#ifndef ISPP_INVOKED /* * (C) 2010-2013 see Authors.txt * * This file is part of MPC-HC. * * MPC-HC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPC-HC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * Notes: * NO_VERSION_REV_NEEDED is defined in those cases where we don't need the revision number, but only the major/minor/patch version so the compiler does not rebuild everything for every revision. It's currently used in mpcresources, mpciconlib and VideoRenderers projects. * MPC_VERSION_ARCH is currently used in VSFilter only. * MPC_DX_SDK_MONTH, MPC_DX_SDK_YEAR and MPC_DX_SDK_NUMBER is the month, year and the number of the DirectX SDK used for compilation and it's used in the error message in mpc-hc and in the installer when the DX runtime is out of date. * MPC_DX_SDK_NUMBER is used in the installer when the DirectX runtime is out of date. */ #endif // ISPP_INVOKED #ifndef MPC_VERSION_H #define MPC_VERSION_H #include "mpc-hc_config.h" #ifndef _T #if !defined(ISPP_INVOKED) && (defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)) #define _T(text) L##text #else #define _T(text) text #endif #endif #ifndef NO_VERSION_REV_NEEDED #include "version_rev.h" #endif #define DO_MAKE_STR(x) _T(#x) #define MAKE_STR(x) DO_MAKE_STR(x) #define MPC_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define MPC_VERSION_MINOR 7 #define MPC_VERSION_PATCH 0 #define MPC_BETA_RELEASE 1 #define MPC_COMP_NAME_STR _T("MPC-HC Team") #define MPC_COPYRIGHT_STR _T("Copyright © 2002-2013 all contributors, see Authors.txt") #define MPC_VERSION_COMMENTS WEBSITE_URL #ifndef ISPP_INVOKED #ifdef NO_VERSION_REV_NEEDED #define MPC_VERSION_NUM MPC_VERSION_MAJOR,MPC_VERSION_MINOR,MPC_VERSION_PATCH,0 #define MPC_VERSION_STR MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MAJOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MINOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_PATCH) _T(".0") #define MPC_VERSION_STR_FULL MPC_VERSION_STR #else // !NO_VERSION_REV_NEEDED #define MPC_VERSION_NUM MPC_VERSION_MAJOR,MPC_VERSION_MINOR,MPC_VERSION_PATCH,MPC_VERSION_REV #define MPC_VERSION_STR MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MAJOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MINOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_PATCH) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_REV) #define MPC_VERSION_STR_FULL MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MAJOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_MINOR) _T(".") \ MAKE_STR(MPC_VERSION_PATCH) _T(".") \ MPC_VERSION_REV_FULL #endif // NO_VERSION_REV_NEEDED #endif // ISPP_INVOKED #if MPC_BETA_RELEASE #define MPC_VERSION_BETA _T("Beta") #endif #ifdef _WIN64 #define MPC_VERSION_ARCH _T("x64") #else #define MPC_VERSION_ARCH _T("x86") #endif #define MPC_DX_SDK_MONTH _T("June") #define MPC_DX_SDK_YEAR 2010 #define MPC_DX_SDK_NUMBER 43 #endif // MPC_VERSION_H