + { + ret.m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + return(false); + } + + if( <= 0) + { + = ( == 1280) + ? 1024 + : * 3 / 4; + } + } + else if(entry == L"screenvertical") + { + try + { + = GetInt(buff); + } + catch(...) + { + ret.m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + return(false); + } + + if( <= 0) + { + = ( == 1024) + ? 1280 + : * 4 / 3; + } + } + else if(entry == L"style") + { + STSStyle* style = DNew STSStyle; + if(!style) return(false); + + try + { + CString StyleName; + + StyleName = WToT(GetStr(buff)) + _T("_") + WToT(GetStr(buff)); + style->fontName = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + style->fontSize = GetFloat(buff); + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) style->colors[i] = (COLORREF)GetInt(buff); + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) style->alpha[i] = GetInt(buff); + style->fontWeight = !!GetInt(buff) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; + style->fItalic = !!GetInt(buff); + style->fUnderline = !!GetInt(buff); + style->fStrikeOut = !!GetInt(buff); + style->fBlur = !!GetInt(buff); + style->fontScaleX = GetFloat(buff); + style->fontScaleY = GetFloat(buff); + style->fontSpacing = GetFloat(buff); + style->fontAngleX = GetFloat(buff); + style->fontAngleY = GetFloat(buff); + style->fontAngleZ = GetFloat(buff); + style->borderStyle = GetInt(buff); + style->outlineWidthX = style->outlineWidthY = GetFloat(buff); + style->shadowDepthX = style->shadowDepthY = GetFloat(buff); + style->scrAlignment = GetInt(buff); + style->marginRect.left = GetInt(buff); + style->marginRect.right = GetInt(buff); + style-> = style->marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + style->charSet = GetInt(buff); + + style->fontScaleX = max(style->fontScaleX, 0); + style->fontScaleY = max(style->fontScaleY, 0); + style->fontSpacing = max(style->fontSpacing, 0); + style->borderStyle = style->borderStyle == 1 ? 0 : style->borderStyle == 3 ? 1 : 0; + style->outlineWidthX = max(style->outlineWidthX, 0); + style->outlineWidthY = max(style->outlineWidthY, 0); + style->shadowDepthX = max(style->shadowDepthX, 0); + style->shadowDepthY = max(style->shadowDepthY, 0); + + ret.AddStyle(StyleName, style); + } + catch(...) + { + delete style; + return(false); + } + } + else if(entry == L"line") + { + try + { + CString id; + int hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1, hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2, layer = 0; + CString Style, Actor; + CRect marginRect; + + if(GetStr(buff) != L"D") continue; + id = GetStr(buff); + layer = GetInt(buff); + hh1 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + mm1 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + ss1 = GetInt(buff, '.'); + ms1 = GetInt(buff); + hh2 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + mm2 = GetInt(buff, ':'); + ss2 = GetInt(buff, '.'); + ms2 = GetInt(buff); + Style = WToT(GetStr(buff)) + _T("_") + WToT(GetStr(buff)); + Actor = WToT(GetStr(buff)); + marginRect.left = GetInt(buff); + marginRect.right = GetInt(buff); + = marginRect.bottom = GetInt(buff); + + Style.TrimLeft('*'); + if(!Style.CompareNoCase(_T("Default"))) Style = _T("Default"); + + ret.Add(buff, + file->IsUnicode(), + (((hh1*60 + mm1)*60) + ss1)*1000 + ms1, + (((hh2*60 + mm2)*60) + ss2)*1000 + ms2, + Style, Actor, _T(""), + marginRect, + layer); + } + catch(...) + { + return(false); + } + } + else if(entry == L"fontname") + { + LoadUUEFont(file); + } +#ifdef _VSMOD // load png graphic from text resources + else if(entry == L"filename") + { + ret.LoadUUEFile(file,GetStr(buff)); + } +#endif + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +#include "USFSubtitles.h" + +static bool OpenUSF(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + CString str; + while(file->ReadString(str)) + { + if(str.Find(_T("USFSubtitles")) >= 0) + { + CUSFSubtitles usf; + if(usf.Read(file->GetFilePath()) && usf.ConvertToSTS(ret)) + return(true); + + break; + } + } + + return(false); +} + +static CStringW MPL22SSA(CStringW str) +{ + CAtlList sl; + Explode(str, sl, '|'); + POSITION pos = sl.GetHeadPosition(); + while(pos) + { + CStringW& s = sl.GetNext(pos); + if(s[0] == '/') + { + s = L"{\\i1}" + s.Mid(1) + L"{\\i0}"; + } + } + str = Implode(sl, '\n'); + str.Replace(L"\n", L"\\N"); + return str; +} + +static bool OpenMPL2(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + int start, end; + int c = swscanf(buff, L"[%d][%d]", &start, &end); + + if(c == 2) + { + ret.Add( + MPL22SSA(buff.Mid(buff.Find(']', buff.Find(']')+1)+1)), + file->IsUnicode(), + start*100, end*100); + } + else if(c != EOF) // might be another format + { + return(false); + } + } + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +typedef bool (*STSOpenFunct)(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet); + +static bool OpenRealText(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet); + +typedef struct +{ + STSOpenFunct open; + tmode mode; + exttype type; +} OpenFunctStruct; + +static OpenFunctStruct OpenFuncts[] = +{ + OpenSubRipper, TIME, EXTSRT, + OpenOldSubRipper, TIME, EXTSRT, + OpenSubViewer, TIME, EXTSUB, + OpenMicroDVD, FRAME, EXTSSA, + OpenSami, TIME, EXTSMI, + OpenVPlayer, TIME, EXTSRT, + OpenSubStationAlpha, TIME, EXTSSA, + OpenXombieSub, TIME, EXTXSS, + OpenUSF, TIME, EXTUSF, + OpenMPL2, TIME, EXTSRT, + OpenRealText, TIME, EXTRT, +}; + +static int nOpenFuncts = countof(OpenFuncts); + +// + +CSimpleTextSubtitle::CSimpleTextSubtitle() +{ + m_mode = TIME; + m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + m_defaultWrapStyle = 0; + m_collisions = 0; + m_fScaledBAS = false; + m_encoding = CTextFile::ASCII; + m_lcid = 0; + m_ePARCompensationType = EPCTDisabled; + m_dPARCompensation = 1.0; + +#ifdef _VSMOD // indexing + ind_size = 0; +#endif +} + +CSimpleTextSubtitle::~CSimpleTextSubtitle() +{ + Empty(); +} +/* +CSimpleTextSubtitle::CSimpleTextSubtitle(CSimpleTextSubtitle& sts) +{ + *this = sts; +} + +CSimpleTextSubtitle& CSimpleTextSubtitle::operator = (CSimpleTextSubtitle& sts) +{ + Empty(); + + m_name = sts.m_name; + m_mode = sts.m_mode; + m_dstScreenSize = sts.m_dstScreenSize; + m_defaultWrapStyle = sts.m_defaultWrapStyle; + m_collisions = sts.m_collisions; + m_fScaledBAS = sts.m_fScaledBAS; + m_fSSA = sts.m_fSSA; + m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle = sts.m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle; + CopyStyles(sts.m_styles); + m_segments.Copy(sts.m_segments); + Copy(sts); + + return(*this); +} +*/ + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::Copy(CSimpleTextSubtitle& sts) +{ + Empty(); + + m_name = sts.m_name; + m_mode = sts.m_mode; + m_path = sts.m_path; + m_exttype = sts.m_exttype; + m_dstScreenSize = sts.m_dstScreenSize; + m_defaultWrapStyle = sts.m_defaultWrapStyle; + m_collisions = sts.m_collisions; + m_fScaledBAS = sts.m_fScaledBAS; + m_encoding = sts.m_encoding; + m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle = sts.m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle; + CopyStyles(sts.m_styles); + m_segments.Copy(sts.m_segments); + __super::Copy(sts); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::Append(CSimpleTextSubtitle& sts, int timeoff) +{ + if(timeoff < 0) + { + timeoff = GetCount() > 0 ? GetAt(GetCount()-1).end : 0; + } + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + if(GetAt(i).start > timeoff) + { + RemoveAt(i, j - i); + break; + } + } + + CopyStyles(sts.m_styles, true); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = sts.GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + STSEntry stse = sts.GetAt(i); + stse.start += timeoff; + stse.end += timeoff; + stse.readorder += GetCount(); + __super::Add(stse); + } + + CreateSegments(); +} + +void CSTSStyleMap::Free() +{ + POSITION pos = GetStartPosition(); + while(pos) + { + CString key; + STSStyle* val; + GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); + delete val; + } + + RemoveAll(); +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::CopyStyles(const CSTSStyleMap& styles, bool fAppend) +{ + if(!fAppend) m_styles.Free(); + + POSITION pos = styles.GetStartPosition(); + while(pos) + { + CString key; + STSStyle* val; + styles.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val); + + STSStyle* s = DNew STSStyle; + if(!s) return(false); + + *s = *val; + + AddStyle(key, s); + } + + return(true); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::Empty() +{ + m_dstScreenSize = CSize(0, 0); + m_styles.Free(); + m_segments.RemoveAll(); + RemoveAll(); + +#ifdef _VSMOD // indexing + if(ind_size>0) + { + delete ind_time; + delete ind_pos; + } +#endif +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::Add(CStringW str, bool fUnicode, int start, int end, CString style, CString actor, CString effect, CRect marginRect, int layer, int readorder) +{ + if(str.Trim().IsEmpty() || start > end) return; + + str.Remove('\r'); + str.Replace(L"\n", L"\\N"); + if(style.IsEmpty()) style = _T("Default"); + style.TrimLeft('*'); + + STSEntry sub; + sub.str = str; + sub.fUnicode = fUnicode; + = style; + = actor; + sub.effect = effect; + sub.marginRect = marginRect; + sub.layer = layer; + sub.start = start; + sub.end = end; + sub.readorder = readorder < 0 ? GetCount() : readorder; + + int n = __super::Add(sub); + +#ifndef _VSMOD + int len = m_segments.GetCount(); + + if(len == 0) + { + STSSegment stss(start, end); + stss.subs.Add(n); + m_segments.Add(stss); + } + else if(end <= m_segments[0].start) + { + STSSegment stss(start, end); + stss.subs.Add(n); + m_segments.InsertAt(0, stss); + } + else if(start >= m_segments[len-1].end) + { + STSSegment stss(start, end); + stss.subs.Add(n); + m_segments.Add(stss); + } + else + { + if(start < m_segments[0].start) + { + STSSegment stss(start, m_segments[0].start); + stss.subs.Add(n); + start = m_segments[0].start; + m_segments.InsertAt(0, stss); + } + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < m_segments.GetCount(); i++) + { + STSSegment& s = m_segments[i]; + + if(start >= s.end) + continue; + + if(end <= s.start) + break; + + if(s.start < start && start < s.end) + { + STSSegment stss(s.start, start); + stss.subs.Copy(s.subs); + s.start = start; + m_segments.InsertAt(i, stss); + continue; + } + + if(start <= s.start && s.end <= end) + { + for(ptrdiff_t j = 0, k = s.subs.GetCount(); j <= k; j++) + { + if(j == k || sub.readorder < GetAt(s.subs[j]).readorder) + s.subs.InsertAt(j, n); + } +// s.subs.Add(n); + } + + if(s.start < end && end < s.end) + { + STSSegment stss(s.start, end); + stss.subs.Copy(s.subs); + for(ptrdiff_t j = 0, k = s.subs.GetCount(); j <= k; j++) + { + if(j == k || sub.readorder < GetAt(stss.subs[j]).readorder) + stss.subs.InsertAt(j, n); + } +// stss.subs.Add(n); + s.start = end; + m_segments.InsertAt(i, stss); + } + } + + if(end > m_segments[m_segments.GetCount()-1].end) + { + STSSegment stss(m_segments[m_segments.GetCount()-1].end, end); + stss.subs.Add(n); + m_segments.Add(stss); + } + } +#endif +} + + +#ifdef _VSMOD +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::MakeIndex(int SizeOfSegment) +{ + int cnt = m_segments.GetCount(); + if (SizeOfSegment==0) // autosize + { + // 100000 lines == 1300 segments + // TODO: make gooood =D + if(cnt<100) + { + SizeOfSegment = (cnt==0) ? 1 : cnt; + } + else if (cnt<1000) + { + SizeOfSegment = cnt / 50; + } + else + { + SizeOfSegment = cnt / 100; + } + } + + ind_size = cnt / SizeOfSegment; + + ind_time = new DWORD[ind_size]; + ind_pos = new DWORD[ind_size]; + + for(int i = 0; icharSet = CharSet; + AddStyle(def, style); + m_styles.Lookup(def, ret); + + m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle = true; + } + else + { + m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle = false; + } + + return ret; +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::ChangeUnknownStylesToDefault() +{ + CAtlMap > unknown; + bool fReport = true; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + + STSStyle* val; + if(!m_styles.Lookup(, val)) + { + if(!unknown.Lookup(, val)) + { + if(fReport) + { + CString msg; + msg.Format(_T("Unknown style found: \"%s\", changed to \"Default\"!\n\nPress Cancel to ignore further warnings."),; + if(MessageBox(NULL, msg, _T("Warning"), MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONWARNING) != IDOK) fReport = false; + } + + unknown[] = NULL; + } + + = _T("Default"); + } + } +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::AddStyle(CString name, STSStyle* style) +{ + int i, j; + + if(name.IsEmpty()) name = _T("Default"); + + STSStyle* val; + if(m_styles.Lookup(name, val)) + { + if(*val == *style) + { + delete style; + return; + } + + int len = name.GetLength(); + + for(i = len; i > 0 && _istdigit(name[i-1]); i--); + + int idx = 1; + + CString name2 = name; + + if(i < len && _stscanf(name.Right(len-i), _T("%d"), &idx) == 1) + { + name2 = name.Left(i); + } + + idx++; + + CString name3; + do + { + name3.Format(_T("%s%d"), name2, idx); + idx++; + } + while(m_styles.Lookup(name3)); + + m_styles.RemoveKey(name); + m_styles[name3] = val; + + for(i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + if( == name) = name3; + } + } + + m_styles[name] = style; +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::SetDefaultStyle(STSStyle& s) +{ + STSStyle* val; + if(!m_styles.Lookup(_T("Default"), val)) return false; + *val = s; + m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle = false; + return true; +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetDefaultStyle(STSStyle& s) +{ + STSStyle* val; + if(!m_styles.Lookup(_T("Default"), val)) return false; + s = *val; + return true; +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::ConvertToTimeBased(double fps) +{ + if(m_mode == TIME) return; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = (*this)[i]; + stse.start = int(1.0 * stse.start * 1000 / fps + 0.5); + stse.end = int(1.0 * stse.end * 1000 / fps + 0.5); + } + + m_mode = TIME; + + CreateSegments(); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::ConvertToFrameBased(double fps) +{ + if(m_mode == FRAME) return; + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = (*this)[i]; + stse.start = int(1.0 * stse.start * fps / 1000 + 0.5); + stse.end = int(1.0 * stse.end * fps / 1000 + 0.5); + } + + m_mode = FRAME; + + CreateSegments(); +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::SearchSub(int t, double fps) +{ + int i = 0, j = GetCount() - 1, ret = -1; + + if(j >= 0 && t >= TranslateStart(j, fps)) + { + return(j); + } + + while(i < j) + { + int mid = (i + j) >> 1; + + int midt = TranslateStart(mid, fps); + + if(t == midt) + { + while(mid > 0 && t == TranslateStart(mid-1, fps)) mid--; + ret = mid; + break; + } + else if(t < midt) + { + ret = -1; + if(j == mid) mid--; + j = mid; + } + else if(t > midt) + { + ret = mid; + if(i == mid) mid++; + i = mid; + } + } + + return(ret); +} + +const STSSegment* CSimpleTextSubtitle::SearchSubs(int t, double fps, /*[out]*/ int* iSegment, int* nSegments) +{ + int i = 0, j = m_segments.GetCount() - 1, ret = -1; + + if(nSegments) *nSegments = j+1; + + // last segment + if(j >= 0 && t >= TranslateSegmentStart(j, fps) && t < TranslateSegmentEnd(j, fps)) + { + if(iSegment) *iSegment = j; + return(&m_segments[j]); + } + + // after last segment + if(j >= 0 && t >= TranslateSegmentEnd(j, fps)) + { + if(iSegment) *iSegment = j+1; + return(NULL); + } + + // before first segment + if(j > 0 && t < TranslateSegmentStart(i, fps)) + { + if(iSegment) *iSegment = -1; + return(NULL); + } + +#ifdef _VSMOD + // find bounds + // is this nya? + for(ptrdiff_t k = 0; k < ind_size; k++) + { + if(ind_time[k]>t) + { + if(k==0) break; + i = ind_pos[k-1]; + j = ind_pos[k]; + break; + } + } +#endif + + while(i < j) + { + int mid = (i + j) >> 1; + + int midt = TranslateSegmentStart(mid, fps); + + if(t == midt) + { + ret = mid; + break; + } + else if(t < midt) + { + ret = -1; + if(j == mid) mid--; + j = mid; + } + else if(t > midt) + { + ret = mid; + if(i == mid) mid++; + i = mid; + } + } + + if(0 <= ret && ret < m_segments.GetCount()) + { + if(iSegment) *iSegment = ret; + } + + if(0 <= ret && ret < m_segments.GetCount() + && m_segments[ret].subs.GetCount() > 0 + && TranslateSegmentStart(ret, fps) <= t && t < TranslateSegmentEnd(ret, fps)) + { + return(&m_segments[ret]); + } + + return(NULL); +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::TranslateStart(int i, double fps) +{ + return(i < 0 || GetCount() <= i ? -1 : + m_mode == TIME ? GetAt(i).start : + m_mode == FRAME ? (int)(GetAt(i).start*1000/fps) : + 0); +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::TranslateEnd(int i, double fps) +{ + return(i < 0 || GetCount() <= i ? -1 : + m_mode == TIME ? GetAt(i).end : + m_mode == FRAME ? (int)(GetAt(i).end*1000/fps) : + 0); +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::TranslateSegmentStart(int i, double fps) +{ + return(i < 0 || m_segments.GetCount() <= i ? -1 : + m_mode == TIME ? m_segments[i].start : + m_mode == FRAME ? (int)(m_segments[i].start*1000/fps) : + 0); +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::TranslateSegmentEnd(int i, double fps) +{ + return(i < 0 || m_segments.GetCount() <= i ? -1 : + m_mode == TIME ? m_segments[i].end : + m_mode == FRAME ? (int)(m_segments[i].end*1000/fps) : + 0); +} + +STSStyle* CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetStyle(int i) +{ + CString def = _T("Default"); + + STSStyle* style = NULL; + m_styles.Lookup(GetAt(i).style, style); + + STSStyle* defstyle = NULL; + m_styles.Lookup(def, defstyle); + + if(!style) + { + style = defstyle; + } + + ASSERT(style); + + return style; +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetStyle(int i, STSStyle& stss) +{ + CString def = _T("Default"); + + STSStyle* style = NULL; + m_styles.Lookup(GetAt(i).style, style); + + STSStyle* defstyle = NULL; + m_styles.Lookup(def, defstyle); + + if(!style) + { + if(!defstyle) + { + defstyle = CreateDefaultStyle(DEFAULT_CHARSET); + } + + style = defstyle; + } + + if(!style) + { + ASSERT(0); + return false; + } + + stss = *style; + if(stss.relativeTo == 2 && defstyle) + stss.relativeTo = defstyle->relativeTo; + + return true; +} + +int CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetCharSet(int i) +{ + STSStyle stss; + GetStyle(i, stss); + return(stss.charSet); +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::IsEntryUnicode(int i) +{ + return(GetAt(i).fUnicode); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::ConvertUnicode(int i, bool fUnicode) +{ + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + + if(stse.fUnicode ^ fUnicode) + { + int CharSet = GetCharSet(i); + + stse.str = fUnicode + ? MBCSSSAToUnicode(stse.str, CharSet) + : UnicodeSSAToMBCS(stse.str, CharSet); + + stse.fUnicode = fUnicode; + } +} + +CStringA CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetStrA(int i, bool fSSA) +{ + return(WToA(GetStrWA(i, fSSA))); +} + +CStringW CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetStrW(int i, bool fSSA) +{ + bool fUnicode = IsEntryUnicode(i); + int CharSet = GetCharSet(i); + + CStringW str = GetAt(i).str; + + if(!fUnicode) + str = MBCSSSAToUnicode(str, CharSet); + + if(!fSSA) + str = RemoveSSATags(str, fUnicode, CharSet); + + return(str); +} + +CStringW CSimpleTextSubtitle::GetStrWA(int i, bool fSSA) +{ + bool fUnicode = IsEntryUnicode(i); + int CharSet = GetCharSet(i); + + CStringW str = GetAt(i).str; + + if(fUnicode) + str = UnicodeSSAToMBCS(str, CharSet); + + if(!fSSA) + str = RemoveSSATags(str, fUnicode, CharSet); + + return(str); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::SetStr(int i, CStringA str, bool fUnicode) +{ + SetStr(i, AToW(str), false); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::SetStr(int i, CStringW str, bool fUnicode) +{ + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + + str.Replace(L"\n", L"\\N"); + + if(stse.fUnicode && !fUnicode) stse.str = MBCSSSAToUnicode(str, GetCharSet(i)); + else if(!stse.fUnicode && fUnicode) stse.str = UnicodeSSAToMBCS(str, GetCharSet(i)); + else stse.str = str; +} + +static int comp1(const void* a, const void* b) +{ + int ret = ((STSEntry*)a)->start - ((STSEntry*)b)->start; + if(ret == 0) ret = ((STSEntry*)a)->layer - ((STSEntry*)b)->layer; + if(ret == 0) ret = ((STSEntry*)a)->readorder - ((STSEntry*)b)->readorder; + return(ret); +} + +static int comp2(const void* a, const void* b) +{ + return(((STSEntry*)a)->readorder - ((STSEntry*)b)->readorder); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::Sort(bool fRestoreReadorder) +{ + qsort(GetData(), GetCount(), sizeof(STSEntry), !fRestoreReadorder ? comp1 : comp2); + CreateSegments(); +} + +static int intcomp(const void* i1, const void* i2) +{ + return(*((int*)i1) - *((int*)i2)); +} + +void CSimpleTextSubtitle::CreateSegments() +{ + m_segments.RemoveAll(); + + int i, j; + + CAtlArray breakpoints; + + for(i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + breakpoints.Add(stse.start); + breakpoints.Add(stse.end); + } + + qsort(breakpoints.GetData(), breakpoints.GetCount(), sizeof(int), intcomp); + + int* ptr = breakpoints.GetData(), prev = ptr ? *ptr : NULL; + + for(i = breakpoints.GetCount(); i > 0; i--, ptr++) + { + if(*ptr != prev) + { + m_segments.Add(STSSegment(prev, *ptr)); + prev = *ptr; + } + } + + for(i = 0; i < GetCount(); i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + for(j = 0; j < m_segments.GetCount() && m_segments[j].start < stse.start; j++); + for(; j < m_segments.GetCount() && m_segments[j].end <= stse.end; j++) + m_segments[j].subs.Add(i); + } + + OnChanged(); +/* + for(i = 0, j = m_segments.GetCount(); i < j; i++) + { + STSSegment& stss = m_segments[i]; + + TRACE(_T("%d - %d"), stss.start, stss.end); + + for(ptrdiff_t k = 0, l = stss.subs.GetCount(); k < l; k++) + { + TRACE(_T(", %d"), stss.subs[k]); + } + + TRACE(_T("\n")); + } +*/ +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::Open(CString fn, int CharSet, CString name) +{ + Empty(); + + CWebTextFile f; + if(!f.Open(fn)) return(false); + + fn.Replace('\\', '/'); + if(name.IsEmpty()) + { + name = fn.Left(fn.ReverseFind('.')); + name = name.Mid(name.ReverseFind('/')+1); + int len = name.GetLength(); + int pos = name.ReverseFind('.') + 1; + if ((len - pos) > 1) + name = name.Mid(pos); + } + + return(Open(&f, CharSet, name)); +} + +static int CountLines(CTextFile* f, ULONGLONG from, ULONGLONG to) +{ + int n = 0; + CString s; + f->Seek(from, 0); + while(f->ReadString(s) && f->GetPosition() < to) n++; + return(n); +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::Open(CTextFile* f, int CharSet, CString name) +{ + Empty(); + + ULONGLONG pos = f->GetPosition(); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < nOpenFuncts; i++) + { + if(!OpenFuncts[i].open(f, *this, CharSet) /*|| !GetCount()*/) + { + if(GetCount() > 0) + { + int n = CountLines(f, pos, f->GetPosition()); + CString s; + s.Format(_T("Syntax error at line %d!\t"), n+1); + AfxMessageBox(s, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); + Empty(); + break; + } + + f->Seek(pos, 0); + Empty(); + continue; + } + + m_name = name; + m_exttype = OpenFuncts[i].type; + m_mode = OpenFuncts[i].mode; + m_encoding = f->GetEncoding(); + m_path = f->GetFilePath(); + +// Sort(); + CreateSegments(); +#ifdef _VSMOD // indexing + MakeIndex(0); +#endif + CWebTextFile f2; + if(f2.Open(f->GetFilePath() + _T(".style"))) + OpenSubStationAlpha(&f2, *this, CharSet); + + CreateDefaultStyle(CharSet); + + ChangeUnknownStylesToDefault(); + + if(m_dstScreenSize == CSize(0, 0)) m_dstScreenSize = CSize(384, 288); + + return(true); + } + + return(false); +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::Open(BYTE* data, int len, int CharSet, CString name) +{ + TCHAR path[_MAX_PATH]; + if(!GetTempPath(_MAX_PATH, path)) return(false); + + TCHAR fn[_MAX_PATH]; + if(!GetTempFileName(path, _T("vs"), 0, fn)) return(false); + + FILE* tmp = _tfopen(fn, _T("wb")); + if(!tmp) return(false); + + int i = 0; + for(; i <= (len-1024); i += 1024) fwrite(&data[i], 1024, 1, tmp); + if(len > i) fwrite(&data[i], len - i, 1, tmp); + + fclose(tmp); + + bool fRet = Open(fn, CharSet, name); + + _tremove(fn); + + return(fRet); +} + +bool CSimpleTextSubtitle::SaveAs(CString fn, exttype et, double fps, CTextFile::enc e) +{ + if(fn.Mid(fn.ReverseFind('.')+1).CompareNoCase(exttypestr[et])) + { + if(fn[fn.GetLength()-1] != '.') fn += _T("."); + fn += exttypestr[et]; + } + + CTextFile f; + if(!f.Save(fn, e)) + return(false); + + if(et == EXTSMI) + { + CString str; + + str += _T("\n\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + + f.WriteString(str); + } + else if(et == EXTSSA || et == EXTASS) + { + CString str; + + str = _T("[Script Info]\n"); + str += (et == EXTSSA) ? _T("; This is a Sub Station Alpha v4 script.\n") : _T("; This is an Advanced Sub Station Alpha v4+ script.\n"); + str += _T("; For Sub Station Alpha info and downloads,\n"); + str += _T("; go to\n"); + str += _T("; or email\n"); + str += _T("; \n"); + if(et == EXTASS) + { + str += _T("; Advanced Sub Station Alpha script format developed by #Anime-Fansubs@EfNET\n"); + str += _T(";\n"); + str += _T("; \n"); + str += _T("; For additional info and downloads go to\n"); + str += _T("; or email\n"); + str += _T("; \n"); + } + str += _T("; Note: This file was saved by Subresync.\n"); + str += _T("; \n"); + str += (et == EXTSSA) ? _T("ScriptType: v4.00\n") : _T("ScriptType: v4.00+\n"); + str += (m_collisions == 0) ? _T("Collisions: Normal\n") : _T("Collisions: Reverse\n"); + if(et == EXTASS && m_fScaledBAS) str += _T("ScaledBorderAndShadow: Yes\n"); + str += _T("PlayResX: %d\n"); + str += _T("PlayResY: %d\n"); + str += _T("Timer: 100.0000\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + str += (et == EXTSSA) + ? _T("[V4 Styles]\nFormat: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding\n") + : _T("[V4+ Styles]\nFormat: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding\n"); + + CString str2; + str2.Format(str,,; + f.WriteString(str2); + + str = (et == EXTSSA) + ? _T("Style: %s,%s,%d,&H%06x,&H%06x,&H%06x,&H%06x,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n") + : _T("Style: %s,%s,%d,&H%08x,&H%08x,&H%08x,&H%08x,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n"); + + POSITION pos = m_styles.GetStartPosition(); + while(pos) + { + CString key; + STSStyle* s; + m_styles.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, s); + + if(et == EXTSSA) + { + CString str2; + str2.Format(str, key, + s->fontName, (int)s->fontSize, + s->colors[0]&0xffffff, + s->colors[1]&0xffffff, + s->colors[2]&0xffffff, + s->colors[3]&0xffffff, + s->fontWeight > FW_NORMAL ? -1 : 0, s->fItalic ? -1 : 0, + s->borderStyle == 0 ? 1 : s->borderStyle == 1 ? 3 : 0, + (int)s->outlineWidthY, (int)s->shadowDepthY, + s->scrAlignment <= 3 ? s->scrAlignment : s->scrAlignment <= 6 ? ((s->scrAlignment-3)|8) : s->scrAlignment <= 9 ? ((s->scrAlignment-6)|4) : 2, + s->marginRect.left, s->marginRect.right, (s-> + s->marginRect.bottom) / 2, + s->alpha[0], + s->charSet); + f.WriteString(str2); + } + else + { + CString str2; + str2.Format(str, key, + s->fontName, (int)s->fontSize, + (s->colors[0]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[0]<<24), + (s->colors[1]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[1]<<24), + (s->colors[2]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[2]<<24), + (s->colors[3]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[3]<<24), + s->fontWeight > FW_NORMAL ? -1 : 0, + s->fItalic ? -1 : 0, s->fUnderline ? -1 : 0, s->fStrikeOut ? -1 : 0, + (int)s->fontScaleX, (int)s->fontScaleY, + (int)s->fontSpacing, (float)s->fontAngleZ, + s->borderStyle == 0 ? 1 : s->borderStyle == 1 ? 3 : 0, + (int)s->outlineWidthY, (int)s->shadowDepthY, + s->scrAlignment, + s->marginRect.left, s->marginRect.right, (s-> + s->marginRect.bottom) / 2, + s->charSet); + f.WriteString(str2); + } + } + + if(GetCount() > 0) + { + str = _T("\n"); + str += _T("[Events]\n"); + str += (et == EXTSSA) + ? _T("Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text\n") + : _T("Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Actor, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text\n"); + f.WriteString(str); + } + } + + CStringW fmt = + et == EXTSRT ? L"%d\n%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d --> %02d:%02d:%02d,%03d\n%s\n\n" : + et == EXTSUB ? L"{%d}{%d}%s\n" : + et == EXTSMI ? L"


 \n" : + et == EXTPSB ? L"{%d:%02d:%02d}{%d:%02d:%02d}%s\n" : + et == EXTSSA ? L"Dialogue: Marked=0,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%s,%s,%04d,%04d,%04d,%s,%s\n" : + et == EXTASS ? L"Dialogue: %d,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%d:%02d:%02d.%02d,%s,%s,%04d,%04d,%04d,%s,%s\n" : + L""; +// Sort(true); + + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0, j = GetCount(), k = 0; i < j; i++) + { + STSEntry& stse = GetAt(i); + + int t1 = TranslateStart(i, fps); + if(t1 < 0) + { + k++; + continue; + } + + int t2 = TranslateEnd(i, fps); + + int hh1 = (t1/60/60/1000); + int mm1 = (t1/60/1000)%60; + int ss1 = (t1/1000)%60; + int ms1 = (t1)%1000; + int hh2 = (t2/60/60/1000); + int mm2 = (t2/60/1000)%60; + int ss2 = (t2/1000)%60; + int ms2 = (t2)%1000; + + CStringW str = f.IsUnicode() + ? GetStrW(i, et == EXTSSA || et == EXTASS) + : GetStrWA(i, et == EXTSSA || et == EXTASS); + + CStringW str2; + + if(et == EXTSRT) + { + str2.Format(fmt, i-k+1, hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1, hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2, str); + } + else if(et == EXTSUB) + { + str.Replace('\n', '|'); + str2.Format(fmt, int(t1*fps/1000), int(t2*fps/1000), str); + } + else if(et == EXTSMI) + { + str.Replace(L"\n", L"
"); + str2.Format(fmt, t1, str, t2); + } + else if(et == EXTPSB) + { + str.Replace('\n', '|'); + str2.Format(fmt, hh1, mm1, ss1, hh2, mm2, ss2, str); + } + else if(et == EXTSSA) + { + str.Replace(L"\n", L"\\N"); + str2.Format(fmt, + hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1/10, + hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2/10, + TToW(, TToW(, + stse.marginRect.left, stse.marginRect.right, ( + stse.marginRect.bottom) / 2, + TToW(stse.effect), str); + } + else if(et == EXTASS) + { + str.Replace(L"\n", L"\\N"); + str2.Format(fmt, + stse.layer, + hh1, mm1, ss1, ms1/10, + hh2, mm2, ss2, ms2/10, + TToW(, TToW(, + stse.marginRect.left, stse.marginRect.right, ( + stse.marginRect.bottom) / 2, + TToW(stse.effect), str); + } + + f.WriteString(str2); + } + +// Sort(); + + if(et == EXTSMI) + { + f.WriteString(_T("\n\n")); + } + + STSStyle* s; + if(!m_fUsingAutoGeneratedDefaultStyle && m_styles.Lookup(_T("Default"), s) && et != EXTSSA && et != EXTASS) + { + CTextFile f; + if(!f.Save(fn + _T(".style"), e)) + return(false); + + CString str, str2; + + str += _T("ScriptType: v4.00+\n"); + str += _T("PlayResX: %d\n"); + str += _T("PlayResY: %d\n"); + str += _T("\n"); + str += _T("[V4+ Styles]\nFormat: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding\n"); + str2.Format(str,,; + f.WriteString(str2); + + str = _T("Style: Default,%s,%d,&H%08x,&H%08x,&H%08x,&H%08x,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n"); + str2.Format(str, + s->fontName, (int)s->fontSize, + (s->colors[0]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[0]<<24), + (s->colors[1]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[1]<<24), + (s->colors[2]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[2]<<24), + (s->colors[3]&0xffffff) | (s->alpha[3]<<24), + s->fontWeight > FW_NORMAL ? -1 : 0, + s->fItalic ? -1 : 0, s->fUnderline ? -1 : 0, s->fStrikeOut ? -1 : 0, + (int)s->fontScaleX, (int)s->fontScaleY, + (int)s->fontSpacing, (float)s->fontAngleZ, + s->borderStyle == 0 ? 1 : s->borderStyle == 1 ? 3 : 0, + (int)s->outlineWidthY, (int)s->shadowDepthY, + s->scrAlignment, + s->marginRect.left, s->marginRect.right, (s-> + s->marginRect.bottom) / 2, + s->charSet); + f.WriteString(str2); + } + + return(true); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +STSStyle::STSStyle() +{ + SetDefault(); +} + +#ifdef _VSMOD +STSStyle::STSStyle(STSStyle& s) +{ + SetDefault(); + mod_CopyStyleFrom(s); +} +#endif + +void STSStyle::SetDefault() +{ + marginRect = CRect(20, 20, 20, 20); + scrAlignment = 2; + borderStyle = 0; + outlineWidthX = outlineWidthY = 2; + shadowDepthX = shadowDepthY = 3; + colors[0] = 0x00ffffff; + colors[1] = 0x0000ffff; + colors[2] = 0x00000000; + colors[3] = 0x00000000; + alpha[0] = 0x00; + alpha[1] = 0x00; + alpha[2] = 0x00; + alpha[3] = 0x80; + charSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; + fontName = _T("Arial"); + fontSize = 18; + fontScaleX = fontScaleY = 100; + fontSpacing = 0; + fontWeight = FW_BOLD; + fItalic = false; + fUnderline = false; + fStrikeOut = false; + fBlur = 0; + fGaussianBlur = 0; + fontShiftX = fontShiftY = fontAngleZ = fontAngleX = fontAngleY = 0; + relativeTo = 2; +#ifdef _VSMOD + // patch m001. Vertical fontspacing + mod_verticalSpace = 0; + // patch m002. Z-coord + mod_z = 0; + // patch m003. random text points + mod_rand.clear(); + // patch m004. gradient colors + mod_grad.clear(); + // patch m007. symbol rotating + mod_fontOrient = 0; +#endif +} + +bool STSStyle::operator == (STSStyle& s) +{ + return(marginRect == s.marginRect + && scrAlignment == s.scrAlignment + && borderStyle == s.borderStyle + && outlineWidthX == s.outlineWidthX + && outlineWidthY == s.outlineWidthY + && shadowDepthX == s.shadowDepthX + && shadowDepthY == s.shadowDepthY + && *((int*)&colors[0]) == *((int*)&s.colors[0]) + && *((int*)&colors[1]) == *((int*)&s.colors[1]) + && *((int*)&colors[2]) == *((int*)&s.colors[2]) + && *((int*)&colors[3]) == *((int*)&s.colors[3]) + && alpha[0] == s.alpha[0] + && alpha[1] == s.alpha[1] + && alpha[2] == s.alpha[2] + && alpha[3] == s.alpha[3] + && fBlur == s.fBlur + && fGaussianBlur == s.fGaussianBlur + && relativeTo == s.relativeTo +#ifdef _VSMOD + // patch m001. Vertical fontspacing + && mod_verticalSpace == s.mod_verticalSpace + // patch m002. Z-coord + && mod_z == s.mod_z + // patch m003. random text points + && mod_rand == s.mod_rand + // patch m004. gradient colors + && mod_grad == s.mod_grad + // patch m007. symbol rotating + && mod_fontOrient == s.mod_fontOrient + // patch m008. distort + && mod_distort == s.mod_distort + // patch m011. jitter + && mod_jitter == s.mod_jitter +#endif + && IsFontStyleEqual(s)); +} + +bool STSStyle::IsFontStyleEqual(STSStyle& s) +{ + return( + charSet == s.charSet + && fontName == s.fontName + && fontSize == s.fontSize + && fontScaleX == s.fontScaleX + && fontScaleY == s.fontScaleY + && fontSpacing == s.fontSpacing + && fontWeight == s.fontWeight + && fItalic == s.fItalic + && fUnderline == s.fUnderline + && fStrikeOut == s.fStrikeOut + && fontAngleZ == s.fontAngleZ + && fontAngleX == s.fontAngleX + && fontAngleY == s.fontAngleY + // patch f001. fax fay patch (many instances at line) + && fontShiftX == s.fontShiftX + && fontShiftY == s.fontShiftY); +} + +#ifdef _VSMOD +void STSStyle::mod_CopyStyleFrom(STSStyle& s) +{ + marginRect = s.marginRect; + scrAlignment = s.scrAlignment; + borderStyle = s.borderStyle; + outlineWidthX = s.outlineWidthX; + outlineWidthY = s.outlineWidthY; + shadowDepthX = s.shadowDepthX; + shadowDepthY = s.shadowDepthY; + *((int*)&colors[0]) = *((int*)&s.colors[0]); + *((int*)&colors[1]) = *((int*)&s.colors[1]); + *((int*)&colors[2]) = *((int*)&s.colors[2]); + *((int*)&colors[3]) = *((int*)&s.colors[3]); + alpha[0] = s.alpha[0]; + alpha[1] = s.alpha[1]; + alpha[2] = s.alpha[2]; + alpha[3] = s.alpha[3]; + fBlur = s.fBlur; + fGaussianBlur = s.fGaussianBlur; + relativeTo = s.relativeTo; + + //patch m001. Vertical fontspacing + mod_verticalSpace = s.mod_verticalSpace; + //patch m002. Z-coord + mod_z = s.mod_z; + //patch m003. random text points + mod_rand = s.mod_rand; + //patch m004. gradient colors + mod_grad = s.mod_grad; + // patch m007. symbol rotating + mod_fontOrient = s.mod_fontOrient; + // patch m008. distort + mod_distort = s.mod_distort; + // patch m011. jitter + mod_jitter = s.mod_jitter; + // font + charSet = s.charSet; + fontName = s.fontName; + fontSize = s.fontSize; + fontScaleX = s.fontScaleX; + fontScaleY = s.fontScaleY; + fontSpacing = s.fontSpacing; + fontWeight = s.fontWeight; + fItalic = s.fItalic; + fUnderline = s.fUnderline; + fStrikeOut = s.fStrikeOut; + fontAngleZ = s.fontAngleZ; + fontAngleX = s.fontAngleX; + fontAngleY = s.fontAngleY; + // patch f001. fax fay patch (many instances at line) + fontShiftX = s.fontShiftX; + fontShiftY = s.fontShiftY; +} + +void STSStyle::operator = (STSStyle& s) +{ + mod_CopyStyleFrom(s); +} +#endif + +void STSStyle::operator = (LOGFONT& lf) +{ + charSet = lf.lfCharSet; + fontName = lf.lfFaceName; + HDC hDC = GetDC(0); + fontSize = -MulDiv(lf.lfHeight, 72, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY)); + ReleaseDC(0, hDC); +// fontAngleZ = (float)(1.0*lf.lfEscapement/10); + fontWeight = lf.lfWeight; + fItalic = !!lf.lfItalic; + fUnderline = !!lf.lfUnderline; + fStrikeOut = !!lf.lfStrikeOut; +} + +LOGFONTA& operator <<= (LOGFONTA& lfa, STSStyle& s) +{ + lfa.lfCharSet = s.charSet; + strncpy_s(lfa.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, CStringA(s.fontName), _TRUNCATE); + HDC hDC = GetDC(0); + lfa.lfHeight = -MulDiv((int)(s.fontSize+0.5), GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); + ReleaseDC(0, hDC); + lfa.lfWeight = s.fontWeight; + lfa.lfItalic = s.fItalic?-1:0; + lfa.lfUnderline = s.fUnderline?-1:0; + lfa.lfStrikeOut = s.fStrikeOut?-1:0; + return(lfa); +} + +LOGFONTW& operator <<= (LOGFONTW& lfw, STSStyle& s) +{ + lfw.lfCharSet = s.charSet; + wcsncpy_s(lfw.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, CStringW(s.fontName), _TRUNCATE); + HDC hDC = GetDC(0); + lfw.lfHeight = -MulDiv((int)(s.fontSize+0.5), GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72); + ReleaseDC(0, hDC); + lfw.lfWeight = s.fontWeight; + lfw.lfItalic = s.fItalic?-1:0; + lfw.lfUnderline = s.fUnderline?-1:0; + lfw.lfStrikeOut = s.fStrikeOut?-1:0; + return(lfw); +} + +CString& operator <<= (CString& style, STSStyle& s) +{ + style.Format(_T("%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%f;%f;%f;%f;0x%06x;0x%06x;0x%06x;0x%06x;0x%02x;0x%02x;0x%02x;0x%02x;%d;%s;%f;%f;%f;%f;%d;%d;%d;%d;%d;%f;%f;%f;%f;%d"), + s.marginRect.left, s.marginRect.right,, s.marginRect.bottom, + s.scrAlignment, s.borderStyle, + s.outlineWidthX, s.outlineWidthY, s.shadowDepthX, s.shadowDepthY, + s.colors[0], s.colors[1], s.colors[2], s.colors[3], + s.alpha[0], s.alpha[1], s.alpha[2], s.alpha[3], + s.charSet, + s.fontName,s.fontSize, + s.fontScaleX, s.fontScaleY, + s.fontSpacing,s.fontWeight, + (int)s.fItalic, (int)s.fUnderline, (int)s.fStrikeOut, s.fBlur, s.fGaussianBlur, + s.fontAngleZ, s.fontAngleX, s.fontAngleY, + s.relativeTo); + + return(style); +} + +STSStyle& operator <<= (STSStyle& s, CString& style) +{ + s.SetDefault(); + + try + { + CStringW str = TToW(style); + if(str.Find(';')>=0) + { + s.marginRect.left = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.marginRect.right = GetInt(str, ';'); + = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.marginRect.bottom = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.scrAlignment = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.borderStyle = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.outlineWidthX = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.outlineWidthY = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.shadowDepthX = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.shadowDepthY = GetFloat(str, ';'); + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) s.colors[i] = (COLORREF)GetInt(str, ';'); + for(ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) s.alpha[i] = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.charSet = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fontName = WToT(GetStr(str, ';')); + s.fontSize = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontScaleX = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontScaleY = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontSpacing = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontWeight = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fItalic = !!GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fUnderline = !!GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fStrikeOut = !!GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fBlur = GetInt(str, ';'); + s.fGaussianBlur = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontAngleZ = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontAngleX = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.fontAngleY = GetFloat(str, ';'); + s.relativeTo = GetInt(str, ';'); + } + } + catch(...) + { + s.SetDefault(); + } + + return(s); +} + +static bool OpenRealText(CTextFile* file, CSimpleTextSubtitle& ret, int CharSet) +{ + wstring szFile; + + CStringW buff; + while(file->ReadString(buff)) + { + buff.Trim(); + if(buff.IsEmpty()) continue; + + szFile += CStringW(_T("\n")) + buff.GetBuffer(); + } + + CRealTextParser RealTextParser; + if (!RealTextParser.ParseRealText(szFile)) + return false; + + CRealTextParser::Subtitles crRealText = RealTextParser.GetParsedSubtitles(); + + for (map, wstring>::const_iterator i = crRealText.m_mapLines.begin(); + i != crRealText.m_mapLines.end(); + ++i) + { + ret.Add( + SubRipper2SSA(i->second.c_str(), CharSet), + file->IsUnicode(), + i->first.first, + i->first.second); + } + +// std::wofstream wofsOut(L"c:/"); +// RealTextParser.OutputSRT(wofsOut); + + return(ret.GetCount() > 0); +} + +#ifdef _VSMOD // patch m003. random text points +bool MOD_RANDOM::operator == (MOD_RANDOM& mr) +{ + return (X == mr.X + && Y == mr.Y + && Z == mr.X + && Seed == mr.Seed); +} + +void MOD_RANDOM::clear() +{ + X = 0; + Y = 0; + Z = 0; + Seed = 0; +} +#endif + +#ifdef _VSMOD // patch m004. gradient colors +#include // patch m010. png background + +MOD_PNGIMAGE::MOD_PNGIMAGE() +{ + width = 0; + height = 0; + + xoffset = 0; + yoffset = 0; + + pointer = NULL; + + // rasterizer + alpha = 0xFF; +} + +// read embedded graphics +void png_default_read_edata(png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep data, png_size_t length) +{ + png_size_t check; + + if (png_ptr->io_ptr == NULL) + return; + + BYTE* eldata = (BYTE*)png_ptr->io_ptr; + + // read from memory + memcpy(data,eldata,length); + eldata += length; + png_ptr->io_ptr = (png_voidp)eldata; +} + +bool MOD_PNGIMAGE::operator == (MOD_PNGIMAGE& png) +{ + return(filename == png.filename + && xoffset == png.xoffset + && yoffset == png.yoffset); +} + +bool MOD_PNGIMAGE::processData(png_structp png_ptr) +{ + png_uint_32 color_type; + png_uint_32 bit_depth; + + png_infop info_ptr; + int number_of_passes; + + /* initialize stuff */ + info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); + if (!info_ptr) return false; // png_create_info_struct failed + + if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) return false; // Error during init_io + + png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, 8); + + png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); + + width = info_ptr->width; + height = info_ptr->height; + color_type = info_ptr->color_type; + bit_depth = info_ptr->bit_depth; + + // palette + if (color_type==PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) + png_set_palette_to_rgb(png_ptr); + + // expand to 8 bits + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8) + png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png_ptr); + + if (png_get_valid(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) + png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png_ptr); + + // Strip 16 bit depth files to 8 bit depth + if (bit_depth == 16) + png_set_strip_16(png_ptr); + + // ARGB -> RGBA +// if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA) +// png_set_swap_alpha(png_ptr); + + // grayscale -> RGB + if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY || color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA) + png_set_gray_to_rgb(png_ptr); + + number_of_passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr); + png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); + + /* read file */ + if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) return false; // Error during read_image + + bpp = info_ptr->rowbytes / width; + pointer = (png_bytep*) malloc(sizeof(png_bytep) * height); + for (int y=0; yrowbytes); + + png_read_image(png_ptr, pointer); + return true; +} + +bool MOD_PNGIMAGE::initImage(CString m_fn) +{ + if((m_fn==filename)&&(pointer!=NULL)) return true; // already loaded + + char header[8]; // 8 is the maximum size that can be check + png_structp png_ptr; + + const wchar_t* wfn = m_fn.GetString(); + int len = m_fn.GetLength(); + char* fn = new char[len+1]; + WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,NULL,wfn,wcslen(wfn),fn,len,NULL,NULL); + fn[len]=0; + filename = m_fn; + + FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "rb"); + if (!fp) return false; // File could not be opened for reading + fread(header, 1, 8, fp); + if (png_sig_cmp((png_bytep)header, 0, 8)) return false; // File is not recognized as a PNG file + + png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (!png_ptr) return false; // png_create_read_struct failed + + png_init_io(png_ptr, fp); + return processData(png_ptr); + fclose(fp); +} + +bool MOD_PNGIMAGE::initImage(BYTE* data, CString m_fn) +{ + if((m_fn==filename)&&(pointer!=NULL)) return true; // already loaded + if(data == NULL) return false; // not loaded + + char header[8]; // 8 is the maximum size that can be check + png_structp png_ptr; + + filename = m_fn; + + memcpy(header,data,8); + if (png_sig_cmp((png_bytep)header, 0, 8)) return false; // File is not recognized as a PNG file + + data += 8; // don't forget modify pointer + png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (!png_ptr) return false; // png_create_read_struct failed + + png_set_read_fn(png_ptr, (png_voidp)data, &png_default_read_edata); + return processData(png_ptr); +} + +void MOD_PNGIMAGE::freeImage() +{ + if(pointer!=NULL) delete [] pointer; +} + +MOD_GRADIENT::MOD_GRADIENT() +{ + clear(); +} + +bool MOD_GRADIENT::operator == (MOD_GRADIENT& mg) +{ + return (color[0][0] == mg.color[0][0] // T.T + && color[1][0] == mg.color[1][0] + && color[2][0] == mg.color[2][0] + && color[3][0] == mg.color[3][0] + && color[0][1] == mg.color[0][1] + && color[1][1] == mg.color[1][1] + && color[2][1] == mg.color[2][1] + && color[3][1] == mg.color[3][1] + && color[0][2] == mg.color[0][2] + && color[1][2] == mg.color[1][2] + && color[2][2] == mg.color[2][2] + && color[3][2] == mg.color[3][2] + && color[0][3] == mg.color[0][3] + && color[1][3] == mg.color[1][3] + && color[2][3] == mg.color[2][3] + && color[3][3] == mg.color[3][3] + && alpha[0][0] == mg.alpha[0][0] + && alpha[1][0] == mg.alpha[1][0] + && alpha[2][0] == mg.alpha[2][0] + && alpha[3][0] == mg.alpha[3][0] + && alpha[0][1] == mg.alpha[0][1] + && alpha[1][1] == mg.alpha[1][1] + && alpha[2][1] == mg.alpha[2][1] + && alpha[3][1] == mg.alpha[3][1] + && alpha[0][2] == mg.alpha[0][2] + && alpha[1][2] == mg.alpha[1][2] + && alpha[2][2] == mg.alpha[2][2] + && alpha[3][2] == mg.alpha[3][2] + && alpha[0][3] == mg.alpha[0][3] + && alpha[1][3] == mg.alpha[1][3] + && alpha[2][3] == mg.alpha[2][3] + && alpha[3][3] == mg.alpha[3][3] + && mode[0] == mg.mode[0] + && mode[1] == mg.mode[1] + && mode[2] == mg.mode[2] + && mode[3] == mg.mode[3] + && b_images[0] == mg.b_images[0] + && b_images[1] == mg.b_images[1] + && b_images[2] == mg.b_images[2] + && b_images[3] == mg.b_images[3]); +} + +void MOD_GRADIENT::clear() +{ + memset(&color,0,sizeof(color)); + memset(&colors,0,sizeof(colors)); + memset(&alpha,0,sizeof(alpha)); + memset(&alphas,0,sizeof(alphas)); + memset(&mode,0,sizeof(mode)); + colors[0] = 0x00ffffff; + colors[1] = 0x0000ffff; + alphas[3] = 0x80; + width = 0; + height = 0; + xoffset = 0; + yoffset = 0; + subpixx = 0; + subpixy = 0; + fadalpha = 0xFF; +} + +#include +DWORD MOD_GRADIENT::getmixcolor(int tx, int ty, int i) // too slow T.T +{ + DWORD colorb = 0; + tx += xoffset; + // gradient + if(mode[i]==1) + { + double x = (double)tx/(double)width; + double y = (double)ty/(double)height; + for(int j=0;j<3;j++) + { + colorb |= ((DWORD)(((color[i][0]>>(8*j))&0xff)*(1-x)*y + + ((color[i][1]>>(8*j))&0xff)*x*y+ + ((color[i][2]>>(8*j))&0xff)*(1-y)*(1-x)+ + ((color[i][3]>>(8*j))&0xff)*x*(1-y))&0xff)<<(8*j); + } + DWORD al = (DWORD)((alpha[i][0]*(1-x)*y) + + (alpha[i][1]*x*y)+ + (alpha[i][2]*(1-y)*(1-x))+ + (alpha[i][3]*x*(1-y)))&0xff; + colorb |= (((0xff-al)*(0xff-fadalpha))&0xff00)<<(16); + return colorb; + } + // png background + if(mode[i]==2) + { + // unwarp + tx += b_images[i].xoffset; + ty += b_images[i].yoffset; + while(tx>b_images[i].width-1) tx-=b_images[i].width; + while(ty>b_images[i].height-1) ty-=b_images[i].height; + while(tx<0) tx+=b_images[i].width; + while(ty<0) ty+=b_images[i].height; + // now tx and ty are valid array indexes + // rows are inverted last,...,n,...,1,0 + bool nlastpixx = (tx>0); + bool nlastpixy = (ty>3; + g = (g*(8-subpixx)+dst12[1]*subpixx)>>3; + b = (b*(8-subpixx)+dst12[2]*subpixx)>>3; + a = (b_images[i].bpp==4) ? (a*(8-subpixx)+dst12[3]*subpixx)>>3 : 0xFF; + } + else if(nlastpixy&&!nlastpixx) // last col + { + r = (r*(subpixy)+dst21[0]*(8-subpixy))>>3; + g = (g*(subpixy)+dst21[1]*(8-subpixy))>>3; + b = (b*(subpixy)+dst21[2]*(8-subpixy))>>3; + a = (b_images[i].bpp==4) ? (a*(subpixy)+dst21[3]*(8-subpixy))>>3 : 0xFF; + } + else if(nlastpixy&&nlastpixx) + { + // T.T + r = (((dst21[0]*(8-subpixx)+dst22[0]*subpixx)>>3)*(subpixy)+((r*(8-subpixx)+dst12[0]*subpixx)>>3)*(8-subpixy))>>3; + g = (((dst21[1]*(8-subpixx)+dst22[1]*subpixx)>>3)*(subpixy)+((g*(8-subpixx)+dst12[1]*subpixx)>>3)*(8-subpixy))>>3; + b = (((dst21[2]*(8-subpixx)+dst22[2]*subpixx)>>3)*(subpixy)+((b*(8-subpixx)+dst12[2]*subpixx)>>3)*(8-subpixy))>>3; + a = (b_images[i].bpp==4) ? (((dst21[3]*(8-subpixx)+dst22[3]*subpixx)>>3)*(subpixy)+((a*(8-subpixx)+dst12[3]*subpixx)>>3)*(8-subpixy))>>3 : 0xFF; + } + // alpha fix + DWORD al = (a*b_images[i].alpha*(0xff-fadalpha)); + colorb = (al & 0xFF0000)<<8 | r<<16 | g<<8 | b; + + return colorb; + } + // usual color +// if(mode[i]==0) + return (colors[i]|alphas[i]<<24); +} +#endif + +#ifdef _VSMOD // patch m008. distort +MOD_DISTORT::MOD_DISTORT() +{ + enabled = false; + pointsx[0] = 1; + pointsy[0] = 0; + pointsx[1] = 1; + pointsy[1] = 1; + pointsx[2] = 0; + pointsy[2] = 1; +} + +bool MOD_DISTORT::operator == (MOD_DISTORT& md) +{ + return(enabled == md.enabled + && pointsx[0] == md.pointsx[0] + && pointsx[1] == md.pointsx[1] + && pointsx[2] == md.pointsx[2] + && pointsy[0] == md.pointsy[0] + && pointsy[1] == md.pointsy[1] + && pointsy[2] == md.pointsy[2]); +} +#endif + +#ifdef _VSMOD // patch m011. jitter +MOD_JITTER::MOD_JITTER() +{ + seed = 0; + offset = CRect(0,0,0,0); + period = 1; + enabled = false; +} + +bool MOD_JITTER::operator == (MOD_JITTER& mj) +{ + return(seed == mj.seed + && offset == mj.offset + && period == mj.period); +} + +CPoint MOD_JITTER::getOffset(REFERENCE_TIME rt) +{ + if (!enabled) return CPoint(0,0); + if(period==0) period = 1; + int rseed = (seed + rt / period)*100; + + srand(rseed); + rand(); + int xoffset = rand(); + xoffset = xoffset%(offset.left+offset.right) - offset.left; + + //srand(rseed+1); + int yoffset = rand(); + yoffset = yoffset%( -; + + return CPoint((int)xoffset, (int)yoffset); +} +#endif \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3