/* * CVBase.h * CoreVideo * * Copyright (c) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * */ /*! @header CVBase.h @copyright 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. @availability Mac OS X 10.4 or later @discussion Here you can find the type declarations for CoreVideo. CoreVideo uses a CVTimeStamp structure to store video display time stamps. */ #if !defined(__COREVIDEO_CVBASE_H__) #define __COREVIDEO_CVBASE_H__ 1 #include "TargetConditionals.h" #include "AvailabilityMacros.h" #if TARGET_OS_MAC #include "CoreFoundation/CFBase.h" #else #include "MacTypes.h" #include "CFBase.h" #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif #define CV_EXPORT CF_EXPORT #define CV_INLINE CF_INLINE #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 #define CVDIRECT3DDEVICE LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 #define CVDIRECT3DTEXTURE LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 #define CVDIRECT3DSURFACE LPDIRECT3DSURFACE9 #define CVDIRECT3D LPDIRECT3D9 #endif //TARGET_OS_WIN32 /*! @typedef CVOptionFlags @abstract Flags to be used for the display and render call back functions. @discussion ***Values to be defined*** */ typedef uint64_t CVOptionFlags; /*! @struct CVSMPTETime @abstract A structure for holding a SMPTE time. @field subframes The number of subframes in the full message. @field subframeDivisor The number of subframes per frame (typically 80). @field counter The total number of messages received. @field type The kind of SMPTE time using the SMPTE time type constants. @field flags A set of flags that indicate the SMPTE state. @field hours The number of hourse in the full message. @field minutes The number of minutes in the full message. @field seconds The number of seconds in the full message. @field frames The number of frames in the full message. */ struct CVSMPTETime { SInt16 subframes; SInt16 subframeDivisor; UInt32 counter; UInt32 type; UInt32 flags; SInt16 hours; SInt16 minutes; SInt16 seconds; SInt16 frames; }; typedef struct CVSMPTETime CVSMPTETime; /*! @enum SMPTE Time Types @abstract Constants that describe the type of SMPTE time. @constant kCVSMPTETimeType24 24 Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType25 25 Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType30Drop 30 Drop Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType30 30 Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType2997 29.97 Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType2997Drop 29.97 Drop Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType60 60 Frame @constant kCVSMPTETimeType5994 59.94 Frame */ enum { kCVSMPTETimeType24 = 0, kCVSMPTETimeType25 = 1, kCVSMPTETimeType30Drop = 2, kCVSMPTETimeType30 = 3, kCVSMPTETimeType2997 = 4, kCVSMPTETimeType2997Drop = 5, kCVSMPTETimeType60 = 6, kCVSMPTETimeType5994 = 7 }; /*! @enum SMPTE State Flags @abstract Flags that describe the SMPTE time state. @constant kCVSMPTETimeValid The full time is valid. @constant kCVSMPTETimeRunning Time is running. */ enum { kCVSMPTETimeValid = (1L << 0), kCVSMPTETimeRunning = (1L << 1) }; enum { kCVTimeIsIndefinite = 1 << 0 }; typedef struct { int64_t timeValue; int32_t timeScale; int32_t flags; } CVTime; /*! @struct CVTimeStamp @abstract CoreVideo uses a CVTimeStamp structure to store video display time stamps. @discussion This structure is purposely very similar to AudioTimeStamp defined in the CoreAudio framework. Most of the CVTimeStamp struct should be fairly self-explanatory. However, it is probably worth pointing out that unlike the audio time stamps, floats are not used to represent the video equivalent of sample times. This was done partly to avoid precision issues, and partly because QuickTime still uses integers for time values and time scales. In the actual implementation it has turned out to be very convenient to use integers, and we can represent framerates like NTSC (30000/1001 fps) exactly. The mHostTime structure field uses the same Mach absolute time base that is used in CoreAudio, so that clients of the CoreVideo API can synchronize between the two subsystems. @field videoTimeScale The scale (in units per second) of the videoTime and videoPeriod values @field videoTime This represents the start of a frame (or field for interlaced) @field hostTime Host root timebase time @field rateScalar This is the current rate of the device as measured by the timestamps, divided by the nominal rate @field videoPeriod This is the nominal update period of the current output device @field smpteTime SMPTE time representation of the time stamp. @field flags Possible values are: kCVTimeStampVideoTimeValid kCVTimeStampHostTimeValid kCVTimeStampSMPTETimeValid kCVTimeStampVideoPeriodValid kCVTimeStampRateScalarValid There are flags for each field to make it easier to detect interlaced vs progressive output kCVTimeStampTopField kCVTimeStampBottomField Some commonly used combinations of timestamp flags kCVTimeStampVideoHostTimeValid kCVTimeStampIsInterlaced @field version The current CVTimeStamp is version 0. @field reserved Reserved. Do not use. */ typedef struct { uint32_t version; // Currently will be 0. int32_t videoTimeScale; // Video timescale (units per second) int64_t videoTime; // This represents the start of a frame (or field for interlaced) .. think vsync - still not 100% sure on the name uint64_t hostTime; // Host root timebase time double rateScalar; // Current rate as measured by the timestamps divided by the nominal rate int64_t videoRefreshPeriod; // Hint for nominal output rate CVSMPTETime smpteTime; uint64_t flags; uint64_t reserved; } CVTimeStamp; // Flags for the CVTimeStamp structure enum { kCVTimeStampVideoTimeValid = (1L << 0), kCVTimeStampHostTimeValid = (1L << 1), kCVTimeStampSMPTETimeValid = (1L << 2), kCVTimeStampVideoRefreshPeriodValid = (1L << 3), kCVTimeStampRateScalarValid = (1L << 4), // There are flags for each field to make it easier to detect interlaced vs progressive output kCVTimeStampTopField = (1L << 16), kCVTimeStampBottomField = (1L << 17) }; // Some commonly used combinations of timestamp flags enum { kCVTimeStampVideoHostTimeValid = (kCVTimeStampVideoTimeValid | kCVTimeStampHostTimeValid), kCVTimeStampIsInterlaced = (kCVTimeStampTopField | kCVTimeStampBottomField) }; CV_EXPORT const CVTime kCVZeroTime; CV_EXPORT const CVTime kCVIndefiniteTime; #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif