/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2006-2010 see AUTHORS * * This file is part of mplayerc. * * Mplayerc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mplayerc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include "../../DSUtil/GolombBuffer.h" #include "Mpeg2SectionData.h" #define BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) \ { \ BYTE DescBuffer[256]; \ int nLimit = gb.BitRead(12)+gb.GetPos(); \ while (gb.GetPos() < nLimit) \ { \ MPEG2_DESCRIPTOR nType = (MPEG2_DESCRIPTOR)gb.BitRead(8); \ WORD nLength = gb.BitRead(8); #define SkipDescriptor(gb, nType, nLength) \ gb.ReadBuffer(DescBuffer, nLength); \ TRACE ("Skipped descriptor : 0x%02x\n", nType); #define EndEnumDescriptors }} CMpeg2DataParser::CMpeg2DataParser(IBaseFilter* pFilter) { m_pData = pFilter; memset(&m_Filter, 0, sizeof(m_Filter)); m_Filter.bVersionNumber = 1; m_Filter.wFilterSize = MPEG2_FILTER_VERSION_1_SIZE; m_Filter.fSpecifySectionNumber = TRUE; } CString CMpeg2DataParser::ConvertString (BYTE* pBuffer, int nLength) { static const UINT16 codepages[0x20] = { 28591, // 00 - ISO 8859-1 Latin I 28595, // 01 - ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic 28596, // 02 - ISO 8859-6 Arabic 28597, // 03 - ISO 8859-7 Greek 28598, // 04 - ISO 8859-8 Hebrew 28599, // 05 - ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 28591, // 06 - ??? - ISO/IEC 8859-10 - Latin alphabet No. 6 28591, // 07 - ??? - ISO/IEC 8859-11 - Latin/Thai (draft only) 28591, // 08 - ??? - ISO/IEC 8859-12 - possibly reserved for Indian 28591, // 09 - ??? - ISO/IEC 8859-13 - Latin alphabet No. 7 28591, // 0a - ??? - ISO/IEC 8859-14 - Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic) 28605, // 0b - ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 28591, // 0c - réservé 28591, // 0d - réservé 28591, // 0e - réservé 28591, // 0f - réservé // TODO ! 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591, 28591 }; UINT cp = CP_ACP; int nDestSize; CString strResult; if (nLength>0 && pBuffer[0]<0x20) { cp = codepages[pBuffer[0]]; pBuffer++; nLength--; } nDestSize = MultiByteToWideChar (cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPCSTR)pBuffer, nLength, NULL, 0); if(nDestSize < 0) return strResult; MultiByteToWideChar (cp, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPCSTR)pBuffer, nLength, strResult.GetBuffer(nLength), nDestSize); strResult.ReleaseBuffer(); return strResult; } DVB_STREAM_TYPE CMpeg2DataParser::ConvertToDVBType(PES_STREAM_TYPE nType) { switch (nType) { case VIDEO_STREAM_MPEG1 : case VIDEO_STREAM_MPEG2 : return DVB_MPV; case AUDIO_STREAM_MPEG1 : case AUDIO_STREAM_MPEG2 : return DVB_MPA; case VIDEO_STREAM_H264 : return DVB_H264; case AUDIO_STREAM_AC3 : return DVB_AC3; case AUDIO_STREAM_AC3_PLUS : return DVB_EAC3; case SUBTITLE_STREAM : return DVB_SUBTITLE; } return DVB_UNKNOWN; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::ParseSIHeader(CGolombBuffer& gb, DVB_SI SIType, WORD& wSectionLength, WORD& wTSID) { if (gb.BitRead(8) != SIType) return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; // table_id gb.BitRead(1); // section_syntax_indicator gb.BitRead(1); // reserved_future_use gb.BitRead(2); // reserved wSectionLength = gb.BitRead(12); // section_length wTSID = gb.BitRead(16); // transport_stream_id gb.BitRead(2); // reserved gb.BitRead(5); // version_number gb.BitRead(1); // current_next_indicator gb.BitRead(8); // section_number gb.BitRead(8); // last_section_number return S_OK; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::ParseSDT(ULONG ulFreq) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSectionList; DWORD dwLength; PSECTION data; WORD wTSID; WORD wONID; WORD wSectionLength; CheckNoLog (m_pData->GetSection (PID_SDT, SI_SDT, &m_Filter, 5000, &pSectionList)); CheckNoLog (pSectionList->GetSectionData (0, &dwLength, &data)); CGolombBuffer gb ((BYTE*)data, dwLength); // service_description_section() CheckNoLog (ParseSIHeader (gb, SI_SDT, wSectionLength, wTSID)); wONID = gb.BitRead(16); // original_network_id gb.BitRead(8); // reserved_future_use while (gb.GetSize() - gb.GetPos() > 4) { CDVBChannel Channel; Channel.SetFrequency (ulFreq); Channel.SetTSID (wTSID); Channel.SetONID (wONID); Channel.SetSID (gb.BitRead(16)); // service_id uimsbf gb.BitRead(6); // reserved_future_use bslbf gb.BitRead(1); // EIT_schedule_flag bslbf Channel.SetNowNextFlag (gb.BitRead(1)); // EIT_present_following_flag bslbf gb.BitRead(3); // running_status uimsbf Channel.SetEncrypted (gb.BitRead(1)); // free_CA_mode bslbf // Descriptors: BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) { switch (nType) { case DT_SERVICE : gb.BitRead(8); // service_type nLength = gb.BitRead(8); // service_provider_name_length gb.ReadBuffer (DescBuffer, nLength); // service_provider_name nLength = gb.BitRead(8); // service_name_length gb.ReadBuffer (DescBuffer, nLength); // service_name DescBuffer[nLength] = 0; Channel.SetName (ConvertString (DescBuffer, nLength)); TRACE ("%15S %d\n", Channel.GetName(), Channel.GetSID()); break; default : SkipDescriptor (gb, nType, nLength); // descriptor() break; } } EndEnumDescriptors if (!Channels.Lookup(Channel.GetSID())) Channels [Channel.GetSID()] = Channel; } return S_OK; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::ParsePAT() { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSectionList; DWORD dwLength; PSECTION data; WORD wTSID; WORD wSectionLength; CheckNoLog (m_pData->GetSection (PID_PAT, SI_PAT, &m_Filter, 5000, &pSectionList)); CheckNoLog (pSectionList->GetSectionData (0, &dwLength, &data)); CGolombBuffer gb ((BYTE*)data, dwLength); // program_association_section() CheckNoLog (ParseSIHeader (gb, SI_PAT, wSectionLength, wTSID)); while (gb.GetSize() - gb.GetPos() > 4) { WORD program_number; WORD program_map_PID = 0; program_number = gb.BitRead(16); // program_number gb.BitRead(3); // reserved if (program_number==0) gb.BitRead(13); // network_PID else { program_map_PID = gb.BitRead(13); // program_map_PID if (Channels.Lookup(program_number)) { Channels [program_number].SetPMT (program_map_PID); ParsePMT (Channels [program_number]); } } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::ParsePMT(CDVBChannel& Channel) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSectionList; DWORD dwLength; PSECTION data; WORD wTSID; WORD wSectionLength; int nLimit; CheckNoLog (m_pData->GetSection (Channel.GetPMT(), SI_PMT, &m_Filter, 5000, &pSectionList)); CheckNoLog (pSectionList->GetSectionData (0, &dwLength, &data)); CGolombBuffer gb ((BYTE*)data, dwLength); // TS_program_map_section() CheckNoLog (ParseSIHeader (gb, SI_PMT, wSectionLength, wTSID)); gb.BitRead(3); // reserved Channel.SetPCR (gb.BitRead(13)); // PCR_PID gb.BitRead(4); // reserved BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) // for (i=0;i 4) { PES_STREAM_TYPE pes_stream_type; DVB_STREAM_TYPE dvb_stream_type; WORD wPID; CString strLanguage; pes_stream_type = (PES_STREAM_TYPE)gb.BitRead(8); // stream_type gb.BitRead(3); // reserved wPID = gb.BitRead(13); // elementary_PID gb.BitRead(4); // reserved BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) // ES_info_length { switch (nType) { case DT_ISO_639_LANGUAGE : gb.ReadBuffer(DescBuffer, nLength); strLanguage = ConvertString (DescBuffer, 3); break; case DT_AC3_AUDIO : pes_stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_AC3; SkipDescriptor (gb, nType, nLength); break; case DT_EXTENDED_AC3_AUDIO : pes_stream_type = AUDIO_STREAM_AC3_PLUS; SkipDescriptor (gb, nType, nLength); break; case DT_SUBTITLING : { gb.ReadBuffer(DescBuffer, nLength); strLanguage = ConvertString (DescBuffer, 3); pes_stream_type = SUBTITLE_STREAM; } break; default : SkipDescriptor (gb, nType, nLength); break; } } EndEnumDescriptors if ((dvb_stream_type = ConvertToDVBType(pes_stream_type)) != DVB_UNKNOWN) Channel.AddStreamInfo (wPID, dvb_stream_type, pes_stream_type, strLanguage); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::SetTime(CGolombBuffer& gb, PresentFollowing &NowNext) { char DescBuffer[10]; time_t tTime1 ,tTime2; tm tmTime1; tm* ptmTime; long nDuration; long timezone; int daylight; // init tm structures time( &tTime1 ); tmTime1 = *localtime( &tTime1 ); _tzset(); _get_timezone(&timezone); if (_get_daylight(&daylight)) timezone -= daylight * 3600; // Start time: tmTime1.tm_hour = gb.BitRead(4)*10; tmTime1.tm_hour += gb.BitRead(4); tmTime1.tm_min = gb.BitRead(4)*10; tmTime1.tm_min += gb.BitRead(4); tmTime1.tm_sec = gb.BitRead(4)*10; tmTime1.tm_sec += gb.BitRead(4); tTime1 = mktime(&tmTime1) - timezone; ptmTime = localtime(&tTime1); tTime1 = mktime(ptmTime); strftime (DescBuffer,6,"%H:%M",ptmTime); DescBuffer[6] = 0; NowNext.StartTime = static_cast (DescBuffer); // Duration: nDuration = 36000*gb.BitRead(4); nDuration += 3600*gb.BitRead(4); nDuration += 600*gb.BitRead(4); nDuration += 60*gb.BitRead(4); nDuration += 10*gb.BitRead(4); nDuration += gb.BitRead(4); tTime2 = tTime1 + nDuration; ptmTime = localtime(&tTime2); strftime (DescBuffer,6,"%H:%M",ptmTime); DescBuffer[6] = 0; NowNext.Duration = static_cast (DescBuffer); return S_OK; } HRESULT CMpeg2DataParser::ParseEIT(ULONG ulSID, PresentFollowing &NowNext) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr pSectionList; DWORD dwLength; PSECTION data; WORD nTotal; WORD ulGetSID; EventInformationSection InfoEvent; int nLen; int descriptorNumber; int nbItems; CString itemDesc, itemText; CString text; do { CheckNoLog (m_pData->GetSection (PID_EIT, SI_EIT_act, NULL, 5000, &pSectionList)); CheckNoLog (pSectionList->GetSectionData (0, &dwLength, &data)); CGolombBuffer gb ((BYTE*)data, dwLength); InfoEvent.TableID = gb.BitRead(8); InfoEvent.SectionSyntaxIndicator = gb.BitRead(1); gb.BitRead(3); InfoEvent.SectionLength = gb.BitRead(12); ulGetSID = gb.BitRead(8); ulGetSID += 0x100 * gb.BitRead(8); InfoEvent.ServiceId = ulGetSID; // This is really strange, ServiceID should be uimsbf ??? gb.BitRead(2); InfoEvent.VersionNumber = gb.BitRead(5); InfoEvent.CurrentNextIndicator = gb.BitRead(1); InfoEvent.SectionNumber = gb.BitRead(8); InfoEvent.LastSectionNumber = gb.BitRead(8); InfoEvent.TransportStreamID = gb.BitRead(16); InfoEvent.OriginalNetworkID = gb.BitRead(16); InfoEvent.SegmentLastSectionNumber = gb.BitRead(8); InfoEvent.LastTableID = gb.BitRead(8); // Info event InfoEvent.EventID = gb.BitRead(16); InfoEvent.StartDate = gb.BitRead(16); SetTime(gb, NowNext); InfoEvent.RunninStatus = gb.BitRead(3); InfoEvent.FreeCAMode = gb.BitRead(1); NowNext.ExtendedDescriptorsItems.RemoveAll(); NowNext.ExtendedDescriptorsTexts.RemoveAll(); if ((InfoEvent.ServiceId == ulSID) && (InfoEvent.CurrentNextIndicator == 1) && (InfoEvent.RunninStatus == 4)) { // Descriptors: BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) { switch (nType) { case DT_SHORT_EVENT: gb.BitRead(24); // ISO_639_language_code nLen = gb.BitRead(8); // event_name_length gb.ReadBuffer(DescBuffer, nLen); NowNext.cPresent = ConvertString(DescBuffer, nLen); nLen = gb.BitRead(8); // text_length gb.ReadBuffer(DescBuffer, nLen); NowNext.SummaryDesc = ConvertString(DescBuffer, nLen); break; case DT_EXTENDED_EVENT: descriptorNumber = gb.BitRead(4); // descriptor_number gb.BitRead(4); // last_descriptor_number gb.BitRead(24); // ISO_639_language_code nbItems = gb.BitRead(8); // length_of_items for (int i=0; i pSectionList; DWORD dwLength; PSECTION data; WORD wTSID; WORD wSectionLength; WORD transport_stream_loop_length; CheckNoLog (m_pData->GetSection (PID_NIT, SI_NIT, &m_Filter, 5000, &pSectionList)); CheckNoLog (pSectionList->GetSectionData (0, &dwLength, &data)); CGolombBuffer gb ((BYTE*)data, dwLength); // network_information_section() CheckNoLog (ParseSIHeader (gb, SI_NIT, wSectionLength, wTSID)); gb.BitRead(4); // reserved_future_use BeginEnumDescriptors(gb, nType, nLength) // for (i=0;i 4) { WORD transport_stream_id = gb.BitRead(16); // transport_stream_id UNUSED_ALWAYS(transport_stream_id); WORD original_network_id = gb.BitRead(16); // original_network_id UNUSED_ALWAYS(original_network_id); gb.BitRead(4); // reserved_future_use BeginEnumDescriptors (gb, nType, nLength) { switch (nType) { case DT_LOGICAL_CHANNEL : for (int i=0; i %S\n", logical_channel_number, Channels[service_id].ToString()); } } break; default : SkipDescriptor (gb, nType, nLength); break; } } EndEnumDescriptors } return S_OK; }