/* * $Id$ * * (C) 2003-2006 Gabest * (C) 2006-2011 see AUTHORS * * This file is part of mplayerc. * * Mplayerc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Mplayerc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "mplayerc.h" #include "PPageInternalFilters.h" #include "ComPropertySheet.h" #include "../../filters/filters.h" #include "internal_filter_config.h" static struct filter_t { LPCTSTR label; int type; int flag; UINT nHintID; CUnknown* (WINAPI * CreateInstance)(LPUNKNOWN lpunk, HRESULT* phr); } s_filters[] = { #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_AVI {_T("AVI"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_AVI, IDS_SRC_AVI, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_CDDA {_T("CDDA (Audio CD)"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_CDDA, IDS_SRC_CDDA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_CDXA {_T("CDXA (VCD/SVCD/XCD)"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_CDXA, IDS_SRC_CDXA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_DIRAC {_T("Dirac"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_DIRAC, IDS_SRC_DIRAC, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_DSM {_T("DirectShow Media"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_DSM, IDS_SRC_DSM, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_DTSAC3 {_T("DTS/AC3"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_DTSAC3, IDS_SRC_DTSAC3, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_VTS {_T("DVD Video Title Set"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_VTS, IDS_SRC_VTS, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_DVSOURCE {_T("DVD2AVI Project File"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_D2V, IDS_SRC_D2V, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_FLIC {_T("FLI/FLC"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_FLIC, IDS_SRC_FLIC, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_FLAC {_T("Flac"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_FLAC, IDS_SRC_FLAC, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_FLV {_T("FLV"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_FLV, IDS_SRC_FLV, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_MATROSKA {_T("Matroska"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_MATROSKA, IDS_SRC_MATROSKA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_MP4 {_T("MP4/MOV"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_MP4, IDS_SRC_MP4, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_MPEGAUDIO {_T("MPEG Audio"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_MPA, IDS_SRC_MPA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_MPEG {_T("MPEG PS/TS/PVA"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_MPEG, 0, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_NUT {_T("Nut"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_NUT, IDS_SRC_NUT, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_OGG {_T("Ogg"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_OGG, IDS_SRC_OGG, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_REALMEDIA {_T("RealMedia"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_REALMEDIA, IDS_SRC_REALMEDIA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_ROQ {_T("RoQ"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_ROQ, IDS_SRC_ROQ, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_SOURCEFILTER_SHOUTCAST {_T("SHOUTcast"), SOURCE_FILTER, SRC_SHOUTCAST, IDS_SRC_SHOUTCAST, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_AAC {_T("AAC"), DECODER, TRA_AAC, IDS_TRA_AAC, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_AC3 {_T("AC3"), DECODER, TRA_AC3, IDS_TRA_AC3, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_DTS {_T("DTS"), DECODER, TRA_DTS, IDS_TRA_DTS, CreateInstance}, {_T("LPCM"), DECODER, TRA_LPCM, IDS_TRA_LPCM, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_MPEGAUDIO {_T("MPEG Audio"), DECODER, TRA_MPA, IDS_TRA_MPA, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_VORBIS {_T("Vorbis"), DECODER, TRA_VORBIS, 0, NULL /* TODO: CreateInstance*/}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_FLAC {_T("FLAC"), DECODER, TRA_FLAC, 0, NULL /* TODO: CreateInstance*/}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_NELLYMOSER {_T("Nellymoser"), DECODER, TRA_NELLY, 0, NULL /* TODO: CreateInstance*/}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_AMR {_T("AMR"), DECODER, TRA_AMR, 0, NULL /* TODO: CreateInstance*/}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_REALAUDIO {_T("RealAudio"), DECODER, TRA_RA, IDS_TRA_RA, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_PS2AUDIO {_T("PS2 Audio (PCM/ADPCM)"), DECODER, TRA_PS2AUD, IDS_TRA_PS2AUD, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_PCM {_T("QT PCM"), DECODER, TRA_PCM, 0, NULL /* TODO: CreateInstance*/}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_MPEG1 {_T("MPEG-1 Video"), DECODER, TRA_MPEG1, IDS_TRA_MPEG1, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_MPEG2 {_T("MPEG-2 Video"), DECODER, TRA_MPEG2, IDS_TRA_MPEG2, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_MPEG2_DXVA {_T("MPEG-2 Video (DXVA)"), DXVA_DECODER, TRA_DXVA_MPEG2, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_DIRAC {_T("Dirac"), DECODER, TRA_DIRAC, IDS_TRA_DIRAC, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_REALVIDEO {_T("RealVideo"), DECODER, TRA_RV, IDS_TRA_RV, NULL}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_H264_DXVA {_T("H264/AVC (DXVA)"), DXVA_DECODER, TRA_DXVA_H264, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_H264 {_T("H264/AVC (FFmpeg)"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_H264, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_VC1_DXVA {_T("VC1 (DXVA)"), DXVA_DECODER, TRA_DXVA_VC1, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_VC1 {_T("VC1 (FFmpeg)"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_VC1, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_XVID {_T("Xvid/MPEG-4"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_XVID, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_DIVX {_T("DivX"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_DIVX, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_MSMPEG4 {_T("MS MPEG-4"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_MSMPEG4, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_FLV {_T("FLV1/4"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_FLV4, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_VP6 {_T("VP5/6"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_VP62, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_VP8 {_T("VP8"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_VP8, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_WMV {_T("WMV1/2/3"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_WMV, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_SVQ {_T("SVQ1/3"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_SVQ3, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_H263 {_T("H263"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_H263, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_AMVV {_T("AMV video"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_AMVV, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif #if INTERNAL_DECODER_THEORA {_T("Theora"), FFMPEG_DECODER, FFM_THEORA, IDS_TRA_FFMPEG, CreateInstance}, #endif {NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL} }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CPPageInternalFiltersListBox, CCheckListBox) CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::CPPageInternalFiltersListBox(int n) : CCheckListBox() , m_n(n) { } void CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::PreSubclassWindow() { __super::PreSubclassWindow(); EnableToolTips(TRUE); } INT_PTR CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO* pTI) const { BOOL b = FALSE; int row = ItemFromPoint(point, b); if(row < 0) { return -1; } CRect r; GetItemRect(row, r); pTI->rect = r; pTI->hwnd = m_hWnd; pTI->uId = (UINT)row; pTI->lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; pTI->uFlags |= TTF_ALWAYSTIP; return pTI->uId; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPPageInternalFiltersListBox, CCheckListBox) ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE(TTN_NEEDTEXTW, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify) ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() END_MESSAGE_MAP() BOOL CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::OnToolTipNotify(UINT id, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { TOOLTIPTEXTW* pTTTW = (TOOLTIPTEXTW*)pNMHDR; filter_t* f = (filter_t*)GetItemDataPtr(pNMHDR->idFrom); if(f->nHintID == 0) { return FALSE; } ::SendMessage(pNMHDR->hwndFrom, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)(INT)1000); static CStringW m_strTipTextW; m_strTipTextW = CString(MAKEINTRESOURCE(f->nHintID)); if(pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW) { //?possible check is not needed pTTTW->lpszText = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)m_strTipTextW; } *pResult = 0; return TRUE; // message was handled } void CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDrawItemStruct->hDC); CFont* pOldFont = NULL; if((lpDrawItemStruct->itemData != 0) && ((filter_t*)lpDrawItemStruct->itemData)->CreateInstance) { if(!(HFONT)m_bold) { CFont* pFont = pDC->GetCurrentFont(); LOGFONT lf; pFont->GetLogFont(&lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_bold.CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } if((HFONT)m_bold) { pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_bold); } } __super::DrawItem(lpDrawItemStruct); if(pOldFont) { pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); } } void CPPageInternalFiltersListBox::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CCheckListBox::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); CMenu m; m.CreatePopupMenu(); enum { ENABLEALL=1, DISABLEALL, ENABLEFFDSHOW, DISABLEFFDSHOW, ENABLEDXVA, DISABLEDXVA, }; m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, ENABLEALL, ResStr(IDS_ENABLE_ALL_FILTERS)); m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, DISABLEALL, ResStr(IDS_DISABLE_ALL_FILTERS)); if (m_n == 1) { m.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, ENABLEFFDSHOW, ResStr(IDS_ENABLE_FFMPEG_FILTERS)); m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, DISABLEFFDSHOW, ResStr(IDS_DISABLE_FFMPEG_FILTERS)); m.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, ENABLEDXVA, ResStr(IDS_ENABLE_DXVA_FILTERS)); m.AppendMenu(MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, DISABLEDXVA, ResStr(IDS_DISABLE_DXVA_FILTERS)); } CPoint p = point; ::MapWindowPoints(m_hWnd, HWND_DESKTOP, &p, 1); UINT id = m.TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTBUTTON|TPM_RETURNCMD, p.x, p.y, this); if (id == 0) { return; } int Index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < countof(s_filters); i++) { switch(s_filters[i].type) { case 0: // source filter if (m_n == 1) { continue; } break; case 1: // decoder case 2: // dxva decoder case 3: // ffmpeg decoder if (m_n == 0) { continue; } break; default: continue; } switch(id) { case ENABLEALL: SetCheck(Index, TRUE); break; case DISABLEALL: SetCheck(Index, FALSE); break; case ENABLEFFDSHOW: if(s_filters[i].type == 3) { SetCheck(Index, TRUE); } break; case DISABLEFFDSHOW: if(s_filters[i].type == 3) { SetCheck(Index, FALSE); } break; case ENABLEDXVA: if(s_filters[i].type == 2) { SetCheck(Index, TRUE); } break; case DISABLEDXVA: if(s_filters[i].type == 2) { SetCheck(Index, FALSE); } break; } Index++; } } // CPPageInternalFilters dialog IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CPPageInternalFilters, CPPageBase) CPPageInternalFilters::CPPageInternalFilters() : CPPageBase(CPPageInternalFilters::IDD, CPPageInternalFilters::IDD) , m_listSrc(0) , m_listTra(1) { } CPPageInternalFilters::~CPPageInternalFilters() { } void CPPageInternalFilters::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { __super::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_listSrc); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST2, m_listTra); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPPageInternalFilters, CPPageBase) ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_LIST1, &CPPageInternalFilters::OnLbnDblclkList1) ON_LBN_DBLCLK(IDC_LIST2, &CPPageInternalFilters::OnLbnDblclkList2) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // CPPageInternalFilters message handlers BOOL CPPageInternalFilters::OnInitDialog() { __super::OnInitDialog(); AppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); for(int i = 0; i < countof(s_filters)-1; i++) { CCheckListBox* l; bool checked; switch(s_filters[i].type) { case SOURCE_FILTER: // source filter l = &m_listSrc; checked = s.SrcFilters[s_filters[i].flag]; break; case DECODER: // decoder l = &m_listTra; checked = s.TraFilters[s_filters[i].flag]; break; case DXVA_DECODER: // dxva decoder l = &m_listTra; checked = s.DXVAFilters[s_filters[i].flag]; break; case FFMPEG_DECODER: // ffmpeg decoder l = &m_listTra; checked = s.FFmpegFilters[s_filters[i].flag]; break; default: l = NULL; checked = false; } if (l) { int Index = l->AddString(s_filters[i].label); l->SetCheck(Index, checked); l->SetItemDataPtr(Index, &s_filters[i]); } } UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } BOOL CPPageInternalFilters::OnApply() { UpdateData(); AppSettings& s = AfxGetAppSettings(); CPPageInternalFiltersListBox* list = &m_listSrc; for (int l=0; l<2; l++) { for(int i = 0; i < list->GetCount(); i++) { filter_t* f = (filter_t*) list->GetItemDataPtr(i); switch(f->type) { case SOURCE_FILTER: s.SrcFilters[f->flag] = list->GetCheck(i); break; case DECODER: s.TraFilters[f->flag] = list->GetCheck(i); break; case DXVA_DECODER: s.DXVAFilters[f->flag] = list->GetCheck(i); break; case FFMPEG_DECODER: s.FFmpegFilters[f->flag] = list->GetCheck(i); break; } } list = &m_listTra; } return __super::OnApply(); } void CPPageInternalFilters::ShowPPage(CPPageInternalFiltersListBox& l) { int i = l.GetCurSel(); if(i < 0) { return; } filter_t* f = (filter_t*)l.GetItemDataPtr(i); if(!f || !f->CreateInstance) { return; } HRESULT hr; CUnknown* pObj = f->CreateInstance(NULL, &hr); if(!pObj) { return; } CComPtr pUnk = (IUnknown*)(INonDelegatingUnknown*)pObj; if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if(CComQIPtr pSPP = pUnk) { CComPropertySheet ps(ResStr(IDS_PROPSHEET_PROPERTIES), this); ps.AddPages(pSPP); ps.DoModal(); } } } void CPPageInternalFilters::OnLbnDblclkList1() { ShowPPage(m_listSrc); } void CPPageInternalFilters::OnLbnDblclkList2() { ShowPPage(m_listTra); }