// VirtualDub - Video processing and capture application // Graphics support library // Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Avery Lee // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // Notes: // - VDPixmapBlt is from VirtualDub // - sse2 yv12 to yuy2 conversion by Haali // (- vd.cpp/h should be renamed to something more sensible already :) #include "stdafx.h" #include "vd.h" #include "vd_asm.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(disable : 4799) // no emms... blahblahblah void VDCPUTest() { SYSTEM_INFO si; long lEnableFlags = CPUCheckForExtensions(); GetSystemInfo(&si); if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) if (si.wProcessorLevel < 4) lEnableFlags &= ~CPUF_SUPPORTS_FPU; // Not strictly true, but very slow anyway // Enable FPU support... CPUEnableExtensions(lEnableFlags); VDFastMemcpyAutodetect(); } CCpuID g_cpuid; CCpuID::CCpuID() { VDCPUTest(); long lEnableFlags = CPUGetEnabledExtensions(); int flags = 0; flags |= !!(lEnableFlags & CPUF_SUPPORTS_MMX) ? mmx : 0; // STD MMX flags |= !!(lEnableFlags & CPUF_SUPPORTS_INTEGER_SSE) ? ssemmx : 0; // SSE MMX flags |= !!(lEnableFlags & CPUF_SUPPORTS_SSE) ? ssefpu : 0; // STD SSE flags |= !!(lEnableFlags & CPUF_SUPPORTS_SSE2) ? sse2 : 0; // SSE2 flags |= !!(lEnableFlags & CPUF_SUPPORTS_3DNOW) ? _3dnow : 0; // 3DNow // result m_flags = (flag_t)flags; } bool BitBltFromI420ToI420(int w, int h, BYTE* dsty, BYTE* dstu, BYTE* dstv, int dstpitch, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, int srcpitch) { VDPixmap srcbm = {0}; srcbm.data = srcy; srcbm.pitch = srcpitch; srcbm.w = w; srcbm.h = h; srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV420_Planar; srcbm.data2 = srcu; srcbm.pitch2 = srcpitch / 2; srcbm.data3 = srcv; srcbm.pitch3 = srcpitch / 2; VDPixmap dstpxm = {0}; dstpxm.data = dsty; dstpxm.pitch = dstpitch; dstpxm.w = w; dstpxm.h = h; dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV420_Planar; dstpxm.data2 = dstu; dstpxm.pitch2 = dstpitch / 2; dstpxm.data3 = dstv; dstpxm.pitch3 = dstpitch / 2; return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } bool BitBltFromYUY2ToYUY2(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, BYTE* src, int srcpitch) { VDPixmap srcbm = {0}; srcbm.data = src; srcbm.pitch = srcpitch; srcbm.w = w; srcbm.h = h; srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV422_YUYV; VDPixmap dstpxm = { dst, NULL, w, h, dstpitch }; dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV422_YUYV; return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } bool BitBltFromI420ToRGB(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, int dbpp, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, int srcpitch) { VDPixmap srcbm = {0}; srcbm.data = srcy; srcbm.pitch = srcpitch; srcbm.w = w; srcbm.h = h; srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV420_Planar; srcbm.data2 = srcu; srcbm.pitch2 = srcpitch/2; srcbm.data3 = srcv; srcbm.pitch3 = srcpitch/2; VDPixmap dstpxm = { (char *)dst + dstpitch * (h - 1), NULL, w, h, -dstpitch }; switch(dbpp) { case 16: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB565; break; case 24: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB888; break; case 32: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888; break; default: VDASSERT(false); } return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } bool BitBltFromI420ToYUY2(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, int srcpitch) { if(srcpitch == 0) srcpitch = w; #ifndef _WIN64 if((g_cpuid.m_flags & CCpuID::sse2) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcy&15) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcu&15) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcv&15) && !(srcpitch&31) && !((DWORD_PTR)dst&15) && !(dstpitch&15)) { if(w<=0 || h<=0 || (w&1) || (h&1)) return(false); yv12_yuy2_sse2(srcy, srcu, srcv, srcpitch/2, w/2, h, dst, dstpitch); return(true); } #endif VDPixmap srcbm = {0}; srcbm.data = srcy; srcbm.pitch = srcpitch; srcbm.w = w; srcbm.h = h; srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV420_Planar; srcbm.data2 = srcu; srcbm.pitch2 = srcpitch/2; srcbm.data3 = srcv; srcbm.pitch3 = srcpitch/2; VDPixmap dstpxm = { dst, NULL, w, h, dstpitch }; dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV422_YUYV; return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } bool BitBltFromRGBToRGB(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, int dbpp, BYTE* src, int srcpitch, int sbpp) { VDPixmap srcbm = { (char *)src + srcpitch * (h - 1), NULL, w, h, -srcpitch }; switch(dbpp) { case 8: srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_Pal8; break; case 16: srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB565; break; case 24: srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB888; break; case 32: srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888; break; default: VDASSERT(false); } VDPixmap dstpxm = { (char *)dst + dstpitch * (h - 1), NULL, w, h, -dstpitch }; switch(dbpp) { case 8: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_Pal8; break; case 16: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB565; break; case 24: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB888; break; case 32: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888; break; default: VDASSERT(false); } return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } bool BitBltFromYUY2ToRGB(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, int dbpp, BYTE* src, int srcpitch) { if(srcpitch == 0) srcpitch = w; VDPixmap srcbm = {0}; srcbm.data = src; srcbm.pitch = srcpitch; srcbm.w = w; srcbm.h = h; srcbm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_YUV422_YUYV; VDPixmap dstpxm = { (char *)dst + dstpitch * (h - 1), NULL, w, h, -dstpitch }; switch(dbpp) { case 16: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB565; break; case 24: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_RGB888; break; case 32: dstpxm.format = nsVDPixmap::kPixFormat_XRGB8888; break; default: VDASSERT(false); } return VDPixmapBlt(dstpxm, srcbm); } static void yuvtoyuy2row_c(BYTE* dst, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, DWORD width) { WORD* dstw = (WORD*)dst; for(; width > 1; width -= 2) { *dstw++ = (*srcu++<<8)|*srcy++; *dstw++ = (*srcv++<<8)|*srcy++; } } static void yuvtoyuy2row_avg_c(BYTE* dst, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, DWORD width, DWORD pitchuv) { WORD* dstw = (WORD*)dst; for(; width > 1; width -= 2, srcu++, srcv++) { *dstw++ = (((srcu[0]+srcu[pitchuv])>>1)<<8)|*srcy++; *dstw++ = (((srcv[0]+srcv[pitchuv])>>1)<<8)|*srcy++; } } bool BitBltFromI420ToYUY2Interlaced(int w, int h, BYTE* dst, int dstpitch, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, int srcpitch) { if(w<=0 || h<=0 || (w&1) || (h&1)) return(false); if(srcpitch == 0) srcpitch = w; void (*yuvtoyuy2row)(BYTE* dst, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, DWORD width) = NULL; void (*yuvtoyuy2row_avg)(BYTE* dst, BYTE* srcy, BYTE* srcu, BYTE* srcv, DWORD width, DWORD pitchuv) = NULL; #ifndef _WIN64 if((g_cpuid.m_flags & CCpuID::sse2) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcy&15) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcu&15) && !((DWORD_PTR)srcv&15) && !(srcpitch&31) && !((DWORD_PTR)dst&15) && !(dstpitch&15)) { yv12_yuy2_sse2_interlaced(srcy, srcu, srcv, srcpitch/2, w/2, h, dst, dstpitch); return(true); } if((g_cpuid.m_flags & CCpuID::mmx) && !(w&7)) { yuvtoyuy2row = yuvtoyuy2row_MMX; yuvtoyuy2row_avg = yuvtoyuy2row_avg_MMX; } else #endif { yuvtoyuy2row = yuvtoyuy2row_c; yuvtoyuy2row_avg = yuvtoyuy2row_avg_c; } if(!yuvtoyuy2row) return(false); int halfsrcpitch = srcpitch/2; do { yuvtoyuy2row(dst, srcy, srcu, srcv, w); yuvtoyuy2row_avg(dst + dstpitch, srcy + srcpitch, srcu, srcv, w, halfsrcpitch); dst += 2*dstpitch; srcy += 2*srcpitch; srcu += halfsrcpitch; srcv += halfsrcpitch; } while((h -= 2) > 2); yuvtoyuy2row(dst, srcy, srcu, srcv, w); yuvtoyuy2row(dst + dstpitch, srcy + srcpitch, srcu, srcv, w); #ifndef _WIN64 if(g_cpuid.m_flags & CCpuID::mmx) __asm emms #endif return(true); }